Thursday, July 1, 2010

Whats wrong with my breathing?

Question 1
Whats wrong with my breathing?...  i'm finding it hard to breath i feel like i have to concentrate on breating you know i have to say in my heas in through my nose out through my mouth because when i leave the breathing to my brain or watever i can only breath in and out through my nose when i try to take deep breaths i get to a certain point of breathing in whether its thorugh my mouth or nose and it just seems to get cut off and it hurts in my chest just between my boobs!?!?!

does anyone know whats goin on? i've had it since last nite and was really afriad to sleep with it. but i drifted off and i was fine... then i woke up.. and as soon as i thought about it, it started to feel all weird! i keep on yawning and when you yawn it means you don't have enough air your lungs right? i also have a heart burn?! wats wrong with me do i need a doctor?

i'm only 14 and don't smoke, if thats got anything to do with it you think...

1)   prob u have asma
u should go see a doctor - Messar M

2)   Doctor time. That's what they are paid for. - Robert D

3)   Go and see your GP as no one on here can tell you. You GP will see you and check you out and give you his diagnosis. - MICHAEL D


Question 2
I found a small lump under my arm?...  in the bath today. It is about the size of a pea. The skin above it is red. It doesnt hurt, unless I press on it. It is not on the surface, it is under my skin. I have a doctors appointment on Monday. I dont want to worry all weekend. Any ideas?

1)   Cyst! - Terence

2)   Armpit acne, cyst, something, it's probably not major but ask your doctor anyway. - AllaraPheonix


Question 3
Why does rocking back and fourth help me poop?...  Does this help anyone else? I'm just curious as to why.


1)   freeing it up in the colon? - Mignon M

2)   I can't tell if you are trollin or not lol - Stella [loves Boesch]


Question 4
why is my heart rate always up?...  i have sever anxiety and panic attacks they started in 06 after having a bad pregnancy i got mitral regurgition i recovered, but just the though of a doctor telling me at 19yrs old i had something wrong with my heart i started to have panic attacks, over the years i leared to deal with it. but here lately i have had the worst anxiety and its to the point i can NOT control it, i have so much stress in my life to only be 23 its just not right anyway i am so worried about my heart i will be feeling just fine and out of no where my heart will start beating really fast it got up to 128 one time. my mom says its just anxiety i no i have anxiety but my heart starts racing first then that makes me panic. what does this mean please help me.. i have talk to a doctor and i am going to get another ehco done, i just need other peoples opinions. thanks!

1)   The normal heart rate in average for adult ranges from 60–100 beats per minutes. This normal heart rate definitely varies with age and in stressful circumstances can go even higher. However, if in normal circumstances your resting heart rate is >120 then its is likely to be of great concern.

According to physicians and cardiologists if your resting heart rate is >120, that is above the normal rate then you must be suffering from a diseases called Sinus Tachycardia. And this can be dangerous.

If your heart rate doesn’t fall soon, then you need a check up at the heart center immediately. Sinus tachycardia is also known as sinus tach or sinus tachy.

It is a heart disease with rapid heart rhythms originating from the sinoatrial node. Sinus tach increases with stress, anxiety, fear, dehydration and anaemia.

But in acute cases beta-blockers can be used to slow the rate. So if your heart rate is >120 beats per minute while resting, then don’t ignore and go to the cardiologist for a check up immediately. - Queryman

2)   I am a cardiac patient. 128 bpm is not an issue and just anxiety related provided your heart is normal and there are not too many irregular beats in there. For reassurance, have the doctor listen to your heart and maybe even have an EKG to make sure your heart is just fine, which I am sure it is. A little insight - my resting heart rate at the moment is around 140, but I am not well. You are fine... - spike


Question 5
how do i know if it is a bug bite or a ingrown pimple?...  and what can i treat it with??

1)   Usually you can tell by the look of it. An ingrown pimple will have usually have a black head. Sometimes deep pimples won't have any surface point, but will just be a red bump. Bug bites will have a place in the center where the bug bit you.

If you can't tell by the look of it, you have to tell by the feel of it. A bug bite will feel swollen, like there is a bunch of plasma underneath. A pimple will give you a sharper pain if you push on it, like there is a soft splinter under the skin. That's the best way I can describe it. - James


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