Overnight acne help, and best acne systems.?... This morning when i woke up my acne was worse than usual. Is there any overnight things i could do to help clear my acne up. I can't go out and buy anything. Also, what is the best acne system to use. I have used Proactiv (that seems to work the best), AcneFree, Clinique, Clearasil, and many others. Most of them worked for a week or two and then just stopped working. Thanks
1) I use the " Clean and Clear : Blackhead Eraser ". It honestly works for my acne and usually takes up to 5 days to see full results. It really doesn't work for blackheads, but it really works for acne.
If you want fast overnight help, use Finacea, but you have to have it prescribed by a dermatologist. - Jesse
2) Hello, I'm a doctor. Use accutane. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> http://canmdh34.notlong.com/AAkx0MB - Randolph Quartucci
3) I'm 15 and those DONT work. they just say it does. I was getting my haircut and my barber said you should try lemon juice for that. I asked why and she said its acid attacks acne and balances the Ph of your skin out.
Drinking this also does this, even if you delute it with water its just AWEFUL.
so every night I put a cotton pad on the opening of the bottle of lemon juice..let it soak up with lemon juice and put it on my face. it STINGS but it works! makes your skin feel smooth the next night or two! then you can start using acne products in the morning since they include the acne PROVENTION medication!
hope this helped! - Sam Britt
4) If you don't have any benzoyl peroxide in your house (2%-10%) Then use your toothpaste. When you're in the shower or something, squeeze the toothpaste and apply it there. It WILL sting a little, but its a nice sting. Try it and do it twice a day. - Vfdgfgt Tyhfddr
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Question 2
Do I have Appendicitis?... Ok, here we go...
I am 12, male
I occasionally get a dull pain in my right side (not too bad), the usual area for Appendicitis. It sometimes is higher up in my side (when it's higher up it feels like a stitch) and sometimes near my groin. I do not have any of the other symptoms of Appendicitis. The pain is on and off and I can go for hours without having it. Its been going on for 2 weeks. I don't get it at night (well, at least it doesn't wake me). The same thing happened in 2008 during Christmas period and went away when Xmas was over (I assumed it was just excitement). I have a healthy diet although I'm a bit overweight, if that helps.
1) appendicitis is in one area only,at the end of the large intestine. it is not near the groin. so, you can rule that out, or you have that appendicitis and another source of pain - dj swiggie
2) it is most likely mild gastritis an nothing to worry about if it gets worse see a doc asap - DrS
3) If you have had the pain on and off for a while its defiantly not an appendicitis as an appendicitis is a continuous pain, after a few days of having an appendicitis and not being treated the appendix will then rupture and you would be in total agony. If this happens you would be feeling pain all over your stomach not just in one are ( i have had a ruptured appendix ). In your case the best thing you could do is go to your doctors, you may have a problem with your kidneys. - Nadina Bazina
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Question 3
My vagina Itches, Constantly!?... My vagina itches VERY bad and VERY constantly. I have NEVER had sex EVER, I'm all for abstinence. I have small bumps around my vaginal region and they itch, but I don't understand how I could have gotten it. I only want the most logical answers please because I need help and I'm at my breaking point!
I'm pretty sure it is a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis, but I'm not sure. It might have been caused over the Summer because I swam almost everyday.
1) crabs is possible or an allergy - DrS
2) That's because you recently cut too much hairs off and when they grow back and you don't cut/shave them early they are pointy and will itch.try putting some baby oil down there. not lotions those have chemicals in them that will make it worse. - dj swiggie
3) It's most likely a yeast infection and you can buy over the counter medication at a pharmacy. A prescription is no longer required to purchase the medication. A yeast infection is not related to having sex so the fact that you never had sex does not come into play here. - blanquita1917
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Question 4
Do I have tonsillitis?... My throat hurts really bad, it's hard to swallow, my tonsils are enlarged and red, and I feel like I was going to puke but I don't have to. My throat glands hurt too. And there's no white spots on my tonsils for strep.
1) yes, go to dr. - dj swiggie
2) It might be because tonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils and the way you describe the sound inflamed, see a Dr. Get it fixed. Good luck! - Polet
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Question 5
Do you think alcoholism is a real disease?... It seems like many people just use it as an excuse to be a bum, beat their wives, etc. By American standards, wouldn't like 85% of European adults be considered alcoholics?
1) it is a real thing, but like any disease people can say they are as an excuse. That being said, some people really are alcoholics. - askarlatos
2) I do think it is a disease, even once you recovering from it you still struggle with it for the rest of your life. But people are responsible for their own actions, and only they can get help for themselves. - Rachelle
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