Thursday, August 18, 2011

My 22 yr old son is having allot of discomfort in top right abdominal area..what could this be?

Question 1
My 22 yr old son is having allot of discomfort in top right abdominal area..what could this be?...  This is the third day and he is going to the Dr. tomorrow He's not in pain just allot of frustrating discomfort and when he lays down and coughs it kinda hurts he says..Thank you in advance for your help!
He had a ruptured appendix at age 6 and it's in his front right up abdominal aka(abs) up high close to his top ribs

1)   His appendix may burst. Take him to the doctor and make sure he is ok. It would not be good... - Andrew Gifford

2)   kidney is causing problem! i bet ya! - Ryan Haczz

3)   I think it might be a broken rib... but "abdominal pain" is the most annoying symptom for doctors because it's so vague and it could really be anything! Make an appointment for the doctor and get it seen to. It's probably not serious enough for the ER, but it's best to get it checked out by a doc. - Bébé.

4)   Well, we definitely know it's not his kidney. Considering your kidneys are located on the BACK side of your body. And the appendix is located in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen.. The only thing I can think of that's located in that area would be his stomach. - jennifer

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Question 2
How To Tell My Mom I Think I Have Cancer?...  i felt a little bump on my ear today.. im 16.. how should i tell my mom i need to get this checked out?!

1)   Bumps on the ear at age 16 are almost certainly not cancer. Show your mom the bump and ask her what she thinks. - formerly_bob

2)   Relax just cause you have a bump on your ear doesn't mean you have cancer. It's probably just a pimple. - xXelite modzXx

3)   Cysts on the ear are extremely common; I get them once in a while too, as well as my buddy, parents and wife. Don't bother mentioning cancer, as it's not the case. Just ask her to take you to a clinic. - Scott

4)   Just show her the bump. "Hey, look at this. What do you think this is?" If it doesn't go away by itself in a few days, or if it gets worse, she may decide to have a doctor look at it.

Not every bump on your ear is cancer. Ear cancer is actually very rare. Not many people die of it. - Mr. Smartypants

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Question 3
How is alcoholism a disease?...  My mother is an alcoholic, me and my brother and sister have all tried to get her to give up drinking but its completely hopeless. (We're all adults) she drinks a 12 pack of beer every night, four beers get her drunk- but she just keeps drinking. She drinks alone every time, always starting at 5pm and says she does it because she's depressed and cant/won't stop. She's been doing this ever sense any of us can remember, at least a few decades. I understand dependance and addiction but my mother always taught me that alcoholism is not a disease so having been raised to think that I am now having a hard time seeing how it IS a disease. Someone please explain to me how it is? Maybe if I convince her that it is she will be more likely to treat it like a disease and get help.

1)   it is an addiction. addiction is considered a disease, and is treated as such. seems odd. the body is so dependent on alcohol, that quitting is actually very stressful. you can,t convince any addict that they have a problem until they are at the end of their rope, so to speak. - David

2)   Webster's dictionary defines "disease" as:

"a condition of the living animal or plant body or of one of its parts that impairs normal functioning and is typically manifested by distinguishing signs and symptoms"


"a harmful development (as in a social institution)"

Your mother's addiction to alcohol would fall under the first definition, just the condition is self-inflicted. The second definition is more related to something like "political corruption is a disease affecting the country" or something like that.

You should contact a psychologist or local rehab clinic for information on helping your mom. But understand many people will not quit an addiction unless they quit on their own, so it's really not a great idea to force her into it. But i will say i do not envy your position. At least you recognize the problem so hopefully you and your siblings can grow up, get out of there, and not make the same mistake. - nerdcore

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Question 4
can i use parachute coconut oil on my face to treat acne?...  can i use parachute coconut oil on my face to treat acne? will it help in healing it? or it will make it worse?

1)   it will make it worse. i got acne too.... try avoiding mastrubating - Dome of Discipline

2)   hey go get an appointment to a dermatologist for permanently stopping it, my sis had the same problem! - Ryan Haczz

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Question 5
whitch race has the best immune system?...  I know that white people have a 21.3% (on average) higher white cell count than most races meaning they have the best Resistance (this is why they live longer and stuff) but with some illnesses the white cells in the blood have never been exposed to certain illnesses like malaria or Sears so they don't know how to fight them. so my question is whitch race has been exposed to most illnesses so their immune system knows how to fight the infection?

1)   It really depends on the person. Everyone is different but I would say probably Caucasians. STD's and heart disease are higher in African Americans and Hispanics in this country vs Caucasians. Asians have good medicine but they aren't exposed much to other races in their own country so they would probably have one of the lower immune systems. Though like I said before it depends on the person. You can still have a white person with a terrible immune system and a black person, Asian or Mexican with a better one. - Hachi

2)   More than race, it may be where you live and how your live. Some babies are raised in a sterile environment where they are prevented from being exposed to many germs. Other babies are raised outside on the ground and are exposed to animals and other little ones all day. So maybe they are sick more when they are babies, but when they grow up (if they survive), I think they have a stronger immune system than the protected babies. - nochocolate

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