my body is small..big butt?
hey guys ...i am a senior in high school and everybody talks good about my hair how long it is or how i have a nice body...
but this guy thinks im a slut because they say this...
i really like him...and i tried to tell him that ...
he thinks i sleep with everybody...what should i do....
i sad
Destiney @ 2009-09-01 06:45:24
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just dont hang around a bunch of people and try to spend more time with that one guy. no guy likes it when a girl takes compliments from everybody
darius j @ 2009-09-01 06:49:35
find sum1 else if he doesnt believe ya. he's obviously afraid of fine women
Tht Guy U Kmo @ 2009-09-01 06:50:26
Wats the question?.. Well his an ass ask him to ask em if they sleep wif u..
trouble @ 2009-09-01 06:51:33
Reputations are tough. A lot of the time they are gotten, not by things you have actually done, but what others say about you. You can't control what others are saying, but you can control what you do. If you don't want a rep as one that sleeps around, you have to be conservative. Don't date tons of guys. Don't do anything that can be spread around to show you have what others consider loose morals. You might even have to dress conservatively. Being young is tough. Good luck.
Shaggy @ 2009-09-01 06:52:42
Why don't you try to start a friendship with any of his friends... If you do that maybe his friend can help you to change the way he thinks about you...
I don't know, but I think you should never get interested with someone who thinks that about you, but, anyway it's your life and if you really like him then try to start a relationship with him, that's the only way you can show him who you really are, and a good way to start that relationship is through a frienship with any of his friends...
Hope i helped
Dark Bird @ 2009-09-01 06:53:05
Do you really want to be with someone who makes these kind of judgments about people based on rumor?
crazy8eddie @ 2009-09-01 06:53:47
For the rest of your life, you should "really like" guys for how well they treat you and not how they look or whatever. This guy is not respecting you or even listening to what you say. There is not much to "like" about that.
Why should you prove yourself to anybody? You haven't done anything but be a pretty and popular girl. If a guy can't deal with that and wants to control you, then kick him to the curb. He will only treat you worse as time goes by so look for someone better. You deserve it!! : /
ClicketyClack @ 2009-09-01 06:57:22
Let him think that, ignore him.
He'll change his mind eventually.
screwyoucookie @ 2009-09-01 07:04:17
My body keeps itching!!?
Hi everyone at 4am i noticed my whole body started itching, assuming that it may have been dry skin or may be clothing i had a shower immediately and changed ma clothes,.
Unfortunately the itchig just didnt go away neither did it let me sleep and neither does it let me sit in peace.
I went to the doc an they go it too early 2 say nefin am wonderin if ders n e good ideas ne1 has 2 stop the itchin so i can go sleep??
Mad @ 2009-09-01 06:22:46
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Did you just change your laundry soap? If so, you can be allergic to it.
Billy Bob Jr. @ 2009-09-01 06:26:14
maybe it's a rash or you're allergic to something.
just drunk? All the Time? @ 2009-09-01 06:26:33
Rub your skin with some baby oil or some other oily lotion and then see what happens, also take some over the counter benadryl to counter act the itching.
Harley's Bombshell @ 2009-09-01 06:26:37
It could be a side effect from something that you ate or did you touch any plants? The doctor should know what it is though
Animalcrossing @ 2009-09-01 06:27:10
use moisteriser or aloe vera or sleep with no clothes and smooth sheets you can go down to chemist and buy a type of anti itching creme try that
: )
Big @ 2009-09-01 06:27:11
get some cortizone cream... theres also cortizone 10, i am unsure which one is for itching, but when you go to the store they are next to each other- get the one that says itch relief. its just an anit-itch cream. it works great 99% of the time. it should be at most places that have a pharmacy. walmart, walgreens, cvs, etc good luck
blondie @ 2009-09-01 06:28:40
Weird Blackouts and Heartpain?
this seems strange but a couple nights ago when I got out of the bath I was overwhelmed with a thumping heart and I felt dizzy. It was unbearable and I bent over in pain. I felt like fresh air could make me feel better, so I went outside and sat down. I felt better after a minute. What is this? The last time I had it was when I was around 14 years old (im 17 now). I figure it was the heat of the bath,but I always have hot baths and I haven't had any problems with it. I have asked this question before, but no one answers my problem. They just say something is wrong with me, but not exactly what is causing it. If you could give me some advice that would be great.
Beckstar @ 2009-09-01 06:22:27
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The reason we cannot answer you is that we are not doctors. Either go to a medical website or go see a real doctor. Sounds like a heart attack to me
Nibiru @ 2009-09-01 06:27:04
You need to go see a doctor quickly. There could be something wrong with your heart and you may not get another chance if it gets worse.
Patti @ 2009-09-01 06:27:59
If you were in a hot bath, this causes vasodilation (dilation of your blood vessels). As a result, if you stand up quickly, the blood drains quickly from your head, causing that sensation of dizziness and even pain. By going out in the fresh air, your blood vessels contract, and push the blood back up into your head. So then you felt better.
This is not a heart problem; this is your body doing what it should be doing. If you were dehydrated, it could also exacerbate this sensation. In the future, after a hot bath, get up very slowly. Or if you feel dizzy again, lay down. You'll feel better in a few minutes. Avoid dehdyration before your bath.
politically correct @ 2009-09-01 06:34:01
You have symptoms of severe heat stress with palpitations - maybe verging on cardiac arrest - the dizziness will be from getting out of the bath and not enough blood getting to your head. Some people just cannot tolerate baths so hot that make them look like cooked lobsters.
Talk to your doctor about this because your circulatory system may not be as robust as you think it is.
In the meantime, reduce the temperature and duration of your extra-hot baths.
John @ 2009-09-01 06:36:53
go to a doctor
Alan @ 2009-09-01 06:45:04
why doesn't the porn industry use condoms?
i don't use them either but i have 1 girlfriend, we don't have std's
ashif_noohu @ 2009-09-01 06:39:10
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cuz they dont fear std's or they kno they will get 1 eventually
Tht Guy U Kmo @ 2009-09-01 06:43:04
Usually the woman will wear a vaginal condom...
Ethan @ 2009-09-01 06:43:14
good question
porn stars consider STDs to be a part of their job
no joke
Tanya @ 2009-09-01 06:43:42
i would imagin it has something to do with the fact that it is a more controlled environment, some may not agree, but porn is a pro job for some, sure theres am stuff, but these "actors and actresses" get tested often sign contracts and all of that stuff. on the other hand i have noticed that the not using condom thing is more and more a "fetish" but i see plenty of porn that uses them, i dont think its the brightest not to even in controlled environments like that, whats a contract going to do if someone isnt honest about their sexual activity, the same could be said for a partner, i use a condom every time, not that i dont trust my partner, but i have no desire to put my health at risk, people lie, not all but most, and even the ones that dont...CAN, its only careful, i would never suggest she is cheating, but be safe...
Gaias_Temple @ 2009-09-01 06:49:11
You probably think the porn industry is nasty but in reality they're clean.
Each and EVERY porn star is tested for STD's and HIV.
Some males in the industry actually use condoms too, same for the females. If you don't know, there are condoms for females they you have to stick inside.
♥{Juicyyy.} @ 2009-09-01 07:02:29
Can i use vitamin E capsules on my face for pimples? Is there any side affect of this?
Sammar @ 2009-09-01 06:23:52
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there are two type of vitamins, water soluble and fat soluble. E is fat soluble and so it store in body if taken for long time. and that is dangreous. you should take in under a doctor guidence. you can search the side effect of vitamin E on the google. but it have a very good impact for your whole body and health. bye.
bt @ 2009-09-01 06:38:38
You can take vitamin e for your skin but it won't help existing acne.
It may help scars. You need products that fight the bacteria.
kelly e @ 2009-09-01 06:40:38
Vitamin E helps in slowing down of production of collagenase, an enzyme breaking down collagens. Minerals like sulphur and zinc help in building collagen.
jini @ 2009-09-01 06:41:28
I don`t think it will help much.Try Tea Tree Oil.Avoid processed foods as much as possible.Eat raw fruits and veggies.Keep the colon clean.Toxic buildup casues acne.Blackstrap Molasses helps clear the colon,and has many health benefits.Google the health benefits of Blackstrap Molasses,and Tea Tree Oil.
cocoabear @ 2009-09-01 06:46:07
If you want to use vitamin E on your face, make sure you use a product that is meant for topical application (for example, a skin cream with vitamin E included).
Vitamin capsules sold to be taken orally often have a variety of other chemicals in them - stabilisers, preservatives, artificial colours and flavours, etc. These should not be put directly onto your face!
I would suggest you take a regular multi-vitamin supplement, and use a regular acne treatment program. If you want to dry out whiteheads naturally, a small amount of toothpaste applied overnight can help!
Adelaide @ 2009-09-01 06:48:12
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