Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Lupus true or false??

Question 1
Lupus true or false??...  the most funniest disease in the world

probably second place is motor neurone
i didnt mean funny as in "comical".

i meant strange as its weird and horrible how the human body can act like that when yo get those diseases

1)   If you got it, it would be funny.

Idiot - Guru

2)   No disease is funny, unless it's the one you seem to be afflicted with. - The Circus Bearded Lady

3)   Illness is a joke to you is it, why not just add cancer as well while your at it. God help anyone you know if they get ill.
Edit; I am glad you let us know what you meant!
The body does act in funny ways when its suffering with illness. - *♥* donna *♥*

4)   I am sorry but your question is very unkind for people who actually suffer from these two diseases.

Did you actually bother to do any research on them before you wrote and made you totally thoughtless remarks.

Both of these are life changing for the person concerned and the surrounding family members.

I personally think your sense of humour is what is really sick. - Cowpat

5)   I have lupus I have had this disease for about 25 years now,I'm not really understanding what your question is.And just to let you know....lupus is NOT a funny disease,it's very painful I have had 2 strokes and several seizures.Among alot of terrible pain all over my body.Now I am 38 and my doctor and I can't seem to get my lupus under control.I hope you are not making fun of this disease,it's not a funny disease.Now I have lost my ability to work it's very hard for me to even go out for a walk.If you were NOT making fun of this diease I appologize...I just don't understand what you just asked about lupus. You said"funniest disease in the world" (I don't know what you mean by that statement) also you said "probably second place is motor neurone".I don'y get that part either. - Jennifer

6)   Lupus is far from funny and with the worst form attacks every organ in the body.It,s an autoimmune disease similar to arthritis in it,s mildest form but with systemic lupus erythematosus it is a worse killer than cancer because it attacks every organ in the body.My aunt, a doctor died of it and even though her husband was also a doctor she wasn't diagnosed until the end.It is difficult to diagnose because unless you have the classic butterfly rash on the nose there aren't any conclusive tests that can definitely confirm Lupus.Diagnosis is by a person having 4 or more different bodily ailments backed up by certain blood tests.Motor Neurone disease is also very nasty but not funny - Big Dog


Question 2
High Blood Pressure how to stop it...?...  My dads 42 going to be 43 at the end of september. He has had high blood pressure for over a year know. The docter has given him these amlodipine tablets for him to take once a day. But it only works for about 5-8 hours. My dad then has raw garlic or garlic tablets so the pressure will go down a bit. Does anybody know how the pressure can be stopped or eased a bit?

1)   exercise helps - Emma

2)   I have had high blood pressure for about 10 years now and am also on medication from the doctor.

Over the years my medication has changed as some pills weren't lowering it enough after time - your dad should go back to the doctor as perhaps he needs different medication, if what he has just now isn't working.

The best person to help is your doctor. :) - Rollo.

3)   Sometimes the tablets for high blood pressure cause more problems than the worth.If your father is feeling unwell because of high blood pressure then perhaps there is something else the matter.My blood pressure is uncontrollable and can be 220/110.With me that comes with middle abdominal pain and sickness but when the pain eases it returns to 130/80.The idiot doctors have left me to live with that so i don't eat before midday and go to bed by 8pm because the pain is so bad.The doctors cant control blood pressure but your dad can help himself by loosing weight.Some kidney disease causes high blood pressure but in my opinion it comes because the arteries are narrowing.When you squeeze a hose pipe the pressure of water increases,same with the body. - Big Dog

4)   Really he needs to see his doctor and have his medication reviewed.

There are different groups of anti hypertensive drugs available and it is sometimes a question of finding the correct drug to suit your fathers system. Sometimes people need two different types of tablets to make it more stable.

Make him an appointment and go with him and see that he asks about it properly!

Constant self monitoring also caused stress and will make it rise as well. That is very similar to where it goes up when a health Professional takes it.
One of the easiest ways to help control it and get it down is to lose weight and get you weight into the correct range for your height and of course exercise is vital for helping keeping health issues like this under control. And exercise does not have to be gym but it can be as simple as walking more or riding a push bike. - Cowpat

5)   Blood Pressure will raise because of many things. The list includes:

Genetic/Family history
Certain medical conditions
Lack of Exercise
Alcohol abuse
And so on....

The real trick is to identify what the trigger is and remove it.
So, if he is obese, loose weight and exercise.
If he smokes - stop
And so on....however, some things cannot be avoided. For example, genetics or medical conditions and these will need medicating.

If he still is suffering symptoms of high blood pressure whilst on the medication, it may not be suitable for him and he needs his meds reviewed. Get him to pop along to the Dr and get him reassessed. - Pasha


Question 3
Embarassing question - diarrhea?...  I've had diarrhea last night, I think it's what I had for dinner.
It was VERY painful when I went to the bathroom, it was burning so bad, I could cry. It usually doesn't burn this badly. I had to go again a few minutes ago, it's controllable now, but it's still burning as much...
I have to go to college soon, would Maalox help? And is it normal to burn so much?

1)   Yes Maalox may well help, if it's a too bad to continue maybe consulting a GP would be my best advise. I assume the 'burning feeling' you are getting is your body fighting the cause. But a trip to the doctors would be advised. - Tom

2)   Yes its normal. Take the Maalox it will help.
An instant natural way to fix diarrhea is to drink 2 tablespoons of Lemon juice. A trick from my father.
It stops the diarrhea in its tracks and helps with the burning. - D_Delicious

3)   Just wait it out--it will pass.

What does going to college have to do with this? - Hannah M

4)   Maalox is more for gas so it wouldn't really help the diarrhea. You need to get Imodium. But please realize that diarrhea is your body's way of getting out what should not be there so you want your body to flush out those toxins. You can you Imodium to suppress it for class but I wouldn't use it for long. - Sarah

5)   Its not "abnormal" to burn. It depends on what you ate. Spicy food burns on the way out! Keep yourself well hydrated because you lose a lot of body fluid with diarrhea. Maalox wont help its for heartburn which is entirely different to the burning you have. If it lasts for more than 24hrs then think about seeing a doctor or go to a drugstore and ask for something to treat the diarrhea... (the burning will resolve when the diarrhea settles....as the P.H. will become more alkaline and less acidic) most importantly STAY WELL HYDRATED... 8-10 GLASSES OF WATER EVERY COUPLE HOURS WHILE THE DIARRHEA CONTINUES. GOOD LUCK. - Achiever


Question 4
How to heal spider bite?...  I think I was bitten by a spider on my foot, because my foot has swollen up pretty big. An then it went up to some part of my my leg and swelled up too. Now the parts that was swollen are now bright red, and burn - and hurts to walk on a little.... Can you help me out? How should I get the swelling down, and the pain? I need to get back to school, I would of gone today but the pain would of been to much

1)   soak it in hot water (as hot as you can stand) I saw a show on discovery that said heat breaks down venom. If it doesn't get better go to the ER. You may need medical treatment. I think they usually give you a steroid shot. - JP

2)   I think that you need to be seen by a Dr. to be on the safe side.There are many spiders that can do major damage to you.Brown Recluse is one of them.As far as swelling is concerned you can ice your leg and foot down and keep them elevated when you do this.Hope this helps. - Tomb Raider

3)   doctor.

go to the doctor. A spider bite while not usually venomous enough to kill you, can cause huge infections below the skin that get hot, painful, red, And can lead to lose of limb or even life.

You need a doctor to look at it. give you antibiotics and treatment to releave any infection that is there - My turtle "Rock"

4)   you should of killed the spider that bit you and show it to the doctor because i believe they have different medication for different spider bites. but for now, i would suggest going to the doctor and getting medical treatment. - rainbows are yummy >:)

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spots,make up tips,hair issues n other skin n hair problems
u can refer to dis website
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for curing acne and all your skin problems - Dsaqw


Question 5
do you think that the whole swine flu thing is overrated?...  everyone around me is freakin out about the swine flu. do u think that we all should be so worried?

1)   Totally, it's just Bird Flu but on the ground... - [[PaulSmells]]

2)   no.. lol. millions of people die every year due to the influenza (seasonal flu).
the media is throwing this swine flu in everyone's faces thus people are paranoid as hell. - ashleywearsprada

3)   It currently has about a 0.7% death rate. If half the US gets it as projected and the death rate holds up, that would be a million deaths. Pretty much every college and high school would have a couple of students die. - Peter

4)   Yah, definitely. It sells papers though and the general public lap it up.

The rates of deaths from SF is far less from regular flu. Why is it that we don't see such distress every years from Flue?

The only people dieing from Swine Flue are those with underlying diseases like HIV.

It is no different from when the MMR vaccine was credited with certain side effects and now we have rising rates of the likes of Measles.

The Media have a lot to be blamed for and will of course not. The side effects are negligible compared to the benefits. - Simon S


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