Monday, January 31, 2011

anyone know a cure for insomnia?

Question 1
anyone know a cure for insomnia?...  i can NEVER sleep at night. even if i wake up early. i literally have to force mysle fot sleep in the wee hours of the morning and even then it takes forever to fall asleep. i dont wanna depend on sleep meds but im getting desperate… help? =(

1)   about it you can get information from here - Cherilyn Fleming

2)   Drink warm milk before bed, then listen to soft music, make sure your bedroom in dark then you
Z - Gracy Toy schultz

3)   Did you ever notice how people fall asleep after thanksgiving dinner?
It's no joke the tryptophans in turkey and milk help you sleep. Have a glass of warm milk and some turkey before you go to bed. Stay away from sugars and caffiene after 5:00 pm. - kramer

4)   Try to cut out caffeines earlier (if you have any). Do something that tires your brain before you sleep, like reading. As a last resort, you could try sleep sleep aids..I take Temazepam nightly and it has no side effects like headaches or grogginess. It works quickly, too. Good luck! - Lacey

5)   Look up some foods that induce sleepyness.They can help you relax.Also try running around for as much and as long as you can to get rid of all your energy, so that you become exhausted.
Or, don't even sleep, and once you finally get extremely tired, just go to bed at your desired time, and you should be able to get back on track. :P - waffles

6)   Try a hot herbal tea with some honey and that should do the trick.It's cheap and sold at the super market such as IGA,if you have one in your area or try a herbal pill called Valerian root. - Agent K

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Question 2
ProActive??????????!?...  How many of u ppm have used proactive? Did it work? Do u recommend it??

1)   It works on some people...not everybody...if u have sensitive skin don't use it - Michael Cuellar

2)   Use MaxClarity it worked 4 me :D - Killing Katherine

3)   It didn't work for me or my cousin. What i did was get a prescription. I used that with a face wash and i noticed a difference soooooooooooo fast. But i mean ProActive wasn't bad it was just the first time you don't use it it gets terrible. So like when i would go to my friends house for the night the next day it is terrible and it takes a week to get back good. I don't recommend it. - Kris

4)   I used it maybe 4 years ago. It did what any other acne product did, made my skin really soft and did nothing for my acne, then after awhile made my skin dry :( what did work was going to a dermatologist at the doctors. My mom took me because she was upset on buying so many useless products. What was prescribed to me didn't get rid of every single bump but it kept it much more under control - Tonii

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Question 3
What is a bovine heart?...  

1)   A cow's heart. - Gypsy<3

2)   A heart from buffalo or cattle....weird. - Just Curious

3)   A bovine heart is a heart that comes from the bull, cow and calf - FERLUPA

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Question 4
Small bump on forehead!1 Help please!!?...  I have a small bump on my forehead. I noticed it a few days ago and tried to squeeze it but nothing came out! :/

1.What is it?
2. How to get rid of it?

Im so scared! Thanks 4 helping!

1)   Probably just an under the skin pimple :) those don't really POP...they r just annoying and then go away - DanceIsLife2010

2)   Leave it alone. It may be a small cyst which could go away by itself. If it doesn't a dermatologist can remove it in an office procedure. - scoutma53

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Question 5
what are the signs of strep throat?...  I just would like to know. . .:)

1)   Your throat hurts. - Philip Pfuelb

2)   soar throat. red throat. white blotches/blisters on your tonsils. fever. - AngelaLynn

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Friday, January 28, 2011

does eating chicken 6 times a week cause to have dandruff?

Question 1
does eating chicken 6 times a week cause to have dandruff?...  

1)   Yes it is a fact - Kojak

2)   OMG...where do people come up with this stuff?
you'll become a better 3rd baseman...look what happened to Wade Boggs. :)

good luck! - seabreeze951

3)   Definately chicken is not made for human. My suggestion to you just do not eat chicken. - JAYESH

4)   I've never heard of such a thing - AliJay

5)   You should use salicylic-sulfur-shampoo, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Elene Huger

6)   so why do you eat that much chicken? - Amza

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Question 2
Do i have diabeties? are these symptoms?...  I have unusual weight loss, extreme hunger and thirst and tiredness. I have burred vision, urinary problems....

1)   Sounds like it. - rayehawk

2)   That is a textbook example of diabetes. Call your doctor. - Frank

3)   I don't think you have Diabetes. but you are coming down with something, better go get it checked out. - Kid CuDi

4)   no , its normal simptoms - Cathrine Paul

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Question 3
PLEASE HELP AM I GONNA DIE? I accidentally inject myself AIR into my blood by my shot?? HELP!?...  Please let me know give me advice if I'm a gonna die!? please read below!

Ok it was a really quick, stupid, possibly "fatal" mistake. I'm a diabetic.. please note that! Well,what happned was I prepared myself my everyday routine insulin shot for dinner but what I did not realize is that there I did NOT give myself any INSULIN in my syringe but it was just plain AIR!!! I just gave myself about 20 freakin' units of air (what I thought was insulin, my meds) into my bloodstream!!

YES I know plain stupid!! but plz know my insulin which is humalog is really similar to air color , like almost invisible! and i didnt do this on purpose way would I!

OMG!! im soo scared im gonna die! Because I know that just giving air bubbles is bad enough but what about air in my syringe. AND IT WAS ALOT OF AIR NOT JUST A LITTLE!! I have actually done this accidently before a few times but I think but it was just air bubbles.not a whole lot of air! I actually do that alot. and not problems.

I gave my shot like almost half an hour ago and still NO symptoms or anything but thats what I'm afraid of. It's pretty late at night too (the insulin was suposed to be for my dinner) so I dont wanna make a big hassle over this.
**SO what I want to know is if this is something I should be freaking out about!? any advice??

I did do research on this online and came across the term "Air Embolism" which seems like it could be deadly. this was a stupid misstake I really dont wanna die becuase of it! PLEASE ONLY SERIOUS ANSWERS!! ANY advice what I can do? Again I don't feel any symptom at all which is so weird, no shortness of breath or anything. just a slight pain at the area I gave the shot (WHICH is in my leg) but nuthing big.
(and I already told my parents, they dont know if this is something to make a big deal about. Should I be calling the ambulance? Again I have no symptoms.

SO IF ANYONE HAD HAS THIS BEFORE WHAT DID U DO?? PLEASE HELP ME? I'm relly scared I could just pass out. or what if nothing happens until I go to sleep! it is really late about 9pm where I live, plz help me out? I dont wnna die! and will always make sure be very careful in the future...that is if i do make it. :/

1)   Go fetch a doctor idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and don't panic... - Sanket Sankey

2)   Omfg Get to a doctor! I pray for you - Xxsnoopyoxx

3)   Yes this is a very dangerous case but if i were you, i'd tell my parents and ask them to take me to the hospital just in case. Im sure if ur a healthy individual though, your body shoudl build enough anti-toxins to get rid of all the things that shouldnt be in there. Yea talk to ur parents and askt hem to take u to the hospital. Was this recently? If its past 8 hours, ur fine - Andrew

4)   You should call your local Emergency Room for advice or your doctor office nursed help line. or if you have systems of 911! - malloy

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Question 4
How did you get rid of your acne?...  I have it and i want it GONE! help

1)   I ate great!
Lots of water, fruits and veggies:)
and got 8 hours of sleep and exercised!
I also used my derm's skin care line(: - AliJay

2)   I used Proactive!!! Its awesome!! It got rid of my acne in just 1 month!!! It all depends on your skin though I guess. It might take longer for you. Just be patient!!! - Micky15

3)   I have never use Pro Active but alot of people said it worked...or get a good moisturizer or a facial mask - Zion

4)   Ok. This will hurt, not as bad as you think, but it isn't fun. But it is usually effective. Every night, rip the heads off of them and smear toothpaste on them. When the majority of the pain resides,Rinse it off, then repeat. It isn't fun but it has never failed me. Good luck - James Rice

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Question 5
WHY do they sedate you when you go for an MRI? Wont that alter the results?...  They gave him a PILL which was a sedative. Isn't that going to alter the results, since all types of pills change the brain in some way?!

1)   I only had to be sedated as I was unable to tolerate the nurse's inability to find a vein to put in the intravenous drip for the dye, so I became anxious - it did not alter the results. But maybe some people freak out at being stuck, unable to move, in a claustrophobic, noisy tube -its a horrible experience, so they need sedation. - K.

2)   No, there are functional MRIs that can detect brain activity, but a normal MRI just looks at structure. - fusepark

3)   There's two common reasons: you have to sit perfectly still for 30-45 minutes and its much easier if a person is relaxed by sedation; and the machine makes many people feel claustrophobic, and sedation reduces the likelihood of panic. Sedation does change blood flow to different regions of the brain, but that isn't usually something that matters in most MRIs. - formerly_bob

4)   The sedation is done for the comfort of the patient as holding perfectly still for 30-45 minutes in a tube with extremely loud pulsing noises coming at you can panic some people. Sedation does alter the blood flow to areas of the brain, but this would only matter if you were receiving an MRA, which is basically an MRI with venous contrast. - Zetsu

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What exactly is autism?

Question 1
What exactly is autism?...  I have heard of it and I know it affects little children but what is it?
Dont use all those big, fancy, sciency words please.

1) - eivind Slettebø

2) There you go :-)

Edit: Damn! Someone beat me to it by a couple of seconds! :-) - The Mighty Martin

3)   'Autism' is not just for little children, x

My brother has it hes 13.
My sister has it 14.
and other family members do that are 50 odd. x

It means youve got to do stuff in certain order. They cant take change.
If u get dressed in the morning then brrush your teeth.
An Autistic person wont be able to Brush there teeth then get dressed.
They have to do what they done all the other times.

[I was thinking of the easiest way to describe it]
Hope i helped x - m.aimeex

4)   It doesn't just effect children it effects the person for life. There are many various degrees of Autism, that's why they call it Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Each person is effected differently. It would take too long to explain what Autism is exactly, sufficient to say, people who have Autism find it difficult to function in normal society. If you're really interested look on the link below. - ~*♥KIM♥*~

5)   Mommy=23 chromosomes+daddy=23=46 chromosomes people with autism=47 they have one extra it's basically like you biological instructions had an extra page and you tried to figure it out. And I doesn't just affect little children it just less likely they will live as long as u n me? - Alex Sutherland

6)   About as non-sciency as I can get would be a child who otherwise seems alert and aware of his or her surroundings, but has difficulty in adapting to social situations, experiences delays in developing communication skills (speech, clarity, vocabulary), and might show signs of repetitive behavior or otherworldly spatial reasoning, trivia, or memorization that would be beyond or outside the typical developmental levels for that age.

Sensory overload can be a characteristic where too much noise, activity, or colors can manifest in a screaming, panicked meltdown because all of that input has gone beyond the child's ability to absorb and process the information.

Speech development can be delayed even if the child obviously knows what you're saying and is trying to talk back to you, but then gets frustrated when unable to clearly articulate the words or otherwise get the point across.

There are a LOT of characteristics and they obviously differ from child to child, depending on the severity and nature of the case so there's no single, universal answer. Some may have the examples I noted above while others may not. - Crimson667

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Question 2
I just had the stomach Flu for about 3 days and now i think it has gone away. But i'm constantly thirsty now.?...  

1)   I'm no doctor but not only did your body expel alot of water via throwing up, it burned off a lot of water working your immune system in overdrive, not to mention you have probably not been getting the right nutrients for the last few days. Try drinking some pedialyte or mix a gatorade 50/50 with water and drink that slowly. You need to replace what you have lost but you don't want to shock your system - Abbey Jones

2)   you are most likely dehydrated from being so sick. you need to drink plenty of fluids. feel better! - jessica h

3)   You are dehydrated from vomiting and your body is telling you that it needs fluids.

Drinks with electrolytes will help you to hydrate faster, and broth and soup will help with sodium loss from vomiting.

Start slowly. Take small sips until you feel your stomach can handle it and then slowly incorporate solids back into your diet, like dry toast and/or rice.

I hope you feel better soon! Sometimes it takes up to a week before your stomach is finally able to handle regular food again, so be patient with yourself and stay hydrated. - jfreake2004

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Question 3
I'm vegan and I have dry cracked lips- how do I fix them?...  I'm vegan so I thought the cracks may be caused by anemia. My lips have been cracked for about two months, they got better for about a week and I kept putting carmex on them but they got bad again. I'm taking all the proper vitamins and all the other symptoms of anemia have disappeared. My lips started getting cracked when I had a cold sore. I used abreva on the cold sore, it healed very quickly, and my lips are awfully cracked now! I had the cold sore in November. My cracked lips are so bad that it hurts to open my mouth to brush my teeth or even give my boyfriend a peck of a kiss. I apply carmex regularly and when I don't use that I use Nivea. Help???

1)   Rub some bacon fat on them -- usually clears up in a day or so. - Barry McCockiner

2)   go to a health food store and get something to heal them instead of just coating them and hopefully you are taking plenty of b vitamins.. - katrina

3)   Well, there are some amino acids that are only available through animal products, so it might be that. Afraid there's no way to treat that and remain a vegan, so if you want to keep the veganism, keep hunting for new lip balms. And consider what is and is not possible:

Here's the blog of a vegan who had to quit for her health: - fusepark

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Question 4
How can I get rid of my cough?...  I'm pretty sure it's a dry cough however after I drink some or I cough hard enough I can sort of feel some Lucas in the back and once in a while it'll loosen and hurt but won't come up. I also have a light fever: approximate 99.8. In the past few min I've been able to loosen but not get it out. I know to drink a lot. My throat hurts a lil but that's from coughing and I'm nauseous and I didn't eat at all yesterday and some today. Should I take a cough suppressant? I'm afraid to though if I can manage to get it out and I don't think the other kind would be right. I was supposed to go skiing tomorrow but not anymore. I'm supposed to go rock climbing on a trip on Sunday so I need to get better. So wat kind of medicine should I take?

1)   Take some medicine or sum tea with some lemon honey, and add 2 cough drops to it so that will all sooth the throat .. And medicine. - Ushers Wife

2)   wouldnt mucinex help - Bonjour Mosiour

3)   It might sound weird but u need sperm. Sperm contains an enzyme tat when swallowed smoothes your throat. my friend tried this nd he felt better right after. it works best if its fresh nd not ur own. It has to b atleast half a pint. Goo - Angel Cortez

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Question 5
what causes excess saliva?...  

1)   when you get hungry your body creates more saliva. - Steve R

2)   Excessive saliva — increased amounts of saliva in your mouth — is usually a temporary problem and rarely cause for concern. Normally, your salivary glands produce 1 to 2 quarts (0.9 to 1.9 liters) of saliva a day. However, because swallowing occurs continually and unconsciously, you don't generally notice the saliva. If you suddenly seem to have excessive saliva in your mouth, it could be because your salivary glands are making more saliva than usual (sialorrhea) or because you're swallowing less often.

Excessive saliva can be a side effect of some medications, and excessive saliva is common in the early months of pregnancy. Difficulty swallowing, which can lead to excessive saliva, may be caused by muscle or nerve damage in your mouth or throat.Excessive saliva — increased amounts of saliva in your mouth — is usually a temporary problem and rarely cause for concern. Normally, your salivary glands produce 1 to 2 quarts (0.9 to 1.9 liters) of saliva a day. However, because swallowing occurs continually and unconsciously, you don't generally notice the saliva. If you suddenly seem to have excessive saliva in your mouth, it could be because your salivary glands are making more saliva than usual (sialorrhea) or because you're swallowing less often.

Excessive saliva can be a side effect of some medications, and excessive saliva is common in the early months of pregnancy. Difficulty swallowing, which can lead to excessive saliva, may be caused by muscle or nerve damage in your mouth or throat.


Excessive saliva can be caused by either an increase in your body's production of saliva or a decrease in your ability to swallow or keep saliva in your mouth.

Causes of increased saliva production

Dentures that are new or don't fit well
Infection in your mouth
Medications, such as clozapine, isoproterenol, pilocarpine and reserpine
Stomatitis (an inflammation of mucous membranes in your mouth)
Rarer causes of increased saliva production include the following conditions:

Arsenic poisoning
Bell's palsy (a condition that causes facial muscle weakness or paralysis)
Esophageal atresia (a disorder present at birth in which the esophagus doesn't develop properly)
Mercury poisoning
Rabies (a deadly virus spread to people from the saliva of infected animals)
Syphilis (a bacterial infection usually spread by sexual contact)
Tuberculosis (an infectious disease that affects your lungs) - Cligula360

3)   How long has this been happening? You could be hungry. Sometimes the salivary glands in people with a suppressed immune system become inflamed. Get yourself checked. Otherwise, it seems harmless. - Joel L

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Monday, January 17, 2011

Does my girlfriend have an STD?

Question 1
Does my girlfriend have an STD?...  My girlfriend and I have been together for almost 3 years now. We have not had sex in about two months (we just haven't had time) and three weeks ago she started getting some itchy bumps around her vagina, sort of like a rash. It went away during her period, but then it came back. Sometimes it itches more than other times and sometimes it is like if it wasn't even there. I know for a fact she has not cheated on me, so I want to know what kind of infection could it be?

1)   yeast infection - bomberb0

2)   Its friction burns from when you were away........ - UK Action Man

3)   It could be a yeast infection, but normally that wouldn't have gone away during her cycle. If she has an STD it is herpes. If she hasn't cheated on you, then you would have given it to her. If you have also been faithful the likelihood is yeast. If she is overweight this can be an early sign of type 2 diabetes. - SethSpeaks

4)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Jeanmarie Dusky

5)   You should use fluconazole, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Ishmael Olmo

6)   Could be a yeast infection or thrush, but she should see a doctor and have a test done for stds to be on the safe side. That is the only way she is going to know for sure if she has an std or not. - LINDSEY S

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Question 2
Is sweet-smelling pee a symptom of diabetes?...  Last night, I ate caramel popcorn, and when I peed a couple of hours later, I noticed my pee smelled really sweet/sugary. Is that normal if I just ate caramel popcorn (it had a ton of sugar in it), or could it be a symptom of diabetes? I know if your pee tastes sweet it means diabetes, but there is no way I'm going to taste it.

1)   Yes but it would have to be consistently sweet, not just the one time. - Rawr!

2)   Yes. I suggest going to your doctor and getting tested. - Ok. Thanks for that then.

3)   I just got a $949.95 Dell laptop (17 inch) for $137.32 and if you think that's an awesome deal, my neighbor just got a 42 inch HDTV for $76.25 that's being delivered tomorrow to his house. It feels great not to pay high retail like the rest of the people. I am even selling some of the stuff at retail to my co-workers making 10 times my money back. Check out the site we found, go to - Julie Maack

4)   read a bout : open the third & fourth link on : - Amanda Colson

5)   You should use avandia, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Ishmael Olmo

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Question 3
Weird feeling...and odor in my throat?...  Its like my throat is constantly covered in phlegm...and it wont come out. Theres a slight pain in,my throat... And everyonce in a while a small...well I dont know what it is white peice of something comes up and smells realllllllly bad...i thought it was like rotting food stuck in my throat or something but I dont think thats it...what could this be...and what causes it?

1)   Its semi digested food coming back up. I have had that too. Go to your doctor and see what they say. - smily

2)   Your throat is covered in pus and those white things that smell bad are pieces of pus. You have either Strep Throat or Tonsillitis. Usually with Strep you have a fever and feel ache all over. Go to the doctor, they can do a Strep test to confirm it. If it is Strep, you need to be on antibiotics.
I use to get pus out of my tonsils all of the time even when I wasn't sick. I was also getting Strep at least twice a year. It took me until I was 33 before I went to a ear nose and throat dr who said they need to come out.
That pus will make your breath smell bad too.

It is not undigested food. - So True

3)   Girl look in the mirror at the back of your you see like a white patch? If so then you get a qtip and push it out! If its on the right push towards the left and if on the left push towards the right..from the side of it ..don't poke it directly cuz u will just push it in further.... - Wendy

4)   It sounds like you may have strep throat. Go to the doctor and get a strep test. They'll give you some antibiotics to clear it up.

The stinky white stuff is common.... no worries...... - Punkin P

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Question 4
how to get rid of acne on back?...  heeelp its nasty!

1)   read about it here
open the fifth and third link
there for detail info. - Niki Homles

2)   Ask your doctor for some vitamin A to put on it. That's what my dermatologist gave me.. - Zebra_Toast

3)   a dermatologist can get you started on a program for that. Might include special soap/body wash; ointments; oral antibiotics. My daughter has battled this for a few years now but has had great results with this regimen. - slammamama

4)   they have acne washes for your whole body. if you have long hair i'd suggest wearing it up more often because that also contributes. - Amber

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Question 5
What does "contaminated" urine mean?? Please Answer!!!!?...  My doctor wants me to re take a urine test because it was "contaminated."

What does this mean? am i sick?? Im freaking out right now!!!

1)   It means your urine sample had something other than urine in it. Your not sick. No worries. - Punkin P

2)   I suspect he means that the sample of urine you provided was not kept in conditions that kept it pure, just as you provided it. Perhaps it was left uncapped in a room where some contaminants could have fallen into it from the air; perhaps the vessel into which it was transferred for examination was not properly washed.

I wouldn't panic. Pee again and be calm. - Roger

3)   No it does not mean anything except that its contaminated as in you didn't wipe before urinating or you touched the inside of the cup..or it wasn't covered ..etc worries.. - Wendy

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

I am getting sick? What should I do?

Question 1
I am getting sick? What should I do?...  This morning i woke up and i had a sore throat,which eventually went away
Now i feel my thorat hurting again and im starting to sneeze and i have like no energy.

The thing is i have midterms in 2 days!!!
and no matter what i cant miss them

how can i stop myself from getting sick atleast for the next couple of days

1)   Take it easy the next two days, lost of rest and fluids. You can try the OTC remedies such as Zycam, Airborn, 2000mg of Vit C. - Princess Consuela Bananna Hammock

2)   Buy liquid nyquil and get lots of rest! nyquil is one of the best meds for colds and fevers. - coolcat

3)   Go to a CVS Bloom or Walgreens and purchase what is called "Airborne" its a tablet you put in a cup of water, let it dissolve, then drink it. It doesn't taste bad at all, and comes in different flavors. You can also buy cold tablet pills which boost your immune system and prevent any further symptoms.

Also try to get plenty of rest, wash hands when needed, and eat healthily. - Bonkers B

4)   This will probably help. It helped for me and my family : gargle with warm water put salt in it and stir. Then gargle.
Step 2: wash hands a lot!!!!!
Step 3: eat chicken noodle soup- it's the broth that helps. Unless you are a vegetarian.
Step 4: sleep and rest. Watch t.v. And relax

I hope you feel better :) - Natalie:)

5)   Well,it seems as if ur getting a cold.It's a shame u hav midterms
My best advice is if you drink loads of fluids dress warm take vitimans
That will help ur immune system the reason why ur tired is becuase ur immune
System is trying to fight off the microorganism that invading ur body - Carmen Muzinga

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Question 2
Prolonged and irregular headaches. ?...  My wife has taken treatment for migrain headache and from the psychiatrist and has a BP reading 110/70. She is 57 years old.

1)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Praise Giller

2)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use butalbital. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Shelton Terrian

3)   does she drink water?many headaches are caused by dehydration. - David

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Question 3
Home solutions for acne scarring!?...  Anything that can reduce my scars, many thanks :)

1)   You should use accutane, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Shelton Terrian

2)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use accutane. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Praise Giller

3)   sunblock every day and i mean every single day
use kinerase or clinique skin brightener if you can afford it
or use retinol products or aha's like neutrogena healthy skin
in about a month or 2 you will notice the difference
note any of the creams i mentioned have to be used with sunblock if you want your skin to look better
the sun can make your scar look worse which isn't good - sweet tooth

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Question 4
My wife is getting sicker every day and refuses to go to the doctor. What is this illness?...  She is 35 and she is getting paler and paler white every day.She complains of severe abdominal pain. she is gaining on weight in her abdominal area. Her periods are sporadic and sometimes light and sometimes heavy. shes always in pain, and she claims its just work related stress. She also looks jaundiced yellow and she cant sleep at night Also, her hormones are way out of whack. One day, shes nice, another day, she gets angry Im getting very concerned. Any ideas of whats causing this?

1)   I don't know. But I do know that good old castor oil is a miracle for stomach and digestive system ailnents... Just a teaspoon for a couple days will have the stuff looking for nasty stuff to kill and send out of the body. She sounds like anemic and really should go to a clinic or something. But if she wants to rough it out if possible do try the castor oil. It is a wonder. - Edd S

2)   I suggest you to see----->
I have solved many health issues using this site
I hope that will resolve your problem keep using - Lisa

3)   Not good... I suggest you force her to the doctor. I'm more concerned at the jaundice. Her pale looks is related with the liver. Her pain also might be related, but still need to perform physical examination to rule out.

Differential diagnosis would be, Hepatitis, viral hepatitis, tumor/cancer, liver disease, some other tumors, some other disease. No matter what is my diagnose, she might need a blood test.

"Any ideas of whats causing this?"
jaundice + getting sicker every day is not a good thing. No matter what is causing this, I strongly recommend you to take/force her to visit a doctor. - PurpleHeart

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Question 5
Is this kind of thing normal in smokers?...  I've been smoking for a few months already (I'm 15) and whenever I don't have a bouge I'm antsy and I snap at people when I really don't want to. But after I have a bouge, I'm docile and obedient and I'm nice to everyone.

1)   read a bout : open the third & fourth link on : - Karlie Marie

2)   Well yes but u really should quit smoking. Once u start and the longer u smoke the harder it is to quit. It makes ur teeth yellow. Makes u smell. Quit now seriously - sweetlilangel3542

3)   I just got a $949.95 Dell laptop (17 inch) for $137.32 and if you think that's an awesome deal, my neighbor just got a 42 inch HDTV for $76.25 that's being delivered tomorrow to his house. It feels great not to pay high retail like the rest of the people. I am even selling some of the stuff at retail to my co-workers making 10 times my money back. Check out the site we found, go to - Marie Crisafi

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Husband has pneumonia but won't go to the hospital...?

Question 1
Husband has pneumonia but won't go to the hospital...?...  My husband has been having a bout with pneumonia for about 6 days and i tried getting him to go to the hospital but he refused and said he wanted to deal with this on his own! He is 24 and this is the first time he has had this and its just starting to worry me because he is having such a hard time breathing and i am scared that i will wake up and he will be dead so i haven't been sleeping! I want him to go to the ER but he is refusing and i don't understand why! How can i get him to go to the ER? Advice?

1)   You need to get him to the ER. Pneumonia is serious, and CAN lead to death. Do what you have to do, but get him to the hospital. - Freebetchbaby

2)   TAKE HIM TO THE HOSPITAL! My coworkers sister died of that recently and they said if she had come in sooner they could have saved her. FORCE HIM TO THE HOSPITAL. - knowledge for a better world

3)   call his mother and have her raise hell, or call 911 and let them take a look at him. - shizzle

4)   Best thing you can do now if he doesnt want to go to the ER, call 911. I know! drastic decision but to save his life you have to do it. It might get worse - giggle16

5)   Pneumonia can not be treated with time. He needs to see a physician. If he won't go to the ER then try to get him to an urgent care center.(Doc in the box) The wait is shorter and the cost is less. You might be saving his life. - Jay D

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Question 2
Acne all over my forehead?...  Hi,

I'm a thirteen (almost 14) old male and I have acne all over my forehead, but, nowhere else on my body. I didn't have it on my forehead before I grew long hair and now some hair reaches my forehead so I'm thinking that causes the acne but because it's so bad - I don't want to cut my hair because I gotta go to school and that's embarrassing.

So, here is the question: How do I make the acne go away? I can get face wash, just tell me what kind I should get if thats what you think I should get. After it's clear, I'll get a hair cut but not until then.

1)   try to keep the hair off your forehead as much as possible, and wash with a scrub. - Rawrrx2+1

2)   You should use accutane, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Josette Ridgway

3)   If your acne is not so severe trying using Astrigent. It's a liquid, in which you dab onto your skin. It will sting just a little bit, but that's when you know it works! haha If your not sure what to use, simply ask your doctor they will see how bad it is and they can probably recommend better acne products then us. Because everyone's skin is different, one thing could work for someone, while it irrates anothers skin. Good Luck!! - KarwanM

4)   Clearasil Daily Face Wash, and Noxzema version of Oxy Pads" Noxzema Triple Clean Anti-Blemish pads" Pads at Rite-Aid, CVS, and Walgreens only. If it is a single pimple you want to zero in on, try "Bye Bye Blemish" available only at Rite-aid. Best I have ever used, and i consider a miracle cure. - rob

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Question 3
is my lip infected or not?...  so i got my monroe pierced last friday and its starting to have puss coming out and crusty stuff built up on my lip ring. is it starting to get infected is just the healing process. i rinse my mouth out with warm salt water. should i do something else to it?

1)   You may need antibiotics. See your doctor! - Jay D

2)   I just got a $949.95 Dell laptop (17 inch) for $137.32 and if you think that's an awesome deal, my neighbor just got a 42 inch HDTV for $76.25 that's being delivered tomorrow to his house. It feels great not to pay high retail like the rest of the people. I am even selling some of the stuff at retail to my co-workers making 10 times my money back. Check out the site we found, go to - Noemie Mushero

3)   I suggest you to see----->
I have solved many health issues using this site
I hope that will resolve your problem keep using - Lucy

4)   I would suggest you keep rinsing your mouth with warm water and should also put a couple of drops of lemon juice on it lol...the lemon might be sour and might burn but it DEFINITELY will pay in the end....hope that helps :) - uchihagrudge730

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Question 4
This is embarrasing... Please help me!?...  I have a little cut above my buthole, i remember when i was using the restroom i felt a sharp pain in my butt, thats probably how it started which was about 4 days ago, today i saw a tiny bit of fresh blood on my poop and i found a cut about 1 cm long. I know disgusting! But i need help what do i do about this? its been hurting everytime i go poop which is once a day. Will it heal by itself or what do i do :{? Its been about 4 days

1)   When you poop, you keep on aggravating the cut above your butthole. Which probably means your a on the frequent pooper program where you get rewarded for the amount of time you spend on the pooper. How many times do you go poop each day?

If pooping remains a problem for you, then you should go see a doctor to check it out. - basesareloaded

2)   don't worry, it'll heal by itself. - charlotte

3)   Ignore the other ignorant answers. It could be a pilonidal cyst or possibly a hemorrhoid. Either way, you should really have a doctor check it out before it gets infected. - Flusterated

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Question 5
I didnt finish my antibiotics for strep throat? someone help?...  hi! so i had strep throat about a month ago.. & i got prescribed penicillin V potassium its called on december 11. there was 40 tablets in total & i took them all except 14. i was fine until today my throat started hurting again.. im not sure if it feels like strep. but im wondering if anyone knows if this cud be cuz i didnt finish my antibiotics? thanks. id like to know if i cud just take the rest of the pills.. cuz i was supposed to take 4 a day. THANK YOU.

1)   Yep it is very possible your strep throat has come back.

Do NOT take the remainder of the tablets. It is not enough to kill the strep bacteria. Just like the first amount you took was not enough.

Go back to your doctor, get examined again and this time take anything he/she prescribes you.

Not completing a full course of antibiotics is the leading cause of the so called superbugs, bacteria that are immune and resistant to antibiotics, such as ESBL and MRSA. Please don't contribute to this, and take ALL of the antibiotics you are given, even if you do feel better. - Fridays

2)   I am going to school to become a vet tech and its funny because we just discussed this today lol but not funny because you are probably getting strep throat again. And the answer to your question is yes!! Your throat is hurting because you didnt finish the antibiotics. When the doctor says take all of them until they are gone he means take all of them!! Your body needs time to recognize the antibiotics and use them to fight off whatever it is. If you stop taking them it keeps them from going full circle and killing what it needs to. My advise is call your doctor and ask him/her the best route to take now. they may prescribe another antibiotic - Rock On

3)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use penicillin_v_phenoxymethyl_penicillin. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Bobbye Wasner

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

how do you get rid of acne quickly?

Question 1
how do you get rid of acne quickly?...  i have acne on my fourhead and i have done almost everything to get rid of it, but it doesnt seem to work!! i want my acne to be gone really fast, any ideas???

1)   Wash your face with soap and water frequently to remove germs. That's all you really need. - «Ĺ–əâpÄ“Ĺ—»

2)   1. Don't pop the pimples
2. Wash with a wash that contains Benzoyl Peroxide
3. Sleep with a clean towel on your bed every night
4. When eating greasy foods, make sure not to touch your face
5. Don't over wash your face
6. Use a moisturizer before bed and after washing
7. Don't wash it with a wash cloth, just your hands and water are fine
8. Keep your hair off of your face while you sleep, either by putting it up (if you're a girl) or by wearing a head band or athletic wrap
9. Keep your hair clean and not greasy
10. If you're a girl, consider starting Birth Control Pills, because acne is caused by hormones. - Haley

3)   Use Proactive, it worked perfectly for ny mom sister And me. - Ruth Love

4)   I would recommend Acneace!!!!
I used it, and after 1 months, my acne was COMPLETELY gone!
Hope it works for you.
you can get From Google Search Acneace Official site. Good luck. - Adam Neil

5)   about it you can get information from here - Lorinda Miesen

6)   read about it here
open the first and third link
there for detail info. - Kaaju Bastur

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Question 2
Big pimple on nose!! Need to get rid of it fast!?...  I had this pimple that was an underneath pimple, but after a weak it turned a head. There's no white head or anything it's just big and red. I don't want a white head either cuz I popped a pimple before and I think I have a tiny scar. Pls no silly answers.

1)   Put some tooth paste on it over night. - Shelly A.

2)   i heard about putting a dab of toothpaste on it and leaving it there overnight. i haven't really tried it but it works for two of my friends. hope it works for you! - Crystal

3)   Take a small needle to the top of it. Then squeeze it out, you might have a small scab, but should be no scar - cody

4)   You could either attempt to pop it
Leave it alone until it goes away
Put some face scrub on your face, and in the area where the pimple is
I've tried this myself, put toothpaste on the zit, Aquafresh tooth paste works the best. Just put a little bit of it on before you go to bed, and by the next day, the zit should be gone or atleast alot smaller. - Dr.J

5)   Gt your right hand index finger and get your left hand index finger. And put them side to side on your puch threw the pimple until both of your index fingers touch - esteban garcia

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Question 3
My single mom has cancer. IM 14, and take care of her, is god really there for me, i feel so alone in this?...  My Mom also has fibromyalgia and Lupus. she really cant do anything on her own. Shes the only parent i have. Ive been close to god all my life.... but anymore i don't feel like hes there. i feel all alone in this. is he really listning, and is it okay that im frustrated with him?

1)   I hope everything works have my prayers. - T

2)   God really is there for you. I mean I understand that you're going through a really tough time, and I am as well. But God is watching over you, just keep praying and asking for God's help. Cause he is with you. Also talk to your pastor or a church member about this. I hope I helped :) but God will be the best help of all :) - Madison ;D

3)   Well it's sortof difficult to rely on a religion that hasn't been prooven.
The only thing you can rely on is faith.
So you may think "he" is not listening because truly he isn't in existence.
I totally don't mean to bash your religion.
I operate on reason.
You are fourteen years old. You shouldn't be taking care of your mother 100% of the time.
You have school, and everyone needs downtime. These conditions are very serious! Especially simultaneously.
She needs to be in a professional care unit. A hospital or home. If it's only you and her, with no one else even for back up, it's a dangerous situation.
I'm so sorry you are going through this.
Stay strong and believe in your mother and yourself. - Kaijarose Svensson

4)   You should use nolvadex, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Lorinda Miesen

5)   Yes God is there. He's always there whether you know it or not. He's listening to your every prayer even if it doesn't seem like it. God answers our prayers in the strangest of ways when we least expect him to. He may not answer your prayers today, tomorrow, or even next week, but he'll answer them. I don't know how bad of shape your mother is in, but I'll pray for you and her and hope she gets better. Just know that God has big plans for you and her. You're both beautiful flowers growing in his garden and if he needs you, he'll pick you when you least expect it. He has a purpose for you. Just embrace life and every moment you get to spend with your mom because you never know how long you'll have. I pray everything gets better for the both of you. Always remember you're never alone and God is only a prayer away. If you ever need to talk, my email is - Amber

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Question 4
My Son is constantly dizzy ,sun causes rash with blisters, sleeps 12/15 hrs a nite and wakes with no energy...?...  And wakes with no energy..Turning his eyes causes the dizziness

1)   This isn't so much a Yahoo question, this is a Doctor question. - Chase

2)   It's rare, but I'd start here: - fusepark

3)   read about it here
open the first and third link
there for detail info. - Kaaju Bastur

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Question 5
How to stop allergy symptoms?...  Runny nose, sore throat, CONSTANT sneezing, itchy nose, this is horrible.
Ive taken just standard sinus pills & mucinex, and its still pretty bad

1)   i have the same problem. Usually Zyrtec alegy relief pills would help me. If they dont help you you should contact your doctor and ask for prescription instead. - mariyar

2)   well im a HUGE fan of Claritin! why? because it works great for me. it might not for you but if your desperate, its worth a try. right?
and btw, vitamin C never hurts, hope you like oranges! JS! take care - Vitamin C

3)   about it you can get information from here - Lorinda Miesen

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i just got tested positive for chlamydia?

Question 1
i just got tested positive for chlamydia?...  really worried about this stuff. everything else came out negative i have been stressing alot. they gave me antibiotics to take, 4 pills at once.. i took it about 3 days ago.
how long will i take to clear everything up? should i drink alot of water? please give some info

1)   same here
lets meet up
tough shit
by the way my dad can give you the snip free of charge as your not going to be using it anymore - Chris George

2)   wow. unlucky - Katherine

3)   use a condom next time.. a lot less worry

and usually about 7-10 days to fully clear up - Andrea Gilpatrick

4)   I was diagnosed with this when I found out I was pregnant with my son. It should be gone within a few days

There is nothing to worry about, it can not cause any health problems - Chrissy_Lynn

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Question 2
Asthma problem HELP! Please!?...  Ok, so When I lay down at night to go to bed, I experience trouble breathing. I cant yawn. So, I was diagnosed with it at age 10. I use my inhaler twice a day. But it feels like its not working! Please help me! Thank you so very much!

1)   Go back to your doctor and bring up this new development. They may change your medication or up the dosage of what your medication is...not all inhalers contain the same drugs and it sounds like yours is no longer working. - Steve

2)   I have asthma as well, I have had it since I was 3 (i am 16 now) and I can sympathize with you because I know what it is like. I think you should talk with a physician about getting a new controller medicine such as Advair of Symbicort. - Ryan Pecotte

3)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use singulair. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Deniece Fridell

4)   I am 21 and have had asthma literally for my entire life (I was born with RSV) After so long of using the same inhaler my body becomes immune to it and I have to switch. However after a serious condition which I needed a tube to breathe for me I decided that as soon as I was healthy I was going to get off as many of my asthma meds as possible. So instead of taking my steriod inhaler I have used different breathing treatments when it gets difficult to breathe and run a humidifier at night. I now do not have to use anything other than a resuce inhaler...but I do think you should go to a doctor and see about changing up your inhalers - HannahS

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Question 3
How do I get rid of my dry skin?? Please help me :'(?...  All over my face I have dry skin and some is dead skin :( I have never had this happen and my chin really itches :'( please help me

1)   Lotion? - Terris

2)   Wash face then use a face moisturizer, twice daily - Lauren

3)   Put Vaseline ANYWHERE Where Your Skin Is Peely But To Me That Sounds Like A Case Of Eczma If Its Itchy!

Hope This Helps :) - Olivia Habermel

4)   Firstly make sure your drinking plenty of water to hydrate your skin. Also use a light exfoliating soap....make sure anything you use is none perfumed as that can irratate the skin. Use a good moisturizer coco butter is really good. Make sure you always wash your make up off. - Ellabombella

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Question 4
How to get rid of a FEVER? EASY 10 POINTS!!!?...  Today is wednesday and i've had a fever since monday. monday- about 101....tuesday- 101-99? today i woke up with 102.... i have no sore throat or anything like that i just have a fever. i NEED to get better by tomorrow or friday because friday night is my best friends birthday party then saturday and sunday im going camping. I HAVE TO GET BETTTERRR- HOW!!!! i've been taking tylenol

1)   You should use fioricet, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Deniece Fridell

2)   Tylenol, extra fluids, and soaks in water that is slightly below normal body temperature are all you can do. You should probably plan on missing the camping.

A fever with no other symptoms is not a good situation. It often means you don't yet have all the symptoms and the worse is yet to come. - formerly_bob

3)   Keep taking the Tylenol. That may help. Also, try taking a cool bath and keeping a cool rag on your forehead. Drink lots of fluids and eat cold things. - Christina S

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Question 5
Should I make an appointment with the Doctor?...  Hi,

I'm 16 and I've been Ill for the last few days. I was at work on Sunday, then in the afternoon I started to feel weak and my throat was hurting too. Sunday night i didn't eat much because I wasn't feeling so great, I just went to bed. Monday morning I went to College but I came home early because I was sounding like a man, weak and coughing ALL the time. Yesurday was wierd, my EYES was in agony!! I had no energy, bad headache, I couldn't walk around my house to get drinks etc and i spent the whole day with my eyes closed because they hurt so much. But eyes, every time I look UP it still feels like someone is standing on my eye ball with a heels.

Today, my eyes still feel the same when I look up, i've still got a cough, my throat still hurts, i have some of my energy back but not all.

Is it just a cold? Should I go to the doctors or will they just think i'm going OTT with a cold or something. Do you know what I could possibly have?

Thankyou :-)

1)   You have the bug that is doing the rounds - lasts a few days and then goes - John H

2)   It's most likely a cold. You don't need to see your doctor. Drink more fluids and rest. - fusepark

3)   I'm not really sure what ya could have but it sounded like it hurt like hell haha. If you still feel like crap, go to the doctors and explain to them what you went through and how you feel now.
:-) i hope you get feeling better! - apple

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Monday, January 3, 2011

What food is safe if you're suffering from Acid Reflux or severe Acid Indigestion?

Question 1
What food is safe if you're suffering from Acid Reflux or severe Acid Indigestion?...  I have a pool of acid in my stomach that is not allowing me to eat anything I like. But I got to eat something. Any recommendations?

1)   ooo - Itachi

2)   Go to your doctor and ask for omeprozole.
That will sort it out. - Anti theist

3)   When I'm like that I tolerate milk and crackers decently. - Starryeyes

4)   I suggest you to see----->
I have solved many health issues using this site
I hope that will resolve your problem keep using - Martha K

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Question 2
How long does this new flu going about last for?...  
sorry i mean swine flu , anyone else have the persistant cough that goes with it , no let up ,

1)   2-3 days - Carlos

2)   didnt know there was a new one,

if there is it probably lasts as long as all of them do

about a week - ivan dog

3)   If you mean Swine Flu which is the same as the one from last year it all depends on who catches it and how good their immune system is.
Most healthy people should get over it within a few weeks - the problems arise when people with a compromised immune system catch it.
That's one of the reasons that all Elderly folk. Pregnant women and others with illness's like Heart or Lung Disease, people receiving treatment for Cancers etc, should get the vaccine when its on offer. - fleefly

4)   Usually 7-10 days from beginning to end - Michael Martino

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Question 3
How to get rid of acne in 3 days?...  I have been suffering acne for a long time. Now I am 20 but acne still appear on my face. I feel depression when i communicate. Can you show me the best way to treat acne. I have read many ways but i can not " kill " acne on my face

1)   Go to your local dermotologist and get subscribed medication called Roaccutaine... its the shizz nizz - Etienne Oostuizen

2)   im sorry to hear that you suffer from acne, try facials.
i dont suffer from acne but i get bad spot out breaks. and my skin gets greasy quickly .i dont know if your a boy or girl. but i use the neutragina wave it makes your skin feel super soft and helps get rid of the grease, but im afraid that only time will heal your acne

or get a face sauna ! it cleans out pores.
i would say 1 facial a week would help alot BUT cant think of a solution for days - millie

3)   To NOT touch them

Keep it clean, acne appears because of oil, so wash ur face often or wipe it with a wet tissue
If you have dandruff - get rid of it, it causes acne bad, bad i tell you!
use a acne-free face wash before you start the day or go to sleep, and when you go to sleep, don't wear anything on your face, keep it fresh!
do NOT eat fatty / oil /fast food - for three days, bet you can survive!

good luck!

Hope this helps (it better, it did it for me anyway) - Raine_Heart

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Question 4
How much it cost to get rid of rosie cheeks pleez help!?...  im so embarassed sometimes when they call me out for having rosie cheeks i dnt blush but it looks like i am really bad

1)   well, it would be cheaper to wear foundation >< - Louise Brown

2)   idk if you can but if you were a girl then u can always use cover up you dont even have to be a girl you can be a boy useing coverup too. but i have rosie cheeks too and i dont think theres anything really wrong with it. - holly

3)   Do like George Hamilton, get out in the sun more and tan a chocolate color brown. - Yikes

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Question 5
If someone is completely paralyzed on one side of the body after a stroke...?...  what are the chances the person will be able to use half or all of that side?

My friend is 51 and is paralyzed on the right side completely. i have limited info right now, once i get more i will re-post this question, i know i can never get an exact answer but i want any answer i can get.
As i mentioned he is completely paralyzed on the right side of his body so he can't walk or right. he needs special cups to drink cause the left face-side is also lame
that is all i know so far, what would you say, could he be able to use half or all of his right side with proper therapy and all that or not?

1)   Paralysis is typically permanent. That is why when someone actually does regain use of the affected parts of the body, it makes for good TV movies or at least a book. It is that rare. I have known three people stricken with a stroke and who have lost the full use of one side of their body. Not a one of them ever gained any level of use back at all. We just do not know enough about strokes or paralysis yet.

There is such a thing as "Bell's Paralysis" which is a temporary affliction. Generally, Bell's affects only a small portion of someones body though; the mouth, one hand or even one finger, not an entire side. I know it isn't the news you wanted to hear but then seldom do we get good news about such things as strokes. - Gary

2)   I love a bargain as much as anyone and I used to love all the cheap stuff I could find on eBay, but nowadays it seems so hard to find anything cheap over there and just when we're all finding it tougher to just pay our bills. I don't give up so I was looking for someplace online where I could still find myself a bargain... and by accident I came across this site I never heard of before where you get rock bottom prices from police impounded stuff, I mean I was worried about scams but this stuff is actually real and I got some real cheap stuff there... it's become my new eBay lol! Go to - Nola Wolfman

3)   Strokes are very unpredictable that includes recovery time and amount of recovery, no one can give you an answer as to if this person will recover some use of the left side it depends on the damage to the cells.

Is your friend attending physio at all? This is something many people are not offered. Physio can make some mass improvements just in six weeks! Usually victims of a stroke have a slower or make little improvement if they do not attend physio. Some patients refuse to take part in physio saying, "its to hard." or "I cant do it." or "It wont make any difference anyway." and unfortunately these are the people who suffer later in life in regards to pressure sores, loss of all independence.
Agreed Physio doesn't seem like much on the outside but actually the improvements can be amazing.

There are many things adapted for those who have had a stroke to aid them in day to day life, Its easy to become depressed after a stroke and this can cause people to simply give up. If hes a stubborn ba*Start in the right way he will make some progress. - Hovis

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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Do i have lice?!??????

Question 1
Do i have lice?!??????...  I have been itching my head for a year now due to what I assumed was dandruff but recently I inched my head and then noticed a tiny bug on my fingers and I saw another similar looking bug on my shirt as well. I searched lice on the internet and the bug looked like the pictures but I may be wrong due to the tiny size of the big in person, it was hard to determine what it looked like. Do I have lice???

1)   Yuup . More than likely . I'm sorry !!! - JustClaire212

2)   A YEAR?

Probably crabs - Girl

3)   um i would hope not.. if its lasted for a year then im sure it means youve given it to other people! just use the lice shampoo and see if it works, simple as that

and "girl" youre a dumbass crabs IS lice on your pubic hair - sally

4)   Probably, go to a barbar shop and ask or tell a doctor if your planning on going anytime soon. It could be something more serious too. - enojoying7

5)   ewwwww are you a BOY or GIRL WALSH!!! your HAIR - Zia Martin

6)   I don't think u have lice, because u need a magnifying glass to see them, if u r still unsure, set up a doctors appointment. - PDAFAEWTS

7)   here's the lice family;,r:1,s:0

if it looked like either of these, then yes! - Jbunny:)

8)   im sorry but yes... sadly! - Invader Katie

9)   yes go see a doctor - Zak N

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Question 2
I have a friend with copd and chf, He was in the hospital and now is home. Should he smoke cigarettes .?...  He said the doctor didn't put him on any restrictions...Don't you think a doctor would have told him to quit smoking?

1)   no - emo kitty

2)   no he should not smoke. nicotine causes high blood pressure, which is bad for anyone! given his underlying conditions he REALLY shouldn't smoke!
I doubt you will find a doctor anywhere who wont tell someone to quit smoking... - Sparkles

3)   The doctor may not have said anything because it's kind of obvious with COPD not to smoke. That's the cause of COPD! - Kt1234

4)   no nono no o no non on non onon

COPD and Smoke is baddddd bad bad news. - Douglas

5)   How about a simple answer just dint smoke at all! - Josh Estes

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Question 3
What are some way you can get rid of acne?...  I have really oily skin too

1)   Go to the the local drugstore or pharmacy and ask them for one that suits your skin type.

I once went and got something called Zynerit. It helped my acne when I was about 11-12.

Now I have a kinda clear skin and don't have to use it anymore :) - Jojo.lies

2)   I would recommend Acneace!!!!
I used it, and after 1 months, my acne was COMPLETELY gone!
Hope it works for you.
you can get From Google Search Acneace Official site. Good luck. - Matthew Miller

3)   You should use accutane, it is the best about it you can get information from here - ?

4)   if its really severe try Claravis Accutane
Hope I helped! :) - Summer Springsss

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Question 4
I have a bump on my eyelid?...  I have had a bump on my top eyelind for over 5 months now, it itsnt painful at all unless i put on eyeliner on the top lid, which i love to do, i tried to quit putting it on it but it doesnt go away nor get smaller/bigger. Does ANYONE have any idea what this could be, what the causes are and or what i could do to get rid of it! The following picture is of the bump on my eye so just let me know what you all think! Thanks!

1)   It's a skin tag I think.I have one too but in the middle of my lid and it's smaller. - Kitty Chan

2)   I forget the technical name for them but the cure is to put a hot compress on it a few times a day until it goes away and don't wear makeup until it heals. It shouldn't be more then a week if you are good with the hot compresses. I will get those on occasion. I asked my doctor about it once and it comes from having an oil duct in your eye lid plugged up. - neyshan

3)   has it been there for as long as you can remember? if yes its prob a skin tag
If no its prob just a stye, a doctor MAY prescribe antibiotics otherwise just don't squeeze it and put heat on it. - Kt1234

4)   It is called chalazion. the surgery is the only way to remove it, the incision will be done through the internal side of the lid and it is done under local anestassia . - freedom_into_captivity

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Question 5
Stepped on a dirty needle?...  Okay, a little background info...I was dancing at a bar the other night after having a few was getting late, I was wearing heels, and I took them off since my feet were hurting. It seemed like a pretty upscale place so I didn't see any harm in taking off my shoes. Anyways, I stepped on something sharp, but couldn't see what it was, it was really crowded. I forgot about it that night, but was examining my foot today and saw a small cut on it. I know I'm being paranoid, but I'm extremely worried that I stepped on a dirty needle and now have Hep or HIV. Thoughts?

1)   you could go get a tetanus shot and have your doctor check it out just in case - guys and dolls

2)   go to your local clinic tell them and they will do some checks - Ryan Deacon

3)   Ouu scary, get yourself checked out?
If you're Canadian go for your yearly physical and tell the doctor about it so she can do any additional tests. - Tia

4)   It could have been a piece of broken glass...i used to be a bartender and you may or may not be surprised at how many glasses were broken by patrons each night...but go to the doctor and get a tetanus shot and get an hiv test. - tabbi

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Saturday, January 1, 2011

How to heal a broken heart?

Question 1
How to heal a broken heart?...  My ex and I broke up and I feel really depressed about it. We kind of went on a break 2 months ago, but it wasnt going anywhere so we broke it off. I kind of kept hoping there would be a chance that we could get back together. We met up during the christmas holidays and I thought there would be a possibly of us getting back together, but he just wants to be friends. I know things wouldnt work out because we would be going back to a long distance relationship as we're both at different universities and it caused many problems in the relationship. I still feel really down, I have been for 2 months now. We went out for a month and a half and he was my first boyfriend, we both had strong feelings for each other and a lot of chemistry. I dont know why I cant get over him. One minute I feel really angry and insane, the next I feel rational and I know it wouldnt have worked out. He's gotten over it, but I'm really struggling. These 2 months have been the worst ever and he's all I can think about. I can't get him out of my mind. How can I get over him?

1)   Hagen Dazs and Jim Beam. - Sebastien Hastings

2)   Try living like that for seven years, like me. - N.N.

3)   This is not the kind that can be healed by man only time can heal this kind of brokeness and pain. - Sugar

4)   I watched 'The Sound of Music' yesterday, and there was a line came to mind when I saw your question-

Liesl: What happens when a person stops loving you?
Maria: You cry a little and then you wait for the sun to come out. It always does. - Chiffonella

5)   first off, I feel your pain girl! and I bet everyone has experienced being heart broken atleast once in their life! At the moment youre going to feel like its the end of the world, which at the time it feels like! The only healing process is time, you make think its been 2 months so you should be over him but sometimes you can always have a soft spot for that one person, even when youre in your eighties! Aslong as you have a good support group around you e.g family/friends you'll get through it, it'll be hard but you'll make it and look back on this time of your life and think wow, ive become a stronger person! good luck xx - Smiler Smile

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Question 2
HELP! Break out of pimple-like bumps on arms and stomach? *picture*?...  Two mornings ago I noticed that my upper arms and stomach had some red bumps on it and thought little of it at the time. Then yesterday they got worse, and some of the bumps had white heads on them.

They are sensitive to touch, but don't itch. My girlfriend who sleeps in the same bed doesn't have them, so I don't think it's bed bugs. I don't shave my arms/stomach, so that rules out ingrown hairs. I have otherwise very clear, nice skin.

I haven't made any changes to my soap or laundry detergent, and haven't worn/tried on any new clothes.

Oh, and I've already had the chicken pox when I was a kid.

So what the heck? What could this be? Any help would be appreciated! Below is a picture of the bumps.

1)   It honestly looks like chicken pox...It has been known for people to have the chicken pox more then once...You need to go to the doctor to be sure what it is - sweetlilbrat26

2)   I suggest seeing a doctor for a proper assessment of your skin condition, if he carnt tell you he will recommend a skin specialist,who will make out a prescription of cream or tablets that will rid you of the spots. I think this would be the best course of action you should take. - king Monkey

3)   I work as a nurse in a dermatologist office. It could be many things, there's no one perfect answer here, you need to have them looked at. It doesn't look like chicken pox, or shingles. Have you tried any new medications? - Donna

4)   Short of rushing off to buy an entire collection of the latest product that promises miracle cures, simply follow these 5 simple tips for curing acne right away.

Acne curing tip 1

Never manipulate your pimple or acne! I don't know where the habit of squeezing pimples came from but if you do that, you'll run the risk of spreading the bacteria over your whole face and your whole body.

Acne curing tip 2

Get an over the counter acne control product that contains benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide helps clear away dead skin cells, oil and bacteria that clog up the pore and blemishes your skin.

Acne curing tip 3

Never just apply your product on places where there is acne already. Apply them on acne-prone areas too! This can include the majority of your face, neck and even chest.

This is an effective counter-measure to ensure that your condition doesn't worsen.

Acne curing tip 4

Be gentle! Most face cleansers remove just the oil on the surface of your skin.

They rarely go deep down to the plugged ducts. If you're too aggressive in washing your skin, it may have a counter effect - irritating and drying your skin up in the process.

Acne curing tip 5

Watch out of iodine in your diet. Many dermatologists believe that too much iodine in your diet may encourage the outbreak of pimples and acne. - Racheal Hottie

5)   It does look like chicken pox! If it was scabies you would be itching like crazy by now. And if it were bed bugs with that many bites you would have seen the bed bugs around your bed by now. Plus bed bug bites are usually more raised. I would see a doctor pretty quickly! - Jesse Ryan

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Question 3
How to get rid of wrinkles underneath the eye? I'm only 14!?...  I have wrinkles underneath my eyes at age 14. theres like 3 lines underneath one eye and 2 underneath the other. there just faint and not that long but i dont want them getting any worse. How do i get rid of them. They make me feel really bad about myself. What are some home remedies or creams anything but surgery.

1)   I suggest you to see----->
I have solved many health issues using this site
I hope that will resolve your problem keep using - Lisa

2)   before anything else, one thing: wrinkles make you real.

but any way, they sell eye creams at any drugstore. check some of them out. - Alana

3)   Just make sure that you have the right amount of sleep- a lack of sleep puts wrinkles under your eyes.

--And if you wear make-up, make sure to take it off SLOWLY and as carefully as you put it on- or so I've heard. Oh and be sure to take it off everyday day- it really ruins your skin if you don't.

Do NOT use face-mask; although it does tighten your skin- it will completely mess up your eyes if it's close- just put on normal face cream to keep your skin moist throughout the night and try to get to bed earlier.

Hope this helped.

^_^ - Cathy

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Question 4
The back of my brain is tingling?...  What does it mean if you feel a tingling sensation at the back of your brain??

I don't have any major health problems - but I do have mental disorders like depression. I don't do drugs or any of that. I am healthy & young.

1)   Its your Spidey sense... - Greta

2)   Your brain must quite active when this happens. Processing is what your brain is doing, and calculating what the cost of Christmas has been. I've never experienced this tingling your describing,
but it'll probably be gone now, and disappeared.

It'll be the nerves more than likely, and sometimes you can get mini-spasms with twitching of the muscles. If it lingers for some days, then go to the doctor if it worries you. Also it could be a prelude to a migraine or headache, but I hope not.

givemestrength - givemestrength

3)   are you getting any sensations in your arms,is it more base of scalp,how long has it been going on for,do it feel near little vague,have you been in car braked suddenly or exercise any new ones lasts month or so.are you swimming breast stroke with head up(stop if you are),are you getting any full belt head aches,is this tingling bad enough you need pain killers.
do not be to quick to put it down to mental disorder,there condition called cervical spondolist (arthrists) very comon but you do need exray to confirm it.if it is then certain things can be done to improve it afraid age no barriour to that.try new pillow more surpport for your neck
i think it not serious but trip to drs be good idea - misscacazzy

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Question 5
how to get rid of blackheads in less than 20 days...?...  guys its my farewdll party on 18th jan n i am currently suffering from awful lot of blackheads all over my face and especially nose....plz suggest sm good ways to get rid of the same...

1)   try them nose strips things wich you put over your nose leave on for 10 mins then rip of gets rid of loads
buy good quality ones

try proactive


dont have greasy foods


deep paw clenser 2 a week

Wash face morining and night - Miley Cyrus

2)   try some biore pore strips. they will extract through nasty blackheads and clear your pores.
here a link to info - Donna

3)   steam your face (if you don't know how to do that, look it up on youtube)
use a facial scrub.
use a blackhead remover(you can buy it at any drugstore)

you can only use a scrub once or twice a week. - Alana

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