i am 14yrs.old and i have a fever of 103 and i don't want to tell my parents so how can i bring it down?... how can i bring it down to the normal temp without going to the doctor
and what is the normal temp? plz help me. oh and i have a cough its dry sometimes and sometimes i cough up a mucus.
1) drink plenty of water does not help tell parents. - お名前は何ですか。
2) tell your parents immediately - Dnorb
3) normal is 99 and try to sponge urself ...n keep wet hanky on ur forehead.....n ur parents wont eat u if u tell them they wil only help u - Mina
4) Panadol, You need to tell your parents if it gets to high the results can be bad, like comers etc - bes
5) u can bring it down by telling your parents and going to the doctor to make sure it isnt serious. u dont want your parents to wake up and find you deceased now would you??? - luv41anatha
6) -_-
Why don't you want to tell your parents? You could be really sick.
Are you afraid of hospitals?
Would you rather go to the hospital and live or never go and die? - T.J. K
7) Go to your parents and tell them. Why don't you want to tell your parents? If you feel like it's not safe, go to a neighbor.
You need to get to a doctor b/c you might have an infection and need anti-biotics. - gracesten
8) you should tell your parents, because it means there's an infection brewing inside of you and your body is trying to fight it off.
people can die because of high fevers, so you should atleast let them know.
to bring it down, put a cool wet cloth over your forehead, and around your neck. if you want, take a tylenol - they also help to bring down fevers. i would also put an ice pack on your back to cool your body down. - ashleywearsprada
9) Why don't you want to tell your parents?
Check you symptoms online if you have swine flu, cause fever is a symptom. Then you must go to the doctor or you can infect your family and friends.
A high fever can make you retarded. - LiLi
10) Why on earth don't you want to tell your parents? Don't be such a baby! They will take care of you and know what you need. And why not go to the doctor? Sometimes you really need to.
Your fever is extraordinarily high (normal is 98.6 F) and it's a sign of something wrong. You need Tylenol and lots of water. And you need to tell your parents.
I don't know why the obvious does not occur to you, your parents are there to raise you, guide you, keep you healthy and safe. - Kathleen
11) If it is 103, you could be in serious trouble! Please use common sense, take care of yourself for those who love you. Have them get you to a hospital or emergency room at once & forget about the b.s.! This is your life, your health....just take care of it. - Birdlady
12) That high of a fever is serious business. You must tell your parents and you must see a dr. You may have swine flu, or something else that is contageous. Please, tell your parents, and suggest that you see a doctor right away. - laurel g
13) well drink some water, put like ice or somethin on ur headd and and the normal temp is 98.6 !! if hope its not swine flu -.- - Anna
14) I would say you definitely need to tell your mom or dad.A fever means your body is heating up trying to get rid of an infection. If a fever gets too high (like 106, i think) you can get brain damage. Not to mention if you are sick, then you really need to see a doctor. It sounds like the beginning of a Bronchial Infection. your mom and dad shouldn't be mad or anything, its their job to take care of you.
P.S. if you really want to cut the fever, sit an a tub with luke warm water/almost cold. submerge everything. it should come down a little. - Cheyenne
Question 2
how long does intestine pain and diarrhea last?... im going on 4 days now with intestine pain and diarrhea but it is slowing down but now i think im shitting blood.. i went to doc 2 days ago he said it was just food poisoning how long does it last?
1) You shouls have been over it in 24 hours. Go to the drug store and buy Immodium and Gatorade. You wasted your money on going to the doctor. - peanut
2) I think you need to get medical help as soon as possible.
The blood coming out is not a good sign.
Either call your doctor right away or go to the ER. - Susiecat
3) 1. Ham and pork sandwiches
Interestingly enough, one of the more statistically risky menu items isn't even raw. The USDA, FDA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention rank simple deli meat right at the top of their lists for Listeria monocytogenes infection. These meats often feature extended refrigerated storage times, during which L. monocytogenes has adequate time to thrive. The lesson here is to use fresh deli meat and only frequent sandwich shops that are going to do the same.
Pork poses a host of other parasitic risks as well if undercooked or poorly stored. Pork tapeworms pose a severe threat in that they sometimes spread to a host's eyes, spine or brain with potentially fatal results. A Trichinella worm infection offers a similar array of dire symptoms, ranging from nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, fatigue and fever to muscle pain, chills, heart problems and even death. So when considering that roadside barbecue purchase or vending machine ham sandwich, exercise a little caution. You might spare yourself a whole lot of parasites. - Willard
4) yeah, food poisoning doesn't cause you to bleed. you need to either see a new doctor for a different opinion or depending on the amount of blood you're passing, you need to go to the emergency room. you could have some sort of irritable bowel syndrome.
drink alottttt of water since you're passing so much diarrhea. it'll make up for the fluids that you've been losing - you don't want to become dehydrated because that'll only cause more problems then good. - ashleywearsprada
Question 3
Ive noticed marks and scratches on my mate, how do I know if someone else has done it or if its self harm?...
1) Ask them straight out, and don't judge whatever the answer is. Don't start telling them not to do it etc if it is self harm, maybe research the topic first and learn about why people tend to do it etc. - Indigolafaye
2) That depends on where they are located. - peanut
3) iv seen people who have done it to themselves, and believe me its really quite obvious if its self inflicted - deppressed
Question 4
what do i have?? (10 points best answerrr)!!!!!!!!!!!!?... ok this started on thursday its now saturday. ive had really bad headaches that affect mainly the front of my head, im dizzy, the top of my eyes are sore wen i move them around, ive been feeling a bit nauseas but havnt thrown up or anything, sometimes a bit of blurred vision and sensative to light. the first day i had it i was having cold chills then id get really hot and sweaty, but i didnt have a fever my temperature was normal. i dont expierence that anymore but i thought id add it in cause it did happen. so what is this?? i havnt been to the doctors but im pretty sure its a migraine, just woundering how long it will last aswell
1) 1. Ham and pork sandwiches
Interestingly enough, one of the more statistically risky menu items isn't even raw. The USDA, FDA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention rank simple deli meat right at the top of their lists for Listeria monocytogenes infection. These meats often feature extended refrigerated storage times, during which L. monocytogenes has adequate time to thrive. The lesson here is to use fresh deli meat and only frequent sandwich shops that are going to do the same.
Pork poses a host of other parasitic risks as well if undercooked or poorly stored. Pork tapeworms pose a severe threat in that they sometimes spread to a host's eyes, spine or brain with potentially fatal results. A Trichinella worm infection offers a similar array of dire symptoms, ranging from nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, fatigue and fever to muscle pain, chills, heart problems and even death. So when considering that roadside barbecue purchase or vending machine ham sandwich, exercise a little caution. You might spare yourself a whole lot of parasites. - Willard
2) Migraine or flu. Maybe food poisoning. Call your doctor to ask if they want to see you or send you directly to a lab for blood tests. - Kathleen
3) its definetly a migraine, and maybe the start of a little flu or cold. but dont worry, drink a lot of water, wash ur eyes wen u wkae up, and make sure u get a lot of sleep. try some relaxing activities such as yoga, or just stretching ur muscles wen u wake up! make sure u have no stress - Anna
Question 5
my lips have blistered and gone all chapped and dry!?... The other day I was eating food and a lump appeared on my lip the next day it had gone white it looks a bit like a zit, and my lips are all dry and chapped and ive got blisters along the top inside of my lip.
does anyone know how to get rid of them?
1) put oil oliviol
indian thing - Rashed
2) Try some Burt's Bees chap stick. It can't hurt your lips, as it is all natural. they make it with tinted color,as well.........so you can use it as a lipstick, while you fix your lips. - laurel g
3) your best option is 2 use vasoline lip therapy.
If your using a chapstick it will do more harm then good. - laura C 2009
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