Saturday, January 1, 2011

How to heal a broken heart?

Question 1
How to heal a broken heart?...  My ex and I broke up and I feel really depressed about it. We kind of went on a break 2 months ago, but it wasnt going anywhere so we broke it off. I kind of kept hoping there would be a chance that we could get back together. We met up during the christmas holidays and I thought there would be a possibly of us getting back together, but he just wants to be friends. I know things wouldnt work out because we would be going back to a long distance relationship as we're both at different universities and it caused many problems in the relationship. I still feel really down, I have been for 2 months now. We went out for a month and a half and he was my first boyfriend, we both had strong feelings for each other and a lot of chemistry. I dont know why I cant get over him. One minute I feel really angry and insane, the next I feel rational and I know it wouldnt have worked out. He's gotten over it, but I'm really struggling. These 2 months have been the worst ever and he's all I can think about. I can't get him out of my mind. How can I get over him?

1)   Hagen Dazs and Jim Beam. - Sebastien Hastings

2)   Try living like that for seven years, like me. - N.N.

3)   This is not the kind that can be healed by man only time can heal this kind of brokeness and pain. - Sugar

4)   I watched 'The Sound of Music' yesterday, and there was a line came to mind when I saw your question-

Liesl: What happens when a person stops loving you?
Maria: You cry a little and then you wait for the sun to come out. It always does. - Chiffonella

5)   first off, I feel your pain girl! and I bet everyone has experienced being heart broken atleast once in their life! At the moment youre going to feel like its the end of the world, which at the time it feels like! The only healing process is time, you make think its been 2 months so you should be over him but sometimes you can always have a soft spot for that one person, even when youre in your eighties! Aslong as you have a good support group around you e.g family/friends you'll get through it, it'll be hard but you'll make it and look back on this time of your life and think wow, ive become a stronger person! good luck xx - Smiler Smile

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Question 2
HELP! Break out of pimple-like bumps on arms and stomach? *picture*?...  Two mornings ago I noticed that my upper arms and stomach had some red bumps on it and thought little of it at the time. Then yesterday they got worse, and some of the bumps had white heads on them.

They are sensitive to touch, but don't itch. My girlfriend who sleeps in the same bed doesn't have them, so I don't think it's bed bugs. I don't shave my arms/stomach, so that rules out ingrown hairs. I have otherwise very clear, nice skin.

I haven't made any changes to my soap or laundry detergent, and haven't worn/tried on any new clothes.

Oh, and I've already had the chicken pox when I was a kid.

So what the heck? What could this be? Any help would be appreciated! Below is a picture of the bumps.

1)   It honestly looks like chicken pox...It has been known for people to have the chicken pox more then once...You need to go to the doctor to be sure what it is - sweetlilbrat26

2)   I suggest seeing a doctor for a proper assessment of your skin condition, if he carnt tell you he will recommend a skin specialist,who will make out a prescription of cream or tablets that will rid you of the spots. I think this would be the best course of action you should take. - king Monkey

3)   I work as a nurse in a dermatologist office. It could be many things, there's no one perfect answer here, you need to have them looked at. It doesn't look like chicken pox, or shingles. Have you tried any new medications? - Donna

4)   Short of rushing off to buy an entire collection of the latest product that promises miracle cures, simply follow these 5 simple tips for curing acne right away.

Acne curing tip 1

Never manipulate your pimple or acne! I don't know where the habit of squeezing pimples came from but if you do that, you'll run the risk of spreading the bacteria over your whole face and your whole body.

Acne curing tip 2

Get an over the counter acne control product that contains benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide helps clear away dead skin cells, oil and bacteria that clog up the pore and blemishes your skin.

Acne curing tip 3

Never just apply your product on places where there is acne already. Apply them on acne-prone areas too! This can include the majority of your face, neck and even chest.

This is an effective counter-measure to ensure that your condition doesn't worsen.

Acne curing tip 4

Be gentle! Most face cleansers remove just the oil on the surface of your skin.

They rarely go deep down to the plugged ducts. If you're too aggressive in washing your skin, it may have a counter effect - irritating and drying your skin up in the process.

Acne curing tip 5

Watch out of iodine in your diet. Many dermatologists believe that too much iodine in your diet may encourage the outbreak of pimples and acne. - Racheal Hottie

5)   It does look like chicken pox! If it was scabies you would be itching like crazy by now. And if it were bed bugs with that many bites you would have seen the bed bugs around your bed by now. Plus bed bug bites are usually more raised. I would see a doctor pretty quickly! - Jesse Ryan

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Question 3
How to get rid of wrinkles underneath the eye? I'm only 14!?...  I have wrinkles underneath my eyes at age 14. theres like 3 lines underneath one eye and 2 underneath the other. there just faint and not that long but i dont want them getting any worse. How do i get rid of them. They make me feel really bad about myself. What are some home remedies or creams anything but surgery.

1)   I suggest you to see----->
I have solved many health issues using this site
I hope that will resolve your problem keep using - Lisa

2)   before anything else, one thing: wrinkles make you real.

but any way, they sell eye creams at any drugstore. check some of them out. - Alana

3)   Just make sure that you have the right amount of sleep- a lack of sleep puts wrinkles under your eyes.

--And if you wear make-up, make sure to take it off SLOWLY and as carefully as you put it on- or so I've heard. Oh and be sure to take it off everyday day- it really ruins your skin if you don't.

Do NOT use face-mask; although it does tighten your skin- it will completely mess up your eyes if it's close- just put on normal face cream to keep your skin moist throughout the night and try to get to bed earlier.

Hope this helped.

^_^ - Cathy

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Question 4
The back of my brain is tingling?...  What does it mean if you feel a tingling sensation at the back of your brain??

I don't have any major health problems - but I do have mental disorders like depression. I don't do drugs or any of that. I am healthy & young.

1)   Its your Spidey sense... - Greta

2)   Your brain must quite active when this happens. Processing is what your brain is doing, and calculating what the cost of Christmas has been. I've never experienced this tingling your describing,
but it'll probably be gone now, and disappeared.

It'll be the nerves more than likely, and sometimes you can get mini-spasms with twitching of the muscles. If it lingers for some days, then go to the doctor if it worries you. Also it could be a prelude to a migraine or headache, but I hope not.

givemestrength - givemestrength

3)   are you getting any sensations in your arms,is it more base of scalp,how long has it been going on for,do it feel near little vague,have you been in car braked suddenly or exercise any new ones lasts month or so.are you swimming breast stroke with head up(stop if you are),are you getting any full belt head aches,is this tingling bad enough you need pain killers.
do not be to quick to put it down to mental disorder,there condition called cervical spondolist (arthrists) very comon but you do need exray to confirm it.if it is then certain things can be done to improve it afraid age no barriour to that.try new pillow more surpport for your neck
i think it not serious but trip to drs be good idea - misscacazzy

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Question 5
how to get rid of blackheads in less than 20 days...?...  guys its my farewdll party on 18th jan n i am currently suffering from awful lot of blackheads all over my face and especially nose....plz suggest sm good ways to get rid of the same...

1)   try them nose strips things wich you put over your nose leave on for 10 mins then rip of gets rid of loads
buy good quality ones

try proactive


dont have greasy foods


deep paw clenser 2 a week

Wash face morining and night - Miley Cyrus

2)   try some biore pore strips. they will extract through nasty blackheads and clear your pores.
here a link to info - Donna

3)   steam your face (if you don't know how to do that, look it up on youtube)
use a facial scrub.
use a blackhead remover(you can buy it at any drugstore)

you can only use a scrub once or twice a week. - Alana

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