Sunday, July 10, 2011

What is this bump on my mom's knee? Is it cancer?

Question 1
What is this bump on my mom's knee? Is it cancer?...  So, for several months my mom has had this big bump on the side of her knee. It's about the size of a golf ball, but I don't think it's a cancerous tumor since it would've been bigger by now. We can't afford to go to the doctor so I'm scared...

1)   Yes, that is definitely skin cancer. I give her maximum three months to get her affairs in order.

Im so sorry to have to tell you this.

Best wishes. - P.D Behr

2)   I'm sorry to hear that hon. it's not certain until you take her to a doc tho - A B

3)   She should see a doctor, maybe at a low cost clinic - Kevin7

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Question 2
How do i know if it is a heart attack or panic attack?...  Hi im 19 and i am always worreid about my health. I have panic attcks and i guess you can call me a hypocondriac (someone who is obsessed with their health). I am always checking my pulse and i have been to the hospital many times for miss diagonsis. When should i really worry? what is the difference between a panic attack and heart attack? would i know if i was haveing a heart attack?

please help ! :(

1)   panic attack is when your breathing heavily and you feel like you can't breathe for a good little while .. blow in and out into a paper bag and a heart attack is the whole left side of your body starts to hurt like a sharp pain and your having trouble taking deep breathes - javi

2) - Let me steer you

3)   Many people can confuse panic attacks with heart attacks. Both can cause sweating, dizziness, nausea, chest pain(angina). Generally speaking, at your age, under 30 years of age a heart attack is not very likely unless you already have a heart condition. - frustrated

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Question 3
red mark moving across body?...  I've had a spot on my back for ages. I have pretty good skin on my face and the rest of my body so I've never really paid much attention to it. I noticed the other day that it looks like the spot is moving gradually across my back, and leaving a weird scar-like mark behind it. It looks like a massive scar that's really old, like a healed operation scar. Never had an operation there and the spot is causing no pain. I'm not fiddling with it or anything and it's been there for as long as I can remember. Just wondering, is there some really obvious explanation for it that I've missed? Little bit worried that it's moving across my back.

1)   This seems a bit out of the ordinary. Maybe you should go see a physician just to get it checked out. - Mike

2)   yeah you should consult to an doctor. - leave out all the rest

3)   Probably go to the doctor. It might be a tic (don't want to freak you out) but that is a tiny bug that burrows itself into your scin. All they have to do to remove it is to burn it or freeze it out (painless). - Jake Foster

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Question 4
Passing black stool is this normal?...  Is passing a black stool,while going to the bathroom not normal?I do have some cramping in my stomach, but its not like really bad pain. I did have Alot of oreos that I ate. Is this something to worry about?

1)   hahahahahahahaha this is a joke right? - DOCTA Z

2)   Good Luck, cheers Gooooood luck (: - Iva Cary

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Question 5
Cut my skin while shaving my legs...?...  Okay so a few minutes ago I was just shaving my legs as usual and I cut my skin and I'm really annoyed 'cos it's right on the front of my leg and it's summer and I'm gonna be wearing shorts and stuff. Anyway, when I wipe away the blood, where I cut the skin it's kind of gone white? Does that mean it's is deep or not? How long will it take to heal and will the scar be really bad? I don't remember any times before where the skin's gone white... (I cut myself a lot while shaving my legs)
So has anyone else experiences this? Does aloe vera help? What helps the healing?
A lot of questions but it would mean a lot :)
I always do stuff like this right before the Summer, haha

1)   Owww. I did that a while ago. And it was REALLLLLLY bad, and it left a scar. But it's not noticable at all. And It's not deep if its white. it just means that while u were whiping it, u pressed 2 hard. Ok bye!

Oh ok and, u cut urself alot, bcoz u don't have enuff soap on ur legs so it's harder to not cut urself. Thx bye! - Olivia Breslin

2)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Doreen Tatsuhara

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