what illness do i have? serious people only please!!?... on sunday i had a headache, it went away. on Monday i woke up with a faded voice, and a small stuffy nose as the day went on my nose became more stuffy. when i blew my nose my snot was yellow. i also had some pressure in my sinuses, and i had a dry mouth. tuesday everything was the same expect the pressure in my sinuses was gone. it is now Wednesday, this morning i woke up felling just as crappy and i am coughing somewhat. it is now thursday and i am still stuffy adn my cough has gotten worse.
i am pretty sure i know what is wrong but i just want to be sure. so what illness do i have and should i see a doctor?
P.S. i have no fever
1) It's just a cold. - Punkaroo
2) some type of flu.
or possibly tonsilitis (infection of the tonsils) - dooseyboy
3) Hypochondria - durulz2000
4) Cold?
Your symptoms don't really point to anything specific. As per usual, if your symptoms do not go away or they worsen, see a doctor... What were you expecting from Yahoo Answers? - The Cubic Wonder
5) I think you have a sinus infection. When i had it, Doctor gave me antibiotics, and i feeling better in like 2-3 days - Tyler T
6) sounds like upper respiratory infection, usually viral, but see a doctor if you get worse! - Lori G
7) Sounds like a sinus infection or a cold. Lots of fluids, 500+ mg of vitamin C, Echinacea with goldenseal caplets should all help. Also get a lot of sleep since your body's immune system works best when you are sleeping. If you like raw garlic or blueberries they both have a lot of immunity boosting components. Just make sure you don't overdo on the garlic b/c people will not want to stand to close to you if you start excreting that smell through your pores.
Hope this helps. Get to feeling better! - Messy
8) u have a bad cold accompanied with sinusitis. its where your sinuses get infected (hence the off-colored mucus) the best thing for this is to drink tea (or other hot liquids) and blow your nose every chance you get. dont snort it and swallow...get it OUT
if it lasts for more than 5-6 days, id say get some sort of anti-biotic to help treat it faster - kruton
Question 2
Swine Flu Help!!!Help me.?... I'm going to get the swine flu vaccination.And I heard that the vaccine is worst than the virus.Is this True?Is this NWO?Help me!I'm going to die!!!Because of the side effect of the vaccination!
1) i have had swine flu, its not bad as they say, as long as you eat and drink regularly and plenty of fresh air, - paulsuperking
2) yea dont take it,i hear its WAY WORSE then the flu,stay away from it,and calm down,it u didnt take it,theres nothing to worry about,skeet skeet - Mattthew
3) You won't die from the vaccine and if you are young and healthy your risk of dying from getting the actual bug is very slim as well. You may feel crappy after the injection (like run down and yucky) but you shouldn't feel like death. - Messy
4) swine flu vaccination is safe and if u panic it may harm u due to ur phobia
stay calm and go for the treatment
a confident and "ready to face challenges" person recovers quickly
get well soon - rink
5) They wouldn't be releasing it if it was dangerous. If you feel uncomfortable taking it, then don't take it. It will probably help more than hurt. - soi soi soi soi soi
6) its not what you think ok. No need for the vaccine actually just take care of yourself if you have chronic disease like asthma heart disease because it wil lead to complication that wil lead to death - xyz2k
Question 3
why in the morning feel cold?...
1) Why you not ask full questions? Why talk without a subject? Go back to school. - Matt
2) Sun not up in sky yet to warm you. - Xceed One
3) i fell good when i wake up because i see all green outside my house because it has many trees and you have a good day - alexandros b
4) well for one - it's usually cooler in the morning than it is in the afternoon
and when you are sleeping your body temperature lowers - once you get up moving and your blood starts to flow - you warm up - Anonymous
5) It is possible that you have poor circulation. Your question didn't give enough information. - shirley c
Question 4
my son is 15month old. he is suffering from fever and sore tongue. blisters on inner lips and tongue.?... took him to doc . doc told b complex deficiency. gave syrup and ointment for application.we are worried .he is not eating any thing and taking lot of time to drink milk. very cranky and crying . otherwise a very active child used to eat well and very happy child.. pl help
1) take him back to the doctor and explain your concern , honestly explain the child is not eating etc, this should help - Sarah
2) How long has he been sick? Maybe you should get a 2nd opinion? If it's only been a few days, I doubt that it's B-complex deficiency; sounds more like hand-foot-mouth disease, which is a virus that causes fever, sores in the mouth, rash on the hands and feet, and sometimes even sores in the butt area. There's not much treatment out there for hand-foot-mouth disease because it's a virus; you just have to wait it out and make sure he doesn't get dehydrated. - politically correct
3) I think this sounds more like hand foot and mouth disease which is caused by a virus. Vitamin deficiencies don't cause fever. In addition to causing blisters in the mouth, the hands and feet sometime become blistered as well. Check between your son's fingers and toes for any blisters. The doc won't really do anything for this condition because it's caused by a virus. The reason why your son does not want to eat or drink is because it's painful! Make sure that your little one stays hydrated. Cold liquids can be soothing to the mouth... try offering popsicles. Also, steer away from acidic juices, like orange juice, as this can furrther irritate the blisters. he will be fine in a few days and when the blisters heal, he should go back to eating and drinking nornally. - Kelsey
4) okay. Since you have already taken him to the doc and given ointment etc. Use it for a while and if it doesn't get any better or in the worst case scenario gets worse, then best thing to do is to revisit the doctor. If the doctor says the same thing, then screw him and go to the hospital and if necessary call for an emergency. That is if only the ointment given isn't working what so ever. So give it some time and look out for results.
I hope the little fellow gets well soon. God bless you and all the best in the future. :) - Mo182
Question 5
whats the difference between an EKG and and ECG?... if there even is one
1) They're the same thing- a heart tracing obtained by hooking up electrodes to the chest and extremities. - Lori G
2) Absolutely none. - dvskitten
3) Nothing. One is from the earlier spelling Elektrokardiogram from the german. Now its abbreviated ECG for the correct english spelling. - Messy
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