Is it true that drinking the urine of a female can cure appendicitis?
nightstyk @ 2009-08-28 18:42:57
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yeah! do it
LovesPugs* @ 2009-08-28 18:45:28
Christina @ 2009-08-28 18:45:40
WHAT!! I have never have heard of his befor i say No
Bigbilly147 @ 2009-08-28 18:45:52
Sure try it...then explain to the doctor why you haveappendicitis and whatever multitude of illnesses you can get from drinking pee.
Lea T @ 2009-08-28 18:46:11
you should just go for it. It doesn't sound dumb at all
Emily @ 2009-08-28 18:46:38
Absolutely! But you have to drink about a pint of it.
mork @ 2009-08-28 18:46:39
No, it's only jizz that cures it. Drink that.
angelic_beauty @ 2009-08-28 18:46:48
No, it's just a myth.
Kevin @ 2009-08-28 18:46:49
MsElba @ 2009-08-28 18:48:06
A glass of female urine a day keeps the doctor away.
EWWWW B'eer @ 2009-08-28 18:55:26
that is a bunch of BS, having your appendix removed cures appendicitis
Nerdy_Chick @ 2009-08-28 18:57:14
What do you do if you get pimples?
What do you use?
I have a couple and its frustrating!!!!!
Lizzy @ 2009-08-28 18:45:25
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proactiv !
its awesomeeee
AussieGirl @ 2009-08-28 18:48:56
wash your face. I use the neutrogena pink grapefruit stuff, the day I discover I have a pimple and It's usually gone before morning, or the next day.
Missy @ 2009-08-28 18:48:59
dont use anything.
i used to try all these different creams and face washes and none of them work
just let them take their course and they'll be gone soon enough :)
kelli-maree :-) @ 2009-08-28 18:49:00
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Iuiuihtw @ 2009-08-28 18:49:11
use something. lol. idk. But do NOT pop them. that can cause scars and stuff like that.
Gator Bait @ 2009-08-28 18:49:15
there is so much out there that you can use, but seriously none of those products like pro activ and so on really work, even my doctor said so
if you dont get a lot of pimples, then just get a good face wash from your chemist :)
if you have something like acne, go see your doctor and he can prescribe you some tablets that you take once a day to help
hockingo @ 2009-08-28 18:49:45
its a infection in a pore of your skin
you skin has holes in it .
these holes are called pores
white blood cells have pile up in this hole .
if you leave it alone it could heal over and you will have a bump
i swear. what you need to do is push and pinch until the white blood cells and blood pop or ozz out then wash your face and try to eat write
now if you leave your pore filled up they will stay that way and grow bigger
i wish when i was growning up that i washed more often
good luck
SallyAWAYSright @ 2009-08-28 18:51:03
i've been using proactiv for about 2 weeks and my skin has improved a lot already
smiley100 @ 2009-08-28 18:52:25
If you are entering puberty, I suggest you wait. Not an easy task, I know, but those detestable red spots will only leave your countenance once puberty has passed. DO NOT finger your pimples.
Acne products containing salicylic acid may work for you, but, honestly, no product works as well as time to calm the fluctuating hormone levels.
On the other hand, remember to wash your face with a gentle cleanser everyday, and remember to moisturize (with an oil free, hypoallergenic, non comedogenic product). Natural exfoliators can be used once in a while.
Sunscreen is a must. Sunscreen sticks are very handy.
cheese face @ 2009-08-28 18:57:28
i just burned my arm with a straightener, what do i do? do i put water on it or what?
i really don't know how to treat a burn! wanna help pleasee???
Amy @ 2009-08-28 18:26:23
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run it under runing cold wtaer for at least 5 mins then put some burn cream on it
rico @ 2009-08-28 18:29:27
Run it under the cold water in the sink and then put some ice on it. If you have an Neosporin, put that on with a band-aid. It'll probably hurt for a little while, especially if when you shower with warmer water, but it's a really minor burn and they heal fast. I've done it myself many times.
Liz @ 2009-08-28 18:32:58
Run it under cold water for 10mins, try not to cover it with anything that will iritate it and put alot of antisceptic cream on, stuff with local aneasthetic in is good cause it'll numb the pain a bit.
amy @ 2009-08-28 18:33:42
Run it under cold water for a few minutes to stop it from burning, then ice it to stop the burning. If you have burn cream or spray put it on. But do not put on any ointment because it holds the heat in and is terrible for a burn. Good luck.
Danielle @ 2009-08-28 18:35:47
yes. water for now. Get some Neosporin or store brand triple antibiotic. Ask the pharmacist if they carry it in a cream base instead of a ointment base. Some pharms will make it up for you if they can. If not, make do with the neosporin. Keep it really clean, use plain gauze, sterile if you can. Don't use a band aid with the plastic on the outside. I did this too and I couldn't stop blowing on it for 2 days and my friend who is a doc said "Stop that! You're getting germs all over it!"
Last winter my SO actually caught on fire a bit! and we tended it at home for about an hour before we headed off to the emergency room in a snow storm. Then there was a prescription cream and dressings and stuff for a long time, but that was how I learned about what to do and what not to do.
wasacon @ 2009-08-28 18:37:49
cold water or baggie with ice and water in it. Put it on til it stops hurting 100% this wont only help the pain but it helps the healing start.
sharonsmineonly @ 2009-08-28 18:45:29
of course the first thing you should have done already was run through water ( Cold water ) so you could rehydrate it, and then buy and spread some Mebo ointment if you can find that and wrap it around with some cloth , otherwise just put it in cold yogurt, however it will a lot every time you pull your hands off whether its ice or yogurt..from personal experience i think that running it through cold water for a little while and then just let it hurt for a while it will stop hurting, but if you put the yogurt it will continue hurting. That is explainable, your body send this msg to your brain to alert you about the wound, once it keeps sending that msg for a while your brain ignores the feeling of pain so that you don't "suffer", surface burns hurt more that deep burns because deep ones burn the nerves as well. I understand its hurt a lot and for a while, so hang on. Take Care
Zahed Bata
Zahed Bata @ 2009-08-28 18:48:18
How can I quickly get rid of an allergic reaction to my acne medicine?
My dermatologist recently suggested that I use BenzaClin to get rid of the few zits that I do get.I used it once or twice- just as a spot treatment. But one day I felt really greasy, so I put one semi-thick coat over the majority of my forehead (which breaks out the most). Over the next day, I got tons of huge zits!
I know it was an allergic reaction (the same thing happened when I used Epiduo) and I've stopped using the BenzaClin, but how can I get rid of all these zits? School starts Tuesday!
holdencaulfield @ 2009-08-28 18:39:08
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call you dermatoligist. get an appointment
rachael @ 2009-08-28 18:42:08
clearisal ultra acne scrub. its light blue with darker blue beads and white scrubbers in it. put it one once in the morning and once in the evening. you can find it at like wal mart or something
it works great, you will be pimple free by tuesday. dun worry
good luck :D
clayton :D @ 2009-08-28 18:42:17
Switch medications, or stop using them altogether. You have sensitive skin, and you need natural products instead of chemicals.
Lea T @ 2009-08-28 18:42:18
An skinitian, I don't know how to call a phycitian specialized in skin, but they know.
Zitlaly @ 2009-08-28 18:42:56
Benadryl to counteract rection. Paula's Choice products are the best I have used for acne. I am 30 and have had acne since I was 12. I started using the exfoliating gel and her cleanser, changed my life!
pomegranatepants @ 2009-08-28 18:43:31
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spots,make up tips,hair issues n other skin n hair problems
u can refer to dis website
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Iuiuihtw @ 2009-08-28 18:48:23
did our goverment make the swine flu virus to reduce population?
it is possible you know
mylovekate03 @ 2009-08-28 18:20:12
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It is possible. Anything is possible.
However, this belongs in the politics or government board.
Too bad Yahoo doesn't have a Conspiracy Theory q&a board!
KGSD @ 2009-08-28 18:24:37
It's about time they did something good.
Barry @ 2009-08-28 18:27:36
if that was the case, you'd think they would have plenty available. Last I heard, they aren't going to have near as much as they wanted.
webjnke1 @ 2009-08-28 18:28:52
Why would they do that.Would they not be a risk to.
♥ liz ♥ @ 2009-08-28 18:29:12
It's not the virus that will reduce the population.
They have already published reports that the swine flu will kill about twice as many folks as the regular flu does every year.
The REAL problem is the vaccine that they will push to 'save' us all from it. It may prove more deadly than the virus.
I hope they don't create some new laws in the "public interest" that will require MANDATORY vaccines to every citizen. This would violate our Constitutional rights, but under the guise of "public safety" they could push something like this through.
Yam King 7 @ 2009-08-28 18:33:00
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