Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ughhhhhh I smoked too much last night, how do I get rid of this feeling in my chest?

Question 1
Ughhhhhh I smoked too much last night, how do I get rid of this feeling in my chest?...  YES I already know I should quit smoking so please no ignorant comments... I went out last night for a few drinks and ended up smoking A LOT!!! Now my chest feels like there's an elephant on it...

1)   Besides violent coughs to expell the excess, there's not much you can do. Do not take OTC medicines to releave these symptoms, they will do more harm than good. Humidity helps, do you have a vaporizer? - JD55 with ♥ ™

2)   Get a vaporizer/humidifier, that should help.
Don't smoke at all today and maybe tomorrow (obviously, ur not dumb so you should know that). - Funny n' Sad

3)   You should use deltasone, it is the best about it you can get information from here http://heansmd89.notlong.com/AAIm3Fp - Shirly Bellafiore

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Question 2
My family and I got sunburn?...  What's the best way to get rid of the pain of Sunburn? Please help! It hurts so bad!!

1)   after sun, or a cold bath and then moisterise. - Candycane

2)   Aloe vera helps. It helped me when my nose got burnt from the San Diego sun. - Depp Fan

3)   i have heard dabbing black tea on it helps, i have also tried it. If you do it with cold tea it is very soothing but im not sure it will help get rid of it. Aloe gel is also great as far as relief. - Liam

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Question 3
Is this a good regimen for acne?...  Okay so I have very weird skin, its the awkward in between oily and dry (combination). For 2 weeks now I have been washing my face with Prascion cleanser and using Epiduo cream before bed... but then every other night I use Differin before bed ( while still using Prascion as a cleanser)... My main question is are these allowed to mix... I just want to make sure that they can mix without serious side effects.
Then my second question is... Is there anyone else here who uses Prascion cleanser? because if you do you would know it smells really bad and I was wondering how you deal with it.
I thought acutane was bad for you... something about causing skin defects..

1)   I'm sorry I've never used those products but make sure they don't contain any forms of bleach in them, because if they do and you stop using them your skin will become about 10 times worse. - Liv

2)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use accutane. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> http://heansmd88.notlong.com/AA5x9Ev - Shirly Bellafiore

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Question 4
My friend is really white and she cant get a tan?...  My friend is super white and when she tries to tan nothing happens or she gets sunburnt. What I wanna know is Could she be allergic to the sun and is that possible? Why cant she tan???

1)   Some people just have fair skin, and there skin is to sensitive so it is not easy for them to tan or if they do they go red.

It will be better for her to use a cream that builds up a tan, they are lot's of different types in the shop, that is also better for her skin then getting sunburnt. - Chelsie

2)   She CAN tan, just has to step her skin up to it! 1st time in the bed only 6 min, next time within a day or 2 (no more than that) go up to 7 or 8. Some skin types have a hard time "accepting" the tan. Also tell her to take a shower or work out JUST BEFORE going tanning so her pores are open and be sure to use lotion! - Jennifer K

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Question 5
How do athletes with asthma cope? (Homework help)?...  How do professional athletes who have asthma deal with it? Please make it simple, because i'm going to need to put it into my own words :) thanks guys! x

1)   i think after taking their medication for the day/ time periods, they are completely fine after that, as if the dont have asthma. i was recently diagnosed with asthma and when i am doing something that causes it to act up, after 2 puffs from my inhaler, albuterol sulfide, i can continue with the activity as if there were nothing wrong - VicHar

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