Does my girlfriend have an STD?... My girlfriend and I have been together for almost 3 years now. We have not had sex in about two months (we just haven't had time) and three weeks ago she started getting some itchy bumps around her vagina, sort of like a rash. It went away during her period, but then it came back. Sometimes it itches more than other times and sometimes it is like if it wasn't even there. I know for a fact she has not cheated on me, so I want to know what kind of infection could it be?
1) yeast infection - bomberb0
2) Its friction burns from when you were away........ - UK Action Man
3) It could be a yeast infection, but normally that wouldn't have gone away during her cycle. If she has an STD it is herpes. If she hasn't cheated on you, then you would have given it to her. If you have also been faithful the likelihood is yeast. If she is overweight this can be an early sign of type 2 diabetes. - SethSpeaks
4) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Jeanmarie Dusky
5) You should use fluconazole, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Ishmael Olmo
6) Could be a yeast infection or thrush, but she should see a doctor and have a test done for stds to be on the safe side. That is the only way she is going to know for sure if she has an std or not. - LINDSEY S
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Question 2
Is sweet-smelling pee a symptom of diabetes?... Last night, I ate caramel popcorn, and when I peed a couple of hours later, I noticed my pee smelled really sweet/sugary. Is that normal if I just ate caramel popcorn (it had a ton of sugar in it), or could it be a symptom of diabetes? I know if your pee tastes sweet it means diabetes, but there is no way I'm going to taste it.
1) Yes but it would have to be consistently sweet, not just the one time. - Rawr!
2) Yes. I suggest going to your doctor and getting tested. - Ok. Thanks for that then.
3) I just got a $949.95 Dell laptop (17 inch) for $137.32 and if you think that's an awesome deal, my neighbor just got a 42 inch HDTV for $76.25 that's being delivered tomorrow to his house. It feels great not to pay high retail like the rest of the people. I am even selling some of the stuff at retail to my co-workers making 10 times my money back. Check out the site we found, go to - Julie Maack
4) read a bout : open the third & fourth link on : - Amanda Colson
5) You should use avandia, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Ishmael Olmo
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Question 3
Weird feeling...and odor in my throat?... Its like my throat is constantly covered in phlegm...and it wont come out. Theres a slight pain in,my throat... And everyonce in a while a small...well I dont know what it is white peice of something comes up and smells realllllllly bad...i thought it was like rotting food stuck in my throat or something but I dont think thats it...what could this be...and what causes it?
1) Its semi digested food coming back up. I have had that too. Go to your doctor and see what they say. - smily
2) Your throat is covered in pus and those white things that smell bad are pieces of pus. You have either Strep Throat or Tonsillitis. Usually with Strep you have a fever and feel ache all over. Go to the doctor, they can do a Strep test to confirm it. If it is Strep, you need to be on antibiotics.
I use to get pus out of my tonsils all of the time even when I wasn't sick. I was also getting Strep at least twice a year. It took me until I was 33 before I went to a ear nose and throat dr who said they need to come out.
That pus will make your breath smell bad too.
It is not undigested food. - So True
3) Girl look in the mirror at the back of your you see like a white patch? If so then you get a qtip and push it out! If its on the right push towards the left and if on the left push towards the right..from the side of it ..don't poke it directly cuz u will just push it in further.... - Wendy
4) It sounds like you may have strep throat. Go to the doctor and get a strep test. They'll give you some antibiotics to clear it up.
The stinky white stuff is common.... no worries...... - Punkin P
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Question 4
how to get rid of acne on back?... heeelp its nasty!
1) read about it here
open the fifth and third link
there for detail info. - Niki Homles
2) Ask your doctor for some vitamin A to put on it. That's what my dermatologist gave me.. - Zebra_Toast
3) a dermatologist can get you started on a program for that. Might include special soap/body wash; ointments; oral antibiotics. My daughter has battled this for a few years now but has had great results with this regimen. - slammamama
4) they have acne washes for your whole body. if you have long hair i'd suggest wearing it up more often because that also contributes. - Amber
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Question 5
What does "contaminated" urine mean?? Please Answer!!!!?... My doctor wants me to re take a urine test because it was "contaminated."
What does this mean? am i sick?? Im freaking out right now!!!
1) It means your urine sample had something other than urine in it. Your not sick. No worries. - Punkin P
2) I suspect he means that the sample of urine you provided was not kept in conditions that kept it pure, just as you provided it. Perhaps it was left uncapped in a room where some contaminants could have fallen into it from the air; perhaps the vessel into which it was transferred for examination was not properly washed.
I wouldn't panic. Pee again and be calm. - Roger
3) No it does not mean anything except that its contaminated as in you didn't wipe before urinating or you touched the inside of the cup..or it wasn't covered ..etc worries.. - Wendy
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