Sunday, August 21, 2011

Do i have a disease becuz i cant use the bathroom?

Question 1
Do i have a disease becuz i cant use the bathroom?...  i was in china for 1 month and during that month i had a problem
it was like i had diarrhea but not for like a regular 1 -2 days it was for 2 weeks!!!
and after i got back from china my stomach ached and i couldnt use the bathroom i couldnt poop?
its been 3 days and i feel like something is wrong with me what should i do

1)   Ask a pharmacist to recommend something.The actual pharmacist not just a clerk. - Melissa M

2)   dont worry when i went out of country and back i didn't take a crap for a whole week. But i did have to pee. If you're not peeing then you definately need to see a doctor

constipation by the way
eat fiber - Bob Hope

3)   Eat a lot because you evacuated all you had in their in China. - (A+)

4)   Well if you feel like there's something wrong go to the doctor. What was you eating over there maybe the food wasn't setting well with you. - Wasabi's girl

5)   When you travel to a new area, the bacteria that are endemic to the area are new to your system, so you will have diarrhea for a while.

Next time, talk to an Infectious Disease doctor before you go, as there are treatments to help control this.

And if your stomach doesn't recover in two weeks, see an ID doc. - Frank

6)   I think you could be suffering from chronic dyslexia. - David Wilson

7)   Take some laxatives or something. Also make sure you are drinking your bodies necessary amount of water. I would also make sure you are getting lots of vitamin c. You could just have a mild stomach bug. You can get them from mishandled food, very common in places like mexico, and I'm guessing some Asian countries. Your body should fight it and you will probably get over it soon. If it lasts for more than a week after you get back though, maybe you should go see a doc. You can check out this wiki page that I found referring to the stomach bug.'s_diarrhea
But please, don't just take yahoo answers advice. You know your body better than anyone, and if you think you are really sick, its better to go see a doc. - jambaintoyou

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Question 2
i excrete large clots of blood, im thinking it has something to do with my kidney, anyone know?...  
they are coming from my rectal area as i am excreting them out, i have pain in my lower abdominal area which is why i thought first of kidney troubles, i am a 42 year old male, i have no health problems i know of which could relate to this.

1)   Where are the large clots of blood coming from? You have a few orifices in your body- where they are coming from could tell us a whole lot more, as well as any symptoms you might be having, whether you are male or female, and your rough age (Within 10 years is fine)

EDIT: This is hemmorhage, as someone else has pointed out. Any bleeding to do with your kidneys would come from your ureter (through your penis). The kidneys are not connected to your bowels, but any large clots that are coming out are indicative of a much larger problem. You should see a doctor right away, especially with the belly pain. This could be a very serious issue- any time you have rectal bleeding that is not associated with hemmheroids (Hemmhehoids produce bright red blood and streaking with pain upon evacuation) you should go to the emergency room. Clots indicate something really really bad is happening, such as rectal cancer or crohn's disease. If they are black or tarry stools, go in right now- don't wait. It means you could lose too much blood before you could drive there. - Kristen

2)   Excrete as in stool? It's not your kidneys if it's coming out that way. - LYNN in FL (suspended @#*%)

3)   It sounds like a hemorrhage (internal bleeding). You need to go to the doctors. It's not always related to the kidney, it could be something else. - sheena

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Question 3
What is causing my mysterious tight skin and how can I treat it?...  For the past two years or so I have suffered from tight skin on my face and neck. My face is also a reddish colour (although my neck is not this colour while still having the exact same tight feeling). I only wash with water in the shower and wash just once or twice a day with lukewarm water. My skin does not feel particularly dry but if I do not scrub at it in the shower then I do tend to get a build up of dead skin.

My diet is fairly healthy - I avoid all 'junk' food and try to keep it as balanced as possible.
I wanted to know if anyone else has suffered from the same problem (without having dried their skin with harsh topicals or anything like that) and if so whether they can give any advice. Obviously I am aware that I can use a moisturiser but as my skin is so sensitive they tend to disagree with it (makes it redder, causes pimples etc.).

Could this problem be down to some sort of food intolerance/allergy (I m not aware that I have any), or is it purely hereditary and something that I am forced to treat externally with moisturisers?

Thank you :)

1)   It's probably the very water that you use. Water alone does not clean and if not moisturised is much to harsh. I have sensitive skin too and use the tea tree products in summer and the Vichy in winter.

There is also a Bee product on the market that is really great and is all natural. I mean it too, no BS.

You need to clean your skin and put something on it or you will look 80 before your time. - Gideon Jones

2)   Most likely you are just dry from the face scrubbing leading to a tight feeling. Once a day washing is generally enough and even then many people need moisturizers. Use one that is noncomedogenic so you know it won't clog pores and cause acne.
Tight skin can be a sign of scleroderma, but it is uncommon and dry skin is common, so make full use of the moisturizers and see a dermatologist if that is not enough. - curator

3)   Since you obviously like to take a natural approach to skin care, I'll recommend a 100% natural moisturizer. Dr. Hauschka's Moisturizing Day Cream, or Rose Day Cream Light, are designed for people with your skin condition. If you find you like the brand, I recommend adding the other steps of the cleansing process as well. Here is a link for you to check out: I hope you like it! :) - Mango

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Question 4
How do some heart attacks kill people INSTANTLY?...  How come some people are dead before they hit the ground if they get a heart attack? Like if the blood and oxygen stops going to the brain how does that instantly kill someone. Also you die immediately if shot in the chest aswel which is probably a lot better but how does it happen?

1)   Some people have weaker hearts than others so a weaker heart would be unable to recover from the shock of a large heart attack. It also depends on the severity of the attack.

You don't really die "immediately" if shot in the chest, first it depends if the heart is what was shot, and it depends where the bullet hits. - David

2)   My cardiologist told me that if the LEFT artery of the heart was blocked then having a heart attack would be deadly. A heart attack basically happens because the blood vessel is clogged and the heart is trying to push blood through it. If the left artery is totally blocked(called calcification), then the artery tears and you are dead right away..... - What Will The Spill Kill?

3)   a massive heart attack leads to cardiogenic shock which affect brain function and also other vital organs, these contributes to a faster brain death. In gun shot hypovolumic shock due to large amount of blood loss within minimal period contribute to a faster death. - aziz

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Question 5
Acne scar. Is it an ugly thing?...  I have an acne scar under my left eye.
My parents insist its not noticeable but it JUST IS.
I fully understand that when you have an imperfection you see it as being far worse than anyone else does because it is your own.
Was wondering, is this considerably unattractive?. I have the impression that a scar with a heroic or interesting story behind it would make me think less of it, or perhaps even be proud of it. However, i inflicted it on myself by picking a spot years ago and i am therefore extremely insecure about it, i hate photos and avoid looking in the mirror in general.
Thoughts on scars/facial imperfections in general?

1)   Scars aren't ugly. They're just part of you. Some have awesome war stories, but some don't. The ones that don't still look fine. I think the only person who'll notice it would be you, because you're judging yourself. If another person comments on it, just say that you'd tell them the epic story of how you got it, but it'd take too long. - Nikolai Mcleman

2)   Hey, Its like you've just said it looks ten times worse then what we think. Its all about how you feel about yourself; Everyones insecure about something or the other; i mean for me its my weight i'm a size 8/10 but i still feel im fat and hate looking at myself in the mirror or i hate looking at pictures of myself.
Me as an indvidual scars dont bother me; just because someone has a scar on their face it doesn't instantly make you unattractive as cliche as it sounds its about whats inside that counts...xx - BroWn_EyeZ

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

My 22 yr old son is having allot of discomfort in top right abdominal area..what could this be?

Question 1
My 22 yr old son is having allot of discomfort in top right abdominal area..what could this be?...  This is the third day and he is going to the Dr. tomorrow He's not in pain just allot of frustrating discomfort and when he lays down and coughs it kinda hurts he says..Thank you in advance for your help!
He had a ruptured appendix at age 6 and it's in his front right up abdominal aka(abs) up high close to his top ribs

1)   His appendix may burst. Take him to the doctor and make sure he is ok. It would not be good... - Andrew Gifford

2)   kidney is causing problem! i bet ya! - Ryan Haczz

3)   I think it might be a broken rib... but "abdominal pain" is the most annoying symptom for doctors because it's so vague and it could really be anything! Make an appointment for the doctor and get it seen to. It's probably not serious enough for the ER, but it's best to get it checked out by a doc. - Bébé.

4)   Well, we definitely know it's not his kidney. Considering your kidneys are located on the BACK side of your body. And the appendix is located in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen.. The only thing I can think of that's located in that area would be his stomach. - jennifer

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Question 2
How To Tell My Mom I Think I Have Cancer?...  i felt a little bump on my ear today.. im 16.. how should i tell my mom i need to get this checked out?!

1)   Bumps on the ear at age 16 are almost certainly not cancer. Show your mom the bump and ask her what she thinks. - formerly_bob

2)   Relax just cause you have a bump on your ear doesn't mean you have cancer. It's probably just a pimple. - xXelite modzXx

3)   Cysts on the ear are extremely common; I get them once in a while too, as well as my buddy, parents and wife. Don't bother mentioning cancer, as it's not the case. Just ask her to take you to a clinic. - Scott

4)   Just show her the bump. "Hey, look at this. What do you think this is?" If it doesn't go away by itself in a few days, or if it gets worse, she may decide to have a doctor look at it.

Not every bump on your ear is cancer. Ear cancer is actually very rare. Not many people die of it. - Mr. Smartypants

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Question 3
How is alcoholism a disease?...  My mother is an alcoholic, me and my brother and sister have all tried to get her to give up drinking but its completely hopeless. (We're all adults) she drinks a 12 pack of beer every night, four beers get her drunk- but she just keeps drinking. She drinks alone every time, always starting at 5pm and says she does it because she's depressed and cant/won't stop. She's been doing this ever sense any of us can remember, at least a few decades. I understand dependance and addiction but my mother always taught me that alcoholism is not a disease so having been raised to think that I am now having a hard time seeing how it IS a disease. Someone please explain to me how it is? Maybe if I convince her that it is she will be more likely to treat it like a disease and get help.

1)   it is an addiction. addiction is considered a disease, and is treated as such. seems odd. the body is so dependent on alcohol, that quitting is actually very stressful. you can,t convince any addict that they have a problem until they are at the end of their rope, so to speak. - David

2)   Webster's dictionary defines "disease" as:

"a condition of the living animal or plant body or of one of its parts that impairs normal functioning and is typically manifested by distinguishing signs and symptoms"


"a harmful development (as in a social institution)"

Your mother's addiction to alcohol would fall under the first definition, just the condition is self-inflicted. The second definition is more related to something like "political corruption is a disease affecting the country" or something like that.

You should contact a psychologist or local rehab clinic for information on helping your mom. But understand many people will not quit an addiction unless they quit on their own, so it's really not a great idea to force her into it. But i will say i do not envy your position. At least you recognize the problem so hopefully you and your siblings can grow up, get out of there, and not make the same mistake. - nerdcore

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Question 4
can i use parachute coconut oil on my face to treat acne?...  can i use parachute coconut oil on my face to treat acne? will it help in healing it? or it will make it worse?

1)   it will make it worse. i got acne too.... try avoiding mastrubating - Dome of Discipline

2)   hey go get an appointment to a dermatologist for permanently stopping it, my sis had the same problem! - Ryan Haczz

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Question 5
whitch race has the best immune system?...  I know that white people have a 21.3% (on average) higher white cell count than most races meaning they have the best Resistance (this is why they live longer and stuff) but with some illnesses the white cells in the blood have never been exposed to certain illnesses like malaria or Sears so they don't know how to fight them. so my question is whitch race has been exposed to most illnesses so their immune system knows how to fight the infection?

1)   It really depends on the person. Everyone is different but I would say probably Caucasians. STD's and heart disease are higher in African Americans and Hispanics in this country vs Caucasians. Asians have good medicine but they aren't exposed much to other races in their own country so they would probably have one of the lower immune systems. Though like I said before it depends on the person. You can still have a white person with a terrible immune system and a black person, Asian or Mexican with a better one. - Hachi

2)   More than race, it may be where you live and how your live. Some babies are raised in a sterile environment where they are prevented from being exposed to many germs. Other babies are raised outside on the ground and are exposed to animals and other little ones all day. So maybe they are sick more when they are babies, but when they grow up (if they survive), I think they have a stronger immune system than the protected babies. - nochocolate

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

can i store pee for a later drug test?

Question 1
can i store pee for a later drug test?...  i need to take a drug test in three days. i want my sister to pee for me but she can only give it to me today. will the pee still be goon in a couple days?

1)   So you're saying you do drugs? - HeyItsWill511

2)   It will be really strong in three days. Don't save it, they will probably know something is up. - Jiggly Narwhal

3)   Ugh, just take the drug test yourself. Learn to face the consequences.. - Bébé.

4)   LOL! - ss invader

5)   did you see last weeks episode of Entourage? You can wear a fake dick like Vince did and use another persons pee, would that work for a girl though? - Mike

6)   you can of course, but I'm not sure whether it wd give a valid result. - Ariadne on TAURUS

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Question 2
i think my brother may be using cocaine but not 100% sure! help!?...  Some members of my family and myself believe that my brother is using some kind of drug:/ many times of the day he has certain friends that come over & leave almost right away. He acts very weird sometimes, like he'll start to talk nonsense & kind of mumble, and just act plain out weird! He'll go for like a day or two sometimes without coming out of his room without eating!!!! There has also been times when hes gotten violent & ended up getting into a fight with our dad & other brothers. He also has a drinking problem which i guess is making me believe that he is doing these things because of drinking but from my experience people don't usually behave in that way from drinking. I guess im just in denial :/ Can someone please help me out & if its clear.. tell me what drug he's using?! please & thank you!

1)   Talk 2 ur brother - Adrienne C

2)   Weed makes you really hungry, lots of teenagers smoke weed. And I would say when drunk he gets angry? That could be it, but who knows. I don't think it could be cocaine, that's one hell of a drug - Kelly

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Question 3
I have really bad ECZEMA i need help!?...  I have really bad eczema and i've had it all of my life. I haven't had a bad flare up since I was 17 and now i have a really bad flare up, it looks like ive been burned. How can i make it go away?!

1)   Hi-
Cortizone Eczema formula works great!
Hope this helps and Good Luck! - mmecca

2)   Buy hydrocortisone cream. Get the highest possible. Apply cream twice a day. Put a thin layer on then put anti itch lotion on top of the cream.

Do this for two weeks. If the eczema still persists, go to a doctor. - IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!

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Question 4
how can i get rid of my acne before my pictures?...  im takin my senior pictures on saturday. today is wednesday. i need a fast way to get rid of blimishes that doesnt take months to do. i dont have the patience for that. plus school starts on monday. is there any at home remedies that could be useful...i have moderate/severe acne and i need help now. thanks ahead of time!!!!

1)   tooth paste. - Becky Parker

2)   soak a cotton ball in salty water, and then lightly pinch each pimple with it. trust me, it works - Alex Moore

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Question 5
i want a radiant skin?...  

1)   Noxema instead of soap - pura_rosa

2)   Contract with skin specialist for your solved - S.m. mozammal Haque

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Can i get an std from wearing a friends underwear ?

Question 1
Can i get an std from wearing a friends underwear ?...  My friend has an std and i was at his house and his sister pushed me in the pool so i borrowed some of his cloths because we were about. To go to the movies. The underwear was clean and he is a clean person its just that some girl didnt tell him she had an std so he contracted it

1)   if the underwear was fresh out the laundry ur fine if he had worn it before then u might want to see a doctor - George Zhao

2)   AIDS AND HIV no. Other STD's? I don't see why not. Some viruses can live a long time outside the human body. - Kevin

3)   Yes you can but it is very unlikely. If your friend has semon in there underware and you have contact with it then you can get a STD but it is VERY unlikely. Hope this helps! - Soccer freak

4)   Sorry about your friend contracting a STD but people should be more smarter. Anyhow, you won't get it if it was clean so no worries.

Additionally, before you ever sleep with someone unprotected, tell them to take a visit to the doctor first. That's the smart way. :) - Tasia

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Question 2
I have boyfriend. He and me are friend not too long ago. When we masturbate together, we touch penis each othe?...  I have boyfriend. He and me are friend not too long ago. When we masturbate together, we touch penis each other.
Our penis get natural lubricant(pre-seminal fluid) after penis erection. We don't touch our penis each other after ejaculation.
I would like to know that would we get infected HIV from pre-seminal fluic.

1)   really any "answer" you get from this forum
will be only marginally useful .... you will have
to ask a professional opinion on this subject,
is there a "free clinic" in your town?
or possibly an LGBT resource center in your town?

There are other sources on the web
sorry I don't have any links, but they should not be that difficult to find.

GOOD LUCK - Menard K

2)   why do you masturbate with your friend ewwww - Edward Cullinator

3)   you type like a caveman. - Bellainator Ftm swan

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Question 3
my vagina burns and itches i just got off my month?...  i am seriously scared, i just recently slept with this guy a couple months ago but it wasnt the first time we've been together plenty of times, all the times before a few months ago i was always clean i went and got checked and there was nothing wrong, but i really regret sleeping with him again. Ive known him since i was 18 im about to be 24 in a couple months, can a vagina burn or hurt after their month or should i really be worried? when i urinate it doesnt look a weird color and when i drink lots of water it still turns to clear. If somebody had an std would their unine color change when they drink a lot of water? or does it never change and just stays the same? please help me, sorry if my story is out of place im in a big hurry to know whats going on.

1)   get a fire extinguisher its obvious your on fire down there or your just a ginger - Bellainator Ftm swan

2)   yoou might be pregnanat and the babys a gingeeeee - Edward Cullinator

3)   You need to calm down and ignore the ignorant answers okay. No need for all of that. Anyways, to my knowledge, when you use the bathroom, your urine color does not determine whether you have a std or not. It could be a yeast infection from lack of cleanliness during intercourse. I could be wrong so I suggest you go see a doctor to be more acurate. - Tasia

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Question 4
Chances of recovery from GBS?...  

1)   Well it take time to recover because I had it and the dr was surprised I recovered in 2 wks and other people takes months and weeks and years too - Barefoot

2)   My mother was diagnosed with GbS when i was 12. I'm sorry i know this is a difficult diagnosis to hear. The first year was the hardest. She was very very I'll. To the point we had hospice coming to the house. This was I'n 1992. 18 years later she is doing great. She's walking and recovered fine. The hardest part wAs atrophy of her legs. Try to massage n keep the limbs of the effected person throughout out the day and move them around so the atrophy doesn't set I'n severly. There is a GBS conference that takes place every year usually I'n AZ where people who were effected and dr who study it speak.. Many people recover with a lasting effect of fibromyalgia. This they can live with and if this doesnt break them they to will conquer this with time, And patience. I know when speaking to family members the hardest part for us was the mood swings anger and depression our loved ones experience. But i can say. God is awesome, and as i sAid before. It's a long road but I'n the end many recover. Good luck to you, I'm sorry your experiencing this. - Jasmine

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Question 5
Mini warts all over my hand (some big ones too) - why?...  Could it be off my dog or animals?
I am a 15 y o male
I have a similar thing on my penis when erect, I found out what that is and it can be common and is non-contagious (forgot what it is)

1)   Viruses typically cause warts. - Braun4

2)   warts are easily treated nowadays, go and see your doctor who will treat you there and then. The wart will fall off after a few days/ weeks, job done! - Foxy Loxy

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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Dehydration please help!?

Question 1
Dehydration please help!?...  hey, im drinkin alot of things, I keep waking up every 30 mins to an hour being really thirsty! I dont know why cause im drinkin alot every time i wake up can some one please help or tell me what the problem could be? im sitting in front of a fan and an a.c so i know the area im in isnt heated or dry...
yes i ate salty food i added salt on my chicken nuggets and kechup but how can that make me dehydrated is there anyway i can fix it?
my thirst has been going on for 4 hours.. my mouth is really dry after i drank a gallon of water atleast! :( help me!

1)   Drink 7up or squirt my grandma used to give us that when we would get dehydrated - Stephanie Rojas

2)   Did you eat salty or spicy food? - Mr. Sonny

3)   could be a side effect from a medication. or somthing worse. try going to and put ur symptoms in. its helpful. - Julia Friedman

4)   How long has your thirst been so high? Are you voiding frequently as well? If you've had any foods that are high in salt, that could be the cause of your thirst. Your body may just be missing something; try drinking a sports drink like gatorade to replenish your electrolytes. If that doesn't help and continues to concern you, ask your doctor to check your sugar levels. - Holly

5)   The question is what are you drinking? sodas and beer are not good things to drink to fight dehydration water or juice is better. - CELTICFRIEND

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Question 2
whats these round jiggley things growing upon my chest?...  This is my moms account but i went on here cus im afraid to talk to her about it. Im 17 years old. But i dont get out alot so maybe its common? theres very round and squishy things growing upon my chest. and on top are redish pinkish , kinda pepproni like(i love pizza) things on them. There quite cylinder and i like playing with them. Theyre like water balloons. And sometimes i rub my cat around em. i think she likes it because she licks them. Theres two of them kinda alike except ones bigger. I dont think anyone would understand. Maybe i have a odd condition? My little brother doesnt have any and niether does my grandpa. I guess i feel special cus im only one in my family that has em. They get hard when i look at certain things. Like naked girls and Fat guys. And sometiimes when my cat poops in her box. I would enjoy any help possible. please im trying to get a boyfriend but i dont feel confident cus theyre just jiggling everywere. and most of the time you can see them through my shirts. Ive tried things like taping them down with bandaids and takin my dads chainsaw and cutting them off. But i started bleeding and it burned so i stop. Thanks everyone who ais gonna answer. Hopefully good answer will come. Thanks alot


1)   hahahhahahahahhaah Bored Much??? - KiwiOZ

2)   Dude - Ayayay perfect

3)   LMFAO too funny (thanks for the laugh) - Rafa

4)   troll... - BigMan

5)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use deltasone. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Nirvana Giannakopoulo

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Question 3
itchy anus, what should I do?...  I know its not because I don't wipe well enough, because I wipe very well, maybe I wipe TOO hard, and that causes the itchiness?

I have tried baths, baby powder, showering and washing it with soap, Vaseline. maybe washing the area too extensively is bad and is causing itchiness?

if you cant be mature, please just dont answer.
pinworms... O-o

and um, yeah its probably just me wiping, cleaning to rough, i will get some butt wipes next time I go to the store, aloe ones, and do the lotion thing too, thanks everyone for being mature

1)   That sounds bad :/ go to the doctor ? Its more precise then an answer on here. - Harlow skye

2)   Use the dampened wipes at the end, the ones that have aloe in them. You could also use some medicated type of powder when finished, to prevent that itching sensation. - Smokies Hiker

3)   Are you sure you don't have pinworms, as this is a common
cause of really itchy bum-hole. You can get the medication at the
drug store. If you have little kids in the family, and they play
sitting on the ground, esp in sand, this is a very real possibility.

If you think it is irritation from being too rough, you should be
able to apply calamine lotion, which is for itching, and again
in available in the drug store, Then stop being so intensive.
Use baby wipes, and apply plain talc. - always b natural

4)   Ha I have the same problem, well not anymore. What I do is when I wipe I put some lotion on the tissue, spread it around a bit with my finger and then wipe. Also I use some water from the tap on the next wipe. You don't want to shove lotion up there but just a bit works. Also you can clean well with a disinfectant and then place something like neosporin where it itches. Leave the area alone but I think dry wiping too much and scrubbing etc was the problem. You may have ripped the skin too. If the problem persists go to the doctor. It may be something worse, probably isn't but better to be safe than sorry. Best Luck! - ?

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Question 4
My mother has MRSA, is she gonna be alright?...  I'm getting very anxious and worried for her, will she be okay? Or will she die from it..? I really don't know what MRSA is but from what I was told, you can die from it. I really don't want to lose my mother, I'm still very young and I'd probably go into an insane asylum if she died on me.. Someone please help me on this.. I just want to know what MRSA really is and if she'll be okay. Thank you..

1)   I'm so sorry to tell you this but I heard MRSA is deadly. I hope I'm wrong but that's what I heard. I wish you the est of luck, don't forget to pray/ - ☮B!zarre☮

2)   MRSA stands for "Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus", which is a bacterium that's resistant to a lot of drugs usually used to treat infections.

Can you die from it? Yes, you can, and it is hard to treat. However, it's not guaranteed to kill you either, and it can be treated in some cases. Although MRSA can't be treated with normal antibiotics, there are other more powerful drugs that can be used to treat it.

I can't tell you what's going to happen to your mother. Every case is different, and I simply don't know enough to tell you what the results are going to be. However, yes, she does have a shot at surviving. - Bob B

3)   Relax!, mrsa is a bacteria causing an infection, so your mom has an infection, that's all. Now, in people who are weakened, frail or very sick and then get mrsa, that's a problem, 'cause the body is already being ask to do so much. Its important that everyone washes their hands in your home, that she takes her antibiotics and follow the dr. instructions. - Jav B

4)   will come back soon. - Zoe Miller

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Question 5
Allergic to my tap water?...  Since I moved, my hands have peeled and hurt after taking showers or washing dishes. I have been given a cream (Been using it since march) ,because my dermatologist thought it was eczema of some sort. I quit washing dishes. However, I spent two weeks at my grandma's house and was doing dishes and going swimming. I noticed that my hands were normal again. I thought the cream had finally started working so I came home and starting doing the dishes. Then my hands were back to there original state.

Am I allergic to my towns water supply?

1)   Sounds like it. Although is it possible to be allergic to water, very
rare, it is most likely you are allergic to the additive (s) in the water. - always b natural

2)   It is possible that where you live there is something in the water that your skin doesn't respond to nicely. I know in Kelso there are some spots that are very gross and you have to use a filter for drinking. Yes it is possible you are allergic. Maybe try contacting the town? - Susan Huckstra

3)   I wouldnt say your alergic to your tap water as much as i would say you may have developed sensitive skin. These kinds of things are very normal and can be cured by simply using lotion on ur hands daily. If that doesnt work it may be that ur hands get upset over the moister, if thats the case i would consult a docter about it and they will give you a sertain kind of cream to cure this problem - Sean

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How to get rid of acne?

Question 1
How to get rid of acne?...  Is there anyway I can get rid of my acne without those products like proactive,clean n clear ect. I only have small zits on my forehead and some around my nose area

1)   Yes wash your face alot and don't use bar soap - j

2)   OMG another question about acne.

I have been trying to tell people that they have the solution to acne within themselves.

The answer is your own urine will remove or shrink the acne to nothing OVER NIGHT !!!
Use a q-tip and rub some of your own urine onto the pimple just before bed time. It wil dry up instantly. The next day wash your face with a mild soap. Cause the urine draws out oil from your pimple and shrinks it or makes it disappear over night. It works I have tried it and my high school friends told me that it does work. I found out for myself also when I had a big painful pimple on my nose. Took 2 applications and it was gone !! - dsn

3)   Make sure your bed sheets/covers/pillows are clean , and drink TONS OF WATER ! - Cakes

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Question 2
What are these symptoms a sign of?...  After i hit my head i've had these symptoms.
5 and 2 are normal for me.

1) Dizziness
2) lightheaded when standing up after sitting
3) Off balance
4) Blurred vision when reading on computer but can snap out of it
5) feels like somethings trying to escape from the back of my head.

1)   You could have concussion. If so you need to rest. All the best. - Jean

2)   Please go see a healthcare professional... do not consult Dr Wikipedias for legitimate medical concerns... - Paul W

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Question 3
What can you eat with a ulcer?...  

1)   Eat three small meals and three snacks evenly spaced throughout the day. It is important to avoid periods of hunger or overeating.
Eat slowly and chew foods well.
Be relaxed at mealtime.
Sit up while eating and for 1 hour afterward.
Avoid eating within 3 hours before bedtime. Bedtime snacks can cause gastric acid secretion during the night.
Cut down on caffeine-containing foods and beverages, citrus and tomato products, and chocolate if these foods cause discomfort.
Include a good source of protein (milk, meat, egg, cheese, etc.) at each meal and snack.
Antacids should be taken in the prescribed dose, One-hour and 3 hours after meals and prior to bedtime. This regimen is most likely to keep the acidity of the stomach at the most stable and lowest level.
Milk and cream feedings should not be used as antacid therapy. Although milk protein has an initial neutralizing effect on gastric acid, it is also a very potent stimulator. Hourly feedings of milk have been shown to produce a lower pH than three regular meals.
Caffeine-containing beverages (coffee, tea, and cola drinks) and decaffeinated coffee cause increased gastric acid production but may be taken in moderation at or near mealtime, if tolerated. - nochocolate

2)   you should have been a little more specific. What kind of ulcer do you have, stomach, esophageal or intestinal? In general the food is always taken in the liquid form. Fruit juices like Sweet lime and orange are very helpful. Yogurt and Indian Butter milk have shown to reduce the recurrence of ulcers in the stomach and include lot of milk and milk based shakes in your diet..take care.. - Mubin Ali

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Question 4
I dont think I have body lice but...?...  I am really itchy on my back and behind. Can feel these pests move in my underwear. Ive washed all my clothes in hot water. I have used lice shampoo and the comb but cant find anything. Ive shook some clothes out by a bowl of water and there's colorless little flake looking things. Not sure if its something that blew from my fan (bugs are matted on my screen) I just need a way to get rid of this. Help this is really annoying.

1)   yes you do you like it or not - Eric Cartman

2)   probably not lice, but if you buy some tea tree oil, and add a few drops to a bath (or to a handful of shower gel), that will ensure there are no bugs left, then you will need to moisturise, as those flakes may just be dear, dry skin. - Jim Johnson

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Question 5
Why does my chest hurt?...  The middle of my chest is hurting, it just suddenly happened since last night. It feels like there's pressure against it. But I'm not having a hard time breathing really. It's a little bad, but not terrible. It feels like a muscle should be popped or something. Any advice?

1)   Could be acid reflux. - Lip Biter

2)   do u eat a lots of food avoid it - Praveen Kumar sahu

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

what can i do to get rid of really bad acne?

Question 1
what can i do to get rid of really bad acne?...  i have really bad acne and i have tried everything. i use these pads on my face i also use this ointment that a doctor gave me but nothing works. i was my face 3 time a day and i make sure i dont dry my face out. any ideas?

1)   This Acne is due to hormonal changes. There is no need to feel self conscious, I did for a while but everyone has it & it's definitely not a big deal. There is not too much you can do right now (it will get back to normal later). Avoid oily or fatty foods & excessive sugar, drinks lots of water, wash your face a lot & use a sulphur soap. I have tried it & it really helped. It is dermatologically proved to help in acne treatment & other skin problems :) - Dave Naylor

2)   well what causes acne is dirt and oil on the face.. so keep on washing it and taking good care of it .. don't use cleanser pads.. they never work.. go back to the doctor and ask for a prescription.. it works trust me !!! .. and please someone help me with my question.. that would be amazing if you could.. heres the link:;_ylt=AkVoc291c9U7Auf57VCgYC7sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110803213213AAyhyoE - Kelsie Mcarthy

3)   keep your face clean and daily one time apply egg white on your face and keep it 10 min. after that wash your face with warm water your acne will completely remove just first try then reply me; when you give result. - Angelina Gates

4)   Well this is what my friends mom did to her.She told her daughter to put rubbing alcohol on her face first.Then put powder where the acne is.And it actually worked cuz her face got cleard up and avoid eating alot of greasy food - Esmeralda Rodriguez

5)   Believe me you're not alone. I get really bad breakouts a lot so I'm used to this. What I use it Clearasil face wash acne + marks. This seems to work for me. I also use Clearasil pads. I wash my face when I wake up and before I go to bed. You also have to remember, if you're a teen like me, it's normal. Everyone gets acne. Also try not to touch your face so much. The oil from your hands makes your face oily. And also make sure your hair isn't greasy. If your hair is greasy, then your face will be if it's touching it. I hope this helps! - Cassidy Parkes

6)   about it you can get information from here - Rik Popec

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Question 2
Sometimes in school my vision fails but not a lot I start seein blurry than my eyes get watery snd itchy?...  Do u think I need glasses the blurry part only happens 3 times in a semester

1)   allergies most likely, go to a doctor to find out for sure, with the very limited info you have shared. - Casey

2)   did you masturbate before this happens? - Christopher Martin

3)   You should just go to an eye doctor to get your eyes checked out; there would be no harm in just a checkup to see if you do need them. In the end they could just be allergies though. - Peanutbutter13

4)   it may just be that you are allergic to something in your classroom like if someone was wearing perfume or some sort of plant... - PandasRuleify

5)   Well with me I have noticed my vision gets blurry in school too. No other side affects except headaches. I talked to my doctor and he said it was tension headaches from the bright light in the school. However, that was my doctor. You are probably having a different problem. - Zack

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Question 3
omg plz help. really bad sunburn.?...  I'm in so much pain. How can I make it less painful. Plz help!!:(

1)   Two advil, aloe with lidocaine and drink lots of water - guinevere Sawa

2)   Rub aloe Vera cream on daily it will refreshen your skin - Esmeralda Rodriguez

3)   Lotion! Make sure you make sure you lotion up your whole body, and make sure the lotion has aloe in it. Also take some asprin to make it hurt less. Make sure you stay in the shade for a while, you don't want it to get worse. Please wear sunscreen next time, you don't want wrinkles and skin cancer!!!!
If you want to cover it up tap liquid foundation onto the skin, next dust on a yellow based powder to reduce redness, finally avoid blush and choose lip colors that arn't reds or pinks. - Kaysoccer11

4)   It'll go away. Suck it up. - Serene E

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Question 4
how to get rid of itchy eyes?!?...  all of a sudden the corner of my eye started itching the corner close to my nose. and i kept itching it..but i thought nothing was wrong. and now my both eyes itches! but idk if its allergies?! i never had allergies before!

1)   just rub them really good like every hour - ?

2)   That happened to me before.What I did was put the eyedrop liquid thing on the corner of my eyes and it worked - Esmeralda Rodriguez

3)   im allergic to my cats....sad but true. theres probably some sort of plant that's irritating your eyes. try putting a can of soda on your eyes. or something cold. that usually helps me. and dont touch your eyes too'll probably make it worse and you might've had something on your hands that caused it - Allie

4)   if you trust in ayurved then take a 2 drop of good quality rose water in your eye after that don't rub your eye - Angelina Gates

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Question 5
Does acne have to be in the form of pimples/postules?...  I was wondering if acne can also be in the form of just pure red spots on the face that can vary in redness throughout the day? Like very specific spots with clear boundries, they also sting when I sweat. I didnt have pimples there before or anything, they just always been there..

Is this also acne? Can Isotretonoin treat it?
No it doesnt look like that. Stop trying to scare the living hell out of me just to get points. Have some morals.

1)   Does it look like this?,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1280&bih=856&wrapid=tlif131243317078110&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi
Then it's probably rosacea which can be caused by food reactions. Especially things high in copper like soy or maybe even your multivitamin. And also things like chocolate, tomatoes and citrus. - Esme

2)   There is no real way to treat acne. My daughter has severe acne so I took her to a dermatologist which helped a lot. Look for a dermatologist in your area at YourCIty.MD A great site to find any doctor you need in your area with ratings and testimonials.
Nobody uses the same treatment to clear their acne so go to a doctor to find your personal fix. GOOD LUCK! :D - Sam Smith

3)   about it you can get information from here - Rik Popec

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Sunday, July 31, 2011

How to get rid of acne?

Question 1
How to get rid of acne?...  What's the best product/ way to get rid of acne? The acne I'm dealing with is very minor, but it's there and it won't go away. It's more like small bumps rather than actual pimples.

What worked for you? or What works really good? (Keep in mind I need something that will produce results quickly, I'm very impatient and tired of trying things that don't work)

Thanks :)

1)   Go to your local dermatologist, or get proactive, olay - MiSSEY

2)   You have several options, one is painful, one is embarrassing, and the last is probably the best...

1) pop them
2) wait till they "disappear"
3) use some sort of cream, scrub, or cleanser. also, toothpaste helps

If all fails, do not worry there is always the magic of photoshop! - Scap3goat

3)   Buy you a Clean&Clear soap.It's been helping me a lot with those god damn acnes.I highly recommend you to test it once! - Blackstar

4)   Proactive, it is so good! Seriously, I went from acne to perfect. Consult your dermatologist if you need anything else. - Your Mama

5)   read about it here
open the second and fifth orange link
there for detail info - Ralph Poiuytr

6)   You should try SebaMed facewash. This is their website: During high school I had acne and all the medication and creams I used did nothing (it was pretty bad acne). They wanted to put my on Roaccutane but I am a bit of a health nut and couldn't handle the thought of partially killing my liver and other organs... so by chance I tried this SebaMed stuff and it worked! In like less than 3 days people noticed a marked improvement! Obviously I can't guarentee that the same will happen for you... but it's worth a try. - Tim Foster

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Question 2
I need to get rid of this acne?...  I'm fourteen and typically not one to get lots of zits and whiteheads even though its normal for my age. I'm going into high school soon and want these blemishes gone. Do you havde any products that work fast and well or even really good home remmedies?

1)   proactive - deedee

2)   about it you can get information from here - Linnette Kresky

3)   I suffered bad from acne when i was younger...i just stopped using soap basically just hot water to wash my face and they cleared right up. Now i always have clear skin! - John Stephenson

4)   read about it here
open the second and fifth orange link
there for detail info - Ralph Poiuytr

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Question 3
whats fastest way to drop blood sugar!!?...  345 to 110

1)   stop eating - Brian A

2)   I agree with Brian. Not eating. - Ashley

3)   Cut out carbs, particularly starches like pasta and potatoes and sugar. Taking chromium picolinate will help also. There are lots of hidden sugars ie ketchup, so be careful, look at the nutritional information on packaged foods before you eat it. I basically went on an "Atkins" type diet. Also, I am assuming that you've already seen a doctor and are medicated. There are some great meds that will help with this like Januvia, and an injectable drug called Byetta. Good luck. - jomama

4)   Insulin - Mary

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Question 4
How to get rid of acne scars on cheeks?...  Well im a 17 year old guy and i live in Dallas, Tx and i have some scars on both of my cheeks i want to get rid of them before i move to California. Also i have some red spots on my cheeks there not pimples nor acne they seem to be under my skin, what should i do??

1)   Dermabrasion or a fruit acid peel.

See your dermatologist. - emgee79

2)   since lime is an excellent bleaching agent....and a very very good bleaching agent when mixed with cucumber wipes off the scar...GOOD LUCK........ - SSR SSR

3)   see a dermatologist they might be able to do laser treatment for the scars and the red spots sounds like roseacea - Dan Holly

4)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use accutane. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Zella Manon

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Question 5
Scald burn scars on legs..sun cream or cover?? ?...  Im severely scarred from the knee down on both legs from scald burns when i was a baby, going to ibiza in a few weeks... Is it safe to wherw shorts with a factor 50 cream or will i have to cover the scars with long pants??

1)   You should use tramadol, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Linnette Kresky

2)   I'm not certain but I think it's OK to wear sunblock instead of pants because the scars are all totally healed and all but it's always better to be safe than sorry. I say cover up if it doesn't worry you either way because Ibiza can get extremely hot as I'm sure you know. Enjoy your holiday! - Rosaria

3)   read about it here
open the second and fifth orange link
there for detail info - Ralph Poiuytr

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What to do i think i might be in a coma?

Question 1
What to do i think i might be in a coma?...  

1)   A magical dragon - D Gregs

2)   Obvious troll is obvious - cookies1231

3)   Well, since you were able to post this question just fine, I don't think you have anything to worry about. - Matt

4)   Troll.
Obviously you aren't if you're able to type & be legitly awake. - Ashley Jones

5)   Retard, you just posted this ! There for you're attention seeking a s s isn't in a coma. Good day (: - xRawr

6)   Check to make sure you are entering your questions in the correct section of Y-Answers - Gary B

7)   just go with it.

-others will feed you and clothe you
-others will flip you over. no energy wasted
-you can soil yourself without any stigma or ridicule

-are you kidding? it's a lazy bastard's paradise! - john

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Question 2
How can I cure A stuffy nose?...  

1)   It doesn't exactly CURE it, but I find that doing light exercise (like jumping jacks) usually clears my stuffy nose for a while. So does sudaphed, but that's not nearly as interesting. - Kayden

2)   You could: Take an antihistamine/decongestant. Your best choice is to do that. OR: Use nasal spray. OR: Stand in a steamy shower and try to clear it up that way. OR: Some people think exercise and swimming helps. - Jr

3)   I like a salt water spray. If I can't get to the pharmacy - the old 'pot of boiling water inhalation' works well too. Hope you feel better soon! - swarr2001

4)   You should try green olives, like one each of garlic or jalapeno olives would be great for clearing out your problem temporarily, you'll be surprised! Hope you feel better soon! - Chirpoff

5)   Use HydraSense. It's sterile sea water. It cured my extremely stuffy nose, every time. Also, if the nose is continously dripping, at one or both ends (outside and inside, in the throat, as it happened to me) it will stop if you use HydraSense. It just cleans the synuses, disloging any mucus, no metter how well it seems established in the nose.
You can find it at the pharmacy, even at Walmart. - liana2008

6)   You should use phenergan, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Sixta Nystrom

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Question 3
how long does it take to get blood results back?...  i had a blood test for diabetes and an underactive thyroid yesterday, at my doctors surgery (i'm in the UK) ..when will i get these results back?

1)   typically 24hrs unless your test was right before the weekend. - Jim Adams

2)   8 to 10 days you need to book an apointment with them - Paul Messer

3)   It can usually comes through to surgery by about 2-3 days, do phone to make sure they got it as the max should be a week should not be longer for your blood test report. - Charlotte

4)   it is dipending to
your lab - raza

5)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Sixta Nystrom

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Question 4
Diabeties at 14 am i stressing out ?!?!?...  Ok i am 14 years old 6ft tall and weigh 222 recently of last week i have been going to the bathroom more recently but not increase thirst my grandpa has type 2 diabetis and it seems like he is thirsty all the time and its not at all like that for me i have been cutting down on my portion size recently as well but it cant be the case why i now weigh 217 im not sure i think i remember sex ed back in 8th grade during puberty u will gain and lose weight constantly but like i said i don't remember i am heavy set broad shoulders i play football. i dont know wat to be concerned about am i being melodramatic and stressing out about this hole thing ad tht simply is making me feel like i have to urinate Plz help ty.

1)   If you're worried you should tell your mom to take you and get tested. But you sound pretty healthy to me... Don't stress - cookies1231

2)   You need to tell your parents and see your family doctor. There is a very good chance that you do NOT have diabetes. You are very young and you could probably just have a urinary or prostate infection. Get it checked out bro. - D Gregs

3)   You might just have high blood pressure. I had this before, you don't feel thirsty but you feel like you have to urinate a lot. Other symptoms are drowziness, headaches, chest pain, and dizziness. I don't know if you're overweight, I'm 14 and i'm 120. but if you are that is another factor to high blood pressure. Since you play football you have to move around a lot which can make your blood pressure higher. check it out with your doctor.

I also want to add to D Gregs answer - you can get diabetes at any age. Get it checked out. - Alexis

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Question 5
Could I get lung cancer from Asbestos?...  I have a old shed and it has a Asbestos roof inside the shed I have been sealing the wall and the roof with sealant to seal the gap between the wall and the roof I have tried not to scratch my body on it and I try to be very carefully around it but after 30Min's of sealing I have developed difficulty to breath and get a cough.I only get exposed to the roof every six months but very time I do i get this breathing and coughing probem.Do you think it is caused by the Asbestos

1)   No doubt. - Fred F

2)   Yes, of course it is! Instead of sealing it, you should be ripping it out! Always wear masks when working near Asbestos! - Valor D

3)   Asbestos is extremely dangerous once it becomes friable (broken apart). do not breathe any of it with out proper protection. if any should fall, use a hepa vac to clean it up and find out where to properly dispose of the vac bag - Murzy

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How long do stomach flu germs live on plastic and wood like in a cosmetic closet, is 5-6 months enough to kill?

Question 1
How long do stomach flu germs live on plastic and wood like in a cosmetic closet, is 5-6 months enough to kill?...  them? or do they keep mutating and live forever? a box of my medication fell where a pepto bismol bottle used to be and im afraid i'm going to get sick? are all the germs gone? can i catch it that way?

1)   Their max life on a surface is really no more than a week.... you're safe - Lightbread

2)   Those germs usually within 2-3 weeks prior contamination. From now on make sure you disinfect all areas that were possibly contaminated just in case - Madeline Hnad

3)   They live over 9000 years...

Jk. Give it a week and just wipe it off. Honestly germs in that small a quantity are good and help build up immunity. - Julian White

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Question 2
Can birth control give u cancer?...  

1)   LOL - Candy

2)   Ive seen commericald about certain birth control pills tht cause high blood pressure, heart attacks n other stuff but they dont cause cancer - i_luv_boys654

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Question 3
Is 144 a high pulse rate?...  Is it?

1)   Resting or after exercise? If resting (sitting down no movement) for 10 minutes you check your pulse and it is 144 per minute, you need to see a doctor, immediately if possible. This may be a sign of panic attacks, abnormal heart rate etc.

If this is the pulse after walking or working out then this is normal. - qris

2)   if ur exercising thats normal but if ur still and its like that that is VERY BAD AND U NEED TO GO TO A DOCTOR NOW! mine sits about between 60-70 normally but you could have serious health problems if its like that all the time!!! - April

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Question 4
How to get rid of a pimple that is under the skin?...  I recently got a pimple under my skin and i tried putting ice on it and baking soda but nothig seems to work so far! I also want it to be gone in less than a day now! so how can i get rid of this pimple under my skin quickly? Please help! thanks :)

1)   Rub toothpaste on it and leave it overnight. It should dry out. Although I've never done it before my girlfriend swears by it. - Chi

2)   put a little of your mom's wrinkle cream I use a revlon one that is small and in a red container. it works for me. ( i've also tried it with other ones and it still works. good luck :) - lely's

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Question 5
What causes diarrhea and how can it be prevented beforehand?...  What foods should you eat if you have diarrhea? What should you drink?

1)   this will solve your problem. - You Can't Explain That

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Monday, July 18, 2011

Could this really harm/kill someone?

Question 1
Could this really harm/kill someone?...  Ok, I don't want judgement, additional questions, or hate. Because this might just be the strangest thing you've heard. This is just a little summer prank me and my friend came up with.

Me and my friend are gonna mix some of our poop with brownie mix (same color/texture, you can't tell) and bake it.
Then, serve it to someone we hate. :)

could this potentially make them really sick, or even kill them?

*I know I just asked this question, but what if we just put one tiinnyy maybe golf ball sized poop in and mix it with the while mix?


1)   That's horrible dude, yes it will make them ill - ..........

2)   yes! it feces is full of bacteria, and if it gets in the bloodstream it can very easily kill! thats what the viatnamese did in the vietnam war. they put in on the end of sharp sticks, and made booby trapped out of them. plus that's the the biggest dick move, and you guys sound just sick. - Rex

3)   I would not even attempt this. they could possibly get something serious like typhoid. instead, do something that is not harmful, but gets the point across. try mixing in laxatives and melatonin if you really wanna prank someone. - Jake

4)   1) That's disgusting.
2) Yes, it could make them seriously sick with diseases like:
Hepatitis A, pink eye (if the eyes are touched), Polio, Salmonella, E. coli infection - Austin

5)   you have to be really f*cked up to do that
do wasabi or hot sauce instead - yahoo user

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Question 2
Is it bad to use acne wash when your sunburnt on your face ?...  I recently got sunburnt , & i'm tryna get rid of my acne ! But I don't want to make my face break out worse from the ance wash ? Should i wait ? Or will it be fine ?

1)   it's probably not a good idea. - smiley

2)   Don't use any face treatment except aloe and lotion until the burn heals. Using an acne wash will irritate ur skin a burn even more and it'll slow down the healing prcess of ur burn. - Kayla

3)   Wait until your sunburn goes down. Use something gentle for now, like Cetaphil. - Beff Pronio

4)   I would recommend Acneace!!!!
I used it, and after 1 months, my acne was COMPLETELY gone!
Hope it works for you.
you can get From Google Search Acneace Official site. Good luck. - Quinn Carles

5)   read about it here
open the first and fifth red link
there for more info - Gtyfy Cfdg

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Question 3
Two-colored mole? Is it dangerous?...  I have a mole below the belt that I've had since I can remember, it's never given me any problems but last week I noticed it is changing colors? Most of it is brown and a little part is dark pink. It's oval and not a weird shape, and doesn't seem to be growing although it's been pretty big. Is it something I need to worry about?

1)   Any mole that changes shape, colour or size needs to be investigated ASAP. It may turn out to be nothing but at least you'll have peace of mind. Speak to your GP or a Skin specialist.

Good Luck
:) - J Smith

2)   Have your doctor look at it as soon as possible. - Beff Pronio

3)   If the edges are clear, that's a sign it's not cancer. Also if it's smaller around than a pencil eraser.

When is your next exam? Be sure to show it to the doctor then, just to be safe. - Barbara MOV

4)   read about it here
open the first and fifth red link
there for more info - Gtyfy Cfdg

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Question 4
How do I make my callous feet soft? And how long will it take?...  My parents keep telling me to make my feet soft-they said it's ladylike. Anyway, my left foot is slightly callous, but my right foot....I'm not sure how to save it... And I usually wear high heeled leather shoes 6x a week and I can't change it cause it's part of my uniform.
My parents are coming to visit me at the end of this month (about 10 days from now) and I'm sure they'll check my feet. So what I'm asking is:

How can I make my feet soft and will I be able to make them soft in 10 days???

Please help, I'll be dead if my parents see my calloused feet:(

1)   At the store they sell a foot scraper u take it and u rub on the bottom of your foot and all the dead dry skin will come off. Then u get some foot cream lotions to moisterize your dry skin. You could get them done at a nail salon. I hope this was helpful. - Partygirl

2)   Ok! First things first, Everyone gets callouses. You can stop it, Its because your shoes. But you can't help it because of your uniform. You can take a filer and Chisel away calluses. Kinda like nail filiers. That's how you get rid of your callouses. It takes no more than a day if you concentrate and are gentle about it. You can try lotioning with natural lotion. With Shea Butter or Cream.
Hope I Helped! - Very Random

3)   read about it here
open the first and fifth red link
there for more info - Gtyfy Cfdg

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Question 5
Why do I have this yellow crust behind my ears?...  About 2 weeks ago I've had this yellow crusty stuff behind my right ear, like right around my ear piercing hole. And i sorta like peeled it off and then it was fine, but then it would become wet and the color was clear. And then a few moments later I would touch the back of my ear again and the yellow crusty stuff was there's like it keeps forming again?
I started to stop wearing my earrings (they are fake studs that a friend gave me a long time ago) and i stopped wearing earrings for a couple of days to see if it would go away but it never did. so then i started wearing earrings again but only sometimes. There were like 2 or 3 times where I accidently fell asleep still wearing my earrings. I did it last night and when I wooke up this morning, the crusty stuff was all around the back of my ear and it was really gross..
i dont even try to take it off anymore cause it'll just become wet and become crusty again..
Also, a few days ago the yellow crust stuff appeared on my left ear as well. Before it was just my right ear.
Anyone have any idea what i should do?

1)   Just some ear juices - Valkyriest

2)   You'll get good answers from the experts and members from this site. - Mary N

3)   read about it here
open the first and fifth red link
there for more info - Gtyfy Cfdg

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Monday, July 11, 2011

Should i go tested for diabetes?

Question 1
Should i go tested for diabetes?...  A relative of mine has diabetes and today she tested my blood sugar and it was 129 and she said that was bad. So now im worried that i have it. I workout all the time eat healthy but i went to school with kids who had diabetes and seemed healthy so now im terrified.She said she will test it again. What do you think i should do?

1)   yes - ada ava

2)   just to make sure i would go with yes - Akul Sharma

3)   Diabetes is a disease. You don't just get it because you have high blood pressure.

Most of the people who are diagnosed get it because it was in the family blood.

You shouldn't get all worked up about it. If you feel a certain type of way about it, then go see a doctor to be extra safe.

Hope all goes well! - Ant Rich

4)   Check webmd for symptoms of diabetes if you see you have some or all the symptoms listed there then it's a good idea to have youself checked. - D S♦T♦A♦R♦S

5)   The only way to know for sure is to have medical testing to determine if you are diabetic. A blood sugar test should be under 125 when tested 2 times. That is the current criteria for a diagnosis of diabetes. Hard to know what else you are eating or drinking that would cause it to be high. So if you are truly diabetic, it is best to know early so that you can avoid the complications of diabetes.

Even non-diabetics have higher and lower blood sugar numbers than the normals. Everyone has varying blood sugars thoughout the day and night. Diabetics have unusually large swings in their blood sugars.

So do you have any of the symptoms of diabetes? - mildred f

6)   Calm down, you are fine. The normal range for fasting blood sugar is 60 to 120. 129 is perfectly normal , especially if you have eaten recently. Don't allow people to get you freaked out. A person with undiagnosed diabetes feels Terrible, very fatigued, urinates a lOT, Very thirsty, feels really sick. This doesn't sound like you. - kaykay

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Question 2
I have some questions concerning breast cancer.?...  I was playing with my son earlier today, and was lying on my back on the ground. My phone beeped, and I turned my head to look for it right has he jumped on my stomach, grazing my right breast. It hurt more than my stomach. I lift up y shirt and my bra and feel the area, down at the very base of my breast. There's a painful lump there. I don't do self examinations and my last exam was 3 months ago or so. I checked my other breast and there's absolutely nothing in the area. I was wondering if I should make an appointment now, or wait until tomorrow? I was thinking tomorrow in case it's a fluke and goes away. I don't want to waste the doctor's time.

1)   Don't waste dr's time or your money. Your son hurt your breast, not cancer. Take some advil. - april

2)   I honestly don't feel waiting one day would hurt. You just may have bumped it & were not aware of it. I've also heard breast cancer usually doesn't hurt, that's the reason females are unaware they have it! Just wait a day or so, see if it goes away. IF IF you haven't had a mamo in the past year, by all means DO IT. The very best to you!^ - Bob R

3)   Somethings that can help prevent breast cancer.Dandelion root,burdock root and green tea.Lots of antioxandants. - lioness

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Question 3
stds leads to !aids is that true?...  i heard once you get a std in your body it can lead to different things such as hiv, or cancer is all that true.

1)   No, that's not true. STDs can lead to various health problems, but HIV is the only virus that will turn into AIDS. - soccrrulz21

2)   No. This is not true, STD's (now called STI) is a term for different diseases such as herpes, ghonarea, sphyalis ect. - paramedic matt

3)   No an Yes....No because if you have herpes or chylmida or an other STD it will not turn to HIV or anything like that. Yes because when you have an STD since your body is busy fighting the virus they say its easier to catch HIV when your around a person with HIV so just be very carful. Protecte yourself at alll times cause there are consequences in life that cant be turned around an catchin HIV is one of them - chevy fan

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Question 4
How does diabetes increase charley horses?...  The last couple days, he's gotten these charley horses within 60-90 minutes of eating a banana. He takes Novolog (orange pen) and another that I can't remember the name of. The charley horse today was so bad his legs, both of them, locked up entirely. I have him soaking in a warm bath since I fear eating another banana will only make it worse.

Some other FYI: His diabetes is poor-moderately controlled at best. He does mild/light exercise (mostly packing our house, running errands, galavanting with the guys, etc), is getting out of the Guard, but is otherwise unemployed.

I'm worried because he had these charley horses in January when he was first diagnosed with diabetes and his blood sugar was 500+. However his sugar hasn't been over 250/300 (on a BAD day) in almost 4 months.

1)   if he is happy with 250/300...keep in mind he will likely die a slow painful death from not properly treating his condition...moderate leg movement and drinking plenty of water usually helps with the charlie horses for everyone, diabetic or not... - Pari Lee

2)   I`m not sure diabetes actually cause it.Nutritional deficiencies,yes.For one thing,many banannas today come from cloned trees,so it is doubtfull you are getting any real potassium from them.For another thing,celiac can cause severe deficiencies.Need to get the diabetes under control.Avoid white flour and sugar.Eat raw fruits and veggies.Green tea balances blood sugar.Taking a good multi vit and mineral supplement may help,and taking extra potasium and magnesium may help,and calcium.Keeping in mind that hard vitamin pills are impossible to digest.Need capsule or liquid form of vitamins.No processed food or GMOS.Eat organic,and sprouted organic wheat,if you want to eat wheat. - lioness

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Question 5
I need help with teenage spots!?...  I get quite a few teenage spots on my chin , Which make up wont cover! and a few on my forehead .I use clean and clear facial wash and other creams , None work!Anybody got any that works for them?

1)   try sudocrem on them and if that doesnt work put toothpaste on them that usually works for me:) - mimi

2)   Really ? Teenage spots ? It's called acne . And if you wear make up it may be the kind your wearing that's causing the acne but if it starts to get bad you can always go to the dermatologist to get prescribed your own face wash , or If you wanna try something else I suggest skin ID , take the test online and it suggest what wash you need and you order it , it suppose to work for YOU cause we don't all have the same skin and break out for different reasons but if you don't want to try this I personally use the wave , so far so good for me - big

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Sunday, July 10, 2011

What is this bump on my mom's knee? Is it cancer?

Question 1
What is this bump on my mom's knee? Is it cancer?...  So, for several months my mom has had this big bump on the side of her knee. It's about the size of a golf ball, but I don't think it's a cancerous tumor since it would've been bigger by now. We can't afford to go to the doctor so I'm scared...

1)   Yes, that is definitely skin cancer. I give her maximum three months to get her affairs in order.

Im so sorry to have to tell you this.

Best wishes. - P.D Behr

2)   I'm sorry to hear that hon. it's not certain until you take her to a doc tho - A B

3)   She should see a doctor, maybe at a low cost clinic - Kevin7

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Question 2
How do i know if it is a heart attack or panic attack?...  Hi im 19 and i am always worreid about my health. I have panic attcks and i guess you can call me a hypocondriac (someone who is obsessed with their health). I am always checking my pulse and i have been to the hospital many times for miss diagonsis. When should i really worry? what is the difference between a panic attack and heart attack? would i know if i was haveing a heart attack?

please help ! :(

1)   panic attack is when your breathing heavily and you feel like you can't breathe for a good little while .. blow in and out into a paper bag and a heart attack is the whole left side of your body starts to hurt like a sharp pain and your having trouble taking deep breathes - javi

2) - Let me steer you

3)   Many people can confuse panic attacks with heart attacks. Both can cause sweating, dizziness, nausea, chest pain(angina). Generally speaking, at your age, under 30 years of age a heart attack is not very likely unless you already have a heart condition. - frustrated

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Question 3
red mark moving across body?...  I've had a spot on my back for ages. I have pretty good skin on my face and the rest of my body so I've never really paid much attention to it. I noticed the other day that it looks like the spot is moving gradually across my back, and leaving a weird scar-like mark behind it. It looks like a massive scar that's really old, like a healed operation scar. Never had an operation there and the spot is causing no pain. I'm not fiddling with it or anything and it's been there for as long as I can remember. Just wondering, is there some really obvious explanation for it that I've missed? Little bit worried that it's moving across my back.

1)   This seems a bit out of the ordinary. Maybe you should go see a physician just to get it checked out. - Mike

2)   yeah you should consult to an doctor. - leave out all the rest

3)   Probably go to the doctor. It might be a tic (don't want to freak you out) but that is a tiny bug that burrows itself into your scin. All they have to do to remove it is to burn it or freeze it out (painless). - Jake Foster

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Question 4
Passing black stool is this normal?...  Is passing a black stool,while going to the bathroom not normal?I do have some cramping in my stomach, but its not like really bad pain. I did have Alot of oreos that I ate. Is this something to worry about?

1)   hahahahahahahaha this is a joke right? - DOCTA Z

2)   Good Luck, cheers Gooooood luck (: - Iva Cary

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Question 5
Cut my skin while shaving my legs...?...  Okay so a few minutes ago I was just shaving my legs as usual and I cut my skin and I'm really annoyed 'cos it's right on the front of my leg and it's summer and I'm gonna be wearing shorts and stuff. Anyway, when I wipe away the blood, where I cut the skin it's kind of gone white? Does that mean it's is deep or not? How long will it take to heal and will the scar be really bad? I don't remember any times before where the skin's gone white... (I cut myself a lot while shaving my legs)
So has anyone else experiences this? Does aloe vera help? What helps the healing?
A lot of questions but it would mean a lot :)
I always do stuff like this right before the Summer, haha

1)   Owww. I did that a while ago. And it was REALLLLLLY bad, and it left a scar. But it's not noticable at all. And It's not deep if its white. it just means that while u were whiping it, u pressed 2 hard. Ok bye!

Oh ok and, u cut urself alot, bcoz u don't have enuff soap on ur legs so it's harder to not cut urself. Thx bye! - Olivia Breslin

2)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Doreen Tatsuhara

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

I started to feel sick and then found a tick...?

Question 1
I started to feel sick and then found a tick...?...  I am feeling sick at my stomach, having aches and pains all throughout my body, am really cold, and have a fever. I take some Tylenol and feel better for a few hours but then start to feel sick again. I found the tick after I started to feel sick and removed it. Without thinking, I flushed it. It was brown with a little bit of a white collar? Should I see a doctor?

Also, there is no telling how long the tick was attached but I live in an area with a lot of ticks.

1)   Yes, go see a doctor. You might have contracted something from the tick. - Lollipop

2)   There was an article on the news the other day about how there are new breeds of tics that are evolving, and how dangerous they are. I would definitely head to the doctors asap as a necessary precaution. - Kat

3)   Yes you should see a doctor as soon as you can. Ticks spread a lot of horrible diseases. I don't think you should worry because most of them can be cured, but seeing a doctor cant hurt you. - MecHa

4)   You need to see a doctor, the kind of tick may matter, but could not matter at all as the region in which you picked up the tick may only have one species, making your description not required.

You may have lymes disease, go read about the symptoms and check for the bulls-eye around the tick bite to see if you have it or not. No bulls-eye, no lymes disease. - Tom

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Question 2
Random adrenline rushes?...  I have an extremely bad temper problem as it is, and whenever I usually get heated about something I get extreme adrenline rushes and get shakey and what not..but lately they've been coming with no reason at all, I'd be perfectly chill and fine but all of a sudden I'd feel like I'm going to lose control over my arms and hands and its extremely hard to keep my hands from clenching and trembling. I don't know if its a medical issue or if I should be worried... Anyone have any answers?

1)   Sounds more like anxiety or some kind of stress disorder/anger management issue. - Tom

2)   Yes, if it is getting worse I would suggest finding a therapist. - kkkkurp ruyue

3)   I get them as well. Don't think about going to a therapist, though. They will piss you off further. - Knotseesaurus Rex

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Question 3
About how long will surgery take for a self inflicted gun shot to the head?...  My friend tried to commit suicide about two hours ago, and so far there hasn't been any news. I'm just worried and would like a time frame of how long the surgery might last. So far the silver lining is that he's in the 1/3rd of people with cranial bullet wounds that survive the trip to the hospital. Would anyone happen to know what his chances of survival might be too? I'm really worried. Serious answers only please. :(

1)   There's going to be a lot of damage. Time frame depends on how he shot himself and what kind of damage has been inflicted. Survival rate at this point, if he made it to the hospital at all increases dramatically. It's going to be touch and go. He's probably no doing too hot, but be confident, he's in the care of his surgeons, they'll do everything they can to help him. Like I said, the fact that he survived the trip to the hospital says a lot. - Boots McGooch

2)   It is a delicate part of the body. However, due to this fact it can take 10-20 hours easily. The intricacy of the brain means that he is expected to go through about 4 more soon and that is just the average and depends on the severity. In addition, he will be in a hospital for 2-5 months again depending on the severity. However, the bright side is that the brain is highly adaptable and that these people are trained severely in order to do this work and this is probably about their 200th surgery (at least) if you are in an urban area. - Brandon

3)   What you are about to read will be upsetting. I'm truly sorry for what I will say and if you cant bare the pain, please, dont read it. Injuries like this can affect people in many drastic ways and I am just trying to give you the picture so you dont get your hopes up too much.

You'll need to prepare yourself for the fact their personality is likely to change drastically if they survive, in many unpredictable ways. He could forget large portions of his life, people, the ability to speak or remember, the ability to hear, see, inhibitions, he may become more docile, incontinent, anything. If I were you, I would be cautious about getting my hopes up. Be supportive for the family and offer them kind words, but its a gunshot wound to the head and the chance of the individual dying of internal bleeding, oxygen deprivation to the brain, infection, sub-dural haemorrhaging, etc and their effects on his brain if he survives them, will be grave. But the fact is, what if he missed his brain all together? What if he went through the front of his face to the back ,or through the sides, aiming too low? He may be completely mentally capable and just lose his sense of smell, or an eye, or merely just find it a bit more difficult to chew. From his intentions however, its likely that he did aim for the brain.

I'm truly sorry for your situation and for your friend. I suffer from depression and find this mans story the worst of them all. - Tom

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Question 4
What are the signs that a laxative is working?...  I took a Senna laxative about nine hours ago, but have not had a movement yet. I can feel stuff happening in my intestines and I have even had some mildly painful cramps. I have read that Senna can take days, but that is simply not acceptable as I have work this week. Will it work soon or perhaps in the morning?

1)   You shit. - Jeremy

2)   usually if you have a bm you can assume it's working. - cantarloca

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Question 5
Why is my chin so long? Help!?...  Ok I have a long chin and I dont know why, my friends say its pointy and long. I hate it cause some kids make fun of me. Why is it so long? Please help and also, when I get older, is there a surgery to stop it from being so long? thanks :)

1)   Your parents probably have long chins too. Or your grandparents or great grandparents. It's not your fault. You should be thankful you have a chin. Don't listen to those people. You can get plastic surgery. - Michelle Cookies

2)   Its genetics your family members must have this trait and of passed it on to you its not your fault. there are gonna always be people who are mean and tease you but don't let it get to you just keep your head held high and keep it moving. and you can get plastic surgery but don't there's no need to mess with what god gave you just work it in your own way look at reese witherspoon, sarah jessica parker, and jennifer aniston they all have long chins and are still beautiful women with fabulous careers. HOPE I HELPED - anonymous

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