Hard black ball came out of a pimple, what was it?
I popped a pimple and 2 months later it was still there, when I popped it a small hard black thing came out. What was it?
Shelby @ 2009-08-31 06:33:32
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A blackhead.
Patricia C @ 2009-08-31 06:36:55
Relax, it's just a blackhead. Dirt got into your pore and then the oil from your skin hardened around it. Maybe a little pus grew underneath it while it was blocking your pore. Either way, when you squeeze it out of your skin, it comes out shaped like a little mini grain of rice, usually yellow/brown/black. If regular pus comes out with it, that's normal too! And of course if you are picking at your skin you can expect it to bleed, and, shockingly, scar. If it bothers you, go to a dermatologist, or sometimes a spa will help you extract them.
gangsttur @ 2009-08-31 06:38:51
it was a blackhead probably get some nose strips they'll yank em all outta there. hurts like hell though lol.
Corey @ 2009-08-31 06:39:06
What you found when you popped your pimple is called a 'Black head.' This is nothing serious, some people have whiteheads with a long white string come out and then there is the black head that is just dirt that has gotten into your pores and your white blood cells surrounded it which made it hard. Most people have either one happen to them once in a while.
Tamara Lesley
Tamara L @ 2009-08-31 06:41:42
Rather than a pimple, it may have been a chigger. It's a little mite that burrows into your skin. It results in a pimple-like bump, only it's hard, hurts, and lasts for ages until you finally get it out.
floppyturtle @ 2009-08-31 06:42:06
hey have a look at the skin n hair care tips given in the link below
(copy n paste the above link in browser to open it)
awesome tips with home remedies
Krish @ 2009-08-31 06:56:57
Lengthy sex and condoms?
Say some people have a lengthy session of love making, meaning the man has several orgasms. Now, when a man has an orgasm he should remove the condom, right? Then isn't there a danger of some semen ending up outside the replaced condom? Is there a safe way to replace condoms and get back to the action?
letstaklhombre @ 2009-08-31 06:57:15
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Have you never heard of wiping it off with a towel BEFORE opening the new condom?
The Wife @ 2009-08-31 07:00:42
wipe your wank, rub it with a lil ky for extra smoothness also to avoid chaffing, and put on the new.
Oh no u didn't @ 2009-08-31 07:01:38
you have to use a fresh condom every single time,
Amanda @ 2009-08-31 07:01:42
Yes, definitely change condoms to ensure it doesnt fall off, tear or cause sperm spillage.
If done carefully you should be able to safely put on a fresh condom without contaminating it with sperm, but if you are worried give yourself a quick wash in between
Guru @ 2009-08-31 07:01:54
Well obviously you just need to clean yourself up a bit......
Kirsten @ 2009-08-31 07:01:55
yer stop, and take a shower in between each time you gunna do your love making
Nicholas Wheeler @ 2009-08-31 07:02:05
How can I cure my daughters itchy scalp !?
My 6 year old daughter has been scratching her scalp for about 3-4 weeks now. Its definitely not nits as I have been checking constantly. In fact, there are no marks, rashes, spots or anything on her scalp. I did use a new conditioner on her hair at around the same time that she started, and I have assumed that this has caused it ! She is still scratching weeks later despite having gone back to the usual products. Question is, whats the best thing to use to try to stop this scratching?
Ange @ 2009-08-31 06:51:28
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Mittens, lol.
Try giving her a children's antihistamine. And it can't hurt to add a few drops of tea tree oil to her shampoo, it's rather soothing. You only need about 7 drops in a 250 ml bottle of shampoo.
jasminebed @ 2009-08-31 07:00:20
T-gel shampoo works a treat a bit more expensive than ordinary shampoo but it will work, I had an itch just on one bit of my scalp size of a fifty pence piece used this over a few weeks and it vanished never to return ( i hope) give it a go or go to the doc's and see if he can prescribe something .
Mea @ 2009-08-31 07:02:17
i get that all the time the conditioner gave her a dry scalp... and when it was dry she scratched and now it is irritated she need to stop scratching let it heal up also look for dry scalp conditioners i like this product called lanza dry hair its for the hair but helps the scalp to its ina white bottle with green lettering and a green cap you can find it in salons and best of all it doesn't cake on the scalp which also makes it itchy make sre no soap cakes on and every time her head is itchy just rinse it in water till its no longer irritated do not! put soap on when its irritated it will just make her itch more
Balls @ 2009-08-31 07:02:25
try a medicated shampoo you can get them for a reasonable price from any chemist
kats3688 @ 2009-08-31 07:03:07
Sally's (the hairdressing store) carries a great scalp serum. It's made by L'Oreal and is called Nature's Therapy Scalp Relief. I have an extremely sensitive scalp, and any time I dye my hair I use this stuff. It should be fine for your daughter, there isn't anything harsh in it. It has a bit of mint that makes the scalp feel better instantly. All you do is use the tip to apply it along the scalp and rub it in.
floppyturtle @ 2009-08-31 07:05:24
revert to your original shampoo, or use vosene original .
if this doesnt work get some tea tree conditioner, she obviously has a sensitive scalp, my son has the same, i use vosene original on him because it helps in the fight against nits !
starlight @ 2009-08-31 07:06:41
How long is a victim of crabs affected for?
personyesIam @ 2009-08-31 06:36:37
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Until its treated correctly.. simple!
Guru @ 2009-08-31 06:39:59
They are lice, the stay around until you use the special shampoo and comb
talismb @ 2009-08-31 06:40:50
depends... are these new england crabs?
Sexsigma @ 2009-08-31 06:40:53
SHAVE!!! That's all you have to do!
J♥K♥M @ 2009-08-31 06:41:14
until you get rid of them
Ben @ 2009-08-31 06:41:18
Do you age faster when you're using illegal drugs?
Do you age faster when you're using illegal drugs? such as crack cocaine, crystal meth or heroin? I have a younger friend who is 20 years old and she looks almost 30. She has been using meth over 5 years now. If it was the drugs, would she be able to look her age again if she does quit?
only serious answers please thank you!
angie @ 2009-08-31 06:57:08
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Mike M @ 2009-08-31 07:01:50
i have seen a lot of people take drugs of some sort class A to class C and yes i do think they look older beyond there years its not just the age process it the mental side to try and get them help before it gets to late
Sheila @ 2009-08-31 07:03:10
Yes you do. Unfortunately even even if she does quit she will never look her age. She will definitely look better because her body will be getting nutrients again but she will not look like what she did when she started.
Calvin L @ 2009-08-31 07:04:03
Your body and face do age faster on those drugs, and you tend to lose your teeth too which makes you look older.
She will not be able to look her real age ever again, if she quits, which is very difficult with the three drugs you listed, all she can hope to do is not look seventy at thirty. If she lives that long.
justagrandma @ 2009-08-31 07:09:13
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