Friday, September 4, 2009

My nose is itching a lot and there is no sign of a bugbite. What could it be?

Question 1
My nose is itching a lot and there is no sign of a bugbite. What could it be?...  Could I be sick with something?
It's on the outside of the nose right under the skin between the 2 nostrils.

1)   Allergies, pollen, boogers

^^ - Brad

2)   it could be allergies, go blow your nose and see if that helps - the eyes have it!

3)   well duh or a big zit - Autumn

4)   Its totally allergies. - Lorrs08

5)   Where's the itch? Dry skin is very common, even on the inside of the nose. If it hurts, dab some neosporin on the part with the pain. It could be a scratch that hasn't started stinging yet. - Ashley

6)   Maybe it just itches. - Derp

7)   maybe a you're getting a pimple. usually happens to me i get itchy on one spot and a pimple grows. - rwr

8)   drugs - Monica

9) nose itches when i get a hot flush - ~Curiously_Undercover~

10)   unclean pores, you may need an exfoliating wash..... - o0PoSH0o

11)   dont stick ur nose in other peoples business it will stop - Lex A

12)   You have a blocked bogie. have a good blow. It will clear it. - tonyflair2002

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spots,make up tips,hair issues n other skin n hair problems
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it has got so many tips n free beauty samples
for curing acne and all your skin problems - Iuiyw


Question 2
bladder infection please help?...  I get bladder infection quite a lot but normally they are not to bad and clear within a couple of days. However, I have one at the moment and have had it for 2 weeks now could this be something more serious than just a bladder infection and is there anything i can do to get rid of it?

1)   if cranberry juice is not working, you need antibiotics. - David

2)   If you get frequent bladder infections go to the doctor. That is a no brainer. Don't try to treat them at home. - It is only my opinion

3)   an untreated bladder infection could cause more severe problems including kidney damage. You need to see a doctor and be treated with antibiotics. - Matt

4)   You should see a doctor because this can lead to a UTI and more serious complications. My mother got them quite frequently and she would drink beer to help speed up the process of getting it through her system because of the constant urination that comes with drinking alcohol. but yeah go see a Dr. Good Luck - Mr. Junk

5)   1 or 2 TBSP Honey and 1-2 tsp cinnamon powder mixed with 1 cup warm water 2x per day - S-man

6)   Hi!
If you have had the infection for two weeks or so, you must get some antibiotics from the doc. Bladder infections, if left untreated, can become quite serious, possibly affecting your kidneys, and you should make an appointment straight away. Whilst you are there, you should ask if there is any reason why you keep getting the infections as there could be an underlying cause and there is no need to suffer if this can be treated.
Hope this helps. - 71cooldude

7)   Are you self~diagnosing? if so, then please go to your gp, doctor, nurse, as infections like yours are quite serious, but for now, drink LOTS of water as this flushes through any bacteria in the bladder that causes the infection, i get them myself, and i mainly suffer with pain in my lower back as your kidneys ache a lot, but please, the only 2 things you can do is go see your doctor, and keep drinking plenty of water, fluids, and your GP will probably put you on antibiotics, and can see if there is anything else to worry about
good luck - sarah

8)   I concur with Davids answer but will add that it might be a good idea to lay off cakes, sweets and dilutable squashes like ribena etc. cos they have lots of sugar in and they don't help. - Susan B

9)   If you have a bladder Infection you need an antibiotic, and actual infection will not clear up on its own or with any sort of juice.

Also, sugar does not affect this in any way, it acidy things you need to stay away from such as fresh citrus fruit juices, alcohol can also make it worse or bring on an infection. - AlienSunflower

10)   Drink lots of cranberry juice and set up a doctor's apointment. I hope you feel better :( - Kasha Z


Question 3
Does anyone know any really good, quick acting pimple relief?...  I have a stubborn pimple problem and school starts in 5 days... i really need to get rid of it.... and it has to be under $20 and can be found in stores like walmart, rite aid, CVS, etc.

1)   best way to treat acne is to be in the sun alot... it drys out your skin and gets rid of acne - Alex

2)   SQQQUUUUUEEEEEZZZZZEEEEE!!!!!! Just kidding. I would just try using alcohol on that one area a couple times a day, and busting it helps as long as you don't overdo it. - Jaime S

3)   try witch hazel and toothpaste(yes,toothpaste)both dry them out and witch hazel cools the redness down. - lean,mean earthsaving machine :)

4)   go to a pharmacy and ask.. - Sam

5)   You can use toothpaste and put it on the pimples it will go down.Sounds crazy but its true Try It! - --Goreqous™

6)   Try baking soda with a little water until it looks like a paste.then just put it on the acne and keep it there for a few minutes then wash off.usually works in 2 days.

or you could burn it with hot water and it swells down.
that always works. - omi


Question 4
Thinking about getting a flu shot, will it keep the swine flu away?...  
Then why get a flu shot?

1)   No. It won't. There are all different strains of the flu. The flu shot protects from the flu that was most reported the year before from what I understand. They will probably have a swine flu shot later this year or next year. - It is only my opinion

2)   No, you would need the swine flu shot. Its coming out in November. But its still a good idea to get the regular flu shot. - Kasha Z

3)   Not unless the shot is specified to combat the Swine Flu, and I read those wouldn't be available until October.. The flu shot will only keep you from getting that specific strain of virus..Regardless, use all the normal precautions, stay away from crowds, keep shopping limited, use hand sanitizers, wash your hands constantly... Best wishes...:) - OK

4)   no. they have a seperate shot for the swine flu coming out in october. - angel


Question 5
I drink a lot of water? like 9 32.oz big cups a day.But I am not diabetic.?...  Is there something else wrong. When i go eat i drink like 8 glasses with my meal i drive waiters crazy lol. and at home i drink like 9 32oz cups is there something wrong with me. i got tested and i am not diabetic

1)   as long as there are no side effects, it,s o.k. - David

2)   FIRST You should really talk to your Dr. about it, because drinking that much water you can drown yourself.

It may be that you aren't feeling like your thirst is quenched, try putting a little lemon in it. Not much, just enough to barely taste it. That helps me feel like my thirst is quenched. - HealedEagle

3)   You're just thirsty. no big deal. - Gary B


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