how to get water out of your ear?
its driving me nuts. i need help
budgiekitty @ 2009-08-27 15:03:56
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q tip
froootlooops @ 2009-08-27 15:06:14
tilt your head and hop;_ylt=AktEtD.P5qjqG.gOZSF8gAzty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090827142539AAzvmjU
BlueJuliessss @ 2009-08-27 15:06:16
lay on one side for a while, or a Q -tip
Lindsey @ 2009-08-27 15:07:13
hold your nose and blow
Em @ 2009-08-27 15:07:25
first try tilting your head and jumping up and down, if that doesn't work or it makes you dizzy, put rubbing alcohol on a q tip and put it in your ear. hope this helps! :-)
Taylor @ 2009-08-27 15:07:34
Try lying down on the ear so gravity can pull the water out.
Red @ 2009-08-27 15:07:43
stick your finger in your butt
b duh @ 2009-08-27 15:08:02
Hold your nose and blow, while hoping on the same foot that the water is in your ear while tilting your head over...
Amanda @ 2009-08-27 15:08:36
Do NOT put a Q-tip (or anything else) in your ear. Tilt the ear downward, stand on one leg, and hop. If this doesn't work, hold your nose and blow till you feel it let go, then do the hopping. If all this fails see an ear, nose, and throat doctor.
justme @ 2009-08-27 15:08:38
gently pour warm water in your ear or, rubbing alcohol, tilted so the water or alcohol doesnt run out, wait a few seconds and then, tip your hair to pour the water out. This will flush the condensation out. You can follow by taking a dry washcloth and whiping your ear out.
Skadoctor1 @ 2009-08-27 15:08:44
ok its silly but it always works for me! Stand on the leg that the ear in pain is on...tilt your head to the side with that ear parallel to the ground, then jump up and down. :)
confused and hopeful @ 2009-08-27 15:08:48
Tilt your head on the side of the ear with water in and jump up and down!
The @ 2009-08-27 15:08:49
lean your head on the side the water is u shoudl feel it sort of drain down use a q-tip or towel to soak some up....using a q-tip with rubbing alcohol on it also helps to dry up the water....u can also purchase an ear syringe and follow the instructions on the box
Dom V @ 2009-08-27 15:09:17
dip a q-tip in water, and then dip it in some rubbing alcohol and swab your ear. it will bubble and tingle (which feels nice). then lean your head on a towel and the water should come right out!
thats what my mom made me do when i was a kid
omg_you_lold @ 2009-08-27 15:09:21
I would not recommend sticking a q-tip in your ear, you may damage your ear drum. If you go to the doctor, they can clear it up for you. You can also go to the drug store and purchase a kit that clears up your sort of problem.
Mark @ 2009-08-27 15:09:24
the best way to get water out of your ear is to get a q tip!!!!!
And if that don't work i always pull on my ear lobe and turn your head diagonally!
Paige @ 2009-08-27 15:09:39
What's always worked for me is to jump into the shallow end of the pool and keep my legs tensed as I hit the bottom. DON'T relax your knees to absorb the impact. Immediately, you should feel the warm water come out of your ear.
KnowhereMan @ 2009-08-27 15:09:56
get some swimmers ear stuff, you can find it at almost any store, if that doesn't work and it hurts see your doctor, if it doesn't hurt though you will just have to deal with will go away in a couple days
Space wolf_VI @ 2009-08-27 15:10:23
i just lay on the side that the ear that has water and wait, it'll come out eventually. ull usually feel something warm comeing out of ur ear.
wendy c @ 2009-08-27 15:10:25
is it cancer or hormonal changes?? help?
im 15 year old and a few months ago my rght breast started to hurt for a while nd the left one hurt only a little then my period came themy pain subsided but it still hurt a little and the nipple became all swollen te tht stoppd but now i feel the bottom of my boob has a somethin har but it hurts wen i touch it nd the other boob also hasthe hard thing but not as much as the other one can sumone help can ths be hormonal or cancer pls hlp me im scared
k@rry @ 2009-08-27 15:02:17
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see a doctor now.
justme @ 2009-08-27 15:05:40
probably hormonal, its rare for a young girl like you to have breast cancer, and there are other symptoms than just breast pain. if you that worried about it, talk to your parents, and see a doctor
b duh @ 2009-08-27 15:05:54
go and see a docter asap - there shouldn't be any hard lumps in your breast at all. it may not even be cancerous, and even if it does turn out to be a tumour it could be benign... good luck
weffa369 @ 2009-08-27 15:05:55
its not cancer. learn how to spell.
dacordell13 @ 2009-08-27 15:06:12
don't know shat it is but breast cancer lumps generally don't hurt. that is why people have to check for them
homertime @ 2009-08-27 15:06:44
hey dont sweat it it could be hormones kicken in, or ur breast are growing, but still i'd get it cheched out at the doctor just in case it is because u never know.. good luck hun.
t/bass @ 2009-08-27 15:06:46
go to the doctor! i was told by a doctor b4 that cancer lumps wouldnt actually hurt in ur breast, but i dunno how true that is. get checked thats the only way ul know.
Lish @ 2009-08-27 15:06:46
At your age, it is highly UNLIKELY that you have cancer. Your breasts can feel very tender - with or without touching them for up to two weeks before your period. They can also feel and look firmer around this time. Sometimes, one will hurt more than the other. Please don't worry as this is completely normal - some months may be worse than others.
retox @ 2009-08-27 15:07:01
What happens when you get admitted into hospital and...?
Long story,im just over 4 stone underweight,anaemia & have a bad fear of gaining weight.Last week because i keep getting thinner i collapsed & the hospital said they Have to take me into hospital to put me on the drip & put some fat on me?
What will they do to me? im scared,over the years of being under weight ive gained a fear of gaining a single pound. im scared :'( please give advice...Thanks xx
SM @ 2009-08-27 15:03:28
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I had a load of unwanted fat in all the wrong places until I tried out acai berry, I realize they say that pills will not work, but they definitely worked for me, and they've been showcased on CBS News too. There's a free trial going on at the moment at , try it, what's the worst that could happen?
Maxwell @ 2009-08-27 15:07:01
they will give you a psychologist or psychiatrist to help you. They will also put you on IV fluids and possibly a feeding tube.
S P @ 2009-08-27 15:07:22
They will put you on a drip to stabilise you and, if they are any good, they will help you with your anorexia with therapy and so on.
It is scary, but most hospitals are very good with people with eating disorders, and will help you recover physically and mentally.
ty_rosewood @ 2009-08-27 15:12:59
they might put you on TPN (total parenteral nutrition) if they do they will put in a Medi-port (the same port they use for cancer patients or a broviac, or a pic line I have been on tpn for 10 months and counting
Cancerboarder2004 @ 2009-08-27 15:13:43
i feel tired after taking a sh!T?
yesterday and the day before i sh@t before i went to go for a run and i just felt groggy, and tight. and i also run out of energy quicker than when when i dont sh!t before i run. i would also like to point out that i am an avid runner just to save comments like "your supposed to get tired when running" and such..anywho has anyone ever heard of this or experienced it?
thehardcoreguy @ 2009-08-27 15:02:52
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weirddd. idk
Em @ 2009-08-27 15:07:47
crapping can be tiring....
Amanda @ 2009-08-27 15:09:44
its possible that your body is still trying to digest some of the food and theres just motion going on in there in general. the muscle contractions involved might be whats making it feel tight, and after you eat a lot of your blood goes to your GI tract to fuel the organs, which is why we feel tired and weak after we eat. it could just be that. try waiting longer before going on a run. if it hurts or you feel really tired, i would go to a doctors just to be safe!
omg_you_lold @ 2009-08-27 15:12:42
My skin is so bumpy and rough, mainly on the back and sides of my thighs, back of my arms and even on my butt?
(embarrasing I know) what can I do, or use to make my skin smooth?
lubbie @ 2009-08-27 15:16:24
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this morning i ate a toaster strudel
dwigt @ 2009-08-27 15:19:48
Could it be this?
There are some possible treatments listed there.
BlueAngelGal @ 2009-08-27 15:20:23
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