How to get rid of acne?... What's the best product/ way to get rid of acne? The acne I'm dealing with is very minor, but it's there and it won't go away. It's more like small bumps rather than actual pimples.
What worked for you? or What works really good? (Keep in mind I need something that will produce results quickly, I'm very impatient and tired of trying things that don't work)
Thanks :)
1) Go to your local dermatologist, or get proactive, olay - MiSSEY
2) You have several options, one is painful, one is embarrassing, and the last is probably the best...
1) pop them
2) wait till they "disappear"
3) use some sort of cream, scrub, or cleanser. also, toothpaste helps
If all fails, do not worry there is always the magic of photoshop! - Scap3goat
3) Buy you a Clean&Clear soap.It's been helping me a lot with those god damn acnes.I highly recommend you to test it once! - Blackstar
4) Proactive, it is so good! Seriously, I went from acne to perfect. Consult your dermatologist if you need anything else. - Your Mama
5) read about it here
open the second and fifth orange link
there for detail info - Ralph Poiuytr
6) You should try SebaMed facewash. This is their website: During high school I had acne and all the medication and creams I used did nothing (it was pretty bad acne). They wanted to put my on Roaccutane but I am a bit of a health nut and couldn't handle the thought of partially killing my liver and other organs... so by chance I tried this SebaMed stuff and it worked! In like less than 3 days people noticed a marked improvement! Obviously I can't guarentee that the same will happen for you... but it's worth a try. - Tim Foster
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Question 2
I need to get rid of this acne?... I'm fourteen and typically not one to get lots of zits and whiteheads even though its normal for my age. I'm going into high school soon and want these blemishes gone. Do you havde any products that work fast and well or even really good home remmedies?
1) proactive - deedee
2) about it you can get information from here - Linnette Kresky
3) I suffered bad from acne when i was younger...i just stopped using soap basically just hot water to wash my face and they cleared right up. Now i always have clear skin! - John Stephenson
4) read about it here
open the second and fifth orange link
there for detail info - Ralph Poiuytr
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Question 3
whats fastest way to drop blood sugar!!?... 345 to 110
1) stop eating - Brian A
2) I agree with Brian. Not eating. - Ashley
3) Cut out carbs, particularly starches like pasta and potatoes and sugar. Taking chromium picolinate will help also. There are lots of hidden sugars ie ketchup, so be careful, look at the nutritional information on packaged foods before you eat it. I basically went on an "Atkins" type diet. Also, I am assuming that you've already seen a doctor and are medicated. There are some great meds that will help with this like Januvia, and an injectable drug called Byetta. Good luck. - jomama
4) Insulin - Mary
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Question 4
How to get rid of acne scars on cheeks?... Well im a 17 year old guy and i live in Dallas, Tx and i have some scars on both of my cheeks i want to get rid of them before i move to California. Also i have some red spots on my cheeks there not pimples nor acne they seem to be under my skin, what should i do??
1) Dermabrasion or a fruit acid peel.
See your dermatologist. - emgee79
2) since lime is an excellent bleaching agent....and a very very good bleaching agent when mixed with cucumber wipes off the scar...GOOD LUCK........ - SSR SSR
3) see a dermatologist they might be able to do laser treatment for the scars and the red spots sounds like roseacea - Dan Holly
4) Hello, I'm a doctor. Use accutane. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Zella Manon
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Question 5
Scald burn scars on legs..sun cream or cover?? ?... Im severely scarred from the knee down on both legs from scald burns when i was a baby, going to ibiza in a few weeks... Is it safe to wherw shorts with a factor 50 cream or will i have to cover the scars with long pants??
1) You should use tramadol, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Linnette Kresky
2) I'm not certain but I think it's OK to wear sunblock instead of pants because the scars are all totally healed and all but it's always better to be safe than sorry. I say cover up if it doesn't worry you either way because Ibiza can get extremely hot as I'm sure you know. Enjoy your holiday! - Rosaria
3) read about it here
open the second and fifth orange link
there for detail info - Ralph Poiuytr
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