Friday, April 29, 2011

I just got back from ER, does this sound right to you???!!?

Question 1
I just got back from ER, does this sound right to you???!!?...  I went to ER complaining of severe headache, I mean, BAD head ache. with me, if I ask to go to the Dr then you know it's bad. Anyway severe head ache, vomiting and nausea, and dizziness.
The Dr prescribed me Antibiotics (amoxycellin), vitamin C, antihistamine, and cough drops?
All he did was press on my head and asked if it hurt. Then a shot in my butt cheek. Brushed off all of my questions.
I'm thinking about not taking ANY of these medicines! None of them sound like they have anything to do with head ache?! Didnt even give me a pain killer ?

1)   I agree with everyone who is mentioning a sinus infection.
You may also have sinusitis, which can feel like a migraine. It can cause severe headaches, dizziness, nausea, toothaches, facial pain, and sensitivity to light.
Take the meds. If you're not feeling better in a couple of days, follow up with your family physician.
You can also call the hospital and ask for a copy of your medical records from that visit. It should list the illness the doctor thought you had. - Areli Thomson

2)   amoxycellin is used for bladder and ear infections, majorly, mostly infections caused by bacteria. antihistamine can treat hayfever, runny noses and itchy, watery eyes. i dont know why he gave you cough drops and vitamin c as i dont think they help with any of your symptoms... i would go to another dr. - C M

3)   OOhh woow i wouldnt either that dosent sound like a doctor at all!!!!! you should go somewhere els oR sumthing and why the fudge would he give you cough drops hes probabily high or sumthing hahah anyway back to siriousness do not take ANY of them he dosent sound that hes sure about what hes doin !! and a but cheek injection is pointleess!! uhg doctors these days!!! any ways good luck and God Bless!!!!!!!! - Lola Qwerty

4)   If your headache was due to allergies, then an antihistamine would help. If it were due to a cold, then vitamin C might help. If it's due to a sinus infection, then antibiotics would help. I'm not sure what the cough drops would do. If you need a pain killer, take aspirin or tylenol or another over-the-counter med. If you are having the worst headache of your life, then you are potentially looking at something serious like a brain aneurysm, but it will take more than pain meds to fix that. The doctor probably didn't want to order expensive tests or prescribe narcotic pain meds when most headaches are resolved with time or over-the-counter pain meds. - Amaretta

5)   the medications are for the vomiting, nausea, dizziness and to help fight it off.
It just sounds like you've got the flu to me. - Candie Barr

6)   Thats one problem is people demand painkillers. The doc probably thinks you have a bad sinus infection, what he has prescribed indicates so. Try the meds as he prescribed and if your not better see your own doctor not the ER. The days of throwing out painkillers are now coming to an end. Doctors are treating conservatively more and more. - TNH

7)   Doctors test for sinus problems by pressing on your sinuses. If your headache was caused by something else, you wouldn't feel more discomfort when he pressed on your head. For instance, if you had a severe migrane, touching your head wouldn't make it any worse.

Sinus infections can definitely cause severe headaches. They are often brought on because of a cold - which is what the vitamin C and cough drops are for. Antihistamines are for the inflammation - when you have an infection you also have inflammation, which makes it hard for the sinuses to drain on their own.

The antibiotics are for the infection itself - normally sinus infections are caused by bacteria. - marie

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Question 2
is it possible to go to a mental hospital for only 3 days?...  

1)   Yes it is...Actually it is called a 72 hour hold - bmaleck24

2)   Yes. Unlikely, though. - Graybeard

3)   Yup. 72 hour hold. - Layna

4)   A friend of mine went to a drug re-hab center for 21 hours, so I imagine going to a mental hospital for 3 days is reasonable. Most likely the person involved was only being examined for signs of a mental disorder and had not actually started mental treatment/re-cooperation. - RuneKey

5)   Yes, a family member of mine did that, but he was forced to through the law enforcement. It costs a lot, and is a very difficult thing for family to deal with. If you have a problem and are young, seek the assistance of councilors. If you're older, seek the assistance of a physiologist. While it is possible, there are alternatives that aren't as extreme and often don't require a good reason to do it. Good luck. - Nicky

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Question 3
I work at Mcdonalds and currently have strep throat. I have work tomorrow should I call I'n sick? ?...  I don't want to cuz I need money but I was working tuesday and they sent me home what should I do?

1)   Other than the fact that you'll probably feel like crap standing there making burgers it would be very easy for you to transfer strep to others working in food services, so yes you should call in sick. - ralifar

2)   i would just show up, and if they send you home oh well. - Amy Dorris

3)   If you are on antibiotics treated by a physician, you should stay home for at least 24 hours from the time you start antibiotics. As long as you feel up to it, after this 24 hour period you can work. - googlebuddy23

4)   Call in sick and schedule an appointment with your doctor to get antibiotics you'll be back soon enough and they'll understand, they'd rather have you home than getting customers sick, and if I was going to the mcdonald's you work at to eat, I would not want someone who had strep handling my food. Plus you might get other co workers sick. Hope I helped! Good luck, hope you feel better soon! :) - thisisn'twhoyouthinkitis

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Question 4
Any shampoos that helps control eczema?...  I have eczema on my scalp. My doctor recommended T-gel and Selsum blue but it didnt help then she recommended a shampoo that costs $62. Is there another shampoo that could help keep it controlled?

1)   I know this sounds very weird, but you can use Horse shampoo! It sounds strange but it's for humans too, and it's very very gentle. You could probably use baby shampoo too. But if it's some that causes actual breakage of the skin, you'll probably want to use the 62$ shampoo for the best. I know it's expensive, but ask your doctor about these other options! - Gilbert Spaghetti

2)   grandma's Lye soap. - Mz Brittian

3)   I found the Pantene Shampoo works ok for me as long as I do not have hard water. I am very light skin (irish ethnic) but if i go to a tanning salon for a minimum 6 mins in a standard bed will rid my eczema. - BrewCrew

4)   read about it here
open the first and sixth green link
there for more info - Kelly Simpson

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Question 5
i am about 5 weeks pregnant and before i found out i was doing NOS, Ecstasy, cocaine,LSD and drinking?...  for 3 weekends in a row. I want to know if any possibilities i have harmed the baby???

1)   Probably not. People always exaggerate about the impact of drugs and alcohol on babies. Yours probably only gonna have three legs, but that's actually pretty cool. He'll be good at soccer. - Ike Ickiouras

2)   You are only one month pregnant and to be honest with you the baby is still a little thing that you have to see under a microscope. But you HAVE to go to your doctor immediately and talk to him about any defects or harm to the baby. I would not take any chances and risk birth defects. Stop drinking, stop the drugs and go to your doctor. They would understand and your privacy is well kept. - Wendy

3)   Get an ultrasound as soon as possible and be sure to tell your doctor about all your drug use! They will inform you of the harm that may have been caused based on the drugs you have been using. BUT YOU DO NEED TO GET THE ULTRASOUND. Don't put it off because of fear. - Lizz Riv

4)   Those are quite a few drugs, and drugs that heavy as well as alcohol can definitely have a negative effect on a fetus. Basically, whatever you put into yourself, you're also putting into the fetus. It may be early enough, but the effects could be from deformities or metal disabilities all the way to death. It's very smart to be careful of what you put into your body for yourself, let alone an infant that could be brought into the world. The best thing to do to find out if anything is wrong is to wait and have doctors involved. Let them know what you took and they will monitor the fetus as it grows carefully. Let this be a wake-up call however not to put these things in your body. Allow the pregnancy be your detox. If you continue to do the drugs, it's possible to drug the baby, and then the baby will end up having to go through detox too, and that's not fair at all. Good luck and I hope the best for your new pregnancy. - Nicky

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I have sore red itchy eyes. What could be causing this?

Question 1
I have sore red itchy eyes. What could be causing this?...  only since this morning when I woke up. They are red itchy and swollen. My face is also quite itchy and puffy looking., and red. I have been out in the sun the last few days but did wear a high factor (40) on my face. I wonder did I burn on my face but I didnt have factor any where else on my body and didnt burn elsewhere. Any suggestions to get rid of it would be appreciated.

1)   It sounds to me more of an allergic reaction to something than a sunburn. - Kath

2)   Pink eye! - J H

3)   You think it could be allergy related? The symptoms with the eyes sounds like allergies. Try taking some benadryl when you go to sleep tonite. - mclovin

4)   allergies??? or some kind of irritation got in your eye..while im daughter and I are in a look alike contest with over $900 in prizes!!! The winner will be annpounced live tomorrow at the fashion show..please go to and vote # 11 thank you so much - jennifer

5)   read about it here
open the first and forth green link
there on right side for detail info - Phenies Werts

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Question 2
What to do about acid reflux?...  Yeah Nurse Betty i thought the tingling seemed a little weird to me too, but i read that it can be associated with acid reflux. I'm only 39 and i did contact my doctor and i'm waiting for a reply. And more suggestions about the acid reflux? Thanks for the responses

1)   There might be medicine or try not eating acidic foods and drinks. - Jenna Pow

2)   Drink a glass of milk it does help - Westy

3)   nurse betty? i have bad acid reflux and the key to controlling it is to know what causes it and avoiding/taking steps to prevent it. like i get it really really badly when i play sports, so i always have antacids on hand.

i have taken long term stuff in the past but it never helped me, so the key for me is just learning my triggers. - 4getfull

4)   Gastro Oesophageal Reflux Disorder (GERD) is a condition mainly managed by medical management.
Firstly by Life Style Modification. Meaning - Avoid Spicy foods. Do not eat stomach-ful. Do not lie down soon after eating. Do not prefer carbonated or aerated drinks and fired items such as chips etc.

Take Proton Pump Inhibitors meaning one of these tablets before food twice a day. It is important to eat before food.
One of the following tablets - Pantoprazole 40 mg or Omeprazole 40 mg or Lanzoprazole 30 mg or Rabeprazole 20 mg
You can also take a combination of Domperidone or Itopride along with these.

Duration of therapy: Minimum 4 weeks to 6 weeks.
Some individuals require longer treatment some times up to 6 months.

Please consult your doctor - dc_trust

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Question 3
what can i do to get rid of a hickey?...  

1)   You can try sticking a spoon in the freezer until its really cold. Then holding the spoon over the hickey for a few minutes. - Jay Bee

2)   this one time my mate had one and she (for about a quarter of an hour) ran a comb over it to open the blood vessels up. i did not believe her beforehand, but afterwards i did. it truly worked. though, you have to be VERY determined or have a high threshold for pain cause it looked painful. - 4getfull

3)   foundation??? The only thing to make it better is time..give it a few the daughter and I are in a look alike contest with over $900 in prizes!!! The winner will be annpounced live tomorrow at the fashion show..please go to and vote # 11 thank you so much - jennifer

4)   stop letting people suck on your neck.....
cover up.... should work - doclakewrite

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Question 4
Im 16 and have been very sick for the past month?...  I have been feeling very ill for about a month. I have been extremely tired for this time and don't have energy to do anything. I also have been feeling very nauseous and vomiting and have been getting alot of nose bleeds which is weird because I never had them before. I don't know what is wrong I'm just hoping its nothing too serious. Any suggestions as to what I could have? I have also had terrible head aches.

1)   Maybe Mono, look into that. OR possibly a viral infection. Have you gone to the doctor? - Jake

2)   Personally I don't know what to say.. All I can say is that I will InshaAllah pray for you.. : )
What did the doctor say? If he told you to avoid something, please do... - Khan The terminator

3)   It could be infection. Viral or maybe amoeboid. You could have problems in your Thyroid because it fits the fatigue. Get it tested. Usually such disorders are very little pain if found in right time, so don't neglect the symptoms.

I would recommend you to go see a doctor because if it is an infection, it might become worse. It could even be some recent lifestyle changes.

Its not really possible to give an accurate diagnosis because the symptoms fit a lot of problems. You should see a doc. It'll make you feel better. Trust me. - Saurabh S

4)   go to the doctor... you could have a virus .. or it could be something else...
don't waste your time with non medical answers.. see the doctor - doclakewrite

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Question 5
Sore throat for months... Help?...  I have had a sore throat since about November. It's not particularly bad but makes speaking irritating and alters in severity throughout a day - this being a significant hinderance as talking is something I can't avoid seeing as how I work part-time as a cashier at Waitrose.
I have been on a course of antibiotics, had a blood test for glandular fever and been prescribed beconase nasal spray... All making no difference. It looks red and a little swollen. I'm reluctant to contact my Doctor for the fifth time. Can anyone help?

1)   Travel to the United States. Socialized medicine is a failure. You need to be diagnosed by a competent doctor. Even our nurses are more skilled and knowledgeable than medical doctors anywhere in the world. - FamilyHelper

2)   Drink! - Matthew Albert

3)   gargling salt warm water a couple times a day.
change your toothbrush.
drinking honey in warm tea
zinc lozenges a couple times a day - doclakewrite

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ughhhhhh I smoked too much last night, how do I get rid of this feeling in my chest?

Question 1
Ughhhhhh I smoked too much last night, how do I get rid of this feeling in my chest?...  YES I already know I should quit smoking so please no ignorant comments... I went out last night for a few drinks and ended up smoking A LOT!!! Now my chest feels like there's an elephant on it...

1)   Besides violent coughs to expell the excess, there's not much you can do. Do not take OTC medicines to releave these symptoms, they will do more harm than good. Humidity helps, do you have a vaporizer? - JD55 with ♥ ™

2)   Get a vaporizer/humidifier, that should help.
Don't smoke at all today and maybe tomorrow (obviously, ur not dumb so you should know that). - Funny n' Sad

3)   You should use deltasone, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Shirly Bellafiore

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Question 2
My family and I got sunburn?...  What's the best way to get rid of the pain of Sunburn? Please help! It hurts so bad!!

1)   after sun, or a cold bath and then moisterise. - Candycane

2)   Aloe vera helps. It helped me when my nose got burnt from the San Diego sun. - Depp Fan

3)   i have heard dabbing black tea on it helps, i have also tried it. If you do it with cold tea it is very soothing but im not sure it will help get rid of it. Aloe gel is also great as far as relief. - Liam

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Question 3
Is this a good regimen for acne?...  Okay so I have very weird skin, its the awkward in between oily and dry (combination). For 2 weeks now I have been washing my face with Prascion cleanser and using Epiduo cream before bed... but then every other night I use Differin before bed ( while still using Prascion as a cleanser)... My main question is are these allowed to mix... I just want to make sure that they can mix without serious side effects.
Then my second question is... Is there anyone else here who uses Prascion cleanser? because if you do you would know it smells really bad and I was wondering how you deal with it.
I thought acutane was bad for you... something about causing skin defects..

1)   I'm sorry I've never used those products but make sure they don't contain any forms of bleach in them, because if they do and you stop using them your skin will become about 10 times worse. - Liv

2)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use accutane. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Shirly Bellafiore

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Question 4
My friend is really white and she cant get a tan?...  My friend is super white and when she tries to tan nothing happens or she gets sunburnt. What I wanna know is Could she be allergic to the sun and is that possible? Why cant she tan???

1)   Some people just have fair skin, and there skin is to sensitive so it is not easy for them to tan or if they do they go red.

It will be better for her to use a cream that builds up a tan, they are lot's of different types in the shop, that is also better for her skin then getting sunburnt. - Chelsie

2)   She CAN tan, just has to step her skin up to it! 1st time in the bed only 6 min, next time within a day or 2 (no more than that) go up to 7 or 8. Some skin types have a hard time "accepting" the tan. Also tell her to take a shower or work out JUST BEFORE going tanning so her pores are open and be sure to use lotion! - Jennifer K

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Question 5
How do athletes with asthma cope? (Homework help)?...  How do professional athletes who have asthma deal with it? Please make it simple, because i'm going to need to put it into my own words :) thanks guys! x

1)   i think after taking their medication for the day/ time periods, they are completely fine after that, as if the dont have asthma. i was recently diagnosed with asthma and when i am doing something that causes it to act up, after 2 puffs from my inhaler, albuterol sulfide, i can continue with the activity as if there were nothing wrong - VicHar

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Monday, April 18, 2011

what is the white stuff that comes out of a pimple?

Question 1
what is the white stuff that comes out of a pimple?...  ????????

1)   Pus - Mitch Daveswell

2)   dirt,grease,puss,cum. - I am just a shadow

3)   Pus... dead lymphocytes (white blood cells). - MissisipiBlueEyedGirl

4)   Bacteria - Creditcrm

5)   Puss - Rootbeerlover

6)   PUSSSSSS - Eliot

7)   its called puss and its normal. - OverMyAge

8)   How to Get Rid of Pimples with Natural Remedies
Whether good or bad, if seeking overnight, one day treatment for pimples and pimple marks at home, one should remember that it is not practically possible. There are a wide variety of tried and tested home remedies that can treat pimples in an effective manner. These home remedies could be used for pimples on the back as well. Some popularly known pimple remedies are:

• Pimples can disappear without scars by rubbing garlic on pimples several times a day. Make sure that you do not do this very vigorously or you will break the skin and this can cause intense burning when the raw skin comes in contact with fresh garlic juice.

• Apply lemon or orange peel, pounded to paste with water on pimple affected areas regularly. You can also add this powder to a little gram flour and honey so that it forms a thick paste. Massage this paste into your skin as it will help to cleanse your skin as well as nourish it.

• Grated cucumber applied over the face for fifteen minutes and then washed with water can help prevent pimples, blackheads and dryness of the face. If you have been popping your pimples, it would be advisable to use this home remedy for pimples to help soothe the inflamed asking. This remedy will also help to fortify your skin and keep it well moisturized. You can also use this pimple remedy at other times as a preventative measure to keep your skin free of pimples.

• Mix a teaspoon of honey with half teaspoon each of camphor lotion and tomato juice. Apply this mixture on the pimples and wash after fifteen minutes with lukewarm water followed by cold water. This also helps lighten spots or marks left by pimples - Ovilia Fernandes

9)   Pus and dead skin - Claire Voyant

10)   Snail eggs - Juan Alzate

11)   Dirt greece etc - Sachin

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Question 2
are these stretch marks?...  i have gained a little weight, probably about ten pounds but im definately NOT big. I have these strecthmark looking things right on the back of my thigh right under my butt cheak. I cant tell if their stretchmarks or not because there red looking lines and ive seen stretch marks arent they usually white? well what do you think i could be, and should i see a doctor. AND what should i do to get rid of them?
thanks for your advice(:

1)   Stretch marks and dark skin remedies

The easiest remedy to get rid of stretch marks is using lemon juice. The juice of lemon is known for its bleaching properties. You can apply the juice on your marks and let it dry there
Applying Vitamin E on the marks is also an effective way to fade them. If you don't have Vitamin E oil, use the contents of a capsule of Vitamin E on your marks.

For dark lips you can use the lemon juice. You can apply this over night and wash it off in the morning. You can use milk cream and turmeric on your lips and your face. This will help to lighten the color of your skin. You can also use beat up the white of a raw egg and add some drops of almond oil to it. Apply this to your face and let it dry before you wash it off. A paste made of gram flour and a few drops of milk is also effective. Add a pinch of turmeric to this and apply on your face and your lips. Let it dry before you wash it off using circular motions. You can also apply Aloe Vera gel on your face. Apply it at bedtime and leave it on over night. Our natural treatment for stretch marks will present to you a wide range of techniques that you can use to make those irritating stretch marks vanish forever.

Cocoa Butter - Cocoa butter is one of the best methods of getting rid of stretch marks. Cocoa butter can be found in many moisturizing lotions and creams.

However, the best way is to buy a stick of cocoa butter and apply it liberally and regularly over your stretch marks until they disappear.
Vitamins and minerals - The importance of vitamin E as a natural treatment for stretch marks cannot be overstated. The best way is to make a mixture of vitamin E extract, Aloe Vera and cocoa butter and gently apply the mixture over the affected area. Another effective vitamin for fighting stretch marks is vitamin A.

Vitamin A is a key ingredient in many stretch mark removal creams and can also be used a natural treatment for stretch marks. Vitamin K is another powerhouse that can be used to treat stretch marks. Many creams contain vitamin K and these should be applied on the affected area at least twice a day.

In addition you should consume foods that are rich in vitamin K such as green vegetables, tomatoes and dairy products. Zinc is an important mineral that can help to reduce the occurrence of stretch marks. You should consume foods that are rich in zinc such as seeds and nuts especially during times of pregnancy.
Aromatherapy - There are also many aromatherapy oils that are also very effective in treating stretch marks.

Oils containing extracts of lavender have been used for generations to treat stretch marks. Other aromatherapy oils that are also used include chamomile, jojoba, sweet almond and avocado.
Natural apricot scrub - Apricots have therapeutic properties that make them an ideal natural treatment for stretch marks. You can use an apricot-based cream or simply rub an apricot on the affected area of your skin for fast results. - Ovilia Fernandes

2)   there not stretch marks i think there cellulite :( thats even worse or maybe its the marking of your undies lol :) - Laura Sassine

3)   i seen some commercial with some kind of lotion that suppossed to help - BIGE

4)   No they are not stretchmarks. Like you said they are white looking.

They are probably veins. You should aplly creams to get rid of them.

Answer mine:;_ylt=Auy_lEZ.Ap4Ti9NzDl0gv4Xsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110418213857AA9og3V - AllanMAN

5)   To me these look like fresh stretch marks. They turn white or a silvery pink color as they heal or go away. Freshies are bright pink purple or a mix of both normally, try rubbing shea butter on them when you wake up and go to bed. Good luck!! - Becca Swindell

6)   if theyr not stretch marks from gaining weight then theyr probably from just growing tall of something. usually stretch marks are a bit of a purple color and are inverted. u can go to see a doctor if ur consernd. to get rid of stretch marks they have creams but im not sure if u can really ridith of it all together. - OverMyAge

7)   Hellow there.

I would not be worry if i would be you. I don't think so you need to see a doctor.
i have stretch marks on my hips because i used to be really over weighed.
And i got stretchmarks after i start to work on to loos weight. I got them on my biceps close to my shoulders.

They are red until they gonna be healed.Afterwards they gonna turn into the whiteis colour you mentioned earlier. And you won't be able to notice it. Only if you gonna take a close look at it. - Szabi

8)   they sound like stretch marks to me. they may start out red and fade over time. im not big either and i have some on my thighs. ive been doing a laser treatment to reduce them. you can start using lotions and body butter to prevent any more! use it on thighs, buttttt, hips, underarms, boobs, anywhere that is prone to stretch marks! lol ummm, they seriously suck....if you started taking birth control that may be the cause. i just found that out when i saw the doctor that did my laser treatment! other then that the cause can be puberty, or just genetics. because you said you wernt fat so its gotta be one of those! GOODLUCK! - Nancy Bell

9)   They are most definetly stretch marks. Fresh stretch marks are red or even purple lines. With years the stretch marks that do become old also change in appereance to white or to your skin tone..but definetly not to even your skin tone.

Use the Maderma lotion. I highly recommend it. I've used it myself and it delivers fast results.

Good luck.

Also if you exercise your skin might get toned and you the stretch marks may be no that visible. - PAIX!

10)   First of all I hope u gained those 10 lb in muscle and height... second its probably ur butt is having a fit just spray ur @** with axe n you'll be fine - Juan Alzate

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Question 3
How do you get rid of mosquito bites?...  I'm on vacation in Hawaii where it is very humid and I am also VERY prone to mosquito bites :( Last night I got 2 mosquito bites on both sides of my arm near my elbow. They swelled up and now there is a HUGE lump on my arm and I can't bend it. Please help they itch like crazy and like I said because of them I can't move my arm. How do I get them to be smaller and not itch???

1)   Rub butter on them. - Davey Joe

2)   Cut your arms off. - Juan Alzate

3)   The best solution just put your hand in warm water and gentile rub instead of scratching. - Star Shine

4)   One of the best ways to tackle mosquito bites is to make a solution of a cup of water to which you have added about 10 crushed aspirins. This can be applied to the bites for instant relief and sanitization. This will also ensure that you are not bitten again, as aspirin will act as a natural repellant. Alternately, you can also apply salt water solution to take care of mosquito bites. This will work the same way. Instead of using plain salt, you can also use Epsom salts or baking soda for the same effect. In order to repel mosquitoes further, you can also add a few drops of organic vinegar to this solution.

Another effective remedy which will provide relief is making a water-based solution of camphor and applying this to the bites. Crush a few pieces of camphor and add them to a cup of water. Let this stand for a couple of days and then use. Similarly, it is believed that applying Vicks Vaporub to the bites will also provide soothing relief as well as prevent mosquitoes from attacking further. Calamine lotion is also an excellent remedy for relief from not just mosquito bites, but bites from all other insects as well. In order to save yourself from such things in the future, it is always useful to adopt preventive measures rather than risk getting bitten.
A good remedy you will find in your kitchen is that ever useful baking soda. Take about two tablespoons of this powder and throw in some water. Mix to get a paste. Try to make it a nice, thick paste which you can then cover your bites with. Something as simple as ice cubes can numb the bites and take care of the itching. Even a cold washcloth would do. This is one of the simplest and the quickest ways of dealing with those annoying bites. It’s one of the cheapest ways too. Ice not only tends to the inflammation but also provides relief from the sting. To ease that pesky itch, you should get your hands on some white vinegar. This is a great cleanser and organic cleanser. Use a few drops on cotton to dab on your bite marks. If you happen to be covered in bites, simply head for a warm bath with about two cups of this vinegar. Apple cider is another alternative. You can even add either vinegar to your paste containing baking soda. If you don’t want to go in for a bath then a hot washcloth will also do. Another home remedy which provides instant escape from the itching is a slice of lemon. Your skin may get better faster thanks to the antioxidants. Just remember to get rid of the seeds first. A soothing lotion is calamine lotion. As far as essential oils go, lavender can do wonders for your bite. Just dab some on your mosquito bite. Witch hazel has also been used in the treatment of mosquito bites. Other essential oils which can help in this case include peppermint and tea tree - Ovilia Fernandes

5)   read about it here
open the first and second green link
there on right side for detail info - Chiki Lo

6)   Use a fan or mos qutio net. - Stevie Foenander

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Question 4
How to get rid of black heads..?...  and or pimples that leave marks? like little dark spots on your skin. Is there anything to make these go away? And also i had a big pimple on my forehead that i wanted off my face immediately. So i constantly picked at it and it left a scab. Then i got annoyed with the scab and peeled it off. And now you can see like part of the white meat and im afraid its going to leave a scar! What do i do about it? how can i remove all of these spots off my face??!! Please help me anyone who can help.

1)   nose patches or facial scrub - Elizabeth Milewski

2)   The build up of sebum and dead cells can be controlled by washing the face regularly with cool water. A paste of yogurt and oatmeal applied to the face and rubbed off after a few minutes, helps to reduce the formation of blackheads and other forms of acne. After having washed the face, pat the skin dry so as to leave it with enough moisture content. Yogurt has anti bacterial properties that remove infection causing bacteria while the absorbent properties of oatmeal reduce the amount of oil that is present in the skin. By rubbing it off gently, the pores are cleaned and open up for undisturbed flow of oil through the ducts of the sebaceous glands. The use of honey has been highly recommended in the removal of blackheads, because it acts as a natural peel and exfoliating agent on the skin.

Aloe is known to be an effective moisturizer and the use of aloe gel is recommended to reduce inflammation caused by blackheads and acne. Besides this, it also prevents scarring of the affected area, thereby reducing blemishes. Known for its anti bacterial properties, the use of a few drops of diluted tea tree oil will help to clear the bacteria that cause the blackheads. Similarly, the citric acid present in lemon juice clears the face of dead skin and increases its elasticity when applied to the face. Be especially careful to dilute the lemon juice in milk cream or water before applying it to the face, as it could damage sensitive skin. Since it also has natural bleaching properties, the lemon juice helps to prevent scarring and will lighten the skin tone as well. Another excellent exfoliating paste could be made by mixing sun dried and powdered orange peels in water. The paste kills bacteria and cleans and refreshes the area of skin to which it is applied. It is advisable to avoid picking of the skin with the nails because the nails carry germs and bacteria that get into the skin and cause the formation of blackheadsTo some extent, dirt does aggravate the condition, as does excessive use of make up. Therefore, these are two things that you need to address. Wash your face regularly using plain water, or maybe a mild soap. Use make up sparingly, and wash off the make up as soon as you return home. You can also steam your face at night, before going to bed. This will both clean and open up the pores.

In addition, you can use some home made face masks and face washes. Mix egg white and honey, adding a pinch of turmeric powder if you like. Apply this mixture to your face and wash it off after half an hour. You can also make a paste of cinnamon powder and lemon juice or honey, and apply it to your face once a day, for half an hour. In addition, when blackheads appear, crush a clove of garlic and gently rub the clove on the blackhead - Ovilia Fernandes

3)   Face scrub (not the smooth soapy stuff) also black head are a B****. if you want to pick at it literally scratch off the tip and squeeze until you feel a "pop" type feeling and see either a little tiny white or black seed come out. then, the wound can heel. alot of people squeeze the puss out and go about their day. you can't just squeeze the puss out. you need to squeeze the seed out. also if you'd rather not squeeze it out which is better. just wash your face and/or put a warm to hot cloth over your face and in a couple days it will go away. You're pores are closing up around dirt which causes the pimples and black heads. you need to open your pores by the warm/hot cloth - Samantha Emerson

4)   read about it here
open the first and second green link
there on right side for detail info - Chiki Lo

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Question 5
I have a rash that looks like a mix of eczema and bugbites, and i got it from my bf, what is it?...  So, I have always had mild eczema, but after I started dating my new boyfriend (of about 3 months) I immediately developed a worse rash where the eczema like patches appear all over my arms, inner elbows, tops of shoulders, and sometimes back and torso. At first it appeared on my legs too. The rash also looks like little red bumps with a tiny red scab in the middle, about 2 millimeters each. The patches are no more than half an inch each, but also get scabby. My boyfriend is pretty hairy so its hard to see if he has the patches but i have noticed similar scabby, bug bite looking bumps on him. They are very (and sometimes extremely) itchy....Any idea what this is?

1)   No clue.. google, webmd, and see a doctor asap. - Samantha Emerson

2)   could be scabies go get checked its contagious - evelyn_marca

3)   read about it here
open the first and second green link
there on right side for detail info - Chiki Lo

4)   Eczema Remedies
Apply a mixture of 1 teaspoon camphor and 1 teaspoon sandalwood paste on the rashes. Apply nutmeg paste to the affected areas. Put natural vitamin E on the affected skin, it will relieve you of itching. Zinc taken orally and applied directly on the affected skin is effective. Both shark cartilage and lotion of blueberry leaves reduce inflammation. Use pine tar soap to wash the affected skin. Drink tomato juice daily, it will cure the symptoms in a few days.

You can also make a lotion out of crushed dandelion leaves, spearmint leaves, and a few drops of oil. Apply this lotion to your skin and allow it to remain on for at least 30 minutes before rinsing it off with cold water. This can act as an effective eczema cure. It is better to avoid cosmetic products as far as possible as the chemicals in them may aggravate the condition. An exfoliating cream is a very good option, but it is important to use it regularly in order to get rid of the upper layers of dead skin. It is also important that you use a gently exfoliating cream instead of a commercial product as this will help to prevent unnecessary irritation of the inflamed skin. You can make a cleansing scrub by soaking a handful of nuts in a small quantity of water. Blend these nuts along with half an avocado as avocados contain healthy oils that help to protect and moisturize your skin. Massage your skin gently with this creamy natural exfoliating paste and you can then allow it to remain on your skin for about 10 minutes before you rinse it off. You can add a few drops of fresh lemon juice to this paste to help cleanse your skin of the uppermost layer of dead skin cells.

An important aspect of any eczema treatment plan would be to keep the skin well hydrated and moisturized. While there are plenty of commercial products available for this purpose, some in fact specially marketed for eczema patients, most commercial products do contain some amount of chemicals and fragrances that could be too harsh for your sensitive skin, aggravating the eczema symptoms. The best option would be to use natural oils for an eczema cure. Try and stick to virgin varieties of these oils as the refinement processes that are used destroy and significantly reduce some of the natural properties of the oils. Virgin coconut oil is one such natural oil that is believed to be highly effective as a remedy not just for eczema, but for a variety of skin conditions. The healing effects of virgin coconut oil are attributed to its various properties including a rich content of lauric acid and other fatty acids. The only other rich source of lauric acid is a mother’s milk. Coconut oil can simply be applied over the areas of skin that are affected just like any topical ointment. This will help to keep the skin smooth and soft.

Another natural remedy for eczema that is often used in eczema treatment at home would be the application of mudpacks.

Turmeric powder can also be used in natural eczema treatments and you could make a paste with a tablespoon of the powder mixed with the same proportions of bitter neem leaves.

The application of cold compresses is also believed to help in eczema treatment and should help provide relief to any skin irritation.

Another useful and easily available ingredient for eczema treatment would be papaya. Mashed papaya seeds can be applied to the areas of skin that are affected to reduce the itchiness.

In addition to using natural remedies for eczema and other medications for eczema treatment it is also essential to follow a good skin care regimen. Make sure you avoid using harsh soaps and other commercial products like cosmetics that contain chemicals or any other drying agents - Ovilia Fernandes

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

My boyfriend was sucking my neck but now there are red marks left. How do I get rid of them fast?

Question 1
My boyfriend was sucking my neck but now there are red marks left. How do I get rid of them fast?...  It didn't hurt at all but somehow there are these red-purplish marks how can I get rid of them ??

1)   HICKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - mitch

2)   They are basically just bruises, broken blood cells, so do what you would do if you got punched in the arm. Put ice on it and you can massage it too with your hand, rub it around. But it probably won't help that much. Depending on how hard he was sucking it could last for a couple of weeks. - Johnathan W

3)   theres really not a good way. ive been told a cold spoon works or rubbing it. its just blood thats risen to the surface of the skin. just wear cover up on it for a few days and it should go away. - Monica Bybee

4)   HAHAHAH their called hickeys :PP
their blood clots that form when someone sucks a part of the skin for to long.
Try putting a spoon in the frezzer then putting it on the marks or get a water bottle cap and twist it around the area - Annissa

5)   You have a "Hickie". The Wikipedia article I added suggests the following, "one way to help the hickey heal is to put a block of ice on the affected area, although this will only help if the hickeys have been present for under 10 minutes. They can be covered with foundation, powder or concealer if one wishes to hide them. Another method of concealment is to use an article of clothing such as a scarf or polo neck."

I hope that helps. -

6)   It's a hickey! It's just blood vessels that burst under the skin. You can't get rid of them fast but you can put make-up on it to hide it or wear clothing that covers it. - anonymous

7)   its a hickey, and no guarantee of getting rid of it immediately. But, try putting something cold on it, freeze a spoon and put it on it. It will slow the process of it getting darker. So, for now, use makeup to cover it - illy_lover08

8)   Toothpaste overnight has always worked for me. - Sarah Jones

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Question 2
can i take a sleeping pill if im high on crystal meth?...  i took two hits of crystal meth out of the pookie and i also did a hot rail(. this was like at 2 oclock pm it is like 10 pm right now can i take a sleeping pill n wake up normal in the morning

1)   No. U won't wake up. - Lili Catrinicts

2)   Stay up - Mario

3)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use zolpidem. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Ayesha Jurgens

4)   You probably shouldn't go to sleep until the effects wear off, let alone take sleeping pills.

P.S. - you shouldn't do crystal meth because it will ruin your life. - anonymous

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Question 3
If we put sperms in our skin, will it bit our skin?...  

1)   Why would you put sperm in your skin? You'll have to clarify what you mean =p - anonymous

2)   whaaaaaaaaaat????????? no! - Romain Lussier

3)   Sperm do not have teeth and therefore cannot "bite", nor can they penetrate the skin barrier. The only ability they have to move is the tail, and this requires a wet environment. - DeannetheGreat

4)   No. The cellular membranes of the skin cells are tougher and not designed to allow anything to come in.

This is different from the Egg cells of a woman which are designed to be tough enough to survive, but still be thin enough to allow in a sperm cell to fertilize and start the process of life. - Alex

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Question 4
Little red bumps on vagina?...  for the past 6 months ive been having a really itchy vagina i told my doctor abt it about 4-5 weeks ago and he gave one one pill for a yeast infect and it dryed my vagina up and my skin started pilling i had him look at it about a week ago and he said he saw nothing which didnt sound right now tonight ive been itchy as usual but i noticed some bumps like heat bumps around my vagina lips does anyone know what this could be? they hurt to touch but dont hurt if not bothered the bumps themselves r not itchy

1)   how old are you? - brazilianweed123

2)   If you have shaved recently they could be from razor burn. - Sarah Jones

3)   It may be yeast again as this can cause a kind of sandpapery dry roughness that can be itchy and feel like skin that wants to flake.

You may also have small cysts forming due to a secondary infection from the yeast, the thinning of the skin and changes in your biochemistry.

You haven't been recently diagnosed with diabetes or obesity, have you? - Troll Fu

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Question 5
does anyone one know how to get rid of kidney stones? what are the symptoms?...  when I urinate my lower left side hurts and early this morning i felt like I was having labor pains in my side. It seems like symptoms of kidney stones, but i wont know for sure till i go to the doctor. It's not excrutiating now, but it still bothers me.Also what are ways to get rid of them, naturally

1)   im pretty sure you just have to wait it out untill they ''pass'' - Michael Markese

2)   I've heard drink a lot of water to help them along, also to prevent them. - Top Source

3)   It's unlikely to be kidney stones. My sister had them and she described the pain as worse than childbirth, so if it's not excruciating, it's unlikely. Naturally? Not much, but breaking them up with ultrasound, (lithotripsy, I think it's called), is painless. It breaks the stones up and you pee them out. - Jamie L

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Friday, April 15, 2011

Does diabitis have a cure ?

Question 1
Does diabitis have a cure ?...  and no i dont have diabitis

1)   As far as I know no - Jose Sandiego cali

2)   Type 2 is cured with lifestyle change. Unfortunatly type 1 is incurable. - iNinjaLike

3)   no - Lilly Allen

4)   No, there is no real cure for it, but there is a way to "supress" it slightly and to live an almost normal life. - Alice~

5)   No, there is no cure. There are two exceptions:

1) Some people develop diabetes when they're pregnant. When the pregnancy ends, their diabetes goes away.

2) Some people develop diabetes as adults when they are overweight and when they lose the weight, the diabetes may go away. (This is not common, but it happens.)

Juvenile onset (type I) diabetes has no known cure at all. And most adult onset diabetes cannot be cured, even with weight loss, exercise, and lifestyle changes. (Though these often make the diabetes much less severe.) - JoelKatz

6)   No it has to be managed by your diet and maybe medication, depending on how bad it is. If it is juvenile diabetes then you have to get medicine for sure. - Cammi

7)   prevention is better than cure - BC

8)   The medical establishment says there is no cure and that the best you can do is control the blood sugar with diet and exercise. Many doctors insist that it's progressive no matter what you do, and that eating right only slows the progression of the disease.


1. One doctor has a book out claiming that a strict vegan diet for many months can reverse the course of diabetes. Whether it ever restores the pancreas to full health or not is the question.

2. Getting a pancreas transplant can cure it, in that the person now has a healthy pancreas. However, if the same forces that made the original pancreas go bad are still there (auto-immune reactions, for one), then even this may not be a lasting cure. And besides, once a person has a transplant, they have to take anti-rejection medication for the rest of their lives.

3. Cloning a person's healthy pancreatic tissue would seem to be the best answer, and research is being done along these lines, but they haven't reached a point where this is available as a treatment. - MavistheMaven

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Question 2
How to get rid of Back Acne?...  I have Back acne, and its not super bad but its really gross. I have had it for 2 years and i've tried everything. Is there anything I can put on my back to make it go away, also I don't want to go see a dermatologist unless I absolutley have to.

1)   Swim in chlorinated pools more. - Wertle Woo

2)   read about it here
open the third and forth link
there on right side for detail info - Tinklem Mm

3)   This works for me. Take a shower at night and use a scrubber on ur back. Also do not reuse sleeping cloths and wash ur bedsheets often. - pastulio

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Question 3
Boil on Daughters chin?...  My six-year-old daugher has a huge, boil/skin tag looking thing on her chin. What started off as a small red dot, is now a paintful white bump, shaped like the writting end of a pencil, that has a dark red head. It popped while she was asleep one night, and a few days later they were covering her mouth and neck. She has about 7 now. What could this be?

1)   khafesho - Matin R

2)   You might want to take her to the doctor. - Linds

3)   read about it here
open the second and fifth green link
there for more info - Krish Singer

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Question 4
Terrified of HIV:Heres my story. Please Help (any docs here?)?...  I am a straight guy..19 years old, and during new years (3 months ago)at NYC me and my buddies partied and got drunk at a pricy hotel to celebrate the new year. We were searching for girls, and I happen to meet this Californian girl in the elevator.I quickly made moves on her..she told me she was from Iran (had an accent), and staying at the hotel with her boyfriend for the weekend..she was 25 years old, and i told her i was 23!After 5 minutes of talking to her, she made out with me in the elevator and took me to her room (knowing she had a boyfriend, and told me that he won't care). NOW TO THE GOOD PART: She whispered something into her boyfriends ear and then quickly walked over to me and stripped naked.Her boyfriend didn't have much of an expression and just was surfing the internet on his laptop not really watching us. I had an old condom in my wallet which i thankfully had..but the package looked a bit wrinkled. I can't even remember what kind of condom it was other then being a trojan, I know it was latex and I'm sure it was supposed to be lubricated. I opened the package, and as i put the condom seemed to be really really dry, and didnt feel lubricated at all! Either way, I got to business for 15 minutes (Just Vaginal Sex)and towards the end "she kept on whispering that her boyfriend is getting mad and to cum inside her." I finally gained conscience and pulled out immediately without even ejaculating. I quickly pulled the condom off and flushed it, and rapidly walked out of the room and said bye. I then..went to my room and masturbated for like 20 minutes, and got a blister on my penis afterwards from masturbating to hard (I'm circumsized). SO HERES MY WORRY:I'm so afraid the condom could have ripped but i doubt it did, I'm worrying that the condom couldve been defective and the HiV went through,I'm also worrying that I couldve caught hiv from making out with her. It's been 3 months and I haven't had any symptoms of HIV or anything like that..but I'm still worrying because some people don't get symptoms.I have so much to look forward to in life , and this stress is bothering me.

Please let me know what you think the odds are, or if you think I may be fine. I'm terrified of getting tested but I plan on doing that this week (So dont tell me to get tested to find out) thanks. I hope that a doctor may be able to answer this himself.

1)   Hello there Kenny

If you're not feeling as well as you think you should, it's quite possible that your body is suffering from a buildup of toxins. Body detoxification, or detox, is an important consideration for anyone who suspects they are suffering from too many toxins in their system. In fact, many common ailments could be cleared up with a simple detox program alone.

Toxins build up over the years and it's nearly impossible to avoid them completely. Usually, they accumulate in your colon, making colon cleanses a popular form of initial detoxification.

Bloating is one of the most common concerns you can suffer from if you've got a toxic buildup in your system. Truly an uncomfortable condition, bloating is characterized by a swollen abdomen. Often you'll feel heavier than normal and you may even have some stomach pain. Feeling bloated is one of the main reasons for having a "fat day" as many women like to call it.

Lack of energy is another common symptom of excess toxins. Lowered energy levels are generally the result of your body having more weight to carry around (feeling fat from the bloating) as well as the effect toxins have on your system in general. You see, when there are an excessive amount of toxins present in your body, everything is just a bit off kilter. Fatigue may be a clue that a body detoxification is in order.

Your skin can also be impacted by toxins. Many times you'll notice rashes or acne when you never had such problems in the past. In addition, your complexion is likely to be a bit dull and lackluster. Going through a detox often results in a clearing of the skin and a radiant glow that wasn't there previously.

There are a number of more serious health conditions that may be prevented through detoxification as well. Pancreatitis, for example, is a condition where bile ducts become blocked with toxins and other materials. Pancreatic juices are unable to flow properly when this happens. Instead, those juices will move into the pancreas and progressively work to destroy it. Removing toxins may help prevent this condition from happening in the first place or at least relieve some of the symptoms.

Kidney failure is another serious condition that results from excessive toxins entering the kidneys. This can lead the kidneys to stop working which could be deadly. Because detoxification removes much of the harmful impurities that lead to this and other serious conditions, many use it as a preventative measure. Of course, with any medical condition you should always discuss treatment options with your doctor.

Nicole - Nicole Ross

2)   in order to get HIV, it has to be transmitted through blood. So take making out, out of question. Second how do you know she has HIV???

And unless the condom ripped, then you should worry. But to be on the safeside go to the doc and get a test...its your safest bet... - Bryan Perez

3)   OK, so without all the endless detail, your story is that you had sex with someone you didn't know with a condom that was, as far as anyone can tell, intact. Your chances of getting HIV from this are exceedingly remote. If you're really worried, it's been three months, so go and get tested. - ρερρεяЬεαѕτ

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Question 5
How can i get rid of my dry nose?...  my nose is super dry inside. it hurts and its always plugged. What can I do to get rid of it? other than getting a humidifier

1)   when i was in Iraq, my nose got really dry from the hot dry weather and sand storms. so i would get a q tip and wet it in water and wet my nostrils several times a day. or i would get a q tip and get a light coat of Vaseline and to the same. - Lo

2)   Start drinking more liquids, especially water or fresh juice. You need to help rehydrate the entire body, this is the most common cause of dry nose problems. Also be sure to avoid stimulants such as coffee, caffeine or alcohol.

If you constantly wake up with a dry nose, try cracking your window open a bit. This allows air to circulate throughout the room properly.

Use room mists to help with dry air. Room mists can also help to add moisture to the air, as well as help to purify the air. Avoid using chemically enhanced ones, but instead purchase organic ones to avoid any irritants. - Awesome Vworker

3)   take hot drinks cools your body from inside.and it will help you. - Adeeb Mustafa

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Do I have tinnitus.........?

Question 1
Do I have tinnitus.........?...  *In case you don't know, tinnitus is like ringing in your ears.

So when there's a lot of noise or people are talking loud in my ears that means I have to talk loud to get them to hear me. Then I get this ringing in my ears. It hurts a lot too, and is really irritating. I'm not sure if I should tell my parents or a doctor or someone because I'm only 13? If it's really loud it feels like there is a fire alarm going off in my ear drum! ahh!

1)   Yes you do, and yes you should tell your parents. - John M

2)   Yes, tell your parents. Are you taking any medication. Some medications have been know to cause this too. Also ear infections can cause it and also loud noise as you mentioned. - nochocolate

3)   You may be getting tinnitus, I have tinnitus.As you mention that you have ear pain,you should go to your doctor, preferable a specialist and have it checked.Because leaving it will only make it worse. And as for being thirteen, tinnitus knows no age. - michael

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Question 2
Am I diabetic? Do I have a chance?...  I ate a pretty junky meal (French fries, hotdog, etc.) and drank a full bottle of juice, an hour or two later I checked my blood sugar, and to my surprise it was 211. I'm 15 years old, what should I do? Last time I checked it (Couple months ago) it was 80.

Am I fully diabetic or what should I do?

1)   Go see your local GP or doctor. You have done the right thing about checking your blood sugars. However be very careful about self diagnosis. Further even if you are diabetic it is something you can manage and learn to live with, providing you get the right advice/support and you are willing to make changes.. - waggy

2)   You should go to your doctor, he will most likely drae a A1C and it will show your average sugar for the past several weeks. Also try testing your sugar first thing in the morning before you eat, this will give you a better idea of how your body is managing your blood sugar, if it is able to lower it to a normal level overnight without having to deal with your eating habits. - Alex E

3)   Diabetes is much more than a one-time blood sugar. Whose glucometer are you using? Did the doctor prescribe it to you, or are you using up someone else's supplies? Did you have any strange symptoms along with it? Frequent urination, extreme thirst, dizziness, stomach cramps, or anything else that isn't normal for u? 211 is a bit high, but not dangerous unless it is sustained over a period of time. Definitely ask your parents, and tell them you want to see a doctor. - John M

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Question 3
What are some effective home remedies for pimples?...  I have averagely bad pimples that i am absolutely sick of! Does anyone know some home remedies for getting rid of pimples and preventing them?

thanks heaps

1)   Try peroxide a couple of times a day. - Buster Hymen

2)   My daughter had more than average pimples, she even tried dermatologists, but here is how she got the best results.
She started cleaning her face daily with coconut oil. Olive oil works too, but she likes coconut oil better.
This may seem against common sense, putting oil on oily skin; but in fact her skin got dryer as she cleaned it with these natural oils. - The First Dragon

3)   You can use an egg white mask, which is used by cracking an egg and removing the yolk (yellow) with a spoon, and adding a some squeezes of lemon juice, a pinch of honey, and a very tiny pinch of salt. You sir it good until you see several small bubbles appearing. Wash you're face first, then cover you're face with it. You have to at least leave it on for 15 minutes, or until it's completely dry. Then you can wash it off. I like to keep it on while I sleep though. - Mac Dakis

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Question 4
Do you automatically get an STD just from lightly touching Girl's genitals with a condom on?...  Just wondering cause i did that with an escort 2 days ago.

4 light bumps(not penetration) into the upper part of the girls genitals.

So am i gonna have STDs for life now, just frfom that which lasted 10 seconds in all?
I don't know if she has STD's. she's an independent escort. she was about in her 20's. maybe a college student. or seomthing.

1)   No - Alex E

2)   Do you have her phone number? - Stewie

3)   No, don't worry! Just be more careul next time!
Another question,does she have STD's? You can't get Std's from someone that does not have them! - Christina

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Question 5
What may happen when my heartbeat is really fast?...  My heartbeat has been 120-150 bpm since yesterday and i feel lightheaded every time. Can somebody tell me what is/is going to happen to me?

1)   It could be anxiety... - Jayla

2)   I don't know.
What is your respiration rate? Is it fast too? It should be around 20 per minute when you are at rest.
If your respiration is too fast, this may be causing the heart to speed up, and you need to breathe more slowly. Practice some good relaxation techniques. or look up hyperventilation on the web.
It is also possible that you are experiencing some kind of allergic reaction. Sometimes a food allergy will cause tachycardia, as a rapid heart beat is called.
I don't suppose you are taking any stimulant drugs? I assume not, or you would know it.
Maybe you should see a doctor if these suggestions don't solve the problem. That is a very fast heartbeat to last for so long. - The First Dragon

3)   That heartbeat is definitely too high when you sustain it for long periods of time if you are not exerting yourself. It could be anxiety like the first poster said, but there are many more serious things to rule out first. You should definitely see a doctor the very first chance you get. What happens is that your heart beats so fast, that it doesn't have time to completely refill with blood before beating again, thus lowering your blood pressure. Your low blood pressure makes you dizzy. You need an EKG, blood work and a chest x-ray. It is not normal, and you need it checked out by a doctor. - John M

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Every time I sit on the toilet, this brown stuff comes out. WHAT IS IT!?

Question 1
Every time I sit on the toilet, this brown stuff comes out. WHAT IS IT!?...  I can't figure out what this stuff is! I've sniffed it, licked it, I've even eaten it! SOMEONE HELP!

1)   It's your brains.

Good luck.

:) - Tony

2)   POOP! - Jayalayaa

3)   Please tell me you're joking. - Daniel

4)   IT MUST BE POOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5)   your just waiting for someone to call u psychotic and a shit-eater. - Bri

6)   Hahahahaha! U r the funniest! Lmao!!!! - becky browning

7)   Every time huh?

Just wipe or dingle berries will happen - dingle berry

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Question 2
STD symptoms possible throat infection?...  Hi,
So i have never had sex before. I have been giving my boyfriend of two months head lately, and have never been with anyone els. He has had a few partners. It is April and he hasnt been tested since July. He said he has had unprotected sex since then, but when i asked if he has anything he knows about, he said no. He hasnt had any symptoms of anything. Maybe im being paraniod, but a night after i got back from his house, i woke up with a sore throat, some mucus in my chest, nose, and my ears kinda hurt. also, Ive never looked closely at my tongue before, but near the very back i have about 7 or 8 round pink bumps IN A V SHAPE. They dont hurt, my throat is just sore. am i just sick and is it just a coincidence this has cuaght me now, or should i be worried about this being a possible STD?

Thanks so much guys!
p.s. I know there are stds that dont show symptoms, but if he had one of the stds that cuases warts or something, would he have noticed SOMETHING?? Im going to a clinic today, also.

1)   "So i have never had sex before."

LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - John Smith

2)   about it you can get information from here - Cris Lizana

3)   You have likely had many sore throats in your life, long before you ever had sex. Go easy on yourself. There are hundreds of pathogens that can cause what you described and most if not all can be airborne pathogens meaning you can catch them from breathing.

You are having the symptoms now because your immune system is weak. Strengthen your immune system and it will take care of your infection. Get more than 8 hours sleep, drink more pure water and avoid anything that isn't food, like energy drinks and coffee. Also, because fungus is a common cause of bumps and throat issues avoid carbs and sugars until it all goes away.

The doctor will prescribe a antibiotic which you only need if you cannot make the changes I suggested. You will surprised at how effective you immune system can be compared to an antibiotic. Antibiotics can cause side effects worst than the original symptoms.

Fear and stress is your greatest enemy. You have no immunity against it and when you fear and stress your energy from your food and rest go to dealing with stress and fear instead of immunity. - ?

4)   it is very possible for you to have gotten an std women are more prone to stds because they have an open reproduction System compared to men that have closed reproduction and there are some stds that he could have gotten and might not know because some will not show any symptoms for many years to come you also said he had several partners in the past who knows how many partner that person had or how many there partners had so it would be best to get your self tested to be on the safe side there is two types of stds bacterial and viral if YOU DO have one hope its bacterial because those can be cured but viral cannot unfortunately. just a few more facts you can catch an std from any form of sex blow job anal sex etc any. i wish you luck hopefully you dont have one - Kenny

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Question 3
how long does it take for scars to heal?...  i dont want to get into alot of details with this but i have some scars that im not proud of and well their not that big will it take along time

1)   Don't scratch, you should be fine. - Evie k

2)   A scar is a mark left by a healed wound. If you have a scar, chances are if it hasn't disappeared after a few months, it's there to stay. - Øyvind

3)   Sometimes, the best thing you can do for scars is to lighten them so that they somewhat blend with your skin. Some natural bleaching agents can be used to try and successfully do this.

Applying a mixture of lime juice and freshly squeezed raw potato juice will help to lighten the darkest of scars and patches. Raw potato juice, particularly, has the property to lighten darn skin. You can also try to use aloe vera gel in order to lighten your scar. If your scar is fresh, this will sometimes help in removing it completely. For old scars, this may not be a viable option, however. You can also try to use a mixture of equal parts of rose water, sandalwood powder and yogurt to lighten your scar and make your skin appear better and healthier. This remedy can also be used several times a day.If you have sandalwood, you can use that paste to get rid of your scars
A mixture of sandalwood paste and black gram paste also works handy for this problem
Rubbing your skin with ice cubes helps to tighten the skin and give you a younger look
Sandalwood paste mixed with rose water and kept overnight on your scars provides you the needed results.
You can use cucumber and lemon juice on your scars. These can be very fruitful depending how dark your scars are. - Ovilia Fernandes

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Question 4
Is it normal to have lumps in your breast?...  KEEP IN MIND. I AM A MALE. I was gonna ask you. Is it normal to have lumps in your breast? xD I know I shouldn't be asking you but i've had them there for a few years and they always hurt. I don't know if it's just Corpuscles or something serious. I've told my doctor but he just ignored it. They are behind my nipple and they can move around too. It's like I can move them. Is this normal?

1)   see a doctor before it's too late - Mel

2)   thats not a lump. a lot of guys have that i(i have it) it isn't cancer or any thing so you shouldn't really worry so much about it. - Omar El olimi

3)   No, not cancer. I went through this with my son, Many boys get this and none of them want it. It's part of your hormonal system. FYI when a doctor ignores you. get in his face until you get answers... These will disappear in time but your really have no worries. OK. Blessings - Memere RN/BA

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Question 5
very painful Sunburn?...  Yesterday I fell asleep at the beach face down. Now the back of my legs are tomato red and I'm not even exaggerating. And I know I should have put sunscreen on, so I'd prefer not to see that in an answer. It is very painful, especially to walk. The back of my knees are the worse.

What can I do to ease the pain besides aloe vera and pain killers?

1)   about it you can get information from here - Cris Lizana

2)   Just Time
Sunburns will heal on their own, and there is pretty much nothing more you can do other than aloe vera and painkillers. It will sting for a while, but let this be a lesson to you to always put sunscreen on!

If it is a really really bad sunburn, go see a doctor - Charger

3)   Apply aloe vera or vinegar on the affected skin; it will stop inflammation and pain. Avoid products made from benzocaine, lidocaine and petroleum jelly. Rub mustard oil on the affected skin and allow to it dry, this will take out the heat from the skin. Cut fresh cucumber slices and rub them on the affected area. Before taking bath, add some baking powder to the bath water, this will help to soothe the burnt skin. Apply lavender oil or peppermint oil on the burnt skin. Apply apple cider vinegar to the burnt skin using cotton ball. Take herbal bath; put few drops of chamomile and lavender essential oils in bath water. Take epsom salt or ice compress. Grate some potatoes and apply them on the burnt skin. Starch from the potatoes will soothe the burn.

Other home remedies to treat sunburns naturally are quite simple.

• Take 3 tablespoons of ground meals and mix it with half cup of yoghurt. Rub this mixture on over your neck and face. Wash it off after sometime.

• Two teaspoons oatmeal and a drop of honey must be added to half cup ripe papaya. This mask must be applied and kept for 20 minutes, after which it can be washed off.

• Mix honey and lime in 2;1 proportion and apply on affected area. It can be washed off in 20 minutes.

• A pinch of turmeric must be added to yoghurt and must be applied on the face, neck and arms for half hour on a regular basis.

• Cucumber and lime juice serve to cool and lighten sunburn. Therefore, they must be mixed in equal ratio and applied often.

• For sunburn relief, a paste of turmeric, barley and yoghurt must be applied on the sunburned area.

• Consuming raw mango juice that is mixed with sugar and salt serves as a cool, refreshing drink. It will help hydrate the system. - Ovilia Fernandes

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Monday, April 11, 2011

Bright, red blood in stool, 15, terrified?

Question 1
Bright, red blood in stool, 15, terrified?...  This is extremely embarrassing to ask, but anyway...

About a year ago I noticed a little blood on the toilet paper after I took quite a large poop, nothing major, it was just a little spot so I thought nothing of it.
I've always had difficulty passing a stool, and have usually had to strain really hard to get one out, causing quite a lot of pain. After I've done this, however, there is no pain whatsoever.
Over the past two weeks or so, I've had extra trouble passing a stool, due to straining so hard. After I've done, I noticed blood dripping in the toilet and bright, red blood on the toilet paper.
About an hour ago I took a very hard poop, and there was quite a lot of blood. I tried to minimize my straining as low as possible, and hardly didn't at all, but there was still blood.
I've looked into this I figure I either have an anal fissure, or hemorrhoids. I've felt around for a lump and there doesn't appear to be one on on my exterior. There's so pain or blood after I've passed a stool. Does this sound more like an anal fissure or an internal hemorrhoid?
I'm extremely terrified right now. Depending on which I've got, is it dangerous, and will it go away on its own? What changes in my diet do I need to take? I've tried drinking quite a lot of water and eating sources of fiber over the past couple of days to get my stools normal, but this hasn't worked so far. I don't want to tell my parents. I'm really hoping this will go away on its own, I'm just scared.
Thank you.
If worst comes to worst, and I have to tell my parents, I'll tell my mum. How can I tell her about this? What should I say?

1)   Could be a fissure or a hemorrhoid, but generally that blood is dark red. If it is bright red, and there is a lot of it, it could be an emergency. You should wake your parents right away and let them know. Don't hesitate. - John M

2)   Anal fissues are usually very painful. Since you do not have severe pain, it is likely hemmorhoids. Bright blood is a symptom of hemorrhoids.

You may want to consider a fiber supplement. Also, don't be scared to tell your parents and talk to your doctor. - Lesley Brown

3)   about it you can get information from here - Sol Strawther

4)   You don't have anything serious. Constipation causes large, hard stools and stools of this nature cause painful bloody poops. The mildest thing to do is to take a magnesium mineral supplement with your meals and maybe at bedtime, and keep up the fiber and extra fluids. Magnesium citrate, glycinate or malate supplements draw fluid into the intestines. Its healthiest to take magnesium in a tablet combined with calcium at one part magnesium to two parts calcium. - formerly_bob

5)   sane thing happened to ; have inside piles...bright red....I now drink chinese tea with Senna. just one half cup will do maybe twice a week. stops the straining..and really works. - F Briggs

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Question 2
Do I have HIV/aides? ?...  I had sex about 8 weeks ago with a girl without a condom. That wad my first time having sex without one every other time I had one. Yesterday I was mad sick but today I feel alot better. I was paranoid that j have HIV because I never get sick. Do I have it?

1)   Go to the doctor - Beastyt

2)   The only true answer to this is if you get tested for HIV and/or Aids. - ?

3)   Only if she had HIV, and then the chances of contracting it go up. But it she doesn't, then you won't. You might've gotten sick from catching a cold or something. - Fredia Engell

4)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Dana Mottern

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Question 3
Is it possible that I have breast cancer?? PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!?...  I'm scared to mention this to my mom but I am just 14 and i have 2-3 lumps on each breast. Is there any way I can get rid of them?

1)   You should use nolvadex, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Sol Strawther

2)   There is a very small chance you have breast cancer unless you have a family history of it, but if you are worried, you have to tell your mom so she can take you to a doctor! It is probably nothing, but sometimes catching cancer early on is what saves lives! There is really no other option unfortunately, but don't worry, the doctor's won't be as bad as you think. - D Smith

3)   The risk of a 14 year old getting breast cancer in one breast is so low that it is statistically zero.

If possible, the risk of having it in both breasts is even lower.

Breast cancer occurs IN the breast tissue not On your breasts.

What you are describing is NOT breast cancer but could be anything from pimples to bug bites.

Talk to your mother or school nurse and get whatever the problem is atended to. - Tarkarri

4)   The lumps you are feeling are normal breast development. Many people have normally lumpy breasts Breast cancer is very very rare in teens and would not show up in both breasts. Next time you o to the doctor ask to be shown how to do a breast exam so you can learn what is normal.

I'm a breast cancer survivor. - knittinmama

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Question 4
What do I do about acne ?...  I wash my face every day, after I scrub pretty well in the shower and I eat rather healthily but still I have acne all over my face ! Is there anything to do besides buying expensive shit from tv?

1)   every time you think about it wash w/ soap and water and do not touch your face w/ hands or fingers ---EVER - irishkween614

2)   Mmk so I bought proactiv a few days ago, same problem as you and it is expensive but absolutely worth it, it almost scared me! Try using spot treatment like the refining mask, you may hear rumors about toothpaste and that stuff is awful, it sucks that a nice face has to be so expensive but try proactive or skinid :) hope this helped - BumbleBry

3)   about it you can get information from here - Dana Mottern

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Question 5
Ovarian cysts? Ovarian cancer?...  5 years ago I was told I had HPV and some of the cells were cancerous. since then i get multiple utis and am now having pain in the right side of my pelvis. Its like a sharp stabbing pain. Could this be more cysts? Should i be checked for ovarian cancer? Just looking for opinions.

1)   HVP has been linked to cervical cancer.

UTI's can lead to a kidney infection.

Ovarian cysts are fairly common.

Until you see a Dr and get it checked out you will have no idea if you are dealing with any of these conditions or something else entirely. - Tarkarri

2)   See a doctor and get tested for ovarian cancer, just to be sure. Ovarian cancer usually doesn't have any symptoms when its treatable. The sharp stabbing pain sounds a lot like cysts. Hpv can spread and cause ovarian cancer But, I'm not a doctor or anything. What do I know? - Ali

3)   Yes, you should be getting bi annual check ups since you are a high risk case. There may be a chance you have polycystic ovary syndrome. - Queen of Night

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Saturday, April 9, 2011

How to control excessive sweating?

Question 1
How to control excessive sweating?...  Sometimes I sweat and sometimes I don't, it usually happens when I am dealing with a form of stress, and when I am around other people even when I am not nervous! I will sweat through my t-shirts and it is really embarrassing, any certain products that you know of that can help, and personal results?? :) Thanks.

1)   It's natural - Hame Zarte

2)   that's what antiperspirant is for. - Dr. TJ

3)   If your sweating through your shirt your sweating to much. It's just that your sweat glands overreact to small things.

Go to the doctor, I looked online and that's all I could find - ?

4)   Buy a deodorant specifically with antipersperant properties. Secret Clinical Strength for Athletes, Secret Clinical Strength, and the Dove Clinical Strength with the Pink Packaging ( can't remember what the specific name of it is =/ ) are my favorites, and they have worked very well for me. I sweat a lot and very easily. Hope this helps! - shelby

5)   read about it here
open the first and third pink link
there on right side for more info - Nannu Kin

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Question 2
MY HAIR IS THINNING OUT ALL OVER MY BODY INCLUDING MY HEAD EVENLY (WHAT IS THIS A SYMPTOM OF ?...  First off it all started when i was smoking a blunt about 4 years ago / i had a bad panic attack and then started getting them everywhere . It felt like i was dying ! after awhile i started forcing my self to throw up for the better part of 2 years everyday i dont throw up any more but i still do have anxiety and lots of symtoms .

here are the physical symtoms :
weight gain over a period of 2 years i went from 150lbs - 180 lbs
i have a really round puffy face
my right lower eyelid is droppy
my hair is thinning all over my body and head at a even rate !! everywhere not in sections !!
i get panic attacks all the time
days feel like they are gone in a matter of minutes
i burst of adrenline out of no where
i have hemrroids
cold intolerance
my head feels like it got bigger
my esophagus occasionally hurts
feels like im wearing a hat sometimes and electricity is going up my body

what i dont have :

no swelling of the thyroid

over 6 car accidents in the past 5 years
3 of them major
i hit the windshield on 2 of them
drug use

i did cocaine meth herion xtc salvia extreme amounts of marijuana for about 4 months in 2006
i have been drug free since 2006
i last smoked marijuana in 2009
i drink often
i smoke cigarettes on ocasion



1)   Cancer. - Rabbit'sFanny

2)   Cancer, and try new shampoo too! - Amanda Marcell

3)   OLD AGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or cancer. - Abbey

4)   Major stress can cause hair loss and so can malnourishment. - Blondie

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Question 3
i recently noticeed small brownish-redish blotches on my neck and back...?...  Im only 15 so its not
and theres starting to be more and more.
my sister says they almost look like ring worms but not quite.
any ideas? im really worried.
they dont come one by one, they come in groups of 3 or 4.
thanks. :/

1)   I would go to the doctor and get it checked out. You never know, it could be something serious. Hopefully it isn't. Or it could just be a rash that antibiotic ointment can help it go away. :D - Alison Barnes

2)   Are you in the sun often? This can cause the spots. Ringworm is round and very pale or near white in the ring. There could be so many causes that it would be hard to identify . Three in a row may indicate poison ivy but it would itch. I hate to even think about these pests, but bed bugs are so common know and resemble mosquito bites. They are hard to eradicate and require professionals for up to several months. There are different types of eczema and the best person to check you out is a dermatologist or maybe your family doctor. You could also have allergies that you never had before. I don't want to try to guess, so it is best to see a professional. Do they itch? Good luck and I hope it is nothing serious. - luv2seashore1

3)   read about it here
open the first and third pink link
there on right side for more info - Nannu Kin

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Question 4
Are cold sores contagious?...  
me n my girl were hangin out but we didnt kiss but we did other things that avoided the cold sore

1)   very much - af

2)   they can be if you use somebodies products and they come into contact with them (like chapsticks) - hanna

3)   YES! Cold sores are another strain of the Herpes virus... VERY MUCH contagious - Halfrek H

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Question 5
are there any antiobiotics resisitant bacterias ?if yes ,please name them?...  

1)   Very many. All will develop some amt of resistance. - Top Source

2)   MRSA - shortstuff

3)   here are two
google this "antibiotic resistant bacteria" see what you find - pecola princepessa

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