why do i vomit blood when i eat dirt?...
1) that happens to me too - Jason Evan
2) Probably the same reason I poop emeralds when I eat grass. - colockever
3) what is wrong with you - Blacken
4) the real question is why do you eat dirt?... - Michelle
5) your an idiot - Dani
6) there were razors and glass in the dirt - Hannah Carter
7) http://abcnews.go.com/Health/Diet/story?id=1167623&page=1
/facepalm - Mike
8) because the dirt your eating is not high in minerals - Brennen H
9) Khloe sweetheart you should not be eating dirt at all. Your body is probably treating it ass a foreign object and is trying hard to get it out. A little advice if its making you that sick DO NOT EAT DIRT! - hottie
10) I don't know..why do I bleed from the ass when I swallow knives? - <333
Question 2
Should I go to the ER?!?... **this requires maturity**
I'm 15 years old, and I just went to the bathroom. I felt like I needed to poo, but I didn't. I had a little bit of diarrhea. Then when I wiped, I relized there was blood on the tissue. I kept wiping to check to see if it was true. It wasn't a massive amount of blood, and there any visable in the toilet.
I have reccently had a tonsilectomy. So I have BARLEY been eating at all. So with that, I've only barley pooped once, and then this would be the second time. Could not eating be why?
Could it be the medicine I take?
Please Help out, I'm kinda freaking out here.
Thank you :)
It's not my period. I had my period last week. And this blood is coming from my behind.
The thing is. I need to know if this is going to kill me or if this is something very major. I have a fallow up with the doctor July 9th. Could I make it until then, or do I need to go now?
I have a bit of pain in the bottom of my stomach, almost like a cramp. But this didn't start until reccently. I think it might just be me over thinking it. Idk
1) are you a female or male you might have your period of your a female i dont know about the male if you are a male - FantasyFiction
2) If the blood becomes more of a tar-like(texture), red I would go see a doctor. For now, my advice would be to tell your parents, see what they say, and go from there. Best of luck. - caitlin
3) yo should defiantly go to the er. it would be a good idea especially when you dont know what is happening to your body! - emmshy
4) Just stay hydrated. If you haven't all day that probably why you're unable to defecate. Stay hydrated and try to eat a little something. You'll be fine. - cruise20
5) Did you have any pain? Sometimes when you don't consume much it seems like the stools harden somewhat and might kind of scrape on the way out. Just be sure to drink lots of water and try to get some fiber back in your diet. - x_RadiantEclipse_x
6) you definitely need to see a doctor,if your embarrassed to go to the ER then book in with your doctor as soon as possible.
And speak with your parents. - Arron P
7) It could be that you're constipated from your surgery; Anesthesia can cause constipation.
If you were straining to use the bathroom because it felt as if you had to go but couldn't, you could've just cause a tear in your anus. That would cause the little bit of blood that you saw. Did it hurt to try and poo?
Also, I don't think that it is major. If it gets worse, go to your doctor sooner, but for now, I would simply see if it gets better on it's own. Drink lots of water to try and soften your stool and to keep hydrated, and talk to your parents if you're worried.
Stay calm, okay? You aren't going to die. - April
Question 3
What is something I can take to get rid of a dry throat?... I been having this dry up throat all day today and I'm still having it.
Plus i'm not feeling well. I think i'm due for a cold. I feel hot flashes on me.
Anything I can take to make it better? It's hard for me to eat or talk when its like this.
1) go to the Doctor - Marc
2) Just eat a teaspoon of honey. Or make hot lemonade( with real lemons) and put honey in it.
It really helps soothing the throat :)
Hope you feel better! - Dominique G
3) It could be because you might be experiencing some hormone changes in your body if you are going through menopause. the hot flashes is a symptom. best is to seek a doctor for professional advice. - silent killa
4) Lemon and honey possess well-known throat-soothing properties. To ease the discomfort of a dry, scratchy throat, drink warm water mixed with lemon juice and honey, or suck on a spoonful of honey, lemon juice and cayenne. Gargling with a mixture of warm water and salt brings relief by clearing away bacteria and improving the circulation in the throat area. Another easy-to-make solution for gargling consists of a glass of water mixed with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, which kills dryness-causing bacteria in the throat. To boost the throat-comforting power, add honey and sage to the vinegar-and-water mixture. Teas can hydrate a dry throat and provide relief from throat pain. Common herbal tea ingredients with throat-soothing properties include chamomile, licorice root, sage and eucalyptus. For a pungent yet soothing tea, simmer scallions and chives in hot water. - Meian
5) To add to Dominiq.. add a small piece of ginger to one tablespoon of honey - Sujay
Question 4
can i diarrhea on someone?... please?
1) nah - Ruhka
2) No, but thanks for the offer. - Esteban
3) about it you can get information from here http://webmd11.notlong.com/AAgVKfp - Kathaleen Thweatt
Question 5
The lymph node on my neck hurts?... Its been hurting for a while now and its gotten worse. Now i cant eat with out it hurting and sometimes even breathing makes it hurt. Its gotten to the point to where i cry from the pain and I've broken bones and didn't cry.
Please help me!
1) I have the same problem..my doctor said it could just be drainage from allergies, even if you don't have a stuffy nose, it could be that. Mine are pretty big and often give me migraines..you may want to go to a doctor though, it could be pretty serious. If it's only one it may not be, but I know that when I went to the doctor they tested me for tuberculosis and lymphoma..a type of cancer. - <333
2) If it's that bad you should see doctor. take ibuprophen, or aleive.
try putting ice on it - tmcatastrophy
3) Ariel you should go to the doctor immediately. Usually when your lymph nodes swell or hurt it's because your ody is trying to fight an infection. It may be a serious health problem go to your doctor ASAP! - hottie
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