Does getting your blood tested for diabetes hurt?... I'm 12 years old and my mom has diabetes and wants me to be tested. I'm getting blood drawn tomorrow and I'm REALLY REALLY scared!! Does it hurt? On a scale to 1-10?
1) Nope! Sure doesn't. It's quick sometimes too. :) Scale of 1-10? 2. Good luck! Hang in there ;) - Scott C
2) Its like a little sting. 3. Close your eyes. - Boris
3) Have you ever had a blood test done for anything else before? it is no different from any other blood test and on a score for pain 1-10 it can be 0-2 depending on who does it - when I got my first diabetes test i had to go in the morning with nothing to eat from the night before i could only drink water, they take the first blood test and you drink a bottle of lucozade and wait 2 hours and they do another blood test to see how quick or how high your sugar levels rise. There is nothing to it, i get it done every 6 months and next one is august. Don't worry about it there is nothing to it if it hurts a little it is only for a second. - jackie m
4) You should use avandia, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Veda Novara
5) Having your blood drawn is a matter of anxiety rather than pain. The discomfort - I would not call it pain - is less than the discomfort from a paper cut. When the moment is at hand sit quietly, try to relax, close your eyes, and take a deep breath. The 'prick' sensation will last no more than a second. I hope that you do not have diabetes. - john e russo md facm faafp
6) It does hurt a little, but not terrible. The worst person whoever took my blood was about a 5, and the best was about a 2. Hopefully, they'll just prick your finger. That doesn't hardly hurt at all. Depends on whether they are doing a three month study or not as to which they do. Good luck. Just breathe and don't watch while they do it. It'll be over before you know it. - darlarae
Question 2
how can i pop a pimple without a head?!?... i have this stupid pimple and its has no head in i had it for the who summer plzz tell how to pop it i don't wat them makein fun of me a school?!?!?!?!?
1) get a washcloth and put hot water not warm hot but not boiling and just put on the pimple and put the clear 4hr stuff on it - Em
2) I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Lisa K
Question 3
My heart beats fast and wakes me up at night.?... I wake at night sometimes with my heart beating really fast, it's not painful and it beats very lightly, should i see a doctor or is this a common thing ?
1) Possibly you are having a dream which makes your heart rate increase since you say it happens at night. If it is not happening during the day, I would assume something along these lines. Wouldn't hurt to talk to a doctor though. - lizards
2) you should definetly see a doctor your heart shouldnt be beating that fast enough to wake you up at night, i recommend you to see a doc before it gets worse - illusion
Question 4
Are there any non prescription medications for oral thrush/oral yeast infections?... anything I could get from the pharmacy without needing a prescription?
1) You should use ceftin, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Aliza Mcgoey
Question 5
Mosquito bites swelling up?... Lately when I've been getting mosquito bites,the whole area of the bite swells up. I've never had this reaction before until this summer. Last week I got one on my wrist and for about 5 days my whole wrist was red,swollen,and very itchy. This happened again on each of my arms. Is this an allergic reaction to mosquito bites or it is normal? Thanks!
1) Its quite normal I swell up too and itch like mad when bitten.Get some Anthisan cream from the chemist works well - foxy loxy
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