Monday, March 28, 2011

Do I get pregnant from hair removal cream or body wash touching my Vagina?

Question 1
Do I get pregnant from hair removal cream or body wash touching my Vagina?...  I'm just wondering guys, do these stuff make you pregnant!

1)   Yes, you can get pregnant. - hazardoussmiles

2)   Is this a serious question? - Kari K

3)   not unless nair is made of FRESH HUMAN SPERM????

wtf? who told you that? :S - Mr. Geo

4)   Umm, no unless a man is attached to those items. - DAR76

5)   Do I catch stupid from reading these questions? - garykn23489

6)   uh NO? no semen present?
thats not even remotely possible. unless some creep at the factory hides semen in the cream or body wash and it reaches a vagina alive.

where did you get your sex ed? im in 8th grade and i know this stuff?!!! - a girl

7)   No, only semen.
If semen is in contact with such fluids, then yes, there is a possibility that you may get pregnant. Sperm cells only thrive and move in fluids. - Joshua Yeung

8)   Of course not!... Unless someone is in the shower with you. - Lois V

9)   ROFLAO!!!! No it requires a penis and it's deposits(sperm) to make you pregnant. - Poppy

10)   obviously your mother must have. - just thinking

11)   You sure do!!!! Girl be careful! I swear, cosmetic pregnancy is faster than human... in 48 hours you'll be conceiving baby body washes and even retail -able removal creams.. Just be sure u don't get pregnant too often or you can be sued by the cosmetic company's for illegal reproduction of their products. (or u can get a permit to produce them legally). oh and the birth procedures are normal, no doc needed (if your used to giving birth to cosmetics) - Wilson Costa

12)   it depends on whether or not you have had sex recently or not but not from the hair removal or body wash unless someone put just seamen in them lol - Bri

13)   NO unless a guys stuff is on the items you have used. - I.Listen

14)   Can someone please put this on unfriendable? - ElliJ32398

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Question 2
dry skin on ear lobes?...  I just noticed today that my ear lobes are quite dry and flakey where my ear meets my head. I have never suffered from eczema, and neither have any of my family. could anyone give me an idea of what it may be or what i should do? everything i have looked for on the internet points to either eczema or sunburn
ok, i am male, use no hair products at all, have no ear rings and have never been sun burnt

1)   Could just generally be dry skin! Moisturise the area where it is dry for a few days and see if there is an improvement. If not you could go to your GP and get it checked if you are worried.. - Gavin

2)   could be dry skin and lotion will help but only if you drink plenty of water. if your hair is touching this spot and your a guy trim your hair adn keep hair products off the spots adn see if it clears up. if your a woman keep your hair up and away from these spots and see if ti clears up. i get this once in a while if i leave product in my hair to long adn my ahir touches my earlobes. - Gypsy woman

3)   dry skin in the ears is really common, use something like vasaline or E45 in them ieveryday for like 2 weeks it will clear up

also when u get out the shower or have water in ur ears make sure u dry them properly. - Chantelle

4)   Maybe it's an allergy to fake silver. Rea rings and such you know.
Maybe you should dip your earlobes in a bucket of honey.
If it's sunburn then Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream would help. And stay out of the sun.
It is very likely to be an external cause. So may it be the sun, some cream, shampoo, or too much washing , I don't know. If it persists, go you your DR. - ```

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Question 3
high blood pressure and salt?...  Does a high blood pressure patient caused by age who is taking medicine, have to avoid salt and fat?
Or the medicine is regulating it?

1)   Generally, if you have high blood pressure, you should avoid salt and fat (or greatly reduce the amount you consume). Medicine will work better if it doesn't have to fight additional intakes of salt and fat. - WB

2)   It is best to avoid salt whenever possible especially if you have high blood pressure.
You will get some salt in prepared foods but do not add any yourself at the dinner table.or in cooking. It is always a good idea to reduce your intake of fat but it is not necessary to eliminate it from your diet. -

3)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use norvasc. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Marna Vicari

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Question 4
How to make my arms and legs smooth?...  I have little red bumps on my arms and legs and I have been to tons of different doctors. They all say its different things and tell me all these different things to put on it. Nothing has worked! I just want pretty, smooth legs for the summer so I can wear shorts and soft arms that don't look like I always have goose bumps. Please help!

1)   You should use tramadol, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Genesis Maltie

2)   its a disease from childhood. i have them too. if u google it ....u will get more info. its because your hair is growing wrong on ur arms and causing the follicles to make red bumps. there is no cure....sorry =[ BUT good news! 1/3 people have it!!! look around <3 your not alone! and some pple even have it on there butt and face. Advice- TAN! when i tan....mine go 100% away. i dont recomend tanning beds though....just wait till the sun comes out =] good luck! - Still

3)   if you could provide me a better description of those red bumps, or maybe even a photograph, maybe, I could come up with a solution - Malibus Dalibus

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Question 5
respiratory infection how man days do a respiratory infection last?...  

1)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use ventolin sulfate. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Genesis Maltie

2)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use sumycin. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Marna Vicari

3)   It depends. It may last a few days, if it's mild. Or it may last weeks to months, if it develops into pneumonia. In which case, you will need to see a doctor for the proper medication. - WB

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Is a lump in my boob cancerous?

Question 1
Is a lump in my boob cancerous?...  I have recently found a small lump in one of my boobs. I am twelve and my boobs aren't developed yet. It's right under my nipple and it moves around. If there is a chance that it is cancerous I don't know how to tell my mom. It hurts if I push it. Please help me.
It may be just a sign of growth

1)   Teenagers getting breast cancer is a extremely rare thing. Many tumors/lumps are non-cancerous. You should have it checked out though, just to make sure it isn't something serious. - meow0628

2)   It probably is. I had a sister who experienced the same thing, but she was 13. She got diagnosed, and it turned out she had cancer. you should tell your mom right away, or send me pictures so i can see for myself ;) - Ryan Blank

3)   You should use nolvadex, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Matthias Prata

4)   No, this sounds like normal breast tissue development.

Breast cancer is rarely painful or tender and 80% of those diagnosed are over age 50.

Talk to your mother and she will be able to reassure you that this is perfectly normal. - Tarkarri

5)   It is a sign of breast development. You will soon notice a similar lump under the other breast. It is normal for there to be some discomfort. - knittinmama

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Question 2
I scratched my tongue, help!?...  Its about 1cm long scratch, but its been 4 days and seem like it didn't heal, i've been washing the mouth with salt water still so, anyone have some ways to make it heal quick? should i take some antibiotic pills and pain reliever ?

1)   If you have feeling of pain then take pain reliever, healing just took long period of time, its just normal. - Jorge Jester

2)   Use a peroxal mouth rinse without alcohol . It will help greatly . I did the same thing and that was the only thing that healed it. For pain you can use a product for canker sores called kanka ittastes bad and hurts when you put it on but after the pain is gone. It works great for scratches on tounges . Hope it helps ! - Jonathan Netzel

3)   Stop washing and just leave it alone. If it's being washed too much the tissue won't be given a chance to repair itself. Antibiotics are definitely not necessary at this point unless it becomes infected. In that case, see a doctor. - Megan

4)   antibiotics are for treatment of a bacterial infection. they don't help cuts heal. take a couple asprin. your mouth and eye's are actually the fastest healing parts of your body because they are moist and warm. there are key vitamins that will help your body recover from cuts, like vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin D, and also herbs and homeopathic remedies like Arnica Montana, which i absolutely swear by. (you can find at a healthfood store) here's a URL for a little more info. - Clancie C

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Question 3
My mum can't breathe?...  Sometimes my mum (40 years old) can't breathe out of nothing. She will be walking normally and then she can't breathe, like at all. She will be crying and can't talk, for about a whole minute. I have to hit her very hard on the back and make her swallow water, then she can breathe again after a bit. it's already happened 2 times and I go to school so I don't know if it will happen when I am at school and I won't be able to help her. Please help! Any help is appreciated :)

1)   ummmm....take her to the frickin hospital - Alex

2)   it must bee seen by a medical professional. My mother has apnea which whe stops breathing in her sleep and they said she loses brain signals due to lack of oxygen. take her to a medical clinic as soon as possible. - que otro hay

3)   Go see a real dr dont ask that kind of question on here you have ppl on here will
tell you anything and have no clue what they are talking about - sfjohn5

4)   This web page discusses some possible causes. Your mum needs to see a doctor. - Paraiba Blue

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Question 4
could being stuck seven times in one arm to start an iv cause a small painful knot under armpit?...  i was very dehydrated

1)   about it you can get information from here - Kristy Mam

2)   Not unless that is where you were stuck. Usually, if the iv infiltrates, it would be near the site. If you have a small knot and it doesn't go away when you are well, I would go see a doc about it. - doowopper1952

3)   there are Glands in your armpit. each gland on your body reacts to,and is responsible for a certain part of your body. for instance, you have a gland on your jaw, infront of your ear. if the side of your face gets a cut, that gland with get swollen and sometimes painful, because it is reacting to that area. so yes, it is possible for that to happen.
the swelling could also be due to a cold or a flu even. - Clancie C

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Question 5
At what age can i get lung cancer?...  I don't smoke,I dont feel no pain,no second hand ethier,My family has never suffered form something like this plz tell

1)   any age but it is mostly geared toward older people but since your not expose to any of those things you have nothing to worry about - steph

2)   Most people get lung cancer between the ages of 65-74. - Denisedds

3)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use topamax. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Kristy Mam

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Monday, March 14, 2011

how do i know if i have dandrudd or lice, when i itch they come off but i have alot of the...?

Question 1
how do i know if i have dandrudd or lice, when i itch they come off but i have alot of the...?...  ...white flaky stuff
my head isnt normally itchy,
but when i do itch lots off white stuff comes off
also if i use like my nail or somthing to itch all the whote stuff gets like packed under my nail, does that mean its just dandruff???
and if it is dandruff what do you recomend for me

1)   if you have lice the only way to get rid of them is special shampoo and head being shaved. - Rick

2)   If your dandruff is moving, it's lice. - alanski

3)   i dont think it is lice but if it is you can check look close to the roots of your hair would be little white things that dont just brush off you have to pull them down the hiar with your nails if you find these they are lice eggs then you need to treat with a lice kit if you do not find these and it is dandruff i would try some dandruff shampoo. hope this helps(: here are some picks of lice eggs so you can tell if this is or not-
cloase up-

regular- (it is not this bad on some people) - hotpink101

4)   you dont have lice. lice are bugs and if you dont see any bugs crawling on your scalp its not going to be lice. what you are experiencing could be a combination of dandruff and possibly not rinsing your hair well enough after shampooing therefor leaving soap residue on your scalp.. hopefully you are using shampoo and not some other kind of soap such as bar soap. switch to a dandruff shampoo and be sure to rinse your hair very well and scrub at the scalp while doing so. - Larry

5)   If you use a lot of hairspray or gel and skip washing your hair that could do it too... it seems more like that then just plain dandruff ... look into your roots and if you see anything moving or a build up of eggs then you def got lice ... you prob need to wash your air more if you use stuff in it - Winter

6)   It's definitely dandruff, because with lice there isn't any white stuff, just a bunch of bugs living on your head, and yes, they too itch like hell.. For the dandruff use Selsium Blue. Good luck! - amccoy1962

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Question 2
I scratched myself on a bit of wood. Should I get a tetanus shot?...  I scratched myself on a piece of wood this morning, disassembling a bunk bed. The scratch is tiny, maybe a few millimetres wide. No blood, just the tiny scratch. I can't find the life of me remember when I last had a tetanus immunisation, although I'm sure it was less than ten years ago. (Don't the NHS usually send a letter a few months prior to the vaccine ending?)

Should I get a tetanus shot?

1)   No... you didn't even break the skin enough to even bleed. Plus, it was just wood not metal.

You're fine. - nite_angelica

2)   No.
1. Usually you only get a tetanus shot if you get punctured by metal.
2. If you had a tetanus shot in the last 10 years, you don't need another one.
3. Do you freak out every time you get a scratch?! - Captain Awesome

3)   You should be fine. If you keep the cut clean, you shouldn't have any issues. The common misconception is that it's only transmitted via rusty metal, but it can occur most often in puncture wounds (example being rusty nail in foot) that have been exposed to the tetanus bacteria. Long story short, if it's a shallow cut and can be exposed to oxygen, it's really unlikely you'd have those complications that'd require a tetanus shot. The tetanus bacteria only can thrive in a deep wound that cannot breathe/be exposed to oxygen (i.e. puncture wound). - soccerchick19832002

4)   Usually when a foreing object punctures the skin you should get a tetanus shot, Theres a test that determines if your due for immuniztions! but in tis case i dont think is necessary to get an immunization as the object dint puncture the skin, i would deffinatley clean it annd keep updated with the scratch for the next 5 days if it gets swollen,reddish,bumpiesh then it needs medical attention asap (stat) as we say in the medical field, but you should be fine as your description seems just like another in home minor scratch!1 - Gera*87*

5)   tetanus comes from metal, genius. - ilove:neil-patrick-harris

6)   Stop worrying so much, your fine - John Mclaughlin

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Question 3
What are some medical problems that would have a child coughing up blood and have a high fever?...  No one i know has this, it's for a story, so no worries but i just want to know
What are some medical problems that would have a child *girl, age 7* coughing harshly, coughing up blood and have a high fever?

1)   Tuberculosis - A88

2)   tuberculosis, possible pneumonia or bronchitis - alternativebaby09

3)   A cold.
A flu.

The irritation alone can lead to coughing up a little bit of blood. - Kat

4)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use fioricet. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Shu Enno

5)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use fioricet. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Marna Neitz

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Question 4
Is it offensive to ask my boyfriend to get tested for HIV?...  My boyfriend used to date a girl who he later found out cheated on him with a LOT of people. I'm afraid he might have an STD now because of that. (Although I'll admit I'm always paranoid of STDs, no matter what).

Anyway, I have an IUD which means I don't need to use condoms. So I was thinking of asking my bf to get tested to HIV, and maybe every other STD, and then we can have sex without a condom. I was talking to my friend about this, and she said that if I asked him to do that, it would be rude. That's ridiculous right??

1)   If your concerned about it then it is the safest thing to do. It's for his own best interests too because if he does have an STD then im sure he will want it to get sorted - Ben Williams

2)   of course not, this is your body and your heath. you are the one you suffer if you catch the disease.

other thing he does not deserve you and does not respect you as long he is dating and doing sex with another one. why u agree . he is not honest friend. - nisto

3)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Marna Neitz

4)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use zerit. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Shu Enno

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Question 5
i have a fever of 100 and i used to have body aches. im 15?...  It started yesterday. The fever used to be at 102. And I'm taking my temp ever hour or so and it seems to be coming down. I stayed home from school today. Do you think ill be cool to go to school tomorrow? If i do go to school tomorrow and its not completely better yet do you think ill still be 100% better by Friday!? I need to be better by Friday.

1)   you could have the flu virus, a few people at my work have said they are getting a high fever and aches then it goes away. go to the doctors or local pharmacy to see what they can give you. i reckon you will be ok by friday aslong as it is not the swine flu!! - sxyheather1982

2)   R.I.P. - Fredrick Rickfred

3)   It totally depends on your body. My mom always says you need to wait 24 hours after you have a fever to go out in public. I would not suggest that you go to school tomorrow because I'm sure your friends don't want to get sick. I'm not quite sure if you will be better by Friday, its all in God's hands. Feel Better! - Jenee Lovesyou

4)   you will be beter you can go to school. - Angila Smile

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

How do i get rid of dry skin?

Question 1
How do i get rid of dry skin?...  

1)   It puts the lotion on its skin. - Kristin J

2)   could try these if you like =) (ive never tried them) - Scottie

3)   baby oil - donnie

4)   read about it here
open the third and fifth link there for
more detailed information - Billies Werqqq

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Question 2
Angelica at age 25 suffers chronic pain & inflammation in all her limb joints as well as her lower back &.....?...  SI joint. her pain is adversely affected by cold weather and is always worse in the morning. What condition might she have and why?

1)   Sounds like a homework question to me. One option would be rheumatoid arthritis - J B

2)   arthritis why..chronic pain and inflammation in limb joints and affected by cold weather worse in morning - princepessa commestibile appiccicosa dolce

3)   She has inflammation which means it's an itis. Since it's in her joints it's arthritis. At the young ate of 25, she has it because she eats bad foods that make her fat and store toxins in the joints. Her body is trying to make her stop by causing pain as a response to the toxins. If she stops eating processed (preservatives, dyes, chemicals) junk foods, her pain will be alleviated. - Y!Aeatmyturd

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Question 3
how do i get rid of redness caused by acne? not acne itself, but the redness it leaves behind?...  i'm on month 4 of accutane and my face is incredibly smooth. i have no acne, just blotchy red spots caused by acne. my dermatologist says it'll take up to a year for it to all go away but prom's coming up and i need a solution fast. i heard honey works pretty well and i've been trying that for the past few days, but are there any other home remedies that will work fast? thanks.

1)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Luann Hedegore

2)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Etha Valley

3)   read about it here
open the third and fifth link there for
more detailed information - Billies Werqqq

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Question 4
Can a girl catch hpv from another girl ?...  I know a friend of mines who has genital warts on the outside of her vagina. It's between her vagina entrance && butt && it's only 3 barely visible warts. Her doc tld her tht the warts are not on her cervix, so that's a good thing && her pap smears come back normal. She's dating a female && they perform oral sex on each other. Her gf only stays on her clit during sex ; she doesn't go any further. Should the gf be worried about catching hpv if she isn't coming in contact with the infected area?

1)   Yes. They need to use a protection device called a dental dam for this. The virus may be showing in only a few small warts, but it is present over the entire area. Dental dams are effective for this. - SethSpeaks

2)   She is definitely in danger of contracting HPV. They need to take precautions, even though dams and so on are not 100% effective. - pelican

3)   they said that it is also a contact situation thing, so if u even touch her vagina and then touch urs, u cud get it. I kno its really sad cos most of the time to get turned on u need to touch the person on their genitals and sumtimes touch urself too to get turned on. - Depressed

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Question 5
is cancer spead from cancer patient to anybody?...  

1)   Yes. - The Game

2)   NO - J B

3)   no cancer can not spread from 1 person to anyone - kenziee

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Question 1
EASY 10PTS QUESTION ON CANCER! PROMISEEE?...  iam doing a research paper on cancer
so is chemotherapy and radiation therapy an alternative treatment for cancer?
if nott...can you name somee?!

it is a yes or a no ansewerr!!!!!!!
is chemotherapy and radiation therpaya

1)   its not but there are plenty of diets and herbal remedies that claim to help those who suffer from cancer. you should look into those - Zach J

2)   Yes, both chemotherapy and radiation are Alternative treatments for cancer. - Erika Ganauser

3)   Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. Cancerous cells are also called malignant cells.
Causes, incidence, and risk factors
Cells are the building blocks of living things.
Cancer grows out of normal cells in the body. Normal cells multiply when the body needs them, and die when the body doesn't need them. Cancer appears to occur when the growth of cells in the body is out of control and cells divide too quickly. It can also occur when cells forget how to die.
There are many different kinds of cancers. Cancer can develop in almost any organ or tissue, such as the lung, colon, breast, skin, bones, or nerve tissue.
There are many causes of cancers, including:
Benzene and other chemicals
Drinking excess alcohol
Environmental toxins, such as certain poisonous mushrooms and a type of poison that can grow on peanut plants (aflatoxins)
Excessive sunlight exposure
Genetic problems
However, the cause of many cancers remains unknown.
The most common cause of cancer-related death is lung cancer.
The three most common cancers in men in the United States are:
Prostate cancer
Lung cancer
Colon cancer
In women in the United States, the three most common cancers are:
Breast cancer
Colon cancer
Lung cancer
Some cancers are more common in certain parts of the world. For example, in Japan, there are many cases of stomach cancer, but in the United States, this type of cancer is pretty rare. Differences in diet may play a role.
Some other types of cancers include:
Brain cancer
Cervical cancer
Hodgkin's lymphoma
Kidney cancer
Liver cancer
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
Ovarian cancer
Skin cancer
Testicular cancer
Thyroid cancer
Uterine cancer
Symptoms of cancer depend on the type and location of the cancer. For example, lung cancer can cause coughing, shortness of breath, or chest pain. Colon cancer often causes diarrhea, constipation, and blood in the stool.
Some cancers may not have any symptoms at all. In certain cancers, such as pancreatic cancer, symptoms often do not start until the disease has reached an advanced stage.
The following symptoms can occur with most cancers:
Loss of appetite
Night sweats
Weight loss
Signs and tests
Like symptoms, the signs of cancer vary based on the type and location of the tumor. Common tests include the following:
Biopsy of the tumor
Blood tests (which look for chemicals such as tumor markers)
Bone marrow biopsy (for lymphoma or leukemia)
Chest x-ray
Complete blood count (CBC)
CT scan
MRI scan
Most cancers are diagnosed by biopsy. Depending on the location of the tumor, the biopsy may be a simple procedure or a serious operation. Most patients with cancer have CT scans to determine the exact location and size of the tumor or tumors.
a cancer diagnosis is difficult to cope with. It is important, however, that you discuss the type, size, and location of the cancer with your doctor when you are diagnosed. You also will want to ask about treatment options, along with their benefits and risks.
It's a good idea to have someone with you at the doctor's office to help you get through the diagnosis. If you have trouble asking questions after hearing about your diagnosis, the person you bring with you can ask them for you.
Treatment varies based on the type of cancer and its stage. The stage of a cancer refers to how much it has grown and whether the tumor has spread from its original location.
If the cancer is confined to one location and has not spread, the most common treatment approach is surgery to cure the cancer. This is often the case with skin cancers, as well as cancers of the lung, breast, and colon.
If the tumor has spread to local lymph nodes only, sometimes these can be removed.
If surgery cannot remove all of the cancer, the options for treatment include radiation, chemotherapy, or both. Some cancers require a combination of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.
Lymphoma, or cancer of the lymph glands, is rarely treated with surgery. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are most often used to treat lymphoma.
Although treatment for cancer can be difficult, there are many ways to keep up your strength.
If you have radiation treatment, know that:
Radiation treatment is painless.
Treatment is usually scheduled every weekday.
You should allow 30 minutes for each treatment session, although the treatment itself usually takes only a few minutes.
You should get plenty of rest and eat a well-balanced diet during the course of your radiation therapy.
Skin in the treated area may become sensitive and easily irritated.
Side effects of radiation treatment are usually temporary. They vary depending on the area of the body that is being treated

chemotherapy and radiation - ILoveJames

4)   You should use nolvadex, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Delmy Testerman

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Question 2
Does soap make for a good lotion?...  Or shampoo? I just shaved and cabt find any lotion

1)   Maybe try body wash!? - Alana

2)   No. And shampoo is bad for moisturizing. Lotion Is good for lotion - Vicki

3)   Um.. I would use shampoo or conditionar but really lotion would be the best. - Serena Hi

4)   ya, just use few water so it thick and slippery. - Henry W

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Question 3
is what i have prostate cancer?...  i have had some sort of infection on the left side edge between testicles and hip. sometimes it would dry up and other times it would be red and itchy and wet. i have also been feeling nagging on the inside of my hips also on left side. sometimes i feel nagging in lower back. the infection seem to have spread across the pubic hair are and down the other side, although not as bad on the right side. is it prostate cancer? should i get it checked out? i also feel weaker

1)   get off the computer and go to your doctor this can be very bad get in your car NOW - master

2)   Go see a doctor right away! Good luck - HONEY16

3)   about it you can get information from here - Delmy Testerman

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Question 4
Cant Stop Picking little Scabs On My Head!!!?...  I've been picking these little scabs (originally picked pimples) for about two or three weeks now. I'm thirteen so puberty probably has and an effect on extra oils and what not. Also I play Ice Hoke 3-4 times a week and my helmet gets pretty sweaty. (
Even though I try to stop I CANT any tips?

1)   when you have on you should like draw on it or put something over it so your not looking at it.. so it helps you not want to pick at it... - maxgreen1337

2)   Ha I kinda have the same problem but probly not as bad I just try not to think about it. Good luck! - Serena Hi

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Question 5
What are the chances of getting athletes foot by going swimming?...  going swimming, but wear sandals in the lockerroom
but don't spores get left by the pool?

1)   Always wear sandals unless you are in the pool then the chances are unlikely. - © Evolution - 8701

2)   If you are wearing sandals in the locker room then you are protecting your feet. But yes swimmers have been known to contract athletes foot. Just make sure you feet are clean(so wash with soap) and dry(the fungus likes warm and wet aka: a swimmers damp foot). As long as you follow those things you should be good. - Super Swimmer Chick

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