What is the fastest way to get rid of eczema scars on legs?... So I've been having eczema on my legs for a little over a year now, just on the front part below my knees all the way down. I usually scratch it a lot when I wake up, that is when it is the itchiest. I have been to the doctor for eczema cream and that did help a bit, but it is still there. Now it is slowly going away but the scars are very noticeable. They are dark and my skin is pretty fair. How can I get rid of them so I can have nice legs for the summer?
1) Shea butter. :) (Y) - hassim
2) A nice cocoa/shea butter will help (and perhaps those creams that pregnant women use), but scars are there because the skin has regenerated, and for some reason it's always quite messy-looking and therefore it won't go away, but will fade over the years.
Perhaps go online and find some scar cover-up so that you can show your legs worry free :) - Kid A
3) I'm no expert at this but, a few months ago I had a terrible eczema scar on my chest and I used a normal acne scar remover on my eczema scars and it worked fine for me.
Unfortunately I cant share my treatment with you but i just did a quick google search and I found a site that has the same product that I used.
You can check out the product here: http://www.acne-scar-remover.com/ - falco
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Question 2
Inner thighs seem to be itchy?... I've been having this problem for about a year now, that off and on through out the day my inner thighs might be slightly itchy. It is usually worse when I wake up in the morning and I feel the need to itch. As far as I can tell, I don't have any skin rashes, legions or bites. I did gain at least 20 pounds the year prior so when I went to the doctor and asked about it, they told me it's probably because my thighs are rubbing together since it's rather smooth with no hair.
Now thats all fine and good, but can that really make you feel the need to itch in the morning when you wake up, and off and on through out the day? Like I said I don't believe I have any skin problems that I can see or STDs or anything, so I just didn't know if this has happened to anyone else, and what they do about it. I have been putting Aveeno lotion on my thighs every day and it seems to help a bit. I just didn't know if when I start exercising again and I lose some weight, if that really will help it or not. Thanks!
1) If they are pushed together they could be getting sweaty and chaffing. Try putting talcum powder on before you go to bed - Holly Smith
2) You got the clap! - £eetahd
3) I think your doctor is right: sounds like you're having a chafing issue. You wouldn't notice your legs rubbing together in your sleep, but they actually will chafe while you're asleep, since there isn't much space for your legs to move when you're in bed.
Losing weight most definitely will help. I used to have this problem when I was 13, and ever since I've been losing weight in leaps and bounds, I haven't had this problem at all. For now, try putting baby powder in the places where your legs touch- the mica in the baby powder will act as a lubricant. - cris9o'sofinee
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Question 3
how am i going to survive?... i am from india!
1) And your question is ......... survive what. - Susie Q
2) I agree with "Susie" above.
This is the cancer section of Yahoo Answers.
Do you have a malignant disease you are concerned about surviving ?
We need more information to help you. - Spreedog
3) Romans 10: 9 - 13. Mark 11: 23, in your Bible. Speak to the cancer, it hears you. Say unto this cancer (the mountain), cancer, get out of my body and I bind you from ever entering into me again, Now!, in the name of Jesus! Believe what you say and doubt not what you say and it will depart from you. Have patience till it is gone. God will give you the desires of yur heart. This is one of them. Remember, doubt is the thief that robs you of your Blessings. Doubt is a demon, just anouther form of the devil, satan. That is not you doubting that is satan speaking to you, wanting you to doubt so he can rob you of your healing and your Blessings. - cousins_primo
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Question 4
Will I be alright or should I be scared?... I've been having GERD for a month and my symptoms will primarily excessive saliva that accumulates in my throat. I can't swallow it or get it out so I have some difficulty getting a deep breath and swallowing. Last week, I had some chest pain and occasionally heart burns.
My insurance doesn't cover the tests (small bowel UGI) that I need to take.
1) problems from diabetes? Avoid sugar. get the a1c test. - tod m
2) I have GERD. Don't be scared. Here's some things you can do to help.
- Drink more water, cut down on booze and caffeine if you drink it
- Less salty/spicy food, eat more fresh food
- Take over the counter anti-acid remedies during spikes of GERD.
- At night, prop yourself up slightly so the acid doesn't tip back into your throat (causing that sicky feeling you might get)
Don't worry about the chest pains, that's just heartburn (providing of course it isn't accompanied by a pain in your neck/arm).
I've had all the tests and all they did was put me on Lanzoprozole or Zantac and told me to change my diet. Save yourself the money for a while and just do as I mentioned above. Hope it helps! - Kid A
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Question 5
how fast can you sun burn?... if you have fair skin and your in direct sunlight without any sunscreen? I'm not planning on doing this I was just wondering
say midday summer texas
1) It depens on the day and season. If you were really white and stand in completely naked on a reflective surface on the summer solstice at 2 pm then you could burn in 5 minute a. But usually its like 25 - Google is Better
2) This UV Index chart shows how quickly your skin will burn without sunscreen.
http://www.sunsafetyalliance.org/sunburn.html - falco
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