I told my parents I was gay, and they said it was as brain infection?... using friendly advise from yahoo answerers i told my parents i was gay even though i knew i would get disownd. i have a week to prove to them that i can find a guy i love in a fortnite or they will find me a guy. they think i have a illness and are confused it how do i make them see i know i am rite? can i change? has anyone been thru the same thing? if i dont make it work i will be disownd
1) parents know best. - Docker
2) Sad. They really are not informed. - Misha
3) Ask your mother how she would feel if her parents forced her to date another woman, or your father if he was forced to date another man. Explain to him it's not choice, but simply a biological impulse.
Tell them that they may not agree with it, but if they love you they will have to accept it. Their response is indicating that they don't respect you. Some people are naturally accepting, unfortunately, most aren't. You may have to get firm with them, but understanding is reached only after confrontation. - TGGDAN3
4) take one aspirin and hold it firmly between your knees and all will be well - Frank F
5) i'm` sorry but you only get to live once. you have the RIGHT to be happy and date who you want. i understand being disowned believe me. been there. but if your parents would rather you be miserable thats just not right. - Carmela
6) You did not say if you are a child or an adult. It could make a huge difference, here. If you are an adult who is gay, I am so sorry that your parents do not realize that people are born gay or not gay. I have one son who is gay, and one who is not. We love them both very much and we do understand that it is NOT just a choice people make for themselves. I am so sorry that your parents do not understand this. My question to you is: What are you going to do? I have a niece who is a lesbian, and her grandfather (my brother) offered her a new home, new car, lots of money to just marry a man and have children! She refused his offers. - laurel g
7) If they disown you as you say, then they really don't care much about you, parents aren't always right. Clearly they are miss informed and not as open minded.
You should make them understand that it is your choice to be this way, without proving to them anything.
Your life, your choice. Not their's to make for you. Yes they can tell you their opinion, but they cannot force you to find love based on their time schedule in order to prove them you are right.
Tell them to accept you as you are and love you. Remember It is your choice. - andy.havoc
8) Honey, you have a brain infection all right. It's called the devil!! There are numerous stories of people who come to know Christ as their Saviour and they came to their senses and now have no idea why they ever thought it was all right to lay with the same sex. They are now happily married to members of the opposite sex. I say if you can't produce children in a union, then it can't be right..I hope you will ask the Lord for help! - Karen
9) If you live in a fair sized city, there are usually counseling services for gays and their families. A counselor could meet with you and your parents and help them understand. There might even be a group for parents. Even with such help, it could be a long process. - Dorothy C
10) i dont think your parents will disowned you , for the mean time they will be in denial stage but they will realized later that this is for your happiness not theirs. - lolit
11) They sound stunningly ignorant, I am sorry to say. I doubt any amount of information will help if they are also so rigid.
You don't say where you are. I am offering a link for PFLAG. This is a US-based support organization for the GLBT community and their parents and friends. Contact them - they may be able to help you with literature for your folks.
It is a long shot, but I wish you the best of luck. That was brave of you to come out to them. - karaloyal
12) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. http://doctors6.notlong.com/3AAK1kf - Mariya
Question 2
My eye is red and a little puffy, Itchy too, But i see no sty?... What can this be? Im pregnant!!
by eye is not pink
and when i woke up these past 2 days
Which i have had it
My eye lid was not stuck together
i remember what pink eye is like
I looked under my lid i dont see anything but redness
dude my eyeball is WHITTE
not pink
1) I think it may be pink eye. Dont touch it. - Tiffanie
2) for every kind of acne,fair complexion,tanning,sunburn,marks,
spots,make up tips,hair issues n other skin n hair problems
u can refer to dis website
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for curing acne and all your skin problems - Jiuyew
3) I agree with Tiffanie,it sound like pink eye.For more info go on line and go to www.webmd.com,type pink eye in the search bar,it will give you a lot of info on this.Hope this helps you out. - Tomb Raider
4) Chances are that this is allergy season with all the pollen in the air. Put a warm compress on your eyes and see if that relieves the itchiness. If that does not work, ask your Pharmacist to recommend an anti-itch OTC solution for your eyes. - Alfie333
5) keep it warm and if u can wash it by tea
will be disapeared after a few minutes - B.T.T.B
Question 3
Do cell phones cause cancer?...
1) No. - JO
2) Some people think the radiation from cell phones cause cancer, but I am not aware of any studies that prove this is the case. If your worried try using your cell phone less or get one that emits less radiation than others. - Morbid • Megan™
3) This has gone back and forth for a long time. Cell phones have a regulation where they are only aloud to emit X amount of radio waves, or whatever waves is emmitted from the phone. It is regulated in order to prevent them from releasing dangerous levels which would cause cancer. So they do not emit dangerous levels like they once have. I mean it still could maybe cause it, but its probably extremely rare, and it wouldn't be the only factor. - Scott M
4) In the United States they say they don't because it is a billion dollar a year business....in other countries they have studies that show they do, but all american cares about is money so they would never disclose that information. - Me or You
5) based on scientific evidence, you can build a case that cell phone use doesn’t cause any health problems, and you can build an equally good case that they do. That being said, most of the studies showing no problems are funded by cell phone companies. One study from Finland showed no increased risk of certain brain cancers when simply comparing a group of cell phone users with nonusers, but when they compared people who had been using cell phones for ten years or more with those who had not, the cell phone users had a 39 percent greater risk of a brain cancer called a glioma on the side of the head that they held the phone. - Tama Ba?
Question 4
Who is that man who died from cancer? (more details)?... He died within the past year. He had children and had written a book. I can't, for the life of me, remember his name. Everyone in America loved him. If you know who I'm talking about, could you tell me his name? Thanks in advance.
No, not Patrick Swayze or the other people you all mentioned. It was probably like 10 months ago. He knew he was gonna die. And wanted his kids to remember him. I think he was on Oprah but I'm not sure.
1) Michael Crichton? - SuzyQ
2) Patrick Swayze died yesterday is that who you are thinking of sport? - D P
3) Patrick Swayze just died yesterday and Ted Kennedy died last week and he wrote a book just before he died. Walter Cronkite also died a couple weeks back. Those three just came off the top of my head but there were many popular people who have died this year. - fototag
4) Randy Pausch, he had pancreatic cancer. - Denisedds
5) Mike Traynor, founder of The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation US died over the weekend.
Also Ted Kennedy died from a brain tumor.
The Mayor of Pantaego TX died from a brain tumor last month.
Just the week of May 9:
Adam Cook (bro of David Cook) died of brain cancer
Stephen Bruton, songwriter
Dom Deluise wrote cookbooks
Ean Evans: songwriter & bass player for Lynyrd Skynyrd
Henry T King Jr, war crimes prosecuter
Chuck Daly, basket ball coach for Pistons
Gerald Saelly sports economist
Edwin "Bud" Shrake, TX sportswriter & novelist - fetch
Question 5
People at work freaked out because it was rumored that I had the swine flue, what should I do?... So, I got a bad cold and stayed home from work. Someone said it could be an very mild case of the swine flue because it is going around. So, when I was sure I was all better I returned to work as usual and they totally freaked out. One girl who has been gone and is still gone on matertiny leave got really angry and bad mouthed me for even showing up for work. Then she told her father who worked at the same place that he had to go home imediatly. Yeah, I get it, but I was never even diagnosed with the diasease and am all better now. I didn't return to work until I was completely better for 24hours. I think I took all the necessary precautions. I don't know how to keep her from damaging my reputation at work. I mean she is much more likely to pick up swine flue at Walmart from someone who doesn't even know they have it yet.
1) you should cough all over them and say ' whos got swine flu now biotch !!!!! ' - ashleywearsprada
2) dont mind this girl she is probably not well informed of the disease . she is totally ignorant of what is going on . just take rest and back to work after . - lolit
3) you're right. just remember that she just had a baby and her hormones are all wacked out. after i had my baby i was so worried about athe baby getting sick.. she probably doesnt mean to badmouth you. shes just hormonal and trying to protect her baby. - Carmela
4) You need to go to your boss and your HR Representative and file a complaint about this person. First off whatever was or wasn't wrong with you is NONE OF HER BUSINESS. Second what she did was harassment and if your company doesn't deal with her they are liable under US labor laws. - Mike J
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