i just got tested positive for chlamydia?... really worried about this stuff. everything else came out negative i have been stressing alot. they gave me antibiotics to take, 4 pills at once.. i took it about 3 days ago.
how long will i take to clear everything up? should i drink alot of water? please give some info
1) same here
lets meet up
tough shit
by the way my dad can give you the snip free of charge as your not going to be using it anymore - Chris George
2) wow. unlucky - Katherine
3) use a condom next time.. a lot less worry
and usually about 7-10 days to fully clear up - Andrea Gilpatrick
4) I was diagnosed with this when I found out I was pregnant with my son. It should be gone within a few days
There is nothing to worry about, it can not cause any health problems - Chrissy_Lynn
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Question 2
Asthma problem HELP! Please!?... Ok, so When I lay down at night to go to bed, I experience trouble breathing. I cant yawn. So, I was diagnosed with it at age 10. I use my inhaler twice a day. But it feels like its not working! Please help me! Thank you so very much!
1) Go back to your doctor and bring up this new development. They may change your medication or up the dosage of what your medication is...not all inhalers contain the same drugs and it sounds like yours is no longer working. - Steve
2) I have asthma as well, I have had it since I was 3 (i am 16 now) and I can sympathize with you because I know what it is like. I think you should talk with a physician about getting a new controller medicine such as Advair of Symbicort. - Ryan Pecotte
3) Hello, I'm a doctor. Use singulair. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> http://canmdh22.notlong.com/AAczCjx - Deniece Fridell
4) I am 21 and have had asthma literally for my entire life (I was born with RSV) After so long of using the same inhaler my body becomes immune to it and I have to switch. However after a serious condition which I needed a tube to breathe for me I decided that as soon as I was healthy I was going to get off as many of my asthma meds as possible. So instead of taking my steriod inhaler I have used different breathing treatments when it gets difficult to breathe and run a humidifier at night. I now do not have to use anything other than a resuce inhaler...but I do think you should go to a doctor and see about changing up your inhalers - HannahS
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Question 3
How do I get rid of my dry skin?? Please help me :'(?... All over my face I have dry skin and some is dead skin :( I have never had this happen and my chin really itches :'( please help me
1) Lotion? - Terris
2) Wash face then use a face moisturizer, twice daily - Lauren
3) Put Vaseline ANYWHERE Where Your Skin Is Peely But To Me That Sounds Like A Case Of Eczma If Its Itchy!
Hope This Helps :) - Olivia Habermel
4) Firstly make sure your drinking plenty of water to hydrate your skin. Also use a light exfoliating soap....make sure anything you use is none perfumed as that can irratate the skin. Use a good moisturizer coco butter is really good. Make sure you always wash your make up off. - Ellabombella
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Question 4
How to get rid of a FEVER? EASY 10 POINTS!!!?... Today is wednesday and i've had a fever since monday. monday- about 101....tuesday- 101-99? today i woke up with 102.... i have no sore throat or anything like that i just have a fever. i NEED to get better by tomorrow or friday because friday night is my best friends birthday party then saturday and sunday im going camping. I HAVE TO GET BETTTERRR- HOW!!!! i've been taking tylenol
1) You should use fioricet, it is the best about it you can get information from here http://canmdh26.notlong.com/AAkGPXj - Deniece Fridell
2) Tylenol, extra fluids, and soaks in water that is slightly below normal body temperature are all you can do. You should probably plan on missing the camping.
A fever with no other symptoms is not a good situation. It often means you don't yet have all the symptoms and the worse is yet to come. - formerly_bob
3) Keep taking the Tylenol. That may help. Also, try taking a cool bath and keeping a cool rag on your forehead. Drink lots of fluids and eat cold things. - Christina S
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Question 5
Should I make an appointment with the Doctor?... Hi,
I'm 16 and I've been Ill for the last few days. I was at work on Sunday, then in the afternoon I started to feel weak and my throat was hurting too. Sunday night i didn't eat much because I wasn't feeling so great, I just went to bed. Monday morning I went to College but I came home early because I was sounding like a man, weak and coughing ALL the time. Yesurday was wierd, my EYES was in agony!! I had no energy, bad headache, I couldn't walk around my house to get drinks etc and i spent the whole day with my eyes closed because they hurt so much. But eyes, every time I look UP it still feels like someone is standing on my eye ball with a heels.
Today, my eyes still feel the same when I look up, i've still got a cough, my throat still hurts, i have some of my energy back but not all.
Is it just a cold? Should I go to the doctors or will they just think i'm going OTT with a cold or something. Do you know what I could possibly have?
Thankyou :-)
1) You have the bug that is doing the rounds - lasts a few days and then goes - John H
2) It's most likely a cold. You don't need to see your doctor. Drink more fluids and rest. - fusepark
3) I'm not really sure what ya could have but it sounded like it hurt like hell haha. If you still feel like crap, go to the doctors and explain to them what you went through and how you feel now.
:-) i hope you get feeling better! - apple
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