Could this really harm/kill someone?... Ok, I don't want judgement, additional questions, or hate. Because this might just be the strangest thing you've heard. This is just a little summer prank me and my friend came up with.
Me and my friend are gonna mix some of our poop with brownie mix (same color/texture, you can't tell) and bake it.
Then, serve it to someone we hate. :)
could this potentially make them really sick, or even kill them?
*I know I just asked this question, but what if we just put one tiinnyy maybe golf ball sized poop in and mix it with the while mix?
1) That's horrible dude, yes it will make them ill - ..........
2) yes! it feces is full of bacteria, and if it gets in the bloodstream it can very easily kill! thats what the viatnamese did in the vietnam war. they put in on the end of sharp sticks, and made booby trapped out of them. plus that's the the biggest dick move, and you guys sound just sick. - Rex
3) I would not even attempt this. they could possibly get something serious like typhoid. instead, do something that is not harmful, but gets the point across. try mixing in laxatives and melatonin if you really wanna prank someone. - Jake
4) 1) That's disgusting.
2) Yes, it could make them seriously sick with diseases like:
Hepatitis A, pink eye (if the eyes are touched), Polio, Salmonella, E. coli infection - Austin
5) you have to be really f*cked up to do that
do wasabi or hot sauce instead - yahoo user
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Question 2
Is it bad to use acne wash when your sunburnt on your face ?... I recently got sunburnt , & i'm tryna get rid of my acne ! But I don't want to make my face break out worse from the ance wash ? Should i wait ? Or will it be fine ?
1) it's probably not a good idea. - smiley
2) Don't use any face treatment except aloe and lotion until the burn heals. Using an acne wash will irritate ur skin a burn even more and it'll slow down the healing prcess of ur burn. - Kayla
3) Wait until your sunburn goes down. Use something gentle for now, like Cetaphil. - Beff Pronio
4) I would recommend Acneace!!!!
I used it, and after 1 months, my acne was COMPLETELY gone!
Hope it works for you.
you can get From Google Search Acneace Official site. Good luck. - Quinn Carles
5) read about it here
open the first and fifth red link
there for more info - Gtyfy Cfdg
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Question 3
Two-colored mole? Is it dangerous?... I have a mole below the belt that I've had since I can remember, it's never given me any problems but last week I noticed it is changing colors? Most of it is brown and a little part is dark pink. It's oval and not a weird shape, and doesn't seem to be growing although it's been pretty big. Is it something I need to worry about?
1) Any mole that changes shape, colour or size needs to be investigated ASAP. It may turn out to be nothing but at least you'll have peace of mind. Speak to your GP or a Skin specialist.
Good Luck
:) - J Smith
2) Have your doctor look at it as soon as possible. - Beff Pronio
3) If the edges are clear, that's a sign it's not cancer. Also if it's smaller around than a pencil eraser.
When is your next exam? Be sure to show it to the doctor then, just to be safe. - Barbara MOV
4) read about it here
open the first and fifth red link
there for more info - Gtyfy Cfdg
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Question 4
How do I make my callous feet soft? And how long will it take?... My parents keep telling me to make my feet soft-they said it's ladylike. Anyway, my left foot is slightly callous, but my right foot....I'm not sure how to save it... And I usually wear high heeled leather shoes 6x a week and I can't change it cause it's part of my uniform.
My parents are coming to visit me at the end of this month (about 10 days from now) and I'm sure they'll check my feet. So what I'm asking is:
How can I make my feet soft and will I be able to make them soft in 10 days???
Please help, I'll be dead if my parents see my calloused feet:(
1) At the store they sell a foot scraper u take it and u rub on the bottom of your foot and all the dead dry skin will come off. Then u get some foot cream lotions to moisterize your dry skin. You could get them done at a nail salon. I hope this was helpful. - Partygirl
2) Ok! First things first, Everyone gets callouses. You can stop it, Its because your shoes. But you can't help it because of your uniform. You can take a filer and Chisel away calluses. Kinda like nail filiers. That's how you get rid of your callouses. It takes no more than a day if you concentrate and are gentle about it. You can try lotioning with natural lotion. With Shea Butter or Cream.
Hope I Helped! - Very Random
3) read about it here
open the first and fifth red link
there for more info - Gtyfy Cfdg
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Question 5
Why do I have this yellow crust behind my ears?... About 2 weeks ago I've had this yellow crusty stuff behind my right ear, like right around my ear piercing hole. And i sorta like peeled it off and then it was fine, but then it would become wet and the color was clear. And then a few moments later I would touch the back of my ear again and the yellow crusty stuff was there's like it keeps forming again?
I started to stop wearing my earrings (they are fake studs that a friend gave me a long time ago) and i stopped wearing earrings for a couple of days to see if it would go away but it never did. so then i started wearing earrings again but only sometimes. There were like 2 or 3 times where I accidently fell asleep still wearing my earrings. I did it last night and when I wooke up this morning, the crusty stuff was all around the back of my ear and it was really gross..
i dont even try to take it off anymore cause it'll just become wet and become crusty again..
Also, a few days ago the yellow crust stuff appeared on my left ear as well. Before it was just my right ear.
Anyone have any idea what i should do?
1) Just some ear juices - Valkyriest
2) You'll get good answers from the experts and members from this site. - Mary N
3) read about it here
open the first and fifth red link
there for more info - Gtyfy Cfdg
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