Okay HIV question I need help pls help thxz to u all?
Okay my gf has HIV she takes pills to treat it .... If I don't wear a condom when have intercorse will I get it if so Ill wear a condom also by us kissin will I get it pls help thxz
Mr @ 2009-08-31 18:47:18
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kissing no, sex you could.
Graham @ 2009-08-31 18:49:17
you will not get it by kissing unless there is blood to blood contact (deep cuts, bleeding gums from brushing too hard, split open lip, etc) there is still a chance, without a condom it is very likely
its your life please don't spread HIV/AIDS, its not something you want to live with a common cold could kill you
infinitcash @ 2009-08-31 18:49:29
there is a f***ing possibilty
think about DUDE
Elizabeth @ 2009-08-31 18:49:50
yes u will get HIV if u have sex without a condom
lush @ 2009-08-31 18:50:07
dump her
BLAKELY @ 2009-08-31 18:50:15
tbh .
if you think tht thn yu shudnt even be havin sex like =/
Kirsty:) @ 2009-08-31 18:50:22
Yeah you can get it if you don't wear a condom. I'm not sure about the kissing part but I don't think you can get it but there's still a possibility.
Adviser! :) @ 2009-08-31 18:50:35
Sex, Yes and kissing NO. A visit to the doctor who treats her would be very beneficial for you in keeping safe from contracting it and answering any unknowns you may.
Swally @ 2009-08-31 18:50:48
very likely to get it without condom.
Travis @ 2009-08-31 18:50:54
wearing a condom doesnt make it 100% sure that you wont get HIV, so after you've had sex with ur gf, just make sure that if you feel any of the symptoms you get tested at a hospital or youth clinic. Kissing will not cause you to get HIV, but be careful when you have sex.
Social Butterfly @ 2009-08-31 18:51:18
Mr if you need us to answer this for you, then you are not mature enough to have sex.
devisissy @ 2009-08-31 18:51:26
If you don't use a condom, your chances of contracting this disease is extremely high.
It's a possibility to catch HIV even if you use a condom. Unfortunately, condoms aren't 100% effective. Make sure that you know how to use a condom properly, and put one on well before you begin to get intimate. Get tested periodically and realize that it can take 6 months after HIV exposure to get a reliable test result. Please make sure that you don't have other sex partners until you know you're in the clear - and if you do, alert them that you may be infected prior to having sex with them.
Unless she has sores in her mouth, kissing should be okay.
EB588 @ 2009-08-31 18:52:08
You wont get HIV from kissing her, but you can get it if you have unprotected sex with her.-ALWAYS USE CONDOMS! -
Jessica @ 2009-08-31 18:52:33
Aids is transfered when people have sex, using a condom greatly reduces the chances of getting aids. Animals cannot get aids and can't transfer it. Aids comes from blood, semen and other bodily fluids. You can't get aids from saliva, so kissing, hugging, handshakes, and just about everything else will not give you aids. If someone has aids, don't worry about it, as long as you don't have sex with them you'll be fine.
antfreq @ 2009-08-31 18:53:28
Please wear a condom. It's really not worth it. Even with treatment it's possible for a person to spread the virus to others. There is no risk from kissing, just from sex.
Now that you have been having unprotected sex with and HIV+ person you have the great pleasure of going to a clinic and getting tested for HIV.
It's Pat @ 2009-08-31 18:54:41
Here's your answer : if you have a condom, you will be far-safer.
Also : normally, kissing doesn't spread AIDS, but if your mouth or hers
has an unseen cut, or a tiny little, unfelt and bleeding gnash, you are
under a great risk of getting AIDS.
ellessee @ 2009-08-31 19:00:08
Help: Can I get HIV if...?
I am only asking because I heard it can survive for a few hours. I washed my hands later.
...someone I know is HIV+ breathed on me, etc and shook my hand at a party (but didn't bleed on me)? Even if I had small old cuts on my body (not hands), and absent-mindedly picked acne scabs later? Sorry if I sound ignorant, I just need to know the risks
Member Six: SHE is not my friend, merely an acquaintance.
Sam @ 2009-08-31 18:43:57
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ur face @ 2009-08-31 18:47:03
no, it has to be blood on blood. open cut on open cut. you can even lightly kiss the person on the cheek.
Mike @ 2009-08-31 18:48:01
no! simple as that
Adam @ 2009-08-31 18:48:02
☮God☮ @ 2009-08-31 18:48:09
No. You must have prolonged blood on blood contact. Just shaking hands wont do anything
DiscoBeen @ 2009-08-31 18:48:19
you can't get HIV from getting breathed on nor by shaking hands. the only way you can get it is by the transfer of bodily fluids.
Jacob @ 2009-08-31 18:48:29
No you are fine,
You can only get HIV from fluids like blood and sweat etc, it is possible to get it via saliva but its really hard to get it that way.
ps. drinking like a gallon of saliva (eww)
good luck and if you are still not sure, get tested to put your mind at ease!
kerkerdeelurker @ 2009-08-31 18:49:29
Do some research.
It's Pat @ 2009-08-31 18:49:31
No, you can not get HIV in the way you described. HIV is spread through bodily fluids such as blood, vaginal mucous and semen. You're not going to get HIV from your friend unless you start having sex with him or exchange blood somehow.
You do sound quite ignorant, it might be good for the sake of your friendship that you learn a bit of the basics about HIV. There's a wealth of information on the Internet.
Member Six @ 2009-08-31 18:49:43
There is Absolutely no need to worry.The things that you mentioned don't transmit HIV and saliva doesn't transmit HIV.But just so that you sleep tight at night.Do a free HIV test after 1 month of the accident.
Sleep tight :)
Godbani Mootez @ 2009-08-31 18:51:09
HIV is a disease that can be transmitted with fluids. Unlike the flu, which can be passed through breathing, you can only receive HIV through having sex (intercourse or oral), sharing a needle, or possibly if two active cuts rub against each other. Breathing or even kissing will not transmit the disease.
Heather @ 2009-08-31 18:51:13
No very strongly doubt it. but its not only blood on blood contact some other body fluids can carry the virus not saliva however. just so you know!!
SBgirl0211 @ 2009-08-31 18:52:30
calm down, just breath
your fine it would have to be a bleeding wound on your body to be able to catch anything, even then you probably wouldn't.
the only way he can give you hiv is if his blood got into your blood stream.
your not stupid, it is scary, hiv is a serious disease. but you can't catch it from someone breathing on you, or spitting on you, or sharing the same drink.
however you can catch mono or a cold so be careful of that
Brightest Star @ 2009-08-31 18:54:16
I have a single bump on the shaft of my penis and I dont really know what to do.?
I noticed it yesterday and I am sexually active on a regular basis but im pretty sure my girlfrineds clean and I always wear a condom (with the exception of oral) It doesnt hurt, burn, or itch. and its not very big (maybe 4mm). its skin tone. Does anyone know what this is?
Kyle L @ 2009-08-31 18:45:28
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could be anything..see a Dr
Chrys @ 2009-08-31 18:48:06
omg ....me too man i need the answer too thanx for asking
GmaX @ 2009-08-31 18:48:37
Uhh nasty...Didnt have to know about that...c a doc
arisen @ 2009-08-31 18:49:17
I'd go to see your doctor if it concerns you enough to ask about it.
Rose @ 2009-08-31 18:49:20
well.. bump or brown like splotch?
if its a bump then genital wart?
if its a brown dot then its a type of yeast thing that wont harm you.
either one is decoration :3
sneeman @ 2009-08-31 18:49:59
Could be genital warts, zit, ingrown hair or an alien life form.
Seriously though, you're only going to know by going to a doctor. Planned Parenthood or Urologist can help you out. I suggest a clinic such as Planned Parenthood, they see people like you dozens of times a day. It's really not uncommon at all - people just don't talk openly about it.
antfreq @ 2009-08-31 18:50:02
Condoms don't protect you from skin-to-skin contact infections. It could be nothing, or it could be something. Don't freak out. If you feel you should, go see a doctor.
elendryst @ 2009-08-31 18:50:16
this could be anything like from the soap you are using, or maybe your allergic to condoms but the best thing for you to do is see a doctor to be absolutely sure.
KitKat @ 2009-08-31 18:50:57
okay, my boyfriend has the same thing. and i'm clean too, and of course he is also.
i think it's just an ingrown hair that's inside the skin. but i'm not positive. that's what i'm guessing. don't panic cause it's probably nothing. i'm sure every guy gets something like that. if you shave, then that's probably all it is. don't even worry about going to the doctor. waste of money.
my boyfriend got something like it last year and it went away by itself. but if it gets worse, maybe you should go to the doctor. but i doubt it will. it could be something that's gotta do with a yeast for guys. cause i had a yeast infection when we were having sex, with protection, kinda sorta makes sense.
either or, no worries :)
bayla :) @ 2009-08-31 18:51:28
Mucus? help with being stuck in my throat?
ok look I hear guys all the time making loud obnoxious noises and spit? and they say it's for mucus to come out your throat but I never knew how to and it's bothering my please help?
Luke P @ 2009-08-31 18:57:47
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hack and spit
help!!! http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ApH0TtRbszWJEkmx.cTUIHvsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090831185637AAVAXnU
Vanilla FlowerBomb © @ 2009-08-31 18:59:58
someone has to suck it out with their mouth. Its the only real way.
& I'd love to help.
ohaiyaz @ 2009-08-31 19:00:52
Do what they said, it works!
Amanada @ 2009-08-31 19:01:18
Hock it up and spit it out man, not in public that shit is gross.
The Great Big Mouth @ 2009-08-31 19:01:31
Look. If you go to th4 drug store and ask the pharmasist to show you the nasal rinse kits you can stop this prob and not look like a spitting skank. Its a bottle you fill with water and some powder from the kit to form a neutral solution. you squeeze the bottle and the fluid rinses post nasal drip "snot" from your sinuses and it comes out your mouth. I do it every morning. It helps with allergies. its wierd until you get the hang of it but it doesnt hurt. Don't spit. It's discusting.
Lolli @ 2009-08-31 19:04:24
Try apple cider vinegar. Take like a tablespoon and drink that so it burns the mucous away from your throat. I have the same problem as you and mine is BADDDDD in the Spring. Like I get stared at for how disgusting it sounds to cough. So I read about apple cidar vinegar and while it's not a100% miracle for me (although for others it is) it definitely eliminates a good percentage of the mucous in the throat.
Sally Cat @ 2009-08-31 19:04:29
Real men do not chew and spit et cetera. Take it elsewhere.
rainbow butterfly @ 2009-08-31 19:04:51
My heart beat rate is always around 100 per minute all my life?
My heart beat rate is always around 100 per minute all my life?
Even under calm condition, it is around 100 per minute. I first realized that when I was 18. Now at the age of 38, my heart rate is still the same. Is it bad?
sel_bos @ 2009-08-31 18:43:20
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should be 72
there are drugs to control that..ask a doctor
Travis @ 2009-08-31 18:45:41
You may have an overactive thyroid condition. Typically that has a root cause due to bad teeth or an infection somewhere in the body that is causing the thyroid to be malfunctioning. Drugs and surgery are NOT the best solutions for this. You need to get to the root cause of the problem and address that instead.
good luck to you
onlymatch4u @ 2009-08-31 18:47:44
The normal range is 60-100 bpm, so you're on the high end of normal but it isn't necessarily something you should be worried about. Are you having any symptoms? Chest pain? Fatigue? Edema? Palpitations? Breathlessness? Dizziness? If so, get checked. If not, bring it up to your general practitioner the next time you're in for a physical. He/she can decide if you need a referral to a cardiologist or something like a beta blocker to reduce it.
crow_326 @ 2009-08-31 18:51:39
Normal heart rate is between 60-100. So you're normal, just on the high end of normal.
Emi0 @ 2009-08-31 18:53:17
Heart rates vary quite a lot among individuals. My heart rate was about 56 bpm at rest. I thought I was really fit. I had a heart attack. (I got better). During physio in a gym later (with about 20 others) pulse rates varied greatly.
Just ask yourself how fit you are. That is the best test.
It's him again @ 2009-08-31 18:54:36
I had a heart rate in the low 90s for many years. I eventually had a heart attack and triple bypass. After those two events and getting on Toprol (a beta-blocker), my heart rate is now in the 70s.
I agree with the others --- you need to discuss this with a knowledgeable doctor, preferably a cardiologist.
tn_blu1 @ 2009-08-31 18:55:15
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