I just got back from ER, does this sound right to you???!!?... I went to ER complaining of severe headache, I mean, BAD head ache. with me, if I ask to go to the Dr then you know it's bad. Anyway severe head ache, vomiting and nausea, and dizziness.
The Dr prescribed me Antibiotics (amoxycellin), vitamin C, antihistamine, and cough drops?
All he did was press on my head and asked if it hurt. Then a shot in my butt cheek. Brushed off all of my questions.
I'm thinking about not taking ANY of these medicines! None of them sound like they have anything to do with head ache?! Didnt even give me a pain killer ?
1) I agree with everyone who is mentioning a sinus infection.
You may also have sinusitis, which can feel like a migraine. It can cause severe headaches, dizziness, nausea, toothaches, facial pain, and sensitivity to light.
Take the meds. If you're not feeling better in a couple of days, follow up with your family physician.
You can also call the hospital and ask for a copy of your medical records from that visit. It should list the illness the doctor thought you had. - Areli Thomson
2) amoxycellin is used for bladder and ear infections, majorly, mostly infections caused by bacteria. antihistamine can treat hayfever, runny noses and itchy, watery eyes. i dont know why he gave you cough drops and vitamin c as i dont think they help with any of your symptoms... i would go to another dr. - C M
3) OOhh woow i wouldnt either that dosent sound like a doctor at all!!!!! you should go somewhere els oR sumthing and why the fudge would he give you cough drops hes probabily high or sumthing hahah anyway back to siriousness do not take ANY of them he dosent sound that hes sure about what hes doin !! and a but cheek injection is pointleess!! uhg doctors these days!!! any ways good luck and God Bless!!!!!!!! - Lola Qwerty
4) If your headache was due to allergies, then an antihistamine would help. If it were due to a cold, then vitamin C might help. If it's due to a sinus infection, then antibiotics would help. I'm not sure what the cough drops would do. If you need a pain killer, take aspirin or tylenol or another over-the-counter med. If you are having the worst headache of your life, then you are potentially looking at something serious like a brain aneurysm, but it will take more than pain meds to fix that. The doctor probably didn't want to order expensive tests or prescribe narcotic pain meds when most headaches are resolved with time or over-the-counter pain meds. - Amaretta
5) the medications are for the vomiting, nausea, dizziness and to help fight it off.
It just sounds like you've got the flu to me. - Candie Barr
6) Thats one problem is people demand painkillers. The doc probably thinks you have a bad sinus infection, what he has prescribed indicates so. Try the meds as he prescribed and if your not better see your own doctor not the ER. The days of throwing out painkillers are now coming to an end. Doctors are treating conservatively more and more. - TNH
7) Doctors test for sinus problems by pressing on your sinuses. If your headache was caused by something else, you wouldn't feel more discomfort when he pressed on your head. For instance, if you had a severe migrane, touching your head wouldn't make it any worse.
Sinus infections can definitely cause severe headaches. They are often brought on because of a cold - which is what the vitamin C and cough drops are for. Antihistamines are for the inflammation - when you have an infection you also have inflammation, which makes it hard for the sinuses to drain on their own.
The antibiotics are for the infection itself - normally sinus infections are caused by bacteria. - marie
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Question 2
is it possible to go to a mental hospital for only 3 days?...
1) Yes it is...Actually it is called a 72 hour hold - bmaleck24
2) Yes. Unlikely, though. - Graybeard
3) Yup. 72 hour hold. - Layna
4) A friend of mine went to a drug re-hab center for 21 hours, so I imagine going to a mental hospital for 3 days is reasonable. Most likely the person involved was only being examined for signs of a mental disorder and had not actually started mental treatment/re-cooperation. - RuneKey
5) Yes, a family member of mine did that, but he was forced to through the law enforcement. It costs a lot, and is a very difficult thing for family to deal with. If you have a problem and are young, seek the assistance of councilors. If you're older, seek the assistance of a physiologist. While it is possible, there are alternatives that aren't as extreme and often don't require a good reason to do it. Good luck. - Nicky
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Question 3
I work at Mcdonalds and currently have strep throat. I have work tomorrow should I call I'n sick? ?... I don't want to cuz I need money but I was working tuesday and they sent me home what should I do?
1) Other than the fact that you'll probably feel like crap standing there making burgers it would be very easy for you to transfer strep to others working in food services, so yes you should call in sick. - ralifar
2) i would just show up, and if they send you home oh well. - Amy Dorris
3) If you are on antibiotics treated by a physician, you should stay home for at least 24 hours from the time you start antibiotics. As long as you feel up to it, after this 24 hour period you can work. - googlebuddy23
4) Call in sick and schedule an appointment with your doctor to get antibiotics you'll be back soon enough and they'll understand, they'd rather have you home than getting customers sick, and if I was going to the mcdonald's you work at to eat, I would not want someone who had strep handling my food. Plus you might get other co workers sick. Hope I helped! Good luck, hope you feel better soon! :) - thisisn'twhoyouthinkitis
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Question 4
Any shampoos that helps control eczema?... I have eczema on my scalp. My doctor recommended T-gel and Selsum blue but it didnt help then she recommended a shampoo that costs $62. Is there another shampoo that could help keep it controlled?
1) I know this sounds very weird, but you can use Horse shampoo! It sounds strange but it's for humans too, and it's very very gentle. You could probably use baby shampoo too. But if it's some that causes actual breakage of the skin, you'll probably want to use the 62$ shampoo for the best. I know it's expensive, but ask your doctor about these other options! - Gilbert Spaghetti
2) grandma's Lye soap. - Mz Brittian
3) I found the Pantene Shampoo works ok for me as long as I do not have hard water. I am very light skin (irish ethnic) but if i go to a tanning salon for a minimum 6 mins in a standard bed will rid my eczema. - BrewCrew
4) read about it here
open the first and sixth green link
there for more info - Kelly Simpson
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Question 5
i am about 5 weeks pregnant and before i found out i was doing NOS, Ecstasy, cocaine,LSD and drinking?... for 3 weekends in a row. I want to know if any possibilities i have harmed the baby???
1) Probably not. People always exaggerate about the impact of drugs and alcohol on babies. Yours probably only gonna have three legs, but that's actually pretty cool. He'll be good at soccer. - Ike Ickiouras
2) You are only one month pregnant and to be honest with you the baby is still a little thing that you have to see under a microscope. But you HAVE to go to your doctor immediately and talk to him about any defects or harm to the baby. I would not take any chances and risk birth defects. Stop drinking, stop the drugs and go to your doctor. They would understand and your privacy is well kept. - Wendy
3) Get an ultrasound as soon as possible and be sure to tell your doctor about all your drug use! They will inform you of the harm that may have been caused based on the drugs you have been using. BUT YOU DO NEED TO GET THE ULTRASOUND. Don't put it off because of fear. - Lizz Riv
4) Those are quite a few drugs, and drugs that heavy as well as alcohol can definitely have a negative effect on a fetus. Basically, whatever you put into yourself, you're also putting into the fetus. It may be early enough, but the effects could be from deformities or metal disabilities all the way to death. It's very smart to be careful of what you put into your body for yourself, let alone an infant that could be brought into the world. The best thing to do to find out if anything is wrong is to wait and have doctors involved. Let them know what you took and they will monitor the fetus as it grows carefully. Let this be a wake-up call however not to put these things in your body. Allow the pregnancy be your detox. If you continue to do the drugs, it's possible to drug the baby, and then the baby will end up having to go through detox too, and that's not fair at all. Good luck and I hope the best for your new pregnancy. - Nicky
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