Monday, July 19, 2010

Just today I got a small painful bump in my left armpit....?

Question 1
Just today I got a small painful bump in my left armpit....?...  It got worse as the day progressed and the left side of my boob is a little tender....I just had a mamogram a year ago and was fine...It actually hurts to sit here with my arm closed/hanging down as it normally does. I feel fine otherwise. Is this cancer? What and why is this? I don't have $ right now to see the doctor. I just turned 40 and otherwise healthy. Please advise.
It's the size of a large m & m and it's not red like a pimple, you can really feel it under the surface.

1)   Sounds like an ingrown hair. Go see a doctor and they'll give you some antibiotics for it, and it will gradually work itself out, probably after creating a hole in your armpit. - Ted Sheckler

2)   No one knows for sure but just to be safe, go to the doctors! - Loveofsushi

3)   it's not cancer. most likely. i have that too. i asked my doctor and he said it was just an iregular skin thing some women get - Ally D.

4)   Although this could be several things, I would feel better telling you to see your doctor or go to the ER real soon. - cowboydoc

5)   Sometimes if you shave over one area in your armpit a pianful bump that looks like a dark pimple appears. It could be that, but I am just guessing. - Kate


Question 2
vaginal fluid dead smell?...  also dark orange urine and a green colored discharge;only once.but usually, my discharge is clear/yellow.his cum smelled like something dead.please help????
i have also douched and it wont go away

1)   You probably have an infection. - cowboydoc

2)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Alex

3)   No one can diagnose you via pc. You absolutely need to get to the doctor--ASAP! - Cooker

4)   Sounds like you really need to see a doctor, quick. - Dp


Question 3
Really bad sweating (armpits) issue?...  Well for abou 2-3 years I`ve had terrible problens with sweating. I can`t wear formfitting shirts, and I usally wear big shirts so I can`t sweat as much. I hear it`s common, and such, but I want to know how to stop it. I`ve tried tons of deoderent, and nothing works. Any working home remidies? exelent d.o. sticks, anything? Thanks so much.

1)   Try certain dri. You can buy it at any drugstore and it's fairly inexpensive. You put it on before bed and it keeps your underarms for sweating. I've been using it for years and it works like magic. - skubity

2)   Dove for Woman is the best deodorant.
Maxipads actually work - swimmer24

3)   maybe athletic shirts made to breathe better. some of them look really nice, and not athletic like - Megan G

4)   my doctor perscribed me with hypercare. its an ointment that you wear for 3 days. (put it on every night before bed) and you dont sweat for months at a time. its safe and wicked effective. ask your doctor bout it. ive been using it for years and i havent had one spot of sweat there! - GettingArabMoney


Question 4
How to prevent infection?...  I have a bite wound on my nipple
How can I prevent it from getting infected ?
I got it yesterday ,and it's kinda swollen and sensitive so I took a shower and put neosporin on it.
Yes , the skin broke and it bled a little.

1)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Alex

2)   You should use sumycin, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Setsuko Mattys

3)   Hydrogen Peroxide is another cleansing aid that could keep you from having an infection. Apply neosporin and Hydrogen Peroxide daily. Bandage the wound so it wont be as open to bacteria. Let the wound be open to air when it has partially healed. - peyton s


Question 5
Acne on chest, face shoulders and back?...  So I have a lot of acne on my chest and back. I dont have so much on my face but its still really bad. Any home remidies? I refuse to go to a doctor, everytime I'v gone, they gave me something that made it worse.
I use Stridex pads and Dove soap.
Its hard to wash everynight, but when I do I use
A hot washcloth to open pores, Then the dove soap the an exfoliator (sugar, oil and water) then I wipe my face with the pads and use an ice cupe to close pores.
I see very little improvment. Im 14, and dont say it will go away soon because I'v had acne since i was 6. 8 years? I dont think soo. And no rude answers and be real.


1)   I would recommend Acneace!!!!
I used it, and after 1 months, my acne was COMPLETELY gone!
you can get From Google Search Acneace Official site
Hope it works for you :) - Irene Parker

2)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Dr.

3)   sometimes the problem is something simpler. make sure to get all the conditioner off of your skin. just a little scrub to make sure it's all gone. and don't use all the other stuff for a while, you never know but maybe its just too many things at once. - Megan G


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