Should i go tested for diabetes?... A relative of mine has diabetes and today she tested my blood sugar and it was 129 and she said that was bad. So now im worried that i have it. I workout all the time eat healthy but i went to school with kids who had diabetes and seemed healthy so now im terrified.She said she will test it again. What do you think i should do?
1) yes - ada ava
2) just to make sure i would go with yes - Akul Sharma
3) Diabetes is a disease. You don't just get it because you have high blood pressure.
Most of the people who are diagnosed get it because it was in the family blood.
You shouldn't get all worked up about it. If you feel a certain type of way about it, then go see a doctor to be extra safe.
Hope all goes well! - Ant Rich
4) Check webmd for symptoms of diabetes if you see you have some or all the symptoms listed there then it's a good idea to have youself checked. - D S♦T♦A♦R♦S
5) The only way to know for sure is to have medical testing to determine if you are diabetic. A blood sugar test should be under 125 when tested 2 times. That is the current criteria for a diagnosis of diabetes. Hard to know what else you are eating or drinking that would cause it to be high. So if you are truly diabetic, it is best to know early so that you can avoid the complications of diabetes.
Even non-diabetics have higher and lower blood sugar numbers than the normals. Everyone has varying blood sugars thoughout the day and night. Diabetics have unusually large swings in their blood sugars.
So do you have any of the symptoms of diabetes? - mildred f
6) Calm down, you are fine. The normal range for fasting blood sugar is 60 to 120. 129 is perfectly normal , especially if you have eaten recently. Don't allow people to get you freaked out. A person with undiagnosed diabetes feels Terrible, very fatigued, urinates a lOT, Very thirsty, feels really sick. This doesn't sound like you. - kaykay
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Question 2
I have some questions concerning breast cancer.?... I was playing with my son earlier today, and was lying on my back on the ground. My phone beeped, and I turned my head to look for it right has he jumped on my stomach, grazing my right breast. It hurt more than my stomach. I lift up y shirt and my bra and feel the area, down at the very base of my breast. There's a painful lump there. I don't do self examinations and my last exam was 3 months ago or so. I checked my other breast and there's absolutely nothing in the area. I was wondering if I should make an appointment now, or wait until tomorrow? I was thinking tomorrow in case it's a fluke and goes away. I don't want to waste the doctor's time.
1) Don't waste dr's time or your money. Your son hurt your breast, not cancer. Take some advil. - april
2) I honestly don't feel waiting one day would hurt. You just may have bumped it & were not aware of it. I've also heard breast cancer usually doesn't hurt, that's the reason females are unaware they have it! Just wait a day or so, see if it goes away. IF IF you haven't had a mamo in the past year, by all means DO IT. The very best to you!^ - Bob R
3) Somethings that can help prevent breast cancer.Dandelion root,burdock root and green tea.Lots of antioxandants. - lioness
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Question 3
stds leads to !aids is that true?... i heard once you get a std in your body it can lead to different things such as hiv, or cancer is all that true.
1) No, that's not true. STDs can lead to various health problems, but HIV is the only virus that will turn into AIDS. - soccrrulz21
2) No. This is not true, STD's (now called STI) is a term for different diseases such as herpes, ghonarea, sphyalis ect. - paramedic matt
3) No an Yes....No because if you have herpes or chylmida or an other STD it will not turn to HIV or anything like that. Yes because when you have an STD since your body is busy fighting the virus they say its easier to catch HIV when your around a person with HIV so just be very carful. Protecte yourself at alll times cause there are consequences in life that cant be turned around an catchin HIV is one of them - chevy fan
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Question 4
How does diabetes increase charley horses?... The last couple days, he's gotten these charley horses within 60-90 minutes of eating a banana. He takes Novolog (orange pen) and another that I can't remember the name of. The charley horse today was so bad his legs, both of them, locked up entirely. I have him soaking in a warm bath since I fear eating another banana will only make it worse.
Some other FYI: His diabetes is poor-moderately controlled at best. He does mild/light exercise (mostly packing our house, running errands, galavanting with the guys, etc), is getting out of the Guard, but is otherwise unemployed.
I'm worried because he had these charley horses in January when he was first diagnosed with diabetes and his blood sugar was 500+. However his sugar hasn't been over 250/300 (on a BAD day) in almost 4 months.
1) if he is happy with 250/300...keep in mind he will likely die a slow painful death from not properly treating his condition...moderate leg movement and drinking plenty of water usually helps with the charlie horses for everyone, diabetic or not... - Pari Lee
2) I`m not sure diabetes actually cause it.Nutritional deficiencies,yes.For one thing,many banannas today come from cloned trees,so it is doubtfull you are getting any real potassium from them.For another thing,celiac can cause severe deficiencies.Need to get the diabetes under control.Avoid white flour and sugar.Eat raw fruits and veggies.Green tea balances blood sugar.Taking a good multi vit and mineral supplement may help,and taking extra potasium and magnesium may help,and calcium.Keeping in mind that hard vitamin pills are impossible to digest.Need capsule or liquid form of vitamins.No processed food or GMOS.Eat organic,and sprouted organic wheat,if you want to eat wheat. - lioness
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Question 5
I need help with teenage spots!?... I get quite a few teenage spots on my chin , Which make up wont cover! and a few on my forehead .I use clean and clear facial wash and other creams , None work!Anybody got any that works for them?
1) try sudocrem on them and if that doesnt work put toothpaste on them that usually works for me:) - mimi
2) Really ? Teenage spots ? It's called acne . And if you wear make up it may be the kind your wearing that's causing the acne but if it starts to get bad you can always go to the dermatologist to get prescribed your own face wash , or If you wanna try something else I suggest skin ID , take the test online and it suggest what wash you need and you order it , it suppose to work for YOU cause we don't all have the same skin and break out for different reasons but if you don't want to try this I personally use the wave , so far so good for me - big
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