HIV? I NEED HELP! SUICIDE!?... im so scared, i think i have hiv.
i dont think i can handle finding out that i have hiv, i think i would comitt suicide
i had unprotected sex 3.5 weeks ago
now im having stomach pain, my neck is stiff on the left side, my joints are aching, and i have had a headache for more thenn 3 days... these are hiv symptoms and im just so lost i dont know what to do
i took a test and it came back negative, but i was told it maybe a false negative because i took the test too soon so basically i have to spend the next 3 months in fear wondering if i am infected or not
my life is over, i feel i have it because if i didnt i wouldnt feel this way. i am also sluggish and tired. im tired of stressing myself out about this, i just want to know if i have it or not and I think I do because if I didn't I WOULDN'T FEEL THIS WAY.
My stranger partner said he was hiv negative but i dont believe him anymore because if he was negative i wouldn't feel this way.
People keep telling em these are anxiety stress symptoms but i streessed before and never felt this way.
Im a paranoid worrier naturally and i need to know what i have now, if i continue to stress myself like this ill committ suicide!
1) i doubt that aids would make you that sick that quick. You may have the flu. I know you have to be worried and if it comes back that you don't have aids pleas protect yourself from now on and you won't be going through this. - akvdr
2) well all this stressing you are doing CANNOT be good for you in the first place, its best that you try to calm down and stop stressing over someting you dont even know is true. stop being so emotional and asses the situation as logically as you can... btw if you stopped stressing so much maybe some of your ailments would go away because even though you said that you are a natural worrier you probably never had something this big to worry about! - Andrew Wagner
3) calm down honey, and dont worry too much! If you think it might be go and get a test to see for sure. but until then be calm and hope for the best. <3 - leila
4) NO NO NO NOOO don't do sucide IT DON'T NOOT HELP AT ALL
you probably should have been a more careful next time, here's a bit of advice
think before you do it.
and go to a hospital
good luck. - ZeroX
5) HIV usually does not have effects like the ones you mentioned - stress does though.
Incorrect testsfor HIV are a rarity, but they can happen.
Stress can have many symptoms, sometimes none at all.
HIV itself is actually more of a nuisance than anything (and yes, I'm HIV+, have been for 25 years), OK safe sex is a must, but that's a given anyway.
You need to trust people a bit more, if someone says they're negative, then that's what you should believe. Not everyone is trustworthy, but don't cut them down before finding out the truth.
Have another test in 3-6 months time. Sometimes HIV takes a while to become apparent in a blood test. - Dean Scapolo
6) First of all, those are not symptoms of HIV. Those are symptoms of a flu, or possibly stress, anxiety, and poor sleep position.
Next, HIV is not a death sentence the way it used to be. Nowadays, you can take ONE OR TWO pills per day, and probably live a normal life for the rest of your life. HIV does not always lead to AIDS the way that it did in the past. You would have to be careful not to spread it, but you should be using protection anyway.
If your 'paranoid worry' is causing you to have suicidal thoughts and paralyzing fears, it has moved into the realm of pathology. You need to be treated for anxiety by your doctor, and possibly start therapy. It sounds like you have an anxiety disorder, and it might be exacerbated by the fact that you may not be totally comfortable with your sexuality. If you were, you would have been more comfortable insisting on protected sex with your partner. (I could be wrong of course. Just reading between the lines.) In any case, anti-anxiety medication will help you start feeling a little more in control, and may also subdue the suicidal feelings.
Bottom line: There is nothing wrong with you that is so bad that you need to commit suicide to fix it. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. If any part of you wants to live, you need to get some help.
Good luck. - pastanaut
7) HIV is a relatively slow-acting disease. If you had unprotected sex 3.5 weeks ago and were previously uninfected, you wouldn't be showing any real symptoms yet if you had been infected.
So the symptoms you list are most likely not caused by HIV infection. However, what you list are certainly signs of increased stress. If you are overly concerned about HIV infection, you are probably causing all of the problems yourself due to the tension.
One word: relax. There is no need to worry about something without a reason to worry. Yes, they are anxiety stress symptoms, but you have never felt this way before because you are worried about the possibility of having a disease that could potentially end your life, and that is the ultimate in fear. However, you took a test and it came back negative, so relax.
If you feel the test was wrong in some way, have a doctor or a clinic test you. It will most likely come back negative as well.
As far as the suicidal thoughts go, stop. You are only stressing yourself out more by only considering the negative thoughts when the opposite is much more probable. Again, relax. - rayven
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Question 2
I think I have pink eye. Where did I get it?... I understand that one can get it from allergies as well as exposure to a certain kind of bacteria. I am suffering from increased seasonal allergies (worse than I've ever had) and was exposed to contaminated hot tub water after somebody had defecated in it. Could those have contributed?
1) You got bacteria in your eye, thats all. Get some eyedrops from the doctor. - Krugo da masta
2) pink eye is not from allergies, its from getting fecal matter in your eye. and yes you got it from the hot tub. the water generally isnt hot enough to kill bacteria. average 102-105 it needs to boil at 212 - bully on speed
3) Well, seeing as how I wasn't stalking you all day, I have no idea. - thelau
4) I'm not sure whether the hot tub water would have contributed or not, it's possible, but since you have seasonal allergies, it's probably more likely that you got it from rubbing your eyes. Conjunctivitis is simply an irritation of the membrane on the eye. You can get "pink eye" from simply having irritated your eye. - Lauren
5) about it you can get information from here - Diane Horstman
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Question 3
hmm,, is it insomnia?... can a 15 year old have insomnia?
1) if u think you do, how long are you awake a day? wake up one day at 6am and stay up till 12am see if your tired or not, kuz you should be - Ian
2) I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Lisa K
3) Any human alive can have insomnia, so yes - a 15 year old can have insomnia. - rayven
4) about it you can get information from here - Diane Horstman
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Question 4
How to fix very dry chapped lips?... I've been sick for the past few days, and I have to go to school on Tuesday. And my lips are so chapped from coughing and allergies. I put vaseline on them and it doesn't help? I don't know what to do. They hurt and annoy me. And they look horrible.
1) man juice moisturizes them up real gooooood - Pacheko
2) i would try not licking them at all cause the salt just dries them out even more. carmex is good to use and usually helps sooth lips. they should also naturally heal after your cold is gone. dont over apply the chapstick you use but make sure to use enough. any chapstick meant for soothing should heal them. but make sure it's specialized for like healing and not just for regular chapped lips. - Shay Christensen
3) This is happening because of dehydration during you illness, I suggest to drink allot of water and applying Vaseline. - Majdali
4) You'll need petroleum jelly and a soft bristle toothbrush. Apply the petroleum jelly on your lips. Then brush your lips with a brush for about two minutes. To keep your lips moist you're going to make sure you drink plenty of water, especially when the weather is cold and dry.
Protect your lips by using a lip balm that has sunscreen in it. The sun will burn your lips so please protect it. If you use lipstick make sure you pick a moisturizing lipstick. Or you can apply a lip balm and then your lipstick. Make sure your lip balm is made of natural skin care ingredients such as coconut oil or beeswax. - Gabrielle C.
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Question 5
infection on my middle finger?... ok. this is weird. i have been having this bizarre infection/itch on my finger for about 4 months now. its only on the right side of my finger, and it stretches from the knuckle of my middle finger all the way to the next knuckle (only one finger). it itches like crazy, feels dry, skin is kinda shredded, there are about 4 small cuts from me scratching it.
does anyone have the SLIGHTEST clue as to what this could be? a skin infection? athletes foot of the hand? i handle bleach at work (cleaning), and i have a sterling silver ring on the finger next to it, but no other finger is affected by the ring......
the "infection"or whatever this is, is NOT spreading (ive had it for about 4 months and nothing else on my entire body is experiencing the same thing), and its not blisters. its dry skin.?
1) I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Lisa K
2) I have the same problem also. Go to a doc and get med to apply. It will spread so go treat it as soon as possible. - Roselle
3) By any chance do you also have cold sores? From your description it sounds like it could be herpetic whitlow. Very common, but you do need to take some precautions if that it what it is.
Check out the information and pictures and see if this sounds like what you are experiencing. May want to look at some other sites as well. - Cooker
4) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Diane Horstman
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