Whats your opinion on the Swine Flu?
now that it's spreading everywhere, do you think its blown way out of proportion? are you scared about getting it? whats your opinion on the whole subject?
Clarissa @ 2009-09-01 18:51:21
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idk why everyone is being weird about it. It kills the same amount of people as normal flu.
Hawaiian Eskimo @ 2009-09-01 18:56:08
Yes, i think the WHO just wants to vaccine all of us for a mild flu.
Alien Girl @ 2009-09-01 18:58:37
Only a few cases in florida. I dont think it will be a pandemic
Thomas @ 2009-09-01 18:59:12
Harley Drive @ 2009-09-01 19:00:06
I think it's a crock of sh*t! it's just as bad as the regular flu! The regular flu kills people too... This one apparently just came from pigs lol! DO NOT GET VACCINATED PEOPLE! Just wash your hands and stay healthy! duh!
SSG's Wifey @ 2009-09-01 19:04:30
How Do I Prevent Pimples On My Face?
i drink aloot of water and i wash my face at least 4 times a day if not then more with clean and clear face wash.i still have pimples showing out how do i get rid of them or how do i prevent them from happening
Successful @ 2009-09-01 18:44:33
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i used proactive....it does work...and 1 treatment was enough...
Alfonso S @ 2009-09-01 18:49:28
One thing go to the DR's and get an antibiotic. And another do not touch your face with your fingers, we have oil in our fingers and it gets into our pores Ask the dr's if he has any medicated face wash. Thats what i did and they are clearing up.
Julie @ 2009-09-01 18:52:48
Well at The Body Shop, and at bath and Body works, they have this stuff called Aloe Gentle Facial Wash, and it comes in a little greenish white bottle. Just use it everyday when your taking a shower, and it should start to clear up after a couple of days. Its not super expensive, it about $10-20, depending on what size you get.
Claire @ 2009-09-01 18:53:17
Drinking lots of water is good. Washing your face four times a day is probably too much. Your skin is trying to compensate for it by making MORE oil, which mixes with the bacteria in your pores to make MORE pimples. It's possible that Clean & Clear is not the right product for you, either. There are some anti-acne products that will initially make your face break out really bad, and then it will start to get better. (I've had this experience with Clean & Clear.)
Wash your face in the morning and at night before bed. You might want to try using a Buf Puf for one of those washes---rub some soap or cleanser into it and scrub (but not too hard or you'll irritate your skin).
You didn't say how old you are, but if you are in middle school, high school, or college, you might want to try using Lever soap. I used to use that, and it made my skin very smooth, soft, and clear. Now that I'm older, it's too harsh for my skin. Other great products are Pears soap (often available at Dollar Tree and even on Amazon) and Noxzema Triple Clean Antibacterial Lathering Cleanser.
You could also use a 5% or 10% benzoyl peroxide cream (such as Clearasil or Oxy) on your face after each wash. That works good, too.
Hope all this helps. If nothing works, you might have to go to a dermatologist for oral medication; for some people (like with cystic acne), that's the only thing that works.
Kimberly @ 2009-09-01 18:55:29
• first off, stay in the sun!!!!!!! it's healthy for your skin cause of the vitcmin D.
•Even if you don't wanna hear it or do it-you gotta drink a lot of water. 8 bottles a day is the recommended amount...
• make sure you shower often, the grease in your hair get's all over your face and clogs your pores. also, make sure you wash your face thoroughly in the morning and night... Don't over-wash because it'll dry out your skin too bad and make the pimples red and give your skin rashes.
• i use clean& clear. and switch back and forth from that and proactive.
(It's important that you switch up because your skin adjusts to the medication you use.)
You could also go to your doctor/dermatologist and ask for acne medication. I forget the name and I'm too lazy to go up to my room but that helps A LOT.
you can't be lazy. do everything i named and your skin will look amazing. <3 :D
Kaitlin @ 2009-09-01 18:58:44
How to stop sweating when not even doing anything, like just sitting there.?
Haha i know it sounds weird but i just sweat when not even doing everything. Im not out of shape actually im in great shape im 6ft. 1 and 148 lbs. Im in sports i try to wear a undershirt and that hides the pit stains lol. But i would really like to know a way to just stop and be like normal. If it helps im 16.
zahc @ 2009-09-01 18:59:36
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You probably just sweat more than the average person. Theres no problem with that, you can just get extra strength deodorant that protects those who sweat extra.
Sarah @ 2009-09-01 19:02:59
drink more water it hydrates your body
Daniel @ 2009-09-01 19:03:13
sit in front of a fan...shit i dunno...i do it to sometimes...not often and im 26....id have to say just have some kind of air flow pointed at you to cool u down more effectively that a/c in the house
Jay @ 2009-09-01 19:04:40
ur just a teen, u still in that stage where ur hormones are going crazy, so don't worry just put a lot of deodorant on.
*seventeen forever* @ 2009-09-01 19:04:44
Red rings!!!!!!!!!!!!?????
what could it mean when you have red rings all over your body?
my gf just noticed them and does not know what they are
daniel.nease @ 2009-09-01 18:33:04
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sounds like it might be ringworm... this is not an actual worm, just the name for a fungal infection. It will probably clear up with an anti-fungal cream.
mad elaine @ 2009-09-01 18:37:19
Yes a fungal infection (ring worm) but they just don't appear.
They start out as round reddish dry skin patches and can spread.
Some people have red round spots. Most are flesh colored.
AND are round.
a bulls eye rash could also be lyme. Were you in a wooded area lately?
A deer tick can bite and cause this.
Here are two links for you to double check.
If it's lyme call an MD
if it's ring worm you can treat this with fungal cream found at the drug store. Wash your bathrooms, and bedding and towels too.
kelly e @ 2009-09-01 18:41:35
I agree, it sounds like ringworm.
I had this once and I put iodine on it and it went a way, cover it with a bandage b/c its contagious.
Laura @ 2009-09-01 18:42:50
Its ringworm, it is spreadable via touching the afflicted area, so be sure you alert anyone you have touched. Ringworm is basically athletes food that is not on your foot, it is the same type of fungus that causes it. Consult your doctor or a medical professional if it does not improve after self treatment with off the shelf topical cream.
Sam R @ 2009-09-01 18:48:02
Is this Paranoia or Appendicitis?
So i have a dull pain in my lower right stomach, inch left and above my hip. It is mostly gone while typing this but could this be a sign of appendicitis? It is 10 o clock on a school night so i don't want to take my chances, but if I'm wrong its death.
(un)Related?: Diagnosed with scoliosis, and had what appeared to be a build up of a liquid like flash in my eye(happens sometimes with contacts but not that bad).
What sucks is I used to be very healthy before all this happened.
Thomas @ 2009-09-01 18:58:06
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It is vital to eat effectively to remain healthy. Acai berry is an awesome super food that keeps you healthy and also has the bonus of helping you to lose a pile of weight. There is a free trial happening at the moment at http://hesags.authenticfitness.info , try it out, what is the worst that could happen?
Noe @ 2009-09-01 19:01:47
You shouldn't take your chances, you need to go to the emergency room asap!
SSG's Wifey @ 2009-09-01 19:02:26
i had appendicitis and it doesn't normally come and go. it's a very bad pain that starts in the middle of your stomach and goes to your right side and sometimes towards your back...
most people have more signs like a fever or trouble going to the bathroom, but you should call a nurse line..if you really feel like it's appendicitis you should go to the ER
hollandgurl234 @ 2009-09-01 19:03:31
Try this:
Lay on your back and bring your knees to your chest.
Thrust your legs straight out quickly, one time.
Is the pain horrible (not dull) when you do this?
It was when I had appendicitis.
Daniel @ 2009-09-01 19:04:17
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