What is pink eye and how it feels?
Can someone tell me what pink eye is and how it looks and feels, just some details please
*Sarby!* @ 2009-08-29 06:28:29
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it looks like a pink eye that is itchy....duh.
Apollyon @ 2009-08-29 06:31:47
A pink eye is the most obvious symptom of conjunctivitis, so the term "pink eye" often is used for this common eye problem that can have many different causes.A pink eye, along with itching, burning, stinging, irritation, pain, grittiness, crusting or light sensitivity, are all symptoms that provide clues about the type of conjunctivitis you could have.Contagious forms of pink eye are usually linked to bacterial or viral infections. Non-contagious pink eye can occur when eye irritants such as allergens, dust and smoke are in the environment. Coughing and sneezing can spread contagious pink eye by spraying tiny droplets from infected mucus into the air. Shared towels also can be infected, as well as table tops, counter spaces and bathrooms.
Pink eye can occur in adults, but most often it occurs in young children through epidemics that spread rapidly in classrooms and day care centers. Particularly in these communal settings, you need to take extra precautions to prevent pink eye, such as frequent hand washing by adults and children.In fact, when pink eye is present, it's a good idea to keep a can of disinfectant spray handy and use it often.
Because a reddish or pink eye can be a symptom of many different types of eye problems — some that can be quite serious — make sure you consult with your eye doctor.(hope this helps.)
simon m @ 2009-08-29 06:33:41
Here is a website that shows a pic and has info on pink eye. Hope this helps!
Oreo Schmoreo @ 2009-08-29 06:35:10
Your eye gets all red and when you wake up in the morning it may be hard to open your eyes (from pus hardening on your eyelids -yuck haha)
I had it last year when I got sick. It was so gross because I was in school and I didn't want anyone to see my eye like that haha
becky @ 2009-08-29 06:35:50
its a bacterial infection in your eye, your eyes will literally goop. like the goop that is in your eye before it turns to eye crust, your eye will just continue to produce that all day. its horrible. and SO ITCHY. your eyes will itch non stop but you cant touch them because then anything you touch will be contaminated with the bacteria. your eye will also be literally pink. the white part of your eye will become pink and swollen, your eye lids will be really swollen and they'll be very sore.
its a really horrible experience. hahaha i got it the day after i was feeding geese. birds are really really dirty animals. hahaha you can also get it if youre, say, in a grocery store...and touching things, and then you touch your eye with your hands. grocery stores are also really really dirty.
if you do have pink eye, you just have to put some perscription drops in your eyes for 24 hours, but you'll be really contagious until then. it also helps even while youre on the eye drops, to put a really hot washcloth over your eyes for a little while
hope this helped! and hope you dont have pink eye! :)
:] @ 2009-08-29 06:42:37
pink eye makes like the white part of your eye turn pink it burns and stings and itches so bad
Hachetman @ 2009-08-29 06:52:37
is it safe to have anal sex with bleeding external and internal hemorrhoids?
poohbutt @ 2009-08-29 06:08:20
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No, it isn't.
CiarĂ¡ Marte @ 2009-08-29 06:11:09
If you could maintain a hard on through that...
Brian G @ 2009-08-29 06:11:38
No of course not. Please dont do this........
James @ 2009-08-29 06:12:03
of course not
pilot @ 2009-08-29 06:12:23
is not safe!
rose @ 2009-08-29 06:25:33
why did my heart do that?? =S?
this morning around 10:30 i was with my bf at his work waiting for my parents to pick me up,i was inside,waiting for him to take the chairs and tables out so i could sit down,but then the chipman came,so i had to wait another 4min. but wilst i was stood there my heart out of no were just started to beat really really fast and hard,you could feel it from my chest, iv had this b4 but they would last 5seconds,but this one really scared me and lasted fot 2min.!!
what does this mean,why does it do that?? im a 17 year old girl.
thankyou for answering.x
M.Fitzy @ 2009-08-29 06:37:11
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Heart palpitations, caused by electrical irregularities or stress. See a doctor.
Misha @ 2009-08-29 06:42:54
umm not sure, but this would be a very good time to consult your local doctor
jamiiesoonnnnnnnn @ 2009-08-29 06:43:24
Fast heartbeats (tachydardia) can happen to an otherwise healthy individual and not be serious!
However! it can also indicate a potentially serious problem !
An irregular rhythm (arrhythmia) is a malfunction of the electrical system of the heart and need s to be treated.
Medications can cause this, stress, -many other causes (some serious and not so serious.) Low potassium could be one cause)
Anything with the heart needs to be checked by a physician and it just maybe nothing - but if it is ,it can be treated effectively.
Susiecat @ 2009-08-29 06:50:11
You need to let your parent(s) know and contact your doctor. It is good that you are keeping track of the times-length and when. It could be from a number of things, Irregular Heart rate is one concern that can be a problem, do you smoke, are you overweight, do you eat a lot of fried greasy foods. Young adults are falling dead from heart problems more in this past 5 years then before. We must go to get checked out, If you don't have insurance, find a free clinic in your community!
Any and all of these can cause problems that need to be checked. Remember if the heart muscle stops, your body stops as well. Good luck keep in touch.
oceanmotion @ 2009-08-29 06:51:24
Hey, also agree, with heart palpitations,
My Mom gets this a lot. Stress can cause it, so can coffee(or anything caffinated), or Chardonnay wine( a lot of people are shocked by this).
I know it was 10:30 in the morning but have you been drinking any of the above? Coffee?.If so cut it out, drink decaf, see if it stops.
If not its probably stress related, so calm down. if you find it difficullt talk to your doctor, Hope that was helpful.
Alan @ 2009-08-29 06:53:58
how is possible to get an STI(sexual transmited deasses)after baby aborttion?
rose @ 2009-08-29 06:28:32
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After an abortion, you can get an STD by having sexual contact with an infected person.
The abortion is irrelevant.
Brian G @ 2009-08-29 06:31:44
No, this is impossible,
unless of course you have unprotected sex "after baby aborttion"
_ @ 2009-08-29 06:32:06
It's called STD and yes it's possible to get an STD after an abortion.
You catch them from other people who have them so either you were undiagnosed before the abortion or you had sex with someone after the abortion who was infected.
You may want to obtain counseling about why you engage in such risky behaviour repeatedly.
Kathleen @ 2009-08-29 06:39:22
well i would think since you are more open after a baby birth or even an abortion you would be more susceptible to catching and STI. you should let yourself heal properly before engaging in sexual activity again. 2 weeks after abortion, 6 weeks after baby birth
TIFFANY @ 2009-08-29 06:47:38
Mole with puss coming out! is it cancer?
Hey, I have a mole on my cheek Ive had it since I was about 2, Im now 17 an my mole has been sore lately. Today I noticed it looked like it had a small lump on one side. I squoze it and puss came out. Im worried what do you think it could be? Can you get spots under your mole? Im worried it could be cancer :( please can u help me someone im so scared!
WhereIsTheAfterParty? @ 2009-08-29 06:54:08
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it's just a benign cyst.
You should consider having the mole removed. In fact, I had a mole surgically removed from my face when I was about 15 and left a very tiny scar, much less noticeable than the mole. I had it removed for cosmetic reasons though it would have also interfered with shaving.
popinfresh @ 2009-08-29 06:57:19
please don't stress out but do go and see a doctor about it. any mole which changes in size, colour, texture etc should be checked.
it is probably just a pimple which came up next to it but better to be safe than sorry.
good luck.
raels1 @ 2009-08-29 06:59:42
i recommend you get it surgically removed.
EnV~ @ 2009-08-29 07:01:56
Pus comes from abcesses, not cancers. Sounds like you had a zit right against the edge of the mole to me. Letting the pus out usually fixes the soreness quick, too.
cdrotherham @ 2009-08-29 07:04:48
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