A person close to me( around 7 feet close) ,he has HIV and gingivitis and he sneezes. Can he infect me ?... I have open cuts on my face, can he infect me ?
1) No. Read up on HIV infection transfer ways. - Quietscherin
2) Not unless you share spoons with him (gingivitis) or trade blood (HIV).
tx mom - TX Mom
3) No, you will be fine. - Marco's girl
4) No. HIV is not transmitted through snot or saliva.
Also, once the HIV virus hits the air, it weakens dramatically.
Many people have gingivitis. You get that from not cleaning your mouth properly. You won't catch it from him. It is not a contagious disease. - ejhamilton85
5) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. http://canmdh42.notlong.com/AAeiVuM - Peggie Khela
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Question 2
Does someone's sneezes infects you with HIV ?... He was about 6 feet far from me and he was walking in my direction and he's HIV and has gingivitis
1) No - Quietscherin
2) I am sure that he considers the HIV much more serious than the gingivitis!!
To pick up HIV, you need to have an actual blood product transfer, such as sexual intercourse or needles. This does not happen by sneezing. - DereKiwi
3) about it you can get information from here http://mdcan48.notlong.com/1AAOTJz - Tennyson Lermon
4) No. HIV is not transmitted through sneezing. - ejhamilton85
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Question 3
red marks on kids arms?... my daughter has a large collection of red and brown pimple like marks all on the back of her arms, now i have some on my arms and on the side of the knees but only a little, but she has loads and i was wondering if there was any way to treat them. the only other way to describe them is when we get cold we get goosebumps well that is what they look like but red and brown. hope this helps and a resolution is found :O)
1) chicken pox - Kerry Houlihan
2) Chicken pots? Lotion can help stop the itching. - car253
3) It's probably a mild form of eczema. Nothing to worry about. Or it could be skin cancer. Which is fatal.
P.S. Your smiley looks like a fat man with his mouth open - Ryan C
4) There's probably several possibilities, but the description seems to match keratosis pilaris. If its keratosis pilaris, the skin will feel like sandpaper when you rub it. If its not k.p., then eczema seems like another possibility. - formerly_bob
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Question 4
Can i be allergic to my face wash?... Okay i started using cetaphil daily facial cleanser 2 weeks ago and it has done wonders for my skin it is way better than all the products i have ever used, EVEN PROACTIV! But, a week ago on thursday i started getting hives and i was wondering if it could be the face wash, but i have only had hives on my body not my face except for last night and there was only two tiny ones. So my question is can i be allergic to my face wash even though it is working on my face and i havn't had one breakout. Oh, and i started getting hives a week after i started using the face wash. Thank you so much for your time. =)
1) Yes, I had the same problem, just stop using the facewash - Chris
2) well you can really be allergic to anything so i'd say talk to a doctor about its ingredients and see whats going on - Josh Martino
3) Yes you can be allergic to your face wash. I realized i was allergic to my new face wash cause I broke to hives on my face and my face was extremely itchy. A way to test if your are a allergic is place a small amount of this face wash behind your ear. Wait 24 hours and check to see if there is a difference. - Nikki
4) Yes. You could. Its probably the ingredient such as benzyl peroxide or sacylic acid . I had the same problem. It irradiated my skin, cracked it and ill never use it again. I prefer not using it again. I only use face washes with natural ingredients.
Hope I helped, Chrissy - Chrissy Llamas
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Question 5
My girlfriend had chlamydia and is now cured and might need a hysterectomy?... My girlfriend's uterus is damaged and she is pregnant and the doctors are saying a hysterectomy is needed whether she keeps the baby or not and that this could be her last time being pregnant. Is there any other way?? Any alternatives??
1) I recommend you to see ----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using answers.yahoo.com - Lisa K
2) If the chlamydia really damaged her uterus that badly then that is her only option. There is no way to "repair" the damage. She should consider herself lucky that she was still able to get pregnant if the damage was that bad. Women can become infertile from chlamydia if left untreated for too long. If she wants to keep the child then she should carry out the pregnancy and take extra care of herself. then after the birth they can immediately do the operation. - Quietscherin
3) If your girlfriend is uncomfortable with this suggestion, she should really seek a second opinion. - ejhamilton85
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