I tried lifting something very heavy and now i have a double chin?
the other day i tried to lift something really heavy, and ever since then the muscles under my jaw seem loser, and ive noticed when i swallow it ballons up like a frog. my neck was normal before i strained myself lifting that heavy object. did i tear some muscle ligaments in my neck? will i stay like this?
well it just ballons up a little bit, not that much, it doesnt hurt but it feel loser
what can a doctor do? i dont understand
dianne1Three @ 2009-09-02 06:58:53
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I am glad you told me.
I thought I had a double chin,because I am fat.
The Bricklayer @ 2009-09-02 07:01:20
Yeah...you should probably get that looked at, instead of ask us. I'd make an appointment if I were you.
J♥K♥M @ 2009-09-02 07:01:40
i hope not i hope u get better soon.
neroblue9 @ 2009-09-02 07:01:47
What the Heck? Really? Well I would get it checked out by a doctor
Greg_Sock @ 2009-09-02 07:02:29
Did you lift it with your mouth then?
No, your double chin has nothing to do with lifting that weight.
B0uncingMoonman@aol.com @ 2009-09-02 07:03:15
Maybe you injured the sternocleidomastoid along your neck when you lifted. I would suggest getting yourself checked out by a doctor.
Beautiful Chaos @ 2009-09-02 07:03:53
ya definitely go to a doctor asap.never heard of it before.i only see double chins on obese people
SuzyQ @ 2009-09-02 07:04:27
I've never heard of that. If your chin area hurt after the lifting, you may have irritated the muscles. If you're not feeling as well as you normally do, you could have a cold or virus with swollen lymph nodes (that may make you appear swollen), and should see a doctor if it doesn't go away in a couple of days. It could also be your imagination (no offense). But if you are self conscious of your looks like I am, you'll notice every little thing. If you have a recent picture, look at it and compare or ask a trusted family member or friend. I'm sure you're fine.
Teresa @ 2009-09-02 07:07:33
Someone I know is having a problem that a DOCTOR said he has never seen anything like it before PLZ HELP?
Well the person I am talking about is about 16 years old. He does wrestling and he has an older brother that is about 17 that also does the same sport. Well that is a little bit of information about him. just about last year he started to get these bumps on his arm and head(which was on one side of his face)..... they kind of look like pimple (they are white and hard) the only thing is about these look a like pimples is there not we have tried to pop them but they wont.....he say that they don't hurt.... well as the time goes by they are starting to spread.... he has some in his hair which are really big (like having two pimples in the same spot) they are going down his arms, legs, ears, hands, and even the other side of his face. Well finally his mom decided to take him to the doctors around sometime this month. When he went to the doctors to show him what is going on and the doctor said "I have never seen anything like this before"... he went to go get his medical book for skin (I don't know which books he looked at). So he could not found anything about or even close to what he is seeing so...... he writes it off as being something he has got from wrestling and gives him nothing for it , But the only problem is for this summer he has not wrestle at all and if it was from it and he stop wresling it should have gone a way instead of spreading. I am worried that this is something big and that he is going to start to get really sick if someone wont help him with this so i am asking if anybody knows or thinks it can be somethign please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CRae @ 2009-09-02 06:31:09
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Tell him to get a second opinion. Sometimes a 2nd doc will have more experience or will know where to go for answers, or will at least try something.
politically correct @ 2009-09-02 06:35:20
Very odd. I'd say he should go to a Dermatologist.
If he hadn't already (A lot of MD's don't see a lot of odd skin cases)
and there are so many skin rashes -
I will say it could be due to wrestling. It is a dirty sport, sweat, germs, the mat (many athletes pick up a funky rash)
If I had to 'guess' and that is what it is (being a nurse I can't diagnose)
try looking in to this.
sebaceous cyst ?
The scalp, ears, back, face, and upper arm, are common sites for sebaceous cysts, though they may occur anywhere on the body except the palms of the hands and soles of the feet
He could try warm compresses or a clean heating pad or hot water bottle. If you can get them to 'burst' the body absorbs the fluid.
kelly e @ 2009-09-02 06:38:27
He needs to go to another doctor, maybe a speciliast. I wouldn't delay, but try to find another doctor right away.
Jeanne @ 2009-09-02 06:39:05
Could be Milia. They are little bits of protein filled cysts that grow under the skin. They can be a sign of an underlying illness and he should get a second opinion. Google Milia to get more info. There's a good chance it could have come from wrestling and now is only spreading because it isn't being treated. Sebaceous cysts generally just occur one at a time where as Milia occurs as a whi=ole bunch together. If he scrubs with something that will exfoliate that may get rid of them if they aren't from some type of virus. Try an antibacterial soap with exfoliating beads.
. @ 2009-09-02 06:44:39
I'd try Dial soap. it has anti-bacterial. I had some red bumps on my body and used Dial, and in a week they went away. I started with the gold bar of Dial, but they now have other kinds, too. I use Dial everyday. Sometimes I use the gold bar, and sometimes I use Dial with Spa Minerals. Have him start using the gold bar. Sometimes, an antibacterial will kill whatever he's got. I hope it works; maybe it will. Good luck.
sojournsoul @ 2009-09-02 06:44:40
I have been smoking for the last 12 years and just stopped. Am I going to die because of this?
I just saw a video on the effects of smoking and I am having a panic attack. I am afraid I have lung cancer but don't know it yet. There was a picture of a guy who looked healthy but the video said he felt ill one day and two months later he died from lung cancer.
I have a daughter and a husband. I am so afraid. Is there any test I can take to see if I have lung cancer or any other disease from smoking.
I am afraid it's too late!
I am a female, age 32.
At the beginning, I smoked throughout the day. The last three years, I have smoked only when at the bar. But then I will have about five cigarettes!
How did that guy who looked to be in his 30s look so healthy but be dead two months later!!!
Tiffany @ 2009-09-02 06:32:53
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actually the risk of such things decreases over time and 20 years from now you will have no complicaitons related to smoking
Happy Meal? @ 2009-09-02 06:36:07
It is pivotal to eat well to remain healthy. Acai berry is an awesome super food that keeps you healthy and in addition has the bonus of helping you to lose a load of weight. There is a free trial happening currently at http://hesags.authenticfitness.info , try it out, how worse could it make things?
Stefan @ 2009-09-02 06:38:28
It is definitely not too late! The most important things you can do is exercise every day and eat tons of fruits and vegetables. The body has an amazing way of rehabbing itself. It will probably take about 5 years to undo the damage, but you should be OK after that.
OPC-3 @ 2009-09-02 06:41:18
your just getting withdrawl symptons after you stopped. the guy you read about probably had the cancer in the first place before he stopped. if you can get your mind straightened out then your body will take care of itself. they say after you quit then the food taste better and after awhile you will start to get your air better.i think you will be ok. just don,t keep thinking about cigarettes and keep busy and you won,t have time to light up.
bandit_60 @ 2009-09-02 06:43:30
It's never too late..! Go to a doctor and check your blood and get a sonogram to look at your lungs. You most likely don't have it. Also stopping is great choice. I doesn't go well for you and it goes worse for the people around you. Second-hand smoke is a lot worse. The smoker has it easier. Cigarettes has strong toxin. It can really mess you up. Stop now young and don't continue.
Melonball @ 2009-09-02 06:44:46
Is the flu shot available now?
I can't remember if it's September or October.
serialmom12 @ 2009-09-02 07:03:28
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Not now.. In the fall. Check your doctors office to find a date.
Hope This Helps :)
Becca @ 2009-09-02 07:06:25
It is...i just saw a local drugstore offering it this week.
LoneRanger @ 2009-09-02 07:06:56
It is in October.
meima @ 2009-09-02 07:07:14
you can go now....I get mine every year near the middle to end of September.
The Next General @ 2009-09-02 07:07:36
the vaccine is supposed to be coming in October, though it's tentative.
S @ 2009-09-02 07:09:05
Weird red bumps help!?
Few days ago, I had these red bumps form on the left side of my body. they sort of itch, but other than that nothing else. there's a few on my left shoulder blade and a little on my arm. they don't seem to be spreading either. thanks for the help on identifying this.
Andrew @ 2009-09-02 06:38:12
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Sounds like eczema
Brandon @ 2009-09-02 06:45:25
sounds to me like an allergic reaction. maybe you rubbed against something you are allergic to and the red bumps are hives.
Steve @ 2009-09-02 06:46:08
if you were in the sun, it could be from heat. i had those for about a day from being in the sun alot in florida, so i wouldnt worry. it could also be from water. google water sores and sun bumps. good luck!
Arianne Llama @ 2009-09-02 06:46:58
I think it might be that you're allergic to something you should try to find out if you're allergic to something and if you don't know what's wrong ask a doctor or someone that might know what it is.
Ashleyqrox @ 2009-09-02 06:56:12
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