Friday, April 15, 2011

Does diabitis have a cure ?

Question 1
Does diabitis have a cure ?...  and no i dont have diabitis

1)   As far as I know no - Jose Sandiego cali

2)   Type 2 is cured with lifestyle change. Unfortunatly type 1 is incurable. - iNinjaLike

3)   no - Lilly Allen

4)   No, there is no real cure for it, but there is a way to "supress" it slightly and to live an almost normal life. - Alice~

5)   No, there is no cure. There are two exceptions:

1) Some people develop diabetes when they're pregnant. When the pregnancy ends, their diabetes goes away.

2) Some people develop diabetes as adults when they are overweight and when they lose the weight, the diabetes may go away. (This is not common, but it happens.)

Juvenile onset (type I) diabetes has no known cure at all. And most adult onset diabetes cannot be cured, even with weight loss, exercise, and lifestyle changes. (Though these often make the diabetes much less severe.) - JoelKatz

6)   No it has to be managed by your diet and maybe medication, depending on how bad it is. If it is juvenile diabetes then you have to get medicine for sure. - Cammi

7)   prevention is better than cure - BC

8)   The medical establishment says there is no cure and that the best you can do is control the blood sugar with diet and exercise. Many doctors insist that it's progressive no matter what you do, and that eating right only slows the progression of the disease.


1. One doctor has a book out claiming that a strict vegan diet for many months can reverse the course of diabetes. Whether it ever restores the pancreas to full health or not is the question.

2. Getting a pancreas transplant can cure it, in that the person now has a healthy pancreas. However, if the same forces that made the original pancreas go bad are still there (auto-immune reactions, for one), then even this may not be a lasting cure. And besides, once a person has a transplant, they have to take anti-rejection medication for the rest of their lives.

3. Cloning a person's healthy pancreatic tissue would seem to be the best answer, and research is being done along these lines, but they haven't reached a point where this is available as a treatment. - MavistheMaven

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Question 2
How to get rid of Back Acne?...  I have Back acne, and its not super bad but its really gross. I have had it for 2 years and i've tried everything. Is there anything I can put on my back to make it go away, also I don't want to go see a dermatologist unless I absolutley have to.

1)   Swim in chlorinated pools more. - Wertle Woo

2)   read about it here
open the third and forth link
there on right side for detail info - Tinklem Mm

3)   This works for me. Take a shower at night and use a scrubber on ur back. Also do not reuse sleeping cloths and wash ur bedsheets often. - pastulio

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Question 3
Boil on Daughters chin?...  My six-year-old daugher has a huge, boil/skin tag looking thing on her chin. What started off as a small red dot, is now a paintful white bump, shaped like the writting end of a pencil, that has a dark red head. It popped while she was asleep one night, and a few days later they were covering her mouth and neck. She has about 7 now. What could this be?

1)   khafesho - Matin R

2)   You might want to take her to the doctor. - Linds

3)   read about it here
open the second and fifth green link
there for more info - Krish Singer

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Question 4
Terrified of HIV:Heres my story. Please Help (any docs here?)?...  I am a straight guy..19 years old, and during new years (3 months ago)at NYC me and my buddies partied and got drunk at a pricy hotel to celebrate the new year. We were searching for girls, and I happen to meet this Californian girl in the elevator.I quickly made moves on her..she told me she was from Iran (had an accent), and staying at the hotel with her boyfriend for the weekend..she was 25 years old, and i told her i was 23!After 5 minutes of talking to her, she made out with me in the elevator and took me to her room (knowing she had a boyfriend, and told me that he won't care). NOW TO THE GOOD PART: She whispered something into her boyfriends ear and then quickly walked over to me and stripped naked.Her boyfriend didn't have much of an expression and just was surfing the internet on his laptop not really watching us. I had an old condom in my wallet which i thankfully had..but the package looked a bit wrinkled. I can't even remember what kind of condom it was other then being a trojan, I know it was latex and I'm sure it was supposed to be lubricated. I opened the package, and as i put the condom seemed to be really really dry, and didnt feel lubricated at all! Either way, I got to business for 15 minutes (Just Vaginal Sex)and towards the end "she kept on whispering that her boyfriend is getting mad and to cum inside her." I finally gained conscience and pulled out immediately without even ejaculating. I quickly pulled the condom off and flushed it, and rapidly walked out of the room and said bye. I then..went to my room and masturbated for like 20 minutes, and got a blister on my penis afterwards from masturbating to hard (I'm circumsized). SO HERES MY WORRY:I'm so afraid the condom could have ripped but i doubt it did, I'm worrying that the condom couldve been defective and the HiV went through,I'm also worrying that I couldve caught hiv from making out with her. It's been 3 months and I haven't had any symptoms of HIV or anything like that..but I'm still worrying because some people don't get symptoms.I have so much to look forward to in life , and this stress is bothering me.

Please let me know what you think the odds are, or if you think I may be fine. I'm terrified of getting tested but I plan on doing that this week (So dont tell me to get tested to find out) thanks. I hope that a doctor may be able to answer this himself.

1)   Hello there Kenny

If you're not feeling as well as you think you should, it's quite possible that your body is suffering from a buildup of toxins. Body detoxification, or detox, is an important consideration for anyone who suspects they are suffering from too many toxins in their system. In fact, many common ailments could be cleared up with a simple detox program alone.

Toxins build up over the years and it's nearly impossible to avoid them completely. Usually, they accumulate in your colon, making colon cleanses a popular form of initial detoxification.

Bloating is one of the most common concerns you can suffer from if you've got a toxic buildup in your system. Truly an uncomfortable condition, bloating is characterized by a swollen abdomen. Often you'll feel heavier than normal and you may even have some stomach pain. Feeling bloated is one of the main reasons for having a "fat day" as many women like to call it.

Lack of energy is another common symptom of excess toxins. Lowered energy levels are generally the result of your body having more weight to carry around (feeling fat from the bloating) as well as the effect toxins have on your system in general. You see, when there are an excessive amount of toxins present in your body, everything is just a bit off kilter. Fatigue may be a clue that a body detoxification is in order.

Your skin can also be impacted by toxins. Many times you'll notice rashes or acne when you never had such problems in the past. In addition, your complexion is likely to be a bit dull and lackluster. Going through a detox often results in a clearing of the skin and a radiant glow that wasn't there previously.

There are a number of more serious health conditions that may be prevented through detoxification as well. Pancreatitis, for example, is a condition where bile ducts become blocked with toxins and other materials. Pancreatic juices are unable to flow properly when this happens. Instead, those juices will move into the pancreas and progressively work to destroy it. Removing toxins may help prevent this condition from happening in the first place or at least relieve some of the symptoms.

Kidney failure is another serious condition that results from excessive toxins entering the kidneys. This can lead the kidneys to stop working which could be deadly. Because detoxification removes much of the harmful impurities that lead to this and other serious conditions, many use it as a preventative measure. Of course, with any medical condition you should always discuss treatment options with your doctor.

Nicole - Nicole Ross

2)   in order to get HIV, it has to be transmitted through blood. So take making out, out of question. Second how do you know she has HIV???

And unless the condom ripped, then you should worry. But to be on the safeside go to the doc and get a test...its your safest bet... - Bryan Perez

3)   OK, so without all the endless detail, your story is that you had sex with someone you didn't know with a condom that was, as far as anyone can tell, intact. Your chances of getting HIV from this are exceedingly remote. If you're really worried, it's been three months, so go and get tested. - ρερρεяЬεαѕτ

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Question 5
How can i get rid of my dry nose?...  my nose is super dry inside. it hurts and its always plugged. What can I do to get rid of it? other than getting a humidifier

1)   when i was in Iraq, my nose got really dry from the hot dry weather and sand storms. so i would get a q tip and wet it in water and wet my nostrils several times a day. or i would get a q tip and get a light coat of Vaseline and to the same. - Lo

2)   Start drinking more liquids, especially water or fresh juice. You need to help rehydrate the entire body, this is the most common cause of dry nose problems. Also be sure to avoid stimulants such as coffee, caffeine or alcohol.

If you constantly wake up with a dry nose, try cracking your window open a bit. This allows air to circulate throughout the room properly.

Use room mists to help with dry air. Room mists can also help to add moisture to the air, as well as help to purify the air. Avoid using chemically enhanced ones, but instead purchase organic ones to avoid any irritants. - Awesome Vworker

3)   take hot drinks cools your body from inside.and it will help you. - Adeeb Mustafa

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