What does your heart pump?...
1) blood - Nick C
2) Air to your brain - Brian
3) your heart pumps blood. - Edwin
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Question 2
my penis is tidgy how can i largin it naturally?...
1) try tying a ribbon around it with a lead weight attached, that should do it!! - brilock1
2) First, by learning to spell correctly.
Second, lose weight. It'll show you what you really have. - rose
3) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. http://nurseus66.notlong.com/AANvZin - Miriam Mutschler
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Question 3
How do you know if you have a tumor?... I have a bump in the palm of my hand and when i press down on it, it hurts. How do you know if it could be a tumor or not? Will it start spreading, and what are the dangers?
1) Go to your doctor!! Always the only way to be sure whether you do or not. - Barriga
2) most cancerous tumors dont hurt, but thats not to say it couldnt be pushing on a nerve.... the best thing to do is go to a doctor about it - Aaron
3) You go to the doctor and get a trained opinion. It could just be you got something lodged in your palm and the bump is your body's reaction to it, or it could be something more serious...see your doctor. - ?
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Question 4
Which organs help fight disease?... i need help for science. ANYONE?!
1) Your arms, because they can just punch the diseases away. - jared h
2) lymphoid organs - Soderz
3) The whole system is connected and I would say that all organs contribute to keep you healthy. The heart for instance circulates blood which brings oxygen to your cells and keep the other organs working. The lungs infuse that oxygen into the blood stream, the stomach breaks down the food, the intestines pull nutritious elements from the food, the kidneys clean up, etc.
Each organs performs a special task to help all the others and if one of them stops or malfunctions, the whole system shuts downs and diseases or death occur.
Breathe clean air, eat good food, drink clean water so any organ don't get damaged over time. - francoro31
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Question 5
how long can a hepatitis positive person live for ?...
1) it depends on the type of the virus and how advanced the disease is ....
most of HEPATITIS POSITIVE PERSONS get cured .. - kera
2) What kind of hepatitis? - Cletus
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