can hickeys get darker?... can hickeys get darker once the person has stopped sucking?
1) yes, and it will. - me =)
2) Yes, they can. - Emmy1220
3) best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Ftdew Zsxew
4) definatelt
the trick is to put vaseline on an ice cube and rub it on there it will make it go awayjustlike any other bruise - Audrianna C
5) yep. - Alyssa
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Question 2
Is My Grandma Going to Die?... My Grandma had a large cancer removed from her ascending colon about a year ago. Several lymph nodes contained cancer also. She had no evidence that it had spread anywhere else - liver , lungs and bones were scanned before the surgery. The oncologist felt that she was too medically fragile to get chemotherapy because she had 2 strokes right after the surgery. Now the cancer has come back in her abdomen. It is in her liver, but also spread all around the abdomen and is producing a lot of fluid. Is there any hope that she can be cured? If not, how long does she have to live? She is 91.
1) yeah. get ready! - Baby Fister
2) There is hope... if you believe it. - THE ouɥo
3) There isn't any telling when she is going to pass away, but it seems like she isn't going to survive that. She is 91, at that age it is SLIM to bounce back. - Ms. J
4) At this point it's up to god to decide whether she lives or dies. My own grandma has been hospitalized 4 times in recent months, I pray that they both will have the strength to overcome the struggle. - hz
5) That's rough. I'm sorry about that. I wouldn't get my hopes up if i were you. I hate to say that but she is very old and sounds like shes also very sick. Just be there to support her as much as you can. i wish you both the best, god bless. =) - JulyFire
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Question 3
Am i DYiNG!?! ALREADY?!?... First, it started out as itching. My legs, hands, and arms bad. Then, I was breaking out into little red bumps. Not on my arms or hands bad but my inner top thigh legs whatever you want to call it. Then my hands started getting these little things like look list blisters on them and if u pop it, clear stuff would come out. Apparently, doing that was a bad mistake. Cause first they keep coming back, and second cause my middle finger on my right hand on the right side of it is all scabbed up not like brown like cut scab but like kinda skin color white lookin scab. and its also on my right hand on the side of my palm. My middle finger hurts to bend now and my side palm hurts if i rub it or touch it pretty much. I dont know what it is, but i wish someone would help me. If u want pictures Message me and i will send them
Please help me & Thank you.
-Peace & Love-
ive had chicken pox an thats not it i know chickn pox!
1) chicken pox? - hz
2) Dont be silly ur not dying maybe ur just coming down with the chicken pocks.If the itch is hurting that bad maybe u should consider seeing a doctor and the give u medication for it. - 7c786a12
3) it sounds like you are almost having an allergic reaction to something. did you eat anything different within the past 24 hrs? if not, then it sounds like a mutated form of the chicken pox (viruses that are common mutate or mix with other types of viruses all the time). popping them is a VERY bad thing to do, as the liquid in the blisters are going to spread the germs to the rest of your skin and make it worse. to stop the itching, you need to put calamine lotion on, it will dry them out (much like when people get bumps and outbreaks from poison ivy). if it doesnt clear up within 24 hrs or start to improve, go to a dr immediately and he will give you medication that will make them go away. the more you pick at them it makes them become infected too so leave them alone! - demonfairychild
4) These symptoms resemble those of chicken pox, the first step os itching, second is the blisters, third is hardening of the blisters and turning to brownish color, fourth is the shedding of these blisters.
Precautions: do not itch your self any mark left will be Pretty much for life, stay in your room, do not take a bath, try to rest, stay away from others as you can easily pass this on, take as much fluid as possible.
This is a very nasty disease and quite uncomfortable too, you are right now in the second phase which is the most difficult. - Librarian
5) best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Ftdew Zsxew
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Question 4
vaginal thrush :( please help me, ive done everything i can to stop it!?... please someone help me ! i am so over this...i am 18 years old and i have thrush all the time ! its so painfull. i do everything to stop it . it just keeps coming back . i have been swabbed etc. comes back as thrush.. today i went back to the docters. got swabbed again. they will look for other things. but like last time. she said it looks like thrush . and told me to do everything the same. treat it. use a vaginal wash. loose clothing etc. i am so over it. i dont know how to fix it ? anyone out there with the same problem. my boyfriend and i have not been able to have sex for months. its upsetting its so itchy and uncomfortable. i scratch it so much sometimes it burns when i wee.. have no idea what to do anymore. ive tried EVERYTHING!!
ps i did not mean to put this into the std section.
1) Hello, I'm a doctor. Use premarin. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Donetta Beezley
2) That's basically a yeast infection . You can use Monistat , buy it at any pharmacy and it should clear up in no time . Also Vagisil itching cream will cure the itching A LOT - bow_wow_wifey13
3) OK with a recurring infection like yours you need to take special action and it may take a bit longer to cure than first timers.
First let's get rid of those symptoms - I have found that the best thing to sooth the burn is a tea tree oil swab - get tea tree oil from the health store, pop a drop on a cotton wool ball and soak the ball with water, then swab the area - it may sting a bit, but bare with it. Do this twice a day.
The other thing that you can do to soothe the itch is to use a colloidal silver cream.
If you have a cream script for your thrush this will also help to relieve the symptoms.
Make sure that whatever method you use that you keep going for well after the symptoms disappear - usually a week or two.
Because you have an infection that is recurring you need to get serious about killing the fungus from the inside. This means looking at your diet, using anti-fungal supplements and maybe making a couple of lifestyle changes. - mummc0
4) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Santina Tieken
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Question 5
should i go to a doctor for this?... So all of my life I've spaced out. I space out sooo much and so easily, and its for a long time. When I'm at school I have a really hard time focusing even when I try my hardest. Its really hard for me to read books because my mind fills with other thoughts and I get distracted. What could this be from? And should I go see a doctor for it?
1) If its effecting your schoolwork then its likely a good thing to talk to a doc about. - Rob
2) I doubt you need to go to a doctor for this. But I think if you took a 5 hour energy it would help(: - metaldrummer86
3) Uh you might want too. It sounds like a mild OCD or attention deficit disorder or something. You'll probably be ok, you just need to learn some techniques to deal with it. But going to the doc and getting some meds for it might help. I'm guessing that's what you have, but I could be wrong. I don't think so though :) Hope it works out! - seth_of_death
4) hello well you can go to a doctor for it but he'll probably put you on some medication most people are issued Rydellen which help people keep focused and calm its mostly used for ADHD but i recommend seeing your primary physician for some possibilities for your condition let me know how it gose
at - c Robertos lady
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