how can i get rid of acne fast!!!!!!?... so my acne has gotten good, but i just got back from lake powell and it broke out bad! like all around my chin and for head, i also have to go to school tomorrow and deal with it! is there anyway i could help it soon or atlest make it better to cover it up with makeup.
1) Pro active - Taylor
2) about it you can get information from here - Bruna Bradfield
3) dont be a drama queen be your self dont care about thoese stuck up bitches in ur school they use make up to cover there true self because there shallow, hatteing backstabing usuualy and they use that to make hem self feel better so jus put some acne cream on it a live with trying to be preety - Wes Wess
4) Never use foundation to cover up acne. It makes it 3 times worse. Your blocking your pores from all that stuff on your face. - Nargis
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Question 2
blood coming out of my butt?... Should I go to the doctor's cause it just happened right now. and no im not on my period and I would know if i was on it.
1) less but sex maybe. - Bob Bobson
2) Hemorrhoid? Go to ER right away. - Irving Schwartz
3) stay away from those enchiladas - Alonso
4) More fiber. Less Butt Sex. You'll be fine. - SogoRonin
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Question 3
What can cause heart palpitations?... The past couple of weeks I've been dealing with minor heart palpitations.
Nothing severe, and it only seems to be happening at night.
The first time I had it was one night, I had a very stressful day dealing with family issues and I had severe anxiety throughout the whole day. I was lying in bed and about to fall asleep but suddenly my heart would beat very hard occasionally and my heartbeat was irregular. It would also catch my breath so my breathing became irregular for a while as well. It kept happening every 5 minutes or so for about 30 minutes. My friend said it was due to anxiety and stress.
Since then, I've had palpitations maybe 4 or 5 times, but it was only for a minute or so each time, so not as bad compared to the first time.
I think it keeps happening because I keep dreading going to bed because I worry it will happen again, so I'm very worried and anxious, but obviously I am aware it can be anything.
Anyway, my question is, can stress and anxiety cause heart palpitations?
I'm going to my family doctor this week and will get blood tests done and such, but I'm just wondering in general.
1) death? - HerbalPhil Wellness Warrior!
2) Yes i get them everyday because of anxiety.And sometimes they are so bad i feel like im having a heart attack it can be really scary . - MimMie
3) Get some magnesium... NOW Foods makes a good one - "Reverse Ratio 2:1" - more magnesium than calcium. Take three of those a day for a couple weeks - 800 mgs/day.
ALSO - and very important - since this is happening at night - this can be "sleep apnea" which is real hard on your heart. You might not be breathing well at night - and this can lead to congestive heart failure. So stick that in the back of your head - you might need to treat that.
But to your question - OH YES - anxiety causes lots of heart palpitations - but don't rule out the physical reasons as well. - Vulcan
4) In Eastern medicine, this is a classic description of an allergy. I would suggest you look up a NAET practitioner in your area (go to have a listing) and clear this before it results in further energy blockages. -
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Question 4
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of having HIV/ADIS?... Thank you ((:
1) Advantage is that you will always be HIV positive - Jew Hunter
2) Advantages??? There are none. Thank you ((:
I take that back. There is one. It forces you to rethink your priorities. - Tom K
3) You don't have to worry about paying off your mortgage. - Rudy
4) Disadvantages: you're dying
Advantages: none....stupid. - vivalaashleyy
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Question 5
My resting ecg shows anterior wall ischemia and bradychardia but my stress test result is normal, what is it?...
1) Could be nothing, but get a STRESS THALLIUM study. - DR.DUDE
2) Have you had a heart attack ever? Ischemia is when your heart tissue isnt getting enough blood/oxygen. Bradycardia is ok as long as it isnt too low (any heart rate under 50-55) - Elise
3) about it you can get information from here - ?
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