What is the difference between a heart attack and a stroke?... Just wondering..
1) i wonder the same thing - Blade
2) location location location
Stroke is an infarction in the brain/vessels leading there
Heart attack is an infarction in the heart - Greg
3) A heart attack is a problem with the heart, like a clogged valve, that causes the heart to not work right. A stroke is a problem in the brain. - Ashley D
4) a heart attack is obviously injury to the heart
a stroke is injury to the brain - essentiallysolo
5) stroke deals with your brain and a heart attack deals with your heart - Nate
6) Myocardial infarction is the medical term for a heart attack. The cause in 90% of cases is a blood clot which obstructs an artery. Infarction means permanent death of some cardiac muscles cells. Atherothrombotic brain infarction is the medical term for the most common type of stroke. As with myocardial infarction there is a blood clots that obstructs an artery again leading to permanent death of some brain cells. There is a 2nd less common 'stroke' which is a hemorrhagic stroke. Hemorrhagic strokes are caused by bleeding rather than a blood clot but there is still permanent death of some brain cells. - john e russo md facm faafp
Question 2
Itchy, red bumps on buttocks...what might it be?... Ok so approximately a week ago I deemed it necessary to shave my buttocks and I did not use shaving cream...just the shower's water. I blame being hungover and bored. Anyways, I don't know if these are a result of it, but now I have quite a few red bumps on my butt that look kind of like zits and they itch crazily at times! Now I'm starting to know that some are developing like white heads of some sort but when I squeeze them, they don't pop out like normal whiteheads do...they just kind of remain there. I'm just wondering, what might I have? I'm trying to remedy it right now by putting baby powder on my butt in the inflicted area everytime after I get done showering, and today I'm going to try and take a bath with Arm & Hammer. Any other suggestions? I'd really appreciate feedback because my job entails me sitting in a chair for 8 hours a day and this is definitely unpleasant!!!
1) It could be a rash, poison ivy or even acne. (Anywhere there is skin, you can get it) - Kai Phillips
2) Ingrown hairs/razor burn/razor bumps. Annoying and itchy. Don't ever just use water, no matter what part of you you're shaving. And always make sure you use a new razor if you use disposables. - Cherry Bomb
3) Shaving your ass isn't really the greatest thing to do because of the pimple or rash bumps. To remove them you just have to clean your ass very well. Try to stay away from shaving your cheeks. - Kenny
4) just trim it if your going to shave and what not... - Taylor L
5) Sounds like pregnancy. - detroit-tang
Question 3
Is there any reason not to go to work because of pinkeye?... I woke up this morning with the whites of my eyes all read and my eyes for of mucus, with dried gunk on the outside. I have to work afternoons tonight and then days tomorrow, and my doctor can't see me before work today. I work in a call center. Is there any reason it would be irresponsible for me to go to work? As long as I don't rub my eye and then touch community property it should be ok, right?
1) Be very careful not to have physical contact with others. It is contagious.Advise people not to touch your things, Butterfly. Kahuna - Smartass Kahuna
2) Hm.I Dont Think i Can Answer That One.Oh I Know Maybe Because its Contagous - **
3) I would sttay at home pink eye is very contagoius. - mike d
Question 4
Questions about Celiac Disease?... I have a lot of symptoms of celiac disease that really bother me (problems with my stomach, ulcers, dry skin, always thirsty, muscle cramps, constipation, bad memory and concentration, irregular periods, ect.. (ha yes there's more) Plus, 4 of my cousins have it, my 2nd cousin has ms, and a lot of other family members have auto immune diseases, diabetes, cancer, ibs, ect... I got a blood test from my doctor, and the test said that i don't have it. Is that it? do I not have celiac disease? Should I still be concerned? I don't want to ignore the symptoms and end up having ms 20 years later, when I could have done something. thanks
1) With your family history, you should try a gluten free diet now even if the test for celiac disease is negative. After 2-3 months, your symptoms will either be the same or you will be getting better. If you feel better at that point, stay on a gluten free diet and know that you caught the problem before the symptoms got any worse.
If the symptoms don't clear up on a gluten free diet, you can get checked for Chrons disease or any of the other possible autoimmune type diseases.
Good luck - sailor
2) Sounds more like hypothyroidism. New research shows a TSH level over 2 mU/L is in the early stages of hypothyroidism. It is possible to have a false negative for celiac's disease. A celiac test should include anti-endomysial antibody (EMA), anti-reticulin antibody (ARA) and anti-gliadin antibody (AGA). Ask for your test results to take home with you.
Symptoms of hypothryoidism:
Thyroid lab tests to request:
False positive for celiac's disease:
Tests for celiac's disease:
http://www.celiac.com/articles/13/1/What-is-the-probability-of-false-positive-and-false-negative-results-from-the-serological-tests/Page1.html - ƦєdAиgєℓ
3) All of the symptoms you listed are sure signs of various possible diseases, including celiac. Also, if people in your family have it, chances are you do too (especially because you have the symptoms.) I am a celiac as well; I was diagnosed 5 years ago. When the doctors were first testing me for various diseases, they said that my symptoms were not common signs for celiac disease, and were more common for lactose intolerance and a few other disorders. But after the tests came back, I came up positive for celiac, switched my diet and became normal in a sense. I suggest that you make the switch to living gluten-free; it has sure helped me and millions of other people, too. Do not wait for test results, because chances are, as you said, you do not want to wait 20 years to find out. - itsme
Question 5
High blood pressure, am I sick?... Hello I'm 21 years old female and my blood pressure gets high from time to time. For example,
if the weather is too hot
if I'm too sad or angry
if I'm on PMS
if I'm having a hangover
But it's really irregular you can never know how often it'd get high or stay stabilized. So can I call myself ill? And can I use birth control pills under these circumstances? I also have migraine attacks combined with high bp on my PMS.
I'd really appreciate some help.
1) High blood pressure can be a serious condition, and is something you most definitely need to see a doctor about. In some instances, you have to change what you eat to manage it, and in others, medication is required. - Rae du Soleil
2) I suggest you to see ----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
it contains very useful of information about many health issues.
hope that will help you as well. keep using answers.yahoo.com - Lisa K
3) These are all normal reasons for an increase in blood pressure. Hypertension is diagnosed when there is no contributing factor. Blood pressure especially the first number is not stable it increases and decreases from minute to minute in response to internal and external stimuli. You would be be ill if it stayed high all the time. - redmug100
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