Whats the best acne solution?... I have recently just started breaking out with sports and all. I dont have horrible acne but its enough to embarass me if I dont have make up on. I want pretty and healthy skin. So whats a good acne solution that actually WORKS?
1) Clearsil and Retin-A. - liquidluva13
2) Hey before you buy any acne products or follow other people's advice, please read the articles here first:
That is NOT MY SITE. And I'm not spamming.
That site contains really informative acne articles that has helped me get rid of my acne and pimples, get rid of acne scars quickly, and also with a lesser oily skin now! Best part is... it is FREE! Read them and follow the free advice.
There are a few free ebooks for you to download. It will teach you how to get clear, flawless skin like celebrities! - Janiah Graham
3) u should try skin id it the best skin solution to help its designed for ur skin and ur skin type only u can designed it anyway u want to can choose ur skin type and how bad the acne is and then u can check ur stress level and other things and when u r done it will give u 3 bottles of ur evolution and what best for u and only u b.t.w hope i helped!! - trixcy_rfu
4) I have this skincare system and it actually works very good. u should check it out.
http://www.amway.com/Shop/Product/Product.aspx/clear-now--Skin-Care-System?itemno=701940&dsNav=N:4294966726 - Luis
5) about it you can get information from here http://canmdh49.notlong.com/AAn4zId - Lorna Duis
6) You make your own cream.
Put some pure cow butter in a fry pan, heat it up, add fresh chamomile without roots, steer for a couple of minutes. Placed in a container, let it cold and use it at night. It works very good. - jorge c
Question 2
do you think that the penny should be removed from circulation?...
1) Seriously? - That guy who's Awesome
2) Yes, nothing is worse than change. all coins should be removed, and go to a bill only currency - Nathan S
3) ya maybe then it can be an outcast because all chang is round - Mario Mares
4) hmm idk.. i would have to do research on the pros and cons..but the penny is kinda useless... kinda.. i was staring at one today.. i hate the new back side!! i miss the old one! it has like a log cabin or something..and some have so boring shield!
i miss seeing tiny abraham linking sitting on his chair on the older ones..oh whatever.. i'm just ranting now...butt idk.. it would make it easier in a way..especially when your a penny short for something but they don't wanna give it to you, even though its a measly penny..but nooooo they can't give it to you...man when ppl at cash rejisters next to me need change i always help them out..but i guess im nicer..idk...maybe you should google a time when the U.S. took another coin out of currency and read it's effects?
omg. im sorry. that was long. i'm bored.
:) - flapjack3
Question 3
I been having trouble breathing. plz help?... ever since last week, i been having trouble breathing through my noise and i keep taking deep breath. this might due to the hot weather but i am not sure. This only happen when i think about it, when i am hanging out with my friends or do something that distract me from thinking about it, nothing happen, i feel normal. Is something wrong with me or is it being a habit because i think about it to much.
And i went to the doctor last week to have a physical and she said that anything is normal and my lungs is clean.
1) Blow your nose. - Michael C
2) Breathing should come naturally, not something you think about unless you are having trouble. It could be the heat but more likely to be an allergy to something. I would go to the docs and have it checked. A ventilator might help clear your airways. The doc can prescribe one for you. Important to check it out. - julie ann
3) When your body is not working properly, its telling you something is wrong. I'm not sure if your environment is bad but don't stop looking because your health is your wealth.
"Common indoor plants may provide a valuable weapon in the fight against rising levels of indoor air pollution. Those plants in your office or home are not only decorative, but NASA scientists are finding them to be surprisingly useful in absorbing potentially harmful gases and cleaning the air inside modern buildings."
TOP 10 plants most effective in removing:
Formaldehyde, Benzene, and Carbon Monoxide from the air
■Bamboo Palm – Chamaedorea Seifritzii
■Chinese Evergreen - Aglaonema Modestum
■English Ivy Hedera Helix
■Gerbera Daisy Gerbera Jamesonii
■Janet Craig - Dracaena “Janet Craig”
■Marginata - Dracaena Marginata
■Mass cane/Corn Plant - Dracaena Massangeana
■Mother-in-Law’s Tongue Sansevieria Laurentii
■Pot Mum – Chrysantheium morifolium
■Peace Lily - Spathiphyllum
■Warneckii - Dracaena “Warneckii”
"NASA research has consistently shown that living, green and flowering plants can remove several toxic chemicals from the air in building interiors. You can use plants in your home or office to improve the quality of the air to make it a more pleasant place to live and work – where people feel better, perform better, any enjoy life more." - SilentDoGood
Question 4
what kind of acne do I have?... i'm a 15 year old girl n i hate my acne
What kind of acne do i have ?
should i go to a dermatologist or not ? please help
1) Hey before you buy any acne products or follow other people's advice, please read the articles here first:
That is NOT MY SITE. And I'm not spamming.
That site contains really informative acne articles that has helped me get rid of my acne and pimples, get rid of acne scars quickly, and also with a lesser oily skin now! Best part is... it is FREE! Read them and follow the free advice.
There are a few free ebooks for you to download. It will teach you how to get clear, flawless skin like celebrities! - Janiah Graham
2) blackheads - Ash
3) You are between a level 1 & 2. You should go get a facial for a deep cleanse. I am a big fan of PCA skin care line. It is not harsh and works wonders!!!! I am an esthetician and I also fight acne. Be sure you wash your face every morning and night.....I'm SERIOUS!!!! Good luck.....acne is such a pain!! - anonymous
Question 5
Performed oral sex on my gf, just had very slight pain when urinating. could this just be paranoia?... first time ever performing oral on a girl. both me and my gf r virgins and have never had oral or regular sex. Im really paranoid about stds. does the std travel down to the urethra or does it stay in the oral region.
1) No I don't believe those are connected. It could be that you're paranoid and causing the pain in your mind, but if it really hurts when you pee you should get it checked. Otherwise, if she's a virgin, she will most likely not be carrying STDs. You'll be fine my good sir :) - Bubba
2) It's possible to get an STD from giving your girlfriend oral sex, and no matter how you got it, you could have painful urination. However, from what you listed, it doesn't seem likely that you have an STD. Just to be safe, I reccommend that both of you get tested for STDs so you never have to wonder. - Brittany
3) Don't worry about it. If you start getting boils and scabs , then it may be the case. But not likely.
After sex sperm gets in the way of being able to urinate properly. - Djman
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