Ive had Diahreah for the past week?!?
I warmed up 2 day old chicken fingers & fries from Claim Jumper one night & the next morninq I had the worst diahreah...?! It hasnt stopped I threw it all up && sh** on myself at the same time I think I might have food poisoninq because I was doinq that last time but it was for 3 days really bad this hasnt stopped im scarred?! What should i do?
Thanks so much
Sweet thanq♥ @ 2009-08-30 18:49:55
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Any sort of blood in the stool? Also, any fever?
Dr. House @ 2009-08-30 18:53:48
Looks more like a virus to me, but I'm not a medical doctor.
Drink plenty of fluids (natural chicken broth would be good!) and you should feel better in a day or two.
Elmo_Caron @ 2009-08-30 18:55:21
please go to the hospital immediately. if you have fear of the hospital, try to look for oral rehydration salts solution to deal with your dehydration due to your diarrhea, but visiting your neighborhood hospital is the best bet.
david e @ 2009-08-30 18:56:54
The thing you should do is go see a doctor. Do not take anything to stop you up. I read where a child died because of that. She couldn't pass it out of her system.
Roddy @ 2009-08-30 18:57:25
if your abdominals start to hurt, then you need to see a doctor it could be a bad virus
blitz_jade_hawk @ 2009-08-30 18:58:20
Well honestly you need to go to the doc. diarrhea can cause dehydration. Which will make you even more sick! Drink lots of water and/or Gatorade. But really go see a doc. cause there can be an underlining problem on why you have had this for a week! good luck and i hope you feel better!!!!!!
angelstarr @ 2009-08-30 18:59:20
Whats is a good way to help acne on the face?
I have acne on my face and i really am annoyed about it and would like it gone. Any ideas are help for or recenmondations but i would like inexpencive ides too thanks.
sweetheart100895 @ 2009-08-30 18:54:10
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have your boyfriend cum all over your face.
yousuck @ 2009-08-30 18:58:19
Use Clearasil Facial Pads. They're really strong and not expensive. They say clearer skin in 3 days and that's what happened for me. You may want to use a non-poor-clogging mosterizer afterwards though as they tend to dry out your skin a bit, or maybe thats just me.
Good luck :)
Seren Carmin @ 2009-08-30 18:58:26
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spots,make up tips,hair issues n other skin n hair problems
u can refer to dis website
it has got so many tips n free beauty samples
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Zdsww @ 2009-08-30 19:00:18
soap and water is the key! i used to have bad acne, when i used a bunch of products, but then i stopped and my acne went away! i wash may face with water day and night, and i use regular hand soap if it is oily.
beccalee @ 2009-08-30 19:04:16
buy any kind of cleanser with a toner. garnier pure works great. wash it every time your face gets oily. also, here's my trick. soak your face with hot water, then massage in the cleanser, then when rinsing, do so with cool water. it snaps pores shut. :) good luck!
Nikki M @ 2009-08-30 19:05:50
Is peeing a side affect from ADHD?
Yes I was wondering if anyone could help me alittle more on the views of this problem. I am very concerned about my 7year old boy. Since he was 5 he was diagnosed with AD-HD I put him on Vaynase and things have worked out pretty well with that medicine. During the summer I lower is dosage because I want him to eat and get his appetite up! But for about a month now he is constantly peeing in his bed while asleep or awake. Like today we smelled pee on him. While standing up in his room he used the bathroom in his pants!! We have told him please tell us the truth when he does this because I have to wash the sheets and blankets and he needs to take a shower. But he want say anything we have to find it out on our own, we have told him he want get in trouble just tell us. But he just hides it until it dries, but I can smell it. But he never had this problem before. So I am wondering if this is another issue to worry about, if this is a side affect from the meds or what is going on! I am going to make a doctors appointment tomorrow, but was just wondering thanks so much!
happygirl22 @ 2009-08-30 18:55:55
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Consuming the correct food is vital for your wellbeing. You can try supplementing your diet with acai berry, it is not only a widely tested and acknowledged weight loss compound, it is a superfood too. There is a risk free trial on offer at http://dumert.besthealthpro.info I've been using it for two weeks now and it's certainly having an effect!!
Wilson @ 2009-08-30 18:59:14
No such thing as adhd , all children have boundless energy and if they can't burn it off they can't sleep properly and get cranky. Drugging up a child because he behaves like a child is obviously going to have side effects and one of them is possibly a suppression of the bladder and bowel reflexes. Toilet activity is learned not instinctual if you drug the poor little fellow he can't behave normally.
Harley Drive @ 2009-08-30 19:03:51
you're killing your son with those crap pills, you might want to research A LOT more about the whole situation and ADHD and it's medication
Factak @ 2009-08-30 19:04:46
Bedwetting in children can sometimes happen because they just sleep too deeply. However, in a child that was previously night dry and potty trained during the day, it suggests you may have a stress problem. Of course with it being a boy, during the day you can also have the issue of he just doesn't want to take the time to go to the bathroom until it's just too late. With the ADHD that may even compound the trouble, since he will have so many things racing in his mind, that particular message gets lost in the mix. You probably will want to return to his usual dosage, even during the summer months. If you are having a problem with him eating, that's something the doctor can help with. It may be he needs a change of medication. As far as dealing with the wet sheets, etc, I would say a matter of fact approach would work best. Show him how to strip the bed and put the sheets, blankets, etc in the washer. He is even old enough to learn how to add soap and start a washer, if you can arrange a way for him to reach the controls. He's hiding it out of shame, no doubt. So if you give him the tools to take care of himself, and encourage it, and praise him when he does take care of things, you will probably have better luck. If you smell urine, then perhaps you could simply direct him to the shower like you are doing, and then have him bring the clothing to the wash to put on. Make the consequences based on the fact he hid the matter, rather than that he had the accident, and make that point clear. You will know more about the medication tomorrow after you see the doctor, but I imagine he will likely tell you to return to the regular dose, and see what happens then. Good luck to you both.
The mom @ 2009-08-30 19:05:53
Do i have leukemia or am i just paranoid?
ive been feeling weak, as in i cant open water bottles anymore
ive been getting tired easily, i used to be able to walk like 5 miles and now i cant even walk around two stores in the mall
ive lost like ten pounds without trying
ive been eating less, i used to be able to eat a ton but now i can hardly eat small tv dinner
i got red dots on my arm, aka petechiae
i bruise really easily. recently, since im diabetic, when id give myself a shot it would bleed and then bruise. it hasn't done that since i was first diagnosed
i got a coldish flu thing. its not even flu or cold season here. i also have my flu shot, so there is a smaller chance of me getting it.
i think that's it...
so should i tell my mom and go to the doctor or am i just paranoid and over analysing things?
oh! and im 13.
Penguim101 @ 2009-08-30 18:40:45
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Hi all, I tested this new supplement from http://bilops.bestenergydiet.info. They have a risk free trial on at the moment. What it does, is rinse out your insides, there can be as much as twenty lbs in there, and no measure of diet and working out is going to get rid of it. Give it a go - I did, and melted away 17 lbs LOL!!!
Brett @ 2009-08-30 18:45:01
You could just have the flu. I would go to the doctor FIRST thing in the morning. So you can be told what you really have.
Forever The Sickest Lauren @ 2009-08-30 18:46:53
if u are really conserned u should go to the doctor. u might just be paranoid and the stress of it is making u sick so going to the doctor is probally a idea.
if i was u i would go see a doctor.
Sam @ 2009-08-30 18:53:36
maybe just anemic. girl? girls don't eat red meat, worried about fat. meat is where one gets iron. see a family dr. it's not an emergency
MICHAEL F @ 2009-08-30 18:54:48
Acne seems to be getting worse?
I've always had pretty bad acne, but it's always been a forehead issue, with the very occasional mild breakout on my cheeks/chin area. Since turning 18, it's started to clear up on my forehead, and how my forehead used to be my cheeks/chin are now suffering.
I just wondered if anyone might have any idea why this is happening. Thanks for looking!
dark.secrets2007 @ 2009-08-30 18:34:31
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i'm not too sure why it's doing that, but i now how you can help it. buy one of those dermatologist recomended face washes/medications-they can really help clear up acne. good luck! :)
luna_lovegooood @ 2009-08-30 18:42:21
When I was younger I used to ALWAYS have at least 5 pimples on my face at a time and I did try just about everything to make my skin clear. I had them mostly on my forehead and chin. Then one day I decided not to do anything to my face, no soap, no cleansers, nothing just plain old warm water and my face has been clear ever since. Every once in a while (once a week) I like to exfoliate my face with sugar. Just sugar no cleansers or soap and that works great, gets the oil off my face without drying it completely.
Monique @ 2009-08-30 18:43:41
for acne,fair complexion,tanning,sunburn,marks,
spots,make up tips,hair issues n other skin n hair problems
u can refer to dis website
it has got so many tips n free beauty samples
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Yt @ 2009-08-30 18:48:43
i'm not quite sure Why but i know how to get rid of it. i have acne myself. i bought garnier pure cleanser and toner. just pay any kind of cleanser with a toner and use them.
here's my secret. i have a bit of acne on my chest and back so when i shower, i go under hot water first, to kinda loosen your skin up, then wash my body and when i'm rinsing, i use cool water, then get out of the shower. you can do the same with you skin. use hot water then rinse off with coo.. it works for me.
also, if you have oily skin, wash it every time you see a bit of oil. for me it's like every hour. it will dry your skin up just a bit, but it takes the acne away. eventually, the dryness will too.
good luck!
Nikki M @ 2009-08-30 19:02:58
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