does eating chicken 6 times a week cause to have dandruff?...
1) Yes it is a fact - Kojak
2) OMG...where do people come up with this stuff?
you'll become a better 3rd baseman...look what happened to Wade Boggs. :)
good luck! - seabreeze951
3) Definately chicken is not made for human. My suggestion to you just do not eat chicken. - JAYESH
4) I've never heard of such a thing - AliJay
5) You should use salicylic-sulfur-shampoo, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Elene Huger
6) so why do you eat that much chicken? - Amza
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Question 2
Do i have diabeties? are these symptoms?... I have unusual weight loss, extreme hunger and thirst and tiredness. I have burred vision, urinary problems....
1) Sounds like it. - rayehawk
2) That is a textbook example of diabetes. Call your doctor. - Frank
3) I don't think you have Diabetes. but you are coming down with something, better go get it checked out. - Kid CuDi
4) no , its normal simptoms - Cathrine Paul
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Question 3
PLEASE HELP AM I GONNA DIE? I accidentally inject myself AIR into my blood by my shot?? HELP!?... Please let me know give me advice if I'm a gonna die!? please read below!
Ok it was a really quick, stupid, possibly "fatal" mistake. I'm a diabetic.. please note that! Well,what happned was I prepared myself my everyday routine insulin shot for dinner but what I did not realize is that there I did NOT give myself any INSULIN in my syringe but it was just plain AIR!!! I just gave myself about 20 freakin' units of air (what I thought was insulin, my meds) into my bloodstream!!
YES I know plain stupid!! but plz know my insulin which is humalog is really similar to air color , like almost invisible! and i didnt do this on purpose way would I!
OMG!! im soo scared im gonna die! Because I know that just giving air bubbles is bad enough but what about air in my syringe. AND IT WAS ALOT OF AIR NOT JUST A LITTLE!! I have actually done this accidently before a few times but I think but it was just air bubbles.not a whole lot of air! I actually do that alot. and not problems.
I gave my shot like almost half an hour ago and still NO symptoms or anything but thats what I'm afraid of. It's pretty late at night too (the insulin was suposed to be for my dinner) so I dont wanna make a big hassle over this.
**SO what I want to know is if this is something I should be freaking out about!? any advice??
I did do research on this online and came across the term "Air Embolism" which seems like it could be deadly. this was a stupid misstake I really dont wanna die becuase of it! PLEASE ONLY SERIOUS ANSWERS!! ANY advice what I can do? Again I don't feel any symptom at all which is so weird, no shortness of breath or anything. just a slight pain at the area I gave the shot (WHICH is in my leg) but nuthing big.
(and I already told my parents, they dont know if this is something to make a big deal about. Should I be calling the ambulance? Again I have no symptoms.
SO IF ANYONE HAD HAS THIS BEFORE WHAT DID U DO?? PLEASE HELP ME? I'm relly scared I could just pass out. or what if nothing happens until I go to sleep! it is really late about 9pm where I live, plz help me out? I dont wnna die! and will always make sure be very careful in the future...that is if i do make it. :/
1) Go fetch a doctor idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and don't panic... - Sanket Sankey
2) Omfg Get to a doctor! I pray for you - Xxsnoopyoxx
3) Yes this is a very dangerous case but if i were you, i'd tell my parents and ask them to take me to the hospital just in case. Im sure if ur a healthy individual though, your body shoudl build enough anti-toxins to get rid of all the things that shouldnt be in there. Yea talk to ur parents and askt hem to take u to the hospital. Was this recently? If its past 8 hours, ur fine - Andrew
4) You should call your local Emergency Room for advice or your doctor office nursed help line. or if you have systems of 911! - malloy
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Question 4
How did you get rid of your acne?... I have it and i want it GONE! help
1) I ate great!
Lots of water, fruits and veggies:)
and got 8 hours of sleep and exercised!
I also used my derm's skin care line(: - AliJay
2) I used Proactive!!! Its awesome!! It got rid of my acne in just 1 month!!! It all depends on your skin though I guess. It might take longer for you. Just be patient!!! - Micky15
3) I have never use Pro Active but alot of people said it worked...or get a good moisturizer or a facial mask - Zion
4) Ok. This will hurt, not as bad as you think, but it isn't fun. But it is usually effective. Every night, rip the heads off of them and smear toothpaste on them. When the majority of the pain resides,Rinse it off, then repeat. It isn't fun but it has never failed me. Good luck - James Rice
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Question 5
WHY do they sedate you when you go for an MRI? Wont that alter the results?... They gave him a PILL which was a sedative. Isn't that going to alter the results, since all types of pills change the brain in some way?!
1) I only had to be sedated as I was unable to tolerate the nurse's inability to find a vein to put in the intravenous drip for the dye, so I became anxious - it did not alter the results. But maybe some people freak out at being stuck, unable to move, in a claustrophobic, noisy tube -its a horrible experience, so they need sedation. - K.
2) No, there are functional MRIs that can detect brain activity, but a normal MRI just looks at structure. - fusepark
3) There's two common reasons: you have to sit perfectly still for 30-45 minutes and its much easier if a person is relaxed by sedation; and the machine makes many people feel claustrophobic, and sedation reduces the likelihood of panic. Sedation does change blood flow to different regions of the brain, but that isn't usually something that matters in most MRIs. - formerly_bob
4) The sedation is done for the comfort of the patient as holding perfectly still for 30-45 minutes in a tube with extremely loud pulsing noises coming at you can panic some people. Sedation does alter the blood flow to areas of the brain, but this would only matter if you were receiving an MRA, which is basically an MRI with venous contrast. - Zetsu
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