How to cure acne and get rid of it forever?...
1) things can improve it like creams and diet etc but from what ive heard laser therapy works best - Peanuts
2) go to your gp they have over a 100 diffrent types of anti biotics to treat it and many more creams - blue eyes
3) Burn your face with acid.
warning: face most likely disappear. - Jwolf
4) I dont know but that a good question . - dorothy s
5) Stop eating fatty foods and wash your face often. Eat chicken, rice, salad, tuna, veggies, and fruit. Stay away from Burger King, Mc Donald’s, Wendy’s, and anything deep fried. If your body is clean of corporate food injected with hormones, your face will also be clean. - Jefferson A Sucktax
Question 2
In regards to gargling salt water for a sore throat?... I have a bit of a sore throat. I know I'm supposed to gargle 1 cup (8 oz) of water with 1 tsp of salt mixed into it. But I have two questions:
1. If you can believe it, we don't have any teaspoons at our apartment - not that I can find anyway. Just tablespoons. How am I gonna make do with those?
2. I always used to use iodized salt when I got a sore throat at home, but we don't have any of that here. All I have is sea salt and table salt, and I know that all three of those are three different types of salts in terms of how they're refined! Between the two choices that I *do* have, which would be better for me to use?
Thanks in advance!
1) ill give u some salt 2 gargle - Jason J
2) 1. Those of us who cook, use our palm to "see" a teaspoon. Try pouring the salt into your palm to about the size of a nickel and mix it in well. It should be pretty close.
2. SEA SALT. The iodized and "table salts" have added chemicals to keep them pouring freely. Sea Salt for the most part, is purely that - no additives.
Feel Better soon!!
Corinne Logan - Willows Edge Farm
3) The answer is probably more disgusting than it needs to be, but it also depends if your sore throat comes with flem? if it does then normal table salt is a better solution here as the granules are more refined and smaller in size, this allows more surface area and more salt granules in the water to tackle the flem. If no flem is there then the choice is really down to what you think? both will work and both are perfectly good choices with no clear winner, the sea salt may though have less impurities than the table salt and so may be the 'healthier' option but as your not swallowing it this difference is obsolete.
And around just under a half of a table spoon should do you (i just went to my kitchen and measured lol)
On a side note do you know it helps dramatically if the water is warm? around normal heat you would drink coffee at is optimal and really boosts the process (:
happy gargling - Pendragon
Question 3
incapacity benefits , Anxiety?... Hi has any one on here managed to claim incapacity benefits on mental health alone!!!!! i have such bad Anxiety i can not even get out the house
1) I think it would depend on alot of things, including whether you attend your Doctor or Hospital because of this illness. I think if you do, they could help you apply for any help you are entitled to, or maybe write a letter to support your claim? Take care. XX - Lilac Sky
2) I believe so, a friend of my wife`s does but it is quite a serious case.... - Happy Murcia
3) Anxiety and depression together, yes, but get a refferal from your doctor (GP)to see a C.P.N, or social worker,also get help from someone in the know to fill in any forms.
Good luck anyway. - "Joe Public"
Question 4
doctor strep test help?... ok i am going to the doctors office and getting tested for strep and i hate when they stick the swab in the back of your throat and i always gag horribly. so is there any way or somthing i can do to not gag or what will make it go better so help what can i do to make it go easy wit out gaging?? please help???
1) Unfortunately the place where your throat needs to be swabbed is right at the gag reflex point. When doing a swab for strep the person taking the swab is almost trying to make you gag. Then they know they were in the right place. They are not trying to be mean or nasty to you at all.
Good luck - Kite Flyer
2) oh my god you are afraid of gaging.
its the matter of only few seconds.
if you are really afraid you can request your doctor about local anesthesia.but i never met people taking anesthesia due to afraid of gaging. best way is to distract your mind. - Atula T
3) There is no other way to detect an acute pharyngitis caused by strep other than the swab. Sorry sport. - D P
Question 5
Is an HIV/AIDS vaccine came out, would you get it?... I don't think I'm at-risk, so probably wouldn't.
I can't delete this and lose the 5 points for a typo. So I meant IF IF IF IF IF!!!!!
1) As I am not normally exposed to blood pathology or sexual relations outside of my monogamous relationship of over 30 years, no I don't think so. - GUY bein' a GUY
2) Only sailors get STD's baby! YEAH!
Sorry, the non Austin Powers answer is probably not. I don't sleep around. But it's very good that this advance in medicine is happening! - Jacquot - Poodle Wolf
3) No...I don't trust vaccines...or the agencies which deliver them.
I have access to great weapons of defense against HIV...They're called condoms. If we would begin distributing them to Africa and education people in their use...we could halve their rate of transmission within a decade. But we won't...because we have allowed the Catholic and Fundamentalist churches to hijack the delivery of Aid to these regions...and all they do is push their abstinence barrow.
In the West, Needle Exchange programs would almost eradicate the spread of HIV in the intravenous drug using community. Likewise it would prevent the spread of an equally deadly disease...Hep C. But the moral majority types are opposed to this in many countries...and those are the countries where transmission rates are skyrocketing. - Return To Eartha
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