Friday, September 25, 2009

Are these symptoms of diabetes?

Question 1
Are these symptoms of diabetes?...  I have no family history

I am not overweight, but my bmi is 25. which is almost abnormal

I get thirsty alot, crave carbs all the time and crave juice, in the last month i almost passed out (everything went really blurry, and noise was muffled, i couldn't stand straight)

I get lightheaded pretty easily

I have a pretty good diet

I had a blood test done this year everything was normal but my gluten (or glycogen i cant remember) it was normal but at the verge of being abnormal
and one time i went a day without any really sugary foods and i felt light headed/dizzy

1)   dude. you have paranoia. - Johny Gotcha

2)   symptoms of diabetes include:

eat a lot
drink a lot
pee a lot

thirsty as in, your getting a glass of water to drink while peeing yourself at the same time cuz youve been drinking loads of it.

any other symptoms can be attributed to a host of other unrelated issues.

i think you mean glucose. glycogen is stored in the liver. gluten in a type of protein found in certain grains. and even if your glucose is borderline abnormal, you dont have diabetes. it has to be way abnormal to get branded as a diabetic. - An-Atomi

3)   looks like a low blood suger to me than being Diabetes? - leila k

4)   if you feel that your symptom's are related to diabetes you should go to a doctor & ask for a test for diabetes as this is not a medical condition to let slide - opaldigger

5)   You can try altering your diet and seeing if your symptoms persist. Whenever you get dizzy or blurry you have to take it seriously. I'm a paramedic and fitness trainer so on the medical side it's never too careful to see your dr. with these symptoms, but on the side of nutrition and preventative care, you should eat whole grain breads/pastas, vegetables, fruits and lean meats. Just for starters that'll do wonders if you're not eating well now. Check out my Superfood website if you want more info on diabetes, weight loss, whole foods and more. Sounds like you need some intervention. - David


Question 2
What can i do with my feet????????!!! Please help?...  Ok so i wore a pair of shoes too tightly and i have corns on my toes and i have like corns on the second little knot of my toe and it feels like its on my bone! What is something I can do to get rid of it and if there are any home remedies I want to try those first. If i need to buy something it cant be that expensive.

1)   amputate your feet with a spoon and then fry them and eat them with ketchup - Reilly

2)   for every kind of acne,fair complexion,tanning,sunburn,marks,
spots,make up tips,hair issues n other skin n hair problems
u can refer to dis website
it has got so many tips n free beauty samples
for curing acne and all your skin problems - Fgsdww

3)   Yes, these are terribly painful as I had one earlier this year for the first time in my life. I always like to do home remedies, too, but I ended up buying some corn medicine from the store for under $5.00 from Dr. Scholl's. It is similar to the meds you put on to kill warts. It only took a few days and I had relief within a couple of days for the pain.
It goes without saying that you don't wear those shoes again!!!! :)
Mine were caused by orthotic shoe inserts to correct flat feet and they pushed my small toe on my right foot into the stitching of my shoe. I ended up cutting a piece of the orthotics down so it would no longer cause this problem, but I first had to get rid of the corn.
If cost is truly a factor, then you could try to cut a piece of garlic the size of the corn and keep it in place with a band aid. It will blister. Make sure you do not get garlic on skin around corn! Be aware you will smell like garlic. You may have to reapply if it doesn't kill it immediately. I prefer to use the stuff from the store.
Good luck! - Lori S

4)   Soak your feet and use a pumice stone to grind away dead skin. You will find a good, natural soaking solution recipe in the sidebar to the right. Soak your feet in a warm mixture of boric acid, iodine, and bran for 20 minutes each day, and rub away that dead skin with either a cloth or a pumice stone. Members of wikipedia suggest a 40 grit piece of sand paper if you don’t have a pumice stone. Really, any mildly abrasive surface will due to get rid of corns.

Cocoa Butter has been recommended as a topical solution worn during the day to help moisten the corn and make it easier to remove with the application of an abrasive like a pumice stone or a piece of sand paper. I don’t see why this shouldn’t work since cocoa butter is used to help get rid of wrinkles and protect the skin from the effects of sun damage by preventing dehydration. - pabyselby


Question 3
Does drinking alot of water help acne?...  If so, how much water a day?

1)   for every kind of acne,fair complexion,tanning,sunburn,marks,
spots,make up tips,hair issues n other skin n hair problems
u can refer to dis website
it has got so many tips n free beauty samples
for curing acne and all your skin problems - Fgsdww

2)   Indirectly, along with sleeping 8 hours a day, exercising, and eating right. - Helix

3)   i dont think so - Reilly


Question 4
can hydrocortisone be used on a mosquito bite?...  my son got bit on his ankle and chin and just keeps scratching. i put some benadryl cream on it to dry and relieve his itchiness. but it isn't working. He is beginning to make sores. Not sure what I can.

1)   for every kind of acne,fair complexion,tanning,sunburn,marks,
spots,make up tips,hair issues n other skin n hair problems
u can refer to dis website
it has got so many tips n free beauty samples
for curing acne and all your skin problems - Fgsdww

2)   Calamine lotion is a good bet. It's anti-itch and has the added benefit of being a mild antiseptic, which is useful if he's been scratching the site. You can get it at any pharmacy.

Generally speaking you can use a hydrocortisone cream for insect bites but since it's a steroid you want to use it sparingly and with extreme care. I would check with your son's pediatrician (or the office nurse practitioner) before you use it on him. - Hush

3)   you can also apply a cold compress. this too works great to relieve the itching. just soak a washcloth in cold water (or wrap ice in a towel) and apply over the bites. and do this only for 10 minutes at a time.

this is in addition to calamine lotion. and no, dont use hydrocortisone unless told to by an MD. kids can easily absorb too much of that stuff (their skin is thinner than ours and they have a different body surface area to volume ratio) and develop systemic effects. - An-Atomi


Question 5
Anyone who is diabetic....??...  Today, I woke up at like 5am, i usually get up at 6, but anyways, i was extremely thirsty. Like, unquenchable. I have felt like sh*t all day! I left school early bc I didn't have a class for my 7th and 8th period and i still felt rough. Then I was at home and talkin to my mom and i told her that i woke up with an unquenchable thirst and that it isn't the first time. Then she said that it was a sign of diabetes and that she had diabetes when she was pregnant with my older brother.

What do you think???

Sorry if I misspelled stuff, I don't feel like re-reading it. lol

1)   Unquenchable thirst is cured by drinking water. Diabetes is much bigger than getting thirsty. You'd have to get a fasting blood sugar check done to see if you're diabetic or if you're getting to be one. - David

2)   drink H20!

Defn get a fasting test from a Dr, if it is you wanna know asap

insulin dependent here - krisssard


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