I have a scrape on my lower leg and im really self conscious about it?... my doctor already gave me some mederma gel but it doesnt seem to show any progress.. my parents and my sister keep saying that i shouldn't worry about other peoplle looking at me but i really care that people always stare atme
It's pinkish right now and it's really big like 6 in. long! and 2 in widee
more like 1 in wide but it literally is pretty big and its already a scar no longer bleeding or anything
1) Just continue putting the gel, your doctor knows whats he's doing
"It's pinkish right now and it's really big like 6 in. long! and 2 in widee" don't u think your exaggerating.... - Slrupp
2) It seems to big to put a band aid on.....Just use neosporin to help it heal faster n so it won't scar.
How about wearing pants/jeans until it gets better. - Komaljeet
3) Cover it with long pants or knee high socks then - not that other people would be looking at it - it's not like it's something interesting or noteworthy. - Tukmyhamster
4) about it you can get information from here http://canmdh37.notlong.com/AANJFiv - Huffie Butsch
Question 2
I'm Always Sick Right After I Eat ?... I am constantly sick after every time i eat, and the pains last about an hour to 2 hours. The pain is like the cramps you get after running too long, but in my stomach. i read that it could be a Ulcer. i have just recently gotten rid of a Ovarian Cyst, i don't know if that could have caused any of the pain. Please someone help me before i decide to go to the doctor.
1) It could depend on what you are eating too. Do you have gluten at every meal? If yes, you could be gluten sensitive. You do however, really need to go to the doctor. I have stomach issues too and going to the doctor is the best way to find the best answer. Feel better! - maddy
2) go on a all milk diet, if it helps, the logic is that milk is base and helps regulate stomach ph levels also if you have an ulcer pressurizing it with chunks of food is what makes it hurt so small amounts of milk will irritate less - brew
3) I've never heard of anything like this. You either eat too much or your on a diet, which if you eat more than usual you get cramps. E.g. if you were stranded at sea for months and found alive you are given small amounts of food because the stomach is not used to food (large amounts). You might have cyberchondriasis, it's an obsetion with researching health online. "Symptoms include spending time on line researching WEDMD, NIH, and NOAH health." - NASABOEING
Question 3
acne stuff, help! pleeeeeeease.?... Okay, well i'm 13 and i don't have bad acne but i get a pimple here and there. And when i go out in the sun it always shows my imperfections, ex: huge pores: oily skin: and my makeup looks all messed up. But when i'm not in the sun i look fun. I just want normal skin! heeelp.
1) Lol, pimples here and there, that's just growing up, entering puberty. Your skin'll even out in time. Just accept it, and if the "acne" gets into real acne stages, tell your doctor and they'll probably give you reacutane or something similar. - Guitar Goddess Saffy
2) about it you can get information from here http://canmdh36.notlong.com/AAim8Z8 - Gilberte Wouters
3) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. http://mdcan21.notlong.com/5AAim8Z - Cletus Viegas
Question 4
What are Papular Lesions?...
These first appear as blisters, then they open and are very painful..Is there a cure???..I am HIV+?AIDS
1) A "papule" is merely a feelable bump, but the diameter is less than 1cm. If it is larger than that, i'ts called a nodule. - zitdr_02
2) normally a benign mole or pigmented nevus. - lacrosselover
Question 5
i feel really ill, what is wrong with me? am i just coming down with a severe cold?... I am aching constantly all over my body, I've had this for a couple of days now I've never ached so much in my in my life! I kept feeling sick on and off yesterday I go dizzy and faint and my skin feels bruised when I touch it n my skin feels really sore and I'm weak also I have a headache and my eyes hurt. Am I just coming down with a bad cold cold? Thanks in advance
1) about it you can get information from here http://mdcan30.notlong.com/8AAq6UO - Daphne Stagles
2) sounds prety bad, happen to have any antibiotics? cant go to a doc? - brew
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