lardhead @ 2009-08-28 06:28:56
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no you wouldnt but its a bit like being drunk coz you feel bad when you come back down x
Clara @ 2009-08-28 06:31:14
no, try meth
Chris @ 2009-08-28 06:31:33
yes, ppl have died from too many energy drinks in a short time. especially gamers.
Titan @ 2009-08-28 06:31:38
likeablerabbit_loose @ 2009-08-28 06:31:46
dont think so but its not good for the body
Bert @ 2009-08-28 06:31:48
I guess you'd just be really hyper and not sleep for two days thats what happened to my friend.
Kitty :) @ 2009-08-28 06:31:55
The Source @ 2009-08-28 06:32:03
I guess it's possible if you kept chugging them that your heart could give out.
Clintastic @ 2009-08-28 06:32:21
of course.
AquaAlex2010 @ 2009-08-28 06:32:26
More likely to have a heart attack from the sweetners used in them like aspartame than the caffine, but neither is good for you.
Houses of the Holy @ 2009-08-28 06:32:39
You might not die but you could have serious side affects you probably could have a heart attack
Alex @ 2009-08-28 06:33:31
yes because of all of the caffeine in energy drinks your heart cant cope it all
Tara loves ponys @ 2009-08-28 06:35:01
It will make you way more nervous & jittery before anything else. Too much energy drinks acts on the stomach and nerves first.
Simmy @ 2009-08-28 07:11:31
FLEAS! How do I get rid of them on HUMANS?
So I have fleas and I know for sure that is what they are. How can I get rid of them. Everything I've found is only safe for pets. My cat is being treated but I am still dealing with them and I don't know how to get rid of them. Please help!
They are living in my hair. I have really really thick long hair. I have their eggs in my hair and I've seen them and they are fleas.
riz V @ 2009-08-28 06:41:36
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play this song..and they will leave
Infantry Skunk @ 2009-08-28 06:45:00
they live on furniture too. all i can suggest is putting some nightlights out at night. place dishes of soapy water underneath. the fleas will jump toward the heat source and fall into the water.
it won't get rid of all of them but it will help.
good luck!
cr @ 2009-08-28 06:45:23
Fleas don't actually live on humans but they will jump on you and bite you. If they're no longer on your pet, they're probably in your carpet, your couch cushions, etc.
GROMIT @ 2009-08-28 06:45:33
fleas won't stay on humans but if you have them in your house then you need to leave for about 4-6 hours and set up foggers everywhere. Also there's some stuff you can get to attach to a hose pipe and spray your yard with. That will keep them away all summer.
BAMA a.k.a. K~E~G @ 2009-08-28 06:45:45
fleas cant live on humans, they can bite you but thats about it. honestly either they are jumping onto you and biting you but living on the cats/animals or carpets or its not fleas!
you need to get rid of the problem by treating your carpets and animals!
confudled.... @ 2009-08-28 06:47:09
Burn your house or get rid of whats attracting them.
Actually, we have an adorable small pet. He has no fleas nor are there any in our home "because" we used a good flea soap when we first got him & we continually bathed him every month. You've been slacking off on doing any of this or you wouldn't have fleas.
Tobby @ 2009-08-28 06:47:31
1.go buy Raid earth options.
2.close every opening in ur house. doors windows. etc.
3.make sure noone else is inside
4. use the whole can, just spray and walk, around the whole house
5. after that, go outside for a couple of minutes. wait for it to settle down.
darius j @ 2009-08-28 06:47:50
How do you know for sure without seeking a doctors advice?
ynot @ 2009-08-28 06:47:51
Get them out of your hair.They cant live without a host.Once your cat is ok they will disappear.Its that time of year.I have a few of my own.
bondagegie @ 2009-08-28 06:51:07
Been there and boy it is tough. do you have wall to wall carpet? If so, it is very hard to get rid of them as long as there is an animal (your kitty) in the house. I had an indoor only cat, but the aparmtnet was infested and it took close to a year to completely rid of them. You'll need to treat your entire carpet, furniture, everything. Call a professional and aks for a whole house steam clean. You'll have to tell about the fleas so they can use the right stuff. some companies use a different cleaner and some won't do the job at all. You might want to have your cat stay w/a friend just for a day or two (if posible) so that any lingering fleas don't try and seek refuse on your cat. Even though she is being treated, they can still rest in her fur; they just won't attatch to her skin. If you don't have wall to wall, remove all rugs; clean or toss them if you can and treat your house. You might also want to hve an extermiantor come and treat your house.
average jane @ 2009-08-28 06:54:10
You don't have them, though you could be getting them on you and being bit by them.
One thing i have found out from a vet tech friend who had flea issues with her dog when she was pregnant.....those flea washes the sell for pets are unnessessary. All you need to do is wash them in a tub with dish soap. Fleas can usually, for lack of a better explination, walk on the water and not get washed away and drowned but just water just due to the surface tention of water. Dish soap reduces the surface tention of water so that they cant excape the bath and will drowned. (Is why the person suggesting bowls of water under a nightlight said soapy would have to be soapy to drown them).
If you are really thinking you have them, then take a bath yourself with dish soap, but really, you can not have them. You just most likely have them in your carpet, and on your furniture, possibly even your bed....and possibly in your clothes as well.
J G @ 2009-08-28 06:56:28
I had blood tests to determine the cause of slightly high blood pressure..?
and now have gotten a letter saying I must make an appointment to see the doc about the results. The nearest appointment is next Wed. If it was something serious, would they have marked my card and got me in quicker? I am ever so worried :-(
amaweeuk @ 2009-08-28 06:20:22
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if your blood pressure was extremely high for your age, weight etc then they would have you in a lot sooner. However they may have called you in to discuss maybe cholesterol levels or something like that.
My dad had the same experience a few months back and they checked his blood pressure every day for a week but it went back to normal.
I suffer from HBP myself and to be honest if it was only 'slightly high' then im sure its nothing to be worrying about!
Golden Delicious @ 2009-08-28 06:28:58
Yes, if it was serious they would have asked you come in at once. It will be to give you advice or recommend some medications.
This happened when my husband had lots of test done ie liver function, kidney function, glucose levels etc and blood pressure done.
All he needed was a couple of tablets to take every day so don't worry.
bty81216349 @ 2009-08-28 06:29:43
Don;'t worry. I've had high blood pressure for years. These days it's taken seriously. If there's a real problem you would be dragged back to the Doc's pdq. It's when it gets over 180/110 you start to worry. Normal 120/80. Moderate 160-179/100-109. You don;t appear to have much of a problem. Keep taking the pills! Good Luck.
THOMAS @ 2009-08-28 06:33:34
Don't worry, relax. Just like you said if your blood pressure was really bad they would have called you immediately. Itis probably a little more than slightly highter. I think it is best to avoid salty and greasy food until your appointment. Take a walk or exercise a bit. It would have been better if you have your blood pressure reading (sistolic and diastolic).
Good luck
yea_right95 @ 2009-08-28 06:33:37
I'm sure they would have got you to go in, or to your nearest hospital, if they'd found something really serious. I know how worrying it can be when you get one of these letters after having tests - but they don't often mean that there is a serious problem.
They probably haven't found any underlying reason for your high blood pressure, so want to see you next week to arrange some simple medication to lower your blood pressure. Even moderately raised blood pressure is routinely treated nowadays, as it can increase the risk of strokes or heart attacks. Most high blood pressure has no obvious cause (essential hypertension). In some cases, it can have a cause - and if so, that needs to be treated. Stop worrying so much; I suspect if it was anything serious, your blood pressure would not just be slightly high, it would be very high.
(My husband suddenly developed screamingly high blood pressure despite being a relatively young, fit man. He was suffering blinding headaches and was wrongly diagnosed for months with various things (including non-existent neck problems for which he ended up having physiotherapy and a neck brace). Eventually, he had a fit and ended up in hospital, where they at last found that he had a blocked artery to one of his kidneys.)
I take blood pressure medication, but have found that my blood pressure has dropped dramatically since I increased my exercise levels (all I do is walk half a mile downhill and half a mile back up again, about 4 or 5 times a week). Last time I had my blood pressure checked, it was even suggested that, if I keep up the exercise, I may be able to stop the medication altogether.
grannysan @ 2009-08-28 06:50:01
It's obviously not much to worry about otherwise they would have dealt with your case more urgently. They're probably only going to put you on a pill or two to bring it down a bit to start with and only if they get little response will they investigate the cause further.
justestin @ 2009-08-28 06:58:58
I feel unwell. What can I do? :(?
I feel hot and flushed, my throat is sore, and I'm feeling cranky and exhausted. I feel awwfulll. Any ideas on how to feel better? Thanks in advance xxxx
xMellyMiax @ 2009-08-28 06:20:22
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go to bed with a cuppa hot herbal tea ;) x
Ellie T @ 2009-08-28 06:23:41
sometimes if you eat sweets it can make you feel better because it gives your body sugar to give you more energy to get better quicker. :)
Kara @ 2009-08-28 06:30:14
It sounds like you've got a pretty nasty cold!I drink some hot tea (or hot cocoa if you prefer) that should make your throat feel better and take some Tylenol or Advil to bring down
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