What exactly is autism?... I have heard of it and I know it affects little children but what is it?
Dont use all those big, fancy, sciency words please.
1) http://tinyurl.com/66lb4ck - eivind Slettebø
2) http://tinyurl.com/cmc82r There you go :-)
Edit: Damn! Someone beat me to it by a couple of seconds! :-) - The Mighty Martin
3) 'Autism' is not just for little children, x
My brother has it hes 13.
My sister has it 14.
and other family members do that are 50 odd. x
It means youve got to do stuff in certain order. They cant take change.
If u get dressed in the morning then brrush your teeth.
An Autistic person wont be able to Brush there teeth then get dressed.
They have to do what they done all the other times.
[I was thinking of the easiest way to describe it]
Hope i helped x - m.aimeex
4) It doesn't just effect children it effects the person for life. There are many various degrees of Autism, that's why they call it Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Each person is effected differently. It would take too long to explain what Autism is exactly, sufficient to say, people who have Autism find it difficult to function in normal society. If you're really interested look on the link below. - ~*♥KIM♥*~
5) Mommy=23 chromosomes+daddy=23=46 chromosomes people with autism=47 they have one extra it's basically like you biological instructions had an extra page and you tried to figure it out. And I doesn't just affect little children it just less likely they will live as long as u n me? - Alex Sutherland
6) About as non-sciency as I can get would be a child who otherwise seems alert and aware of his or her surroundings, but has difficulty in adapting to social situations, experiences delays in developing communication skills (speech, clarity, vocabulary), and might show signs of repetitive behavior or otherworldly spatial reasoning, trivia, or memorization that would be beyond or outside the typical developmental levels for that age.
Sensory overload can be a characteristic where too much noise, activity, or colors can manifest in a screaming, panicked meltdown because all of that input has gone beyond the child's ability to absorb and process the information.
Speech development can be delayed even if the child obviously knows what you're saying and is trying to talk back to you, but then gets frustrated when unable to clearly articulate the words or otherwise get the point across.
There are a LOT of characteristics and they obviously differ from child to child, depending on the severity and nature of the case so there's no single, universal answer. Some may have the examples I noted above while others may not. - Crimson667
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Question 2
I just had the stomach Flu for about 3 days and now i think it has gone away. But i'm constantly thirsty now.?...
1) I'm no doctor but not only did your body expel alot of water via throwing up, it burned off a lot of water working your immune system in overdrive, not to mention you have probably not been getting the right nutrients for the last few days. Try drinking some pedialyte or mix a gatorade 50/50 with water and drink that slowly. You need to replace what you have lost but you don't want to shock your system - Abbey Jones
2) you are most likely dehydrated from being so sick. you need to drink plenty of fluids. feel better! - jessica h
3) You are dehydrated from vomiting and your body is telling you that it needs fluids.
Drinks with electrolytes will help you to hydrate faster, and broth and soup will help with sodium loss from vomiting.
Start slowly. Take small sips until you feel your stomach can handle it and then slowly incorporate solids back into your diet, like dry toast and/or rice.
I hope you feel better soon! Sometimes it takes up to a week before your stomach is finally able to handle regular food again, so be patient with yourself and stay hydrated. - jfreake2004
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Question 3
I'm vegan and I have dry cracked lips- how do I fix them?... I'm vegan so I thought the cracks may be caused by anemia. My lips have been cracked for about two months, they got better for about a week and I kept putting carmex on them but they got bad again. I'm taking all the proper vitamins and all the other symptoms of anemia have disappeared. My lips started getting cracked when I had a cold sore. I used abreva on the cold sore, it healed very quickly, and my lips are awfully cracked now! I had the cold sore in November. My cracked lips are so bad that it hurts to open my mouth to brush my teeth or even give my boyfriend a peck of a kiss. I apply carmex regularly and when I don't use that I use Nivea. Help???
1) Rub some bacon fat on them -- usually clears up in a day or so. - Barry McCockiner
2) go to a health food store and get something to heal them instead of just coating them and hopefully you are taking plenty of b vitamins.. - katrina
3) Well, there are some amino acids that are only available through animal products, so it might be that. Afraid there's no way to treat that and remain a vegan, so if you want to keep the veganism, keep hunting for new lip balms. And consider what is and is not possible:
Here's the blog of a vegan who had to quit for her health:
http://voraciouseats.com/2010/11/19/a-vegan-no-more/ - fusepark
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Question 4
How can I get rid of my cough?... I'm pretty sure it's a dry cough however after I drink some or I cough hard enough I can sort of feel some Lucas in the back and once in a while it'll loosen and hurt but won't come up. I also have a light fever: approximate 99.8. In the past few min I've been able to loosen but not get it out. I know to drink a lot. My throat hurts a lil but that's from coughing and I'm nauseous and I didn't eat at all yesterday and some today. Should I take a cough suppressant? I'm afraid to though if I can manage to get it out and I don't think the other kind would be right. I was supposed to go skiing tomorrow but not anymore. I'm supposed to go rock climbing on a trip on Sunday so I need to get better. So wat kind of medicine should I take?
1) Take some medicine or sum tea with some lemon honey, and add 2 cough drops to it so that will all sooth the throat .. And medicine. - Ushers Wife
2) wouldnt mucinex help - Bonjour Mosiour
3) It might sound weird but u need sperm. Sperm contains an enzyme tat when swallowed smoothes your throat. my friend tried this nd he felt better right after. it works best if its fresh nd not ur own. It has to b atleast half a pint. Goo - Angel Cortez
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Question 5
what causes excess saliva?...
1) when you get hungry your body creates more saliva. - Steve R
2) Excessive saliva — increased amounts of saliva in your mouth — is usually a temporary problem and rarely cause for concern. Normally, your salivary glands produce 1 to 2 quarts (0.9 to 1.9 liters) of saliva a day. However, because swallowing occurs continually and unconsciously, you don't generally notice the saliva. If you suddenly seem to have excessive saliva in your mouth, it could be because your salivary glands are making more saliva than usual (sialorrhea) or because you're swallowing less often.
Excessive saliva can be a side effect of some medications, and excessive saliva is common in the early months of pregnancy. Difficulty swallowing, which can lead to excessive saliva, may be caused by muscle or nerve damage in your mouth or throat.Excessive saliva — increased amounts of saliva in your mouth — is usually a temporary problem and rarely cause for concern. Normally, your salivary glands produce 1 to 2 quarts (0.9 to 1.9 liters) of saliva a day. However, because swallowing occurs continually and unconsciously, you don't generally notice the saliva. If you suddenly seem to have excessive saliva in your mouth, it could be because your salivary glands are making more saliva than usual (sialorrhea) or because you're swallowing less often.
Excessive saliva can be a side effect of some medications, and excessive saliva is common in the early months of pregnancy. Difficulty swallowing, which can lead to excessive saliva, may be caused by muscle or nerve damage in your mouth or throat.
Excessive saliva can be caused by either an increase in your body's production of saliva or a decrease in your ability to swallow or keep saliva in your mouth.
Causes of increased saliva production
Dentures that are new or don't fit well
Infection in your mouth
Medications, such as clozapine, isoproterenol, pilocarpine and reserpine
Stomatitis (an inflammation of mucous membranes in your mouth)
Rarer causes of increased saliva production include the following conditions:
Arsenic poisoning
Bell's palsy (a condition that causes facial muscle weakness or paralysis)
Esophageal atresia (a disorder present at birth in which the esophagus doesn't develop properly)
Mercury poisoning
Rabies (a deadly virus spread to people from the saliva of infected animals)
Syphilis (a bacterial infection usually spread by sexual contact)
Tuberculosis (an infectious disease that affects your lungs) - Cligula360
3) How long has this been happening? You could be hungry. Sometimes the salivary glands in people with a suppressed immune system become inflamed. Get yourself checked. Otherwise, it seems harmless. - Joel L
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