I am getting sick? What should I do?... This morning i woke up and i had a sore throat,which eventually went away
Now i feel my thorat hurting again and im starting to sneeze and i have like no energy.
The thing is i have midterms in 2 days!!!
and no matter what i cant miss them
how can i stop myself from getting sick atleast for the next couple of days
1) Take it easy the next two days, lost of rest and fluids. You can try the OTC remedies such as Zycam, Airborn, 2000mg of Vit C. - Princess Consuela Bananna Hammock
2) Buy liquid nyquil and get lots of rest! nyquil is one of the best meds for colds and fevers. - coolcat
3) Go to a CVS Bloom or Walgreens and purchase what is called "Airborne" its a tablet you put in a cup of water, let it dissolve, then drink it. It doesn't taste bad at all, and comes in different flavors. You can also buy cold tablet pills which boost your immune system and prevent any further symptoms.
Also try to get plenty of rest, wash hands when needed, and eat healthily. - Bonkers B
4) This will probably help. It helped for me and my family : gargle with warm water put salt in it and stir. Then gargle.
Step 2: wash hands a lot!!!!!
Step 3: eat chicken noodle soup- it's the broth that helps. Unless you are a vegetarian.
Step 4: sleep and rest. Watch t.v. And relax
I hope you feel better :) - Natalie:)
5) Well,it seems as if ur getting a cold.It's a shame u hav midterms
My best advice is if you drink loads of fluids dress warm take vitimans
That will help ur immune system the reason why ur tired is becuase ur immune
System is trying to fight off the microorganism that invading ur body - Carmen Muzinga
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Question 2
Prolonged and irregular headaches. ?... My wife has taken treatment for migrain headache and from the psychiatrist and has a BP reading 110/70. She is 57 years old.
1) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. http://canmdh62.notlong.com/AAe8xfX - Praise Giller
2) Hello, I'm a doctor. Use butalbital. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> http://mdcatm14.notlong.com/1AAe8xf - Shelton Terrian
3) does she drink water?many headaches are caused by dehydration. - David
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Question 3
Home solutions for acne scarring!?... Anything that can reduce my scars, many thanks :)
1) You should use accutane, it is the best about it you can get information from here http://mdcatm13.notlong.com/1AA7DvH - Shelton Terrian
2) Hello, I'm a doctor. Use accutane. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> http://canmdh68.notlong.com/AA7DvHN - Praise Giller
3) sunblock every day and i mean every single day
use kinerase or clinique skin brightener if you can afford it
or use retinol products or aha's like neutrogena healthy skin
in about a month or 2 you will notice the difference
note any of the creams i mentioned have to be used with sunblock if you want your skin to look better
the sun can make your scar look worse which isn't good - sweet tooth
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Question 4
My wife is getting sicker every day and refuses to go to the doctor. What is this illness?... She is 35 and she is getting paler and paler white every day.She complains of severe abdominal pain. she is gaining on weight in her abdominal area. Her periods are sporadic and sometimes light and sometimes heavy. shes always in pain, and she claims its just work related stress. She also looks jaundiced yellow and she cant sleep at night Also, her hormones are way out of whack. One day, shes nice, another day, she gets angry Im getting very concerned. Any ideas of whats causing this?
1) I don't know. But I do know that good old castor oil is a miracle for stomach and digestive system ailnents... Just a teaspoon for a couple days will have the stuff looking for nasty stuff to kill and send out of the body. She sounds like anemic and really should go to a clinic or something. But if she wants to rough it out if possible do try the castor oil. It is a wonder. - Edd S
2) I suggest you to see-----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I have solved many health issues using this site
I hope that will resolve your problem keep using answers.yahoo.com - Lisa
3) Not good... I suggest you force her to the doctor. I'm more concerned at the jaundice. Her pale looks is related with the liver. Her pain also might be related, but still need to perform physical examination to rule out.
Differential diagnosis would be, Hepatitis, viral hepatitis, tumor/cancer, liver disease, some other tumors, some other disease. No matter what is my diagnose, she might need a blood test.
"Any ideas of whats causing this?"
jaundice + getting sicker every day is not a good thing. No matter what is causing this, I strongly recommend you to take/force her to visit a doctor. - PurpleHeart
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Question 5
Is this kind of thing normal in smokers?... I've been smoking for a few months already (I'm 15) and whenever I don't have a bouge I'm antsy and I snap at people when I really don't want to. But after I have a bouge, I'm docile and obedient and I'm nice to everyone.
1) read a bout : open the third & fourth link on : Www.cancer-tips.info - Karlie Marie
2) Well yes but u really should quit smoking. Once u start and the longer u smoke the harder it is to quit. It makes ur teeth yellow. Makes u smell. Quit now seriously - sweetlilangel3542
3) I just got a $949.95 Dell laptop (17 inch) for $137.32 and if you think that's an awesome deal, my neighbor just got a 42 inch HDTV for $76.25 that's being delivered tomorrow to his house. It feels great not to pay high retail like the rest of the people. I am even selling some of the stuff at retail to my co-workers making 10 times my money back. Check out the site we found, go to GoWinBids.com - Marie Crisafi
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