What are the symptoms?... ok I was wondering what are the symptoms of Pnemonia or Bronchitis? Because I have been feeling like I can not get enough air every now and then and everytime I think about it, it gets worse. I know it is most likely just my anxiety but im just scared to just think that just incase thats not the case. So if I had either Pnemonia or Bronchitis I would notice a BIG chance right? for example: Fevers, bad cough, ect. I wouldn't just have a tight chest now and then ?
1) You should go to the doctors if you think you have a problem with breathing.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronchitis - I am royalty
2) you haven't got pneumonia,it is a panic attack - dumplingmuffin
3) You would definately notice other symptoms like a bad cough and spitting up mucus. Sounds like what you have is either anxiety or mild astma ( I used to have athsma). When I would start getting short of breath, I found that if I stressed about it, it immediately started getting worse. Go to the doctor and they can give you a very simple test, and you can find out. If it is just anxiety, what you need to do ( in either case, really ) is take deep breaths and close your eyes for a minute or so, and just try to clear your mind of stressful thoughts. See if it makes a difference. - seejanerun
4) Difficulty in breathing and feeling of not getting enough air, sometimes may be a mild form of asthma. But you don't have this and definitely not bronchitis or pneumonia.
All the best! - aWellWisher
Question 2
what is the best type on long term contreception?... i am looking for an effective type of long term contreception that dosent make you put on weight or make your periods heavy
1) the implant, lasts three years, not worrying about it at all, no side effects either - Letizia Galletta
2) the rod ( implant ) lasts 3 years then there's depo provera ( injection ) you go once every three months then theres the pill, you have to take it everyday and then the condom, use it each time you have sex
i had the injection and i would reccomend it but it comes with side effects, so my best bet is the implant xxxx - cleo_angel
3) There is no “best” method of birth control. Each method has its pros and cons. Many forms of birth control exist, but which type best fits your lifestyle and needs?
Check this web site for detailed information,
http://www.avert.org/contraception-birth-control.htm - norbor
Question 3
this question is about acne...?... lets face it, everyone has acne, some worse than others. but sometimes after my pimples subside i have left over red marks and scars. is there any way to get rid of or just diminish their appierance at all? the advice would be much appriciated! :)
1) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. http://canmdh42.notlong.com/AA2Ji5C - Breana Sobus
2) There are plenty of ways to reduce marks.
1. Fade over time
2. Apply a skin whitener to fade
3. try applying lemon juice
4. skin peels can be given to you y a doctor - Kay
3) about it you can get information from here http://mdcan90.notlong.com/0AA2Ji5 - Laurel Ewin
Question 4
Addisons disease. A relation of mine has this disease and is on steroids for life.?... Does anyone know of anyone who has recovered from this illness and, if so, how? Alternative medicine any good?
1) I have never known anyone who was cured of Addison's disease. I have, however, known several patients who were able to lead normal lives because they followed the treatment plan with their doctors and knew enough about the disease to detect any problems with their bodies. In fact, it's been my experience as an ICU nurse that people with Addison's disease are generally able to live just as well as anyone else.
It's no piece of cake and of course, nobody would want to have this disease, but as far as serious illnesses go it's not as awful as most. When my mother became terminally ill, we actually hoped she had Addison's because Addison's is very treatable (though not curable.) It turned out that she had something much worse, and she died from it.
Alternative medicine has no positive effect whatsoever on Addison's except possibly for the placebo effect. Also, alternative medicine (such as taking excessive vitamins or herbs, etc.) can interact with the prescribed medications to cause severe and even life-threatening complications. This is true with any disease. Your doctor should always know what you are taking because "natural" therapies can really screw things up for you. In the case of Addison's, the best bet is to use the medications prescribed by your doctor because the disease can be kept under control that way. - HollyHobby
2) Primary adrenal hypofunction due to damage to adrenal glands is often irreversible and treat ment needs to be continued for life.
As it is risky to stop treatment, I won't suggest trying alternative medicine.
All the best! - aWellWisher
3) Addison's Disease is fairly rare. The treatment for Addison's disease involves replacing missing cortisol, sometimes in the form of hydrocortisone tablets, or prednisone tablets in a dosing regimen that mimics the physiological concentrations of cortisol. Alternatively one quarter as much prednisolone may be used for equal glucocorticoid effect as hydrocortisone. Treatment must usually be continued for life. In addition, many patients require fludrocortisone as replacement for the missing aldosterone. Caution must be exercised when the person with Addison's disease becomes unwell with infection, has surgery or other trauma, or becomes pregnant. In such instances, their replacement glucocorticoids, whether in the form of hydrocortisone, prednisone, prednisolone, or other equivalent, often need to be increased.
So, unfortunately, the answer to your question is yes...steroids for life. However, with the proper medication and maintenance, a person with Addison's Disease can live a normal life span. - Marco's girl
Question 5
I've been experiencing burning while urinating and my pee has been cloudy also there is a bad smell?... Every time I have to pee it burns and sometimes I don't even pee but a few drops. The past two days I've noticed that my pee has been cloudy and there is a bit of a bad smell down there. I was tested about a month ago for everything and it all came back clean and I haven't had sex since. What could be wrong with me? Also sometimes when I do have sex it smells bad after sex. What can I do?
1) Its probably either a urinary tract infection or a yeast infection. You should go get one of those little yeast infection test thingys. Or just go to your doctor =] - Tahli Crypt
2) drink more water - Whats good
3) you prob have a urinary infection 2 things u can take go by oceanspray cranberry juice and drink or buy cranberry capules from store and take as directed - blake
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